Thoughts on a simple methodology with proven results [Science and Bigfoot]

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Josh Brown, Anthropology Major (Physical) from Sacramento CA, and CEO of "Skye Highland Outfitters".

The idea of Bigfoot is catching on these days in leaps and bounds. I personally became active in the "Quest" about a year ago and it has been a Godsend that I fell into the company of Shawn and this blog initially as I began serious contemplation on the subject of validity concerning this supposed creature. As an Anthropology major and at the same time a believer, I want to give my thoughts as I approach my 1 year anniversary and see how it resonates with many of you.

My first perception concerning the quest is that there is no doubt a passion amongst all believers. From Biscardi, Moneymaker, Lindsay, Faye, Rugg, Ketchum, Erickson, Standing… Everyone seems to have a passionate, if not vested interest in the discovery of Sasquatch. Many of us have our own opinions on the character, behavior, and reliability of those afore mentioned, but none the less, they all have perpetuated and propagated the quest to prove the existence of Bigfoot. Unfortunately, I feel that there has begun a sort of "mania" by many of the top researchers that has encouraged a less than empathetic approach. Many want to be the first with dollar signs in their eyes, and with the success and popularity of "Finding Bigfoot", it's made it all the worse. To add fuel to the fire, hoaxing Bigfoot is rampant, and let’s face it, crypto-anything can be a magnet for those with fringe imaginations making it almost impossible for the scientific community to accept, or take seriously its own professionals participating.

Thankfully in this age of digital and media, we have a great opportunity to make great advances in this quest of discovery and it seems that small sections of the scientific community are willing to participate. The problem, in my opinion, is qualitative field study. The show "Finding Bigfoot" is at least making an attempt at doing this, but short weekend jaunts into the field where there has been sightings is a poor comparative to proper field work. I think that the show is actually suffering now because they are hoping to pull off what the other paranormal shows like Ghost hunters and Ghost Adventures do by hitting a new location each week. Ghosts and Sasquatches are 2 very different angles, yet the producers of "Finding Bigfoot" are trying to match that formula for success and ratings. The lack of absolutely ANY evidence on "Finding Bigfoot" is a result of why this formula just doesn't work. The positive affect (quite by accident) is that interest levels in the quest for discovery of Sasquatch are, and will continue to be, at an all time high.

So this is what I hope. I'm hoping that ALL these Bigfoot hunters and Bigfoot Hunting Societies will take a lesson from the most obvious (and closely related) example. An example that serves as a solidifying mark in the paradigm of human/primate evolution as we know and study today. That is the lesson of Dr. Louis Leaky and his 3 Angels. Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Diane Fossey, Dr.Galdikas and each of their respected field study methods.

Let’s just focus on the most popular-Jane Goodall. Establishing her base of studies in the Gombe reserve, she spent YEARS (not a weekend) going out each day and quietly becoming acclimated with the surroundings and gaining the trust of the subjects she was studying. I know, I know…Erickson was supposed to be doing this in Kentucky, or somewhere, but the problem therein lies with his investment. He wants to recoup his investment, so there is a tainted and secretive angle that immediately sets a distrusting precedent. Using Leaky's method and letting the study be an open source and transparent endeavor, there would be so many far reaching gains that aren't shrouded in that mist of skepticism that we probably could have not only a definitive answer to this mystery, but a readymade non-intrusive laboratory that the Scientific community could use for further study. Sasquatches have shown themselves to be like any other primate-- curious, shy, and active. A field researcher should be able to achieve the same results as Leaky's 3 by following their method. Continued study and observation could take place for years to come shedding so much light into everything concerning this species. Just like Dr. Goodall's Gombe reserve serves as a continuing study on Chimpanzees. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

In closing, it is my hope that someone who is forward and progressive thinking enough will take this example to heart and begin such a process. Maybe in conjunction with a first-nation's tribe in the PNW. The PROVEN method is there, someone needs to selflessly decide to do the legwork, while at the same time a financier needs to step forward to fund such an endeavor. Please feel free to add to this conversation and/or critique it.


  1. Great post Josh!

    I could'nt agree with you more! Someone needs to do a show from a different angle. Finding bigfoot is a successful show, but I think a show like Survivorman is also just as interesting.

    To have someone go out into the feild for 3 months, somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, would be great. You could easily make that 6-10 episode show...................that would be real, not scripted. Personnally I would find that more ineresting than the format that is out there now.

    Think of all the documentires that National Geographic and Oasis do, they are great, and draw good ratings. You don't always need the entertainment factor.

    I really hope this happens soon.

  2. I think you are on the right track Josh, and if I had the funds, I would be doing it now. However I think a female(s) like Goodall or Fossey would have better chance than myself. The Bigfoot does not seem to fear females as much as men. This project would take a long time due to evidence that suggest these creatures do not like cameras. I hope someone can run with it.

    Chuck in Ohio

  3. Insightful, articulate and succinct. A great article, Josh! I wish I could give some creative critique, but I really think you nailed it. But I do want to add a point:

    Adventurism as espoused by BFRO is not merely scientifically unsound, it actually may do a lot of harm. Any shy animal will abandon habituation sites if spooked.


    1. Thank goodness. I sure hope that's happened in Texas!

  4. My crystal ball says Ketchum's study is published in April, and within 48hrs, Jane Goodall announces some important initiative.

  5. Nice write up Josh.

    Question: Do you bring up your interest in Sasquatch to your professors? If so, what has been their reaction? I majored in physical anthro at UCSC but was not much into bigfoot at the time...Its a shame because Mike Rugg maintains sasquatch still use the Santa Cruz mtns when I visited his museum recently...

    Again, nice post, The "weekend warrior" approach to bigfoot study will not work IMO.

  6. This is in essence a great divide among Bf researchers, the current dominate voices seem to fall in the 'pursuit/hunt" type category. But, there are many who have taken a Goodall approach and quietly continue, often their voices marginalized by these rowdy types whose stake motivates them so much.

    Someone posted and then deleted a comment that led others to state the DNA study is currently in press embargo. If true those last only a short time as the compliance of news orgs is voluntary.

    We can hope this news is real, accepted and DOES illicit an initiative by Jane Goodall and many more.

    BTW Great post and good to see an Anthro student here! Nice post.

  7. Josh this is absolutely one of the best articles I have read here. If I win the lottery and do not have to work I will follow this advice.

    Well maybe I will follow Chucks advice and hire a female. They seem less concerned with them.

  8. I agree with everything you said Josh.
    Unfortunately society moves at a faster pace and most people,corporations,benefactors etc. want quick results.
    Where do you find credible people that the public and scientific community would accept?
    I think the only way a long term study will be started is if a body is presented.As I've stated many times,I am in the no-kill camp,but it is a sad reality.
    If the DNA study shows something that peaks the scientific community,would that be enough for a government to fund such research?If so,would Bigfoot be in a cage,hooked to machines and studied endlessly,or would it be done in the field in a humane fashion?
    This would be the discovery of the century,so how could it be approached rationally?It would need to be funded by a friend of Bigfoot so to speak.Someone who has pure intentions,and has a crew of exceptional people.

  9. That was a marvelous and very sincere post! I couldn't help thinking of Todd Standing and the Sylvanic thing. I think the man believes he's Jane Goodall of the BF world. Whatever we do, we have to do it with preservation and conservation first and research of them second.

  10. Thanks everyone-
    I really feel that if this method is employed, then the story will begin to write itself. It's always that first step, but with all the popularity surrounding the "Bigfoot thing" these days I think it will become easier for someone, or a group, to make that first step. It can be done in a non-obtrusive way-Again, the method is there. I think on the surface Todd Standing idealizes this method, but unfortunately secretism and dollar signs have muddled his character AND his method to most. I do think, however, that his description of study is on the right path. It would need to be open and transparent with a full time participation with the sasquatch.

    1. Points well taken Josh.
      Very good post by the way.I got caught up in my head and forgot to say that.

  11. Anon in Texas,

    I'd gladly surrender my regular job and take to the woods with such an effort. There are probably many of us willing to do so.

    What would it take to gather like-minded people to do this?.... more importantly, FUND it.


  12. Not only the Sasquatch in the cage, Sasquaination, but how about a sasquatch getting tranqualized by a human in front of its family group.

    Do you think they may become hostile towards humans before we even begin to share time with them? What a shame it could be.

  13. Perhaps Animal Planet might listen and take what Matt and the others have been saying for over a year. Matt Moneymaker has stated repeatedly that Bigfoot will never be found on the show because the field camera operators and onsite producers simply don't care about the subject. Animal Planet is only interested in getting enough material they can cost effictively cut into a profitable show. On the BFRO forum there is currently a thread about the latest episiode and how Animal Planet's editing ruined the entertainment value of the show as well as the credibility of the evidence and the effort expended by the BFRO members. These are not weekend jaunts as the editing makes them out to be.

    - Not BFRO Member

    1. Ya, I read that also. Andy Piepers said he had a lot better recordings of howls that were not wolf, and the producers instead put on the howl that was more wolf like. But Hey - they are making money - right.

      Chuck in Ohio

    2. But, Moneymaker was at it "two decades" prior to AP - can't blame just the show!

  14. it's a good thing the real estate market crashed, that goes a long way in preserving their environment... a little. it's the people that Don't need to prove they exist, that are finding them. I would much rather share in a mutual encounter than, jeopardize their trust with bravado, gadgets and egos.

  15. I have been saying (and posting) for awhile now that what the field needs is a Dian Fossey/Jane Goodall approach - longterm habituation in the BF's own environment. I fear that these BF shows and commercial excursions are only irritating the BFs and do not encourage trust and communication.

  16. Great post Josh. I think there are some researchers out there doing some of what you suggested. There have been several habituation sites being studied quietly which would be necessary due to publicity destroying the habitat.

    It would take years.That would be the right way to do it which I realize is getting harder and harder in this instant gratification time we're living in.

    Nothing will ever justify a death of one to me.

  17. Josh,
    I admire your enthusiasm for your subject and hope you are rewarded for it at sone point. That said, I think that day will never come. The US has existed as first Colonies, and then States for more than 400 years without the discovery of any testable evidence for bigfoot. The 1960/70'S were gangbuster years for stories in that regard with the Patterson/Gimlin film certainly a large part of that but there has been nothing convincing since and that requires that you accept the film in the first place. Jane Goodall is certainly a shining example in this field but the fact that she was able to study and interact with chimps is because they were there to interact with. The Erickson Project had what was reported as an habituation site in Kentucky for 5 years and all I have seen are more bad pictures of blobsquatches and stories of dna gathering with no provenance. If something is habituated to an area would you not expect great photos and tons of dna? It appears to me that interest in bigfoot has ramped up a bit lately with Finding Bigfoot part of that but, as you say, no evididence whatsoever. I have a sense that the no kill subject has had considerable discussion of late with with most people in the no kill camp. This has seemed like a smoke screen to me created by some of those who make a living off the legend that is bigfoot and part and parcel of pre-conditions applied to bigfoot to prevent it's discovery rather than aid it. I personally think it is only a myth, but the fact that no naturally occuring body or parts thereof have been found seems all but impossible. My impression of the Finding Bigfoot tv show is that it is another example of bad science and Animal Planet should be ashamed of itself. Ther are probably many people watching it who now regard bigfoot as real without ever having the seen any view to the contrary. There is an extant view that 'science' never gives bigfoot/sasquatch study the attention it deserves which is something I disagree with, but I hope you are able to mount an effort that will finally please everyone.

  18. I don't blame just the show, it's just what is in the spotlight now. Yes, Moneymaker has been at it a long time and has produced what everyone else has; nothing. I am amazed at all the things attributed to bigfoot/sasquatch like phonetic language, using powerline rights of way,breaking the legs of deer in a certain way,etc. all without any real time observation and without ever having found a body or body part.
    I realize that the search and comraderie involved is probably a lot of fun but you can do that and call it a camping trip with pretending there is a giant wood ape to find.
    Just my 2cents,
    Thanks for your time.


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