Do You have the Skills To Be A Sasquatch Researcher?

Derek Randles

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook.

In an earlier post, I brought to light a fantastic story of a man that waited many years to tell of his encounter with two young Sasquatch. The post received many comments. Some stated it was a lie and others stated that the person did not describe any type of fear. Some believed the possibility that such an event happened and the story could be true.

Recently, I have been getting questions and emails on how professional Sasquatch researchers investigate possible sightings and how they check the validity of witness stories. To find out how the experts do it, I decided to run these questions by a Sasquatch investigator with decades of experience, Mr. Derek Randles of the Olympic Project. Derek is a highly respected man in the study and finding of the Relict Hominoid, so it was my pleasure to finally have the chance to ask him some questions.

When I contacted Derek, he allowed me to take a look at how his two decades of experience has given him the proper skills to talk with witnesses. If any of you are planning to be or are already Sasquatch researchers but do not have witness questioning skills, pay close attention. What you will learn from this seasoned investigator may help you become a better researcher.

This is what I asked him:

Many people have been asking me what true Sasquatch researchers look for in a story of a sighting, especially if the person does not have proof. Is there anything specific about how they describe the Sasquatch which can give you hints to see if possibly their story is true? I mean, if you can divulge such information or maybe give me an idea?

Watching Finding Bigfoot, people assume that investigating a sighting is a simple process, but what are your thoughts on that and if you could share them with the Sasquatch community?

Here is Derek’s answer:

That's a really good question, and fortunately I have a bit of experience talking to witnesses.

I'm sure different things work for different researchers, but here are a few things I look for.

1. Motive or agenda. I try to research the witness as much as possible, talk to spouses, friends and or relatives whenever I can. Can't always do that, but it's really good to get background. Does this person want attention? Are they trying to sell their story or make money in any way?

2. Look at the historic sighting record of the area the sighting or experience happened, is it a hot spot, or any other known sightings nearby?

3. I always ask if they are already into Bigfoot, or just how much they know about the subject. If someone is already into the subject I think they are maybe a little more inclined to think certain events might be attributed to Bigfoot, even if they are not, kinda want to believe, or even just want to be involved. I've seen this a lot.

4. I like to see how familiar the witness is with local wildlife, what they look and sound like. What sounds do coyotes make, what a cougar scream sound likes and so on. Ever heard an elk bugle? These things are really important because I believe there is a ton of miss-identification attributed to Sasquatch activity. I'm not trying to sound too skeptical, just careful.

5. I'm a big eye contact guy. When someone is in the meat of the story, are they looking me in the eyes? It's not foolproof, but I'm a lot more inclined to believe someone when they can stand and look in your eyes, rather than get fidgety and look in other directions.

6. I always have them repeat the story a few times to see if things are added or deleted. Sometimes witnesses key off your reaction. I've had people change their story when it's visibly made me uncomfortable and that to me is always a warning sign.
7. Another thing is willingness to return to the sighting or encounter area. Watching people’s body language is important and I think you should pay close attention to that.

8. A big one for me is asking how it made them feel, right before and during the encounter. With many witnesses, probably most sightings and encounters, a feeling of dread or fear will hit you hard. I know this from personal experience. Hard to explain the before reaction, but it's real. I've witnessed and heard it all too many times. There is something to it IMO.

9. As far as physical description is concerned, I look for the obvious. We all know the arms are longer than ours, normally a somewhat visible sagittal crest is seen and so on. I always ask about smell and wind direction. Some people say I didn't smell anything. Well, if the wind isn't right you won't smell a garbage dump 20 feet from you either. Dark eyes are widely reported.

In the last 27 years of my research there is one glaring similarity with the vast majority of reports I've taken. Once a Sasquatch knows you see them, they leave rather quickly and there always seems to be an absence of wildlife activity in the area.

It's my opinion that in some weird way, we are their entertainment.
It seems time and time again they creep into properties that are on the fringe of their habitat and peek at us. It's probably like going to the movies for us. I know that sounds a little farfetched, but I think it's true. We think we are studying them, when it could be the other way around…lol.

Derek Randles

There are many ways to become better at investigating witnesses. Like Derek stated, every researcher has their particular style and sets of skills learned through many years of experience. In the end, it will have to be at the discretion of the one asking the questions to determine if it is fact or fiction.

I want to thank Derek for this interview. The man is a professional and also one of the nicest guys that I have met in this community.


  1. I agree with Derek about almost everything he said concerning witnesses, especially that we are Sasquatch entertainment. A good example of this is roadside encounters. How many witness reports have you read where Sasquatch run right infront of cars at night ? They take up a good 30-40 % of sightings A creature that can hide from us so easily and not hear or see a car or trucks headlights until it's right on top of them is crazy ! Vehicles driving down the road to a Sasquatch is like us going to an amusement park to ride the Roller Coaster it's scary and fun ! They play dodge the truck at night it gives us a scare and they can show off their agility...

    1. I have often thought this same thing Chessy. There are also the encounters where a Bigfoot will chase vehicles and sometimes run along side one at speeds approaching 40 mph. This seems like a game or showing off to me. Yes - I have no doubt they are studying us a lot more than we are of them.


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  4. What is a Professional Sasquatch Investigator/Researcher?
    A paid professional? So Tom Biscardi, or Dr. Jeff Meldrum?
    Doesn't Dereck have a day job?
    Or, is any pay/revenuw for Bigfooting turn one into a Professional Bigfooter?
    Is Matt Moneymaker a Professional Bigfooter, he seems to make money from tours and videos hye sells...and so on.
    Who out there is professional?
    Not a one really, none seem to have the formal education and rely on self described histories as Bigfooters.
    Maybe the fresh-out PhD Erickson hired is a Professional Bigfooter in the good sense of the word? She earned a salary watching Matilda, and hopefully recording her observations. And, most importantly had the training.
    I am railing againt the idea that anyone of these self described Professonals is a Professional Bigfoot Investigator if you mean that in the "career" sense (or even knowledge)...all seem to be Professional if you use it in the "money" sense...

    p.s. Shawn little delete buttons!..LOL and it was just to edit...but if the deletion takes up spacce like that I'll live with the tpos..thx for enduring.

    1. Its amazing how poeple that think they know it all always try to give their opinions, it seems like you believe your a authority on who is a professional Bigfoot researcher, maybe the author of the article meant that he does his research with integrity, not like people like you apehuman, saying stupid comments. Like we do not already know that their is no 101 basics on Bigfoot, so stop insulting peoples intelligence and get a life. Its always refreshing to see how the haters that probably do not have anything going for them always want to belittle others that have gained he respect of even well educated scientific professionals. What have you done that makes you sit on your high horse, or maybe you should take your head out of the high horse's ass so you can get a clue.

    2. I agree, it can't be a good thing to put your head up a horses ass. Wouldn't that be cruel?

  5. You read a great deal into my post, mistaking my opion of Bigfooters into an opinion of myself. It is that type of leap in BF research, from raw data to conclusions that is so pervasive in Bigfooters announcements. It is a give away in many regards of bias in favor of amatuer Bigfooting.
    I do have a bias against amateur Bigfooting, yes you are correct in that. However, I can say with authroity that modern anthropology techniques are not being applied almost to the "Bigfooter." I base that on the current instruction/methods we all have access to study in basic Anthro texts. or if one prefers, in popular books written by the likes of ane Goodall and Elizabeth Stum among others.

    1. Soooooo! becuase you read a book It makes you an authority on this subject matter, you got to be kidding me. Please do not use Jane Goodall and Elizabeth Stum as examples, they have never researched the enigma of Sasquatch. The contributions these two woman have given have nothing to do with Sasquatch, I think you just like being right, but let me tell you something, if your are such a authority in those fields why don't you get of your high horse and prove that Sasquatch does not exist. Every day we encounter new species all over the world, that either men thought they had gone extinct or are well hidden in seclude areas of the world. Oh by the way in the North American continent,I mean your a smart guy right, did you know that secluded places do exist, areas that no man has ever walked upon.

  6. Hmmmmm. Could I be a Squatch Researcher? (Slightly looks toward the sky wondering) I can take blurry photos, I can shoot bad film, I can lie, I'm pretty sure everywhere I go is Squatchy, so yeah I'm pretty much there. Now if I can learn how to scream like a Squatch I can get my own show.
    Bigfoots Broski

  7. Just a part of the definition of PROFESSIONAL. In no part does it say you have to have a degree. But the first part fits what all of you are bitching about.
    6. Participating for gain or livelihood in an activity or field of endeavour often engaged in by amateurs b : having a particular profession as a permanent career

    c : engaged in by persons receiving financial return [6]

    7. Appropriate treatment of relationships with colleagues. Consideration should be shown to elderly, junior or inexperienced colleagues, as well as those with special needs. An example must be set to perpetuate the attitude of one's business without doing it harm. 8. A professional is an expert who is master in a specific field.

    1. Here is your supplied definition (thx) in a list
      1. Participating for gain or livelihood in an activity or field of endeavour often engaged in by amateurs
      2. having a particular profession as a permanent career
      3. engaged in by persons receiving financial return
      4. Appropriate treatment of relationships with colleagues. Consideration should be shown to elderly, junior or inexperienced colleagues, as well as those with special needs. An example must be set to perpetuate the attitude of one's business without doing it harm.
      5. A professional is an expert who is master in a specific field.

      If that is our definition of Professional then are all of these items necessary to achieve that status or just one, or some?
      Can one meet the criteria of item #1 or item #5, and yet fail miserably in item #4 and still be considered a true Professional ?
      Can you fit item #2 without regard to the others?
      In most Professions there are standards to meet and often regulated by law, such as licenses, or education or testing. And, most have consequences for less than Professional conduct or methods.
      Bigfooters don’t have any of those self-regulating systems of Professionals, (Individual notable exceptions such as Dr. Meldrum and Dr. Bindernagel).

      So it seems, almost all Bigfooters might be called amateurs, or conversely Professionals, in an unregulated “field.” Each claims some expertise that justifies the moniker Bigfoot Researcher.
      What seems to be cited most often is a claim of expertise (or even Professionalism) either in hunting, tracking, Bigfoot “signs,” or even anecdotal compilations, to review of others claimed evidence without rigourous analytical review, often resorting to reputations and such.
      Amateur? Professional? Makes no difference, until we identify what is acceptable as Investigation and who meets that criteris and regulate the activies as Professioal do.
      Until then everyone is offically in a position to make the same claim. "I, am a professional Bigfoot Investigator."
      I think that contributes a great deal of the chaos to the Bigfootery claims we see.

  8. Wow!! FYI. Damian Bravo messaged me and asked a question. I answered it and then he asked me if he could post my answer. I said yes. That's it. I did not approach him and ask if he could promote me, or if he could get me some exposure. He just asked me a question and I answered it. He probably reffered to me as a professional because we host paid expeditions. Yes I have a day job and I work my ass off at it. It's hard to believe how negative some in this field are, amazing really. I don't know everything, not even close. Please excuse me for answering a question from a friend. Next time I'll check with everyone and make sure it's OK. What a joke!
    Derek Randles

    1. Derek, I love the work you're doing with the OP!...It's nice to see people like your self, who are able to rise above all the B.S. That is the "B.F. Community"!...Keep up the good work!......Ken

    2. Derek, what do you think of this head insertion into a horse's ass controversy?

    3. Yes, Derek definitely enjoys what he does, and works hard so he has some time to pursue Sasquatch. I found his answers insightful, the paralyzing dread/fear that can overtake one during a sighting is often seen, in fact experienced by me... Also, the observation that Sasquatch uses us for entertainment or "school" so to speak hits home to those who know of their antics. They make it quite clear the nature of their interests in your activities if they wish to and you are in a "proper" location. I see the amateur/professional BF delineation as a ruse to use criticism for those that can appreciate and study these beings for what they are. I know as an amateur myself, during and around a sighting I picked up on key observations that not only can be confirmed but can also add new information into Sasquatch characteristics and behaviors. So who is the amateur I say?

  9. I have just seen the comments some have placed on this blog about Mr. Randles, those of you trying to lecture us un professionalism are infact showing that you are not professionals. A person that strives to be a leader does not belittle a person that has had two decades in this reaserch, He may not have a PHD from a University, but I wanted to remind everyone, that all the fields of science that have been created and are being applied today, where discoverd by men and women that at the time did not have fancy diplomas, it was these pioneers , regular men and women that inspired the modern stuidies of these applied sciences of today.

    My defintion of Mr. Randles profesisonalism was based on how he repond to my questions. He took a moment to give me insight into the world he has dedicated many years of his life. I did not mean this to suggest that the true reasechers of Antroplogy and other fields are not professinals or in any way because of this, gives any one the right to mock Mr. Randles contribution to a platform that millions of people around the world are intrigued by today.

    Damian Bravo

  10. yes the bloggers world is immediate and our rsponses as often poorly thought out as impulse. I too am guilty of such. But, here we go on the evry personal level one who claims to be a BFer slides down. it makes my point entirely. You read a bitterness perhaps into my posts directed at you as individual human beings? No necessarily so as my knowledge of each of you is merely these blogs and sometimes statements. If none made any public statements we would have nothing to discuss. If Bigfoot is not real then we have nothing to discuss. But if BF is then how is a questioning of e methodology or regulating the activities so negative? I can find as many public statements about most of the Bigfooters on the negative or positive side and often from equally "credible and experienced"
    BFers. Additionally, as a great Boss once said to me, "yeah, that guy has 20 years experience, one year at a time."
    I think this conversation is important, and rolling over to even "results" (whether the Sierra Kills, or collected saliva from a trail cam" as the model of investigation (and should it continue unregulated) won't happen among those who don't care about Bigfooting...and there are more of them than investigators, or will be if proven. It is an interesting kind of catch twenty-two for those who enoy BFing..or claim protection as a goal. It won't be hard fro those like Biscardi whose claim to professionalism is as valid in that he earns money and sells entertainment?

    1. apehuman , your the dumbest smart guy I have ever seen put a post in this pretty good blog. Shawn please save us from this condicending windbag of a oxymoron, he is so full of himself I bet he spends a long time pooping on the toilet.If people like apehuman are the smart guys in science today, no wonder why the search for bigfoot has to be done by a lot of regular people. Now I understand why the greatest discoveries happen so long ago and why so few of them happen today. I think the science world needs a wake up call, plus i thought science was base on a lot of theory too, maybe some of them have been proven but not all.

  11. yes apeman ,you need more education ,do you realize that most of the things discovered in this world were done by amateurs , most all the new stars and planets and most wildlife were discovered by amateurs , every day science is proven wrong , who do you think knows more a guy that just got his 4 year degree in cryptozooolgy that lives in new your city , or someone that lives in sasquatch habitat that has been researching them for 25 years , I also have my own construction business and work with city engineers and I constantly have to tell them how to do there job ,it's because alot of them are fresh out of collage and only have book knowledge and no field experience, I am also with the "Olympic project"and am going on 24 years of research , gathering hundreds of reports before the internet .
    we have the top scientist in the world (professionals )working on the cure for cancer ,yet we haven't found a cure ...

  12. Great article Damian, quite informative.It was nice of Mr. Randles to answer your question.
    I have no idea how the comments got derailed in to a discussion of 'professional' vs 'amateur',it's too bad.
    Eye contact and body language are things I always look at when I talk to people in everyday life.I don't interview witnesses,just to be clear.
    Responding to Chessy and Chuck-I often wonder about the accounts of Bigfoot chasing kids on quads and what they're thinking.Do they not like the noise of the engine or are they concerned for the child's safety?
    I guess we won't know the answers any time soon,that's for sure.

  13. Damian, as has been mentioned to you before...this particular blite (blog/website) is fraught with persons wanting attention and those who spew toxicity without hesitation. Your posts are interesting and certainly do not need to be justified. Shawn posts lots of great stuff here but it's often times best to ignore the rantings of the self-indulgent ones in the "Comments" section. They can be prolific and spiral towards nonsensical.

    Best of luck to you and I still think you should give it a shot with some video. ;-)


    1. "Sasquatch investigator with decades of experience" is what Derek Randles was introduced as, Apehuman!

      Your comments don't even phase anyone who is involved in Sasquatch research. And now you have probably lost respect by them for any further comments you may post.

  14. Problem is, a good liar will also look you right in the eyes so as to drive it home. I just dealt with not too long ago where I already had proof he was lying but he didn't know it. So no, unfortunately the eye contact thing is not as reliable as many think it is.


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