Story about a conservationists encounter of a 'Bigfoot ritual burial'

What happens to dead Bigfoots? Researchers have theorized about Bigfoot burial rituals, but there have been few accounts of this actually taking place.

Phantoms and Monsters editor, Lon, posted a fascinating story of one mans encounter of a Bigfoot burial ritual. According to the man's friend, the creatures were swaying and grunting while standing around a large tree stump. This activity lasted for about 10 minutes until the witness decided to boogie out of the area and head back to his camp.

Here's a snippet from Phantoms and Monsters:

While hiking and camping in a fairly remote forest in Essex County, NY (the most specific location he will give) he came across what he describes as a "Bigfoot ritual burial".

One evening while he was making his way back to camp he heard "muffled grunting" coming from his right. His attention was directed toward a thick stand of sugar maple trees. He crouched down behind a large fallen tree and witnessed 3 large hairy bipedal figures...Bigfoot standing around a large tree stump. It looked like a large female who towered above her companions. He estimated that she was 8 foot+ and that the others were about 5-6 feet tall. Each one of the figures was "swaying' and "grunting". This activity continued for almost 10 minutes when they suddenly stopped and started to run in the opposite direction. He was fearful that they had noticed his presence somehow. Since it was now getting dark he decided to continue to his camp and return the next day.

The next morning he anxiously made his way back to the site where he had seen the Bigfoot. When he reached the site he noticed a 4 foot high hollow sugar maple stump with 4 gray squirrel tails attached to the top edge and suspended outside the stump. It looked like a "sort of decoration". He also noticed a terrible stench that reminded him of very strong fox urine. He looked into the stump - it was empty, but there was some dark fur, a few blood stains and a large piece of old deer hide.

He surmises that the Bigfoot "buried" a small child or infant in the stump and that they either came back to move it after noticing him or that a scavenger took it during night.

For the full story, click here.

If this is really happening, then why have no bones been unearthed? Perhaps they have other methods of burial, such as cremation? OK, we admit, this is pure speculation on our part.


  1. Hey, Romney just said on the debate that he doesn't believe in Bigfoot!! He compared something negatively to proof of Bigfoot. Boooooo!! Let's hope Ketchum makes him eat his words!!

    1. Romney doesn't believe in Bigfoot! Well I don't believe he would be a good President and he just lost the souths vote! Vote Paul!

  2. Speaking of Utah, here's a cool video about two encounters from Utah:

  3. Sorry about the fonts in the comments section. Still waiting for Google to fix this!

  4. I mean its not likely but it could happen. Gorillas have been known to put the dead in rivers or bodys of water. Killer Whales beach the dead, but this sounds a little strange.

  5. Honestly, my guess is that if one of their tribe dies, they bury him. It makes sense. If they are that concerned about being found, they would bury it. They wouldn't leave it in their camp. They would want to hide it in the earth where they dig for roots and from which the plants they depend upon grow. It would be a cycle of life to them. And, yes, I do think they would have a bit of a spiritual element to them. I don't know if there would be a ceremony, but they would put him to earth.

  6. @broski, LOL.. Let's make Bigfoot the main issue of this campaign! Autumn forest for President! She can campaign on the issue that the Finding Bigfoot crew should be banned from using the term "SQUATCH". Banning words is unconstitutional, but we can make an exception in this case. Oh, and BTW, Dr. Meldrum for VP!

    1. How about Josh Gates for VP? I want someone who can chuckle with world leaders.

    2. Lol @Anon well that's just one reason why Romney shouldn't be president. No no no you cannot take Squatch out of FB. If you do there goes my drinking game.

  7. Seriously, tho, I pray this Ketchum thing is for real.

  8. I do. This is it, as they say. And about time too we knew.

  9. Mitt The Gitt should pay more attention to Dr. Meldrum, shouldn't he ! lol

  10. I tend to think that Bigfoot would bury their own, or I can not think of any reason why they would not. Just my opinion.

    As for Romney I will fire off an email to the campaign today and ask for a retraction.

    Chuck in Ohio

  11. Unable to sleep last Spring I took a drive in the wee hours and in the distance spied a large fire. I followed the strangely beautiful scene and came upon, in what seemed the middle of no-where, about 80 people in a circle around the fire. I watched for about ten minutes as they swayed and rocked and some chanted. It was the burial ceremony for a local tribal member.

  12. We can't have that religious nut in The White House, can we. Maybe Romney said what he did, because he intends to continue a cover up based on religion. Come on Melba, beat him to it! lol Anyway, I'm sure they bury their dead if they're almost human.

  13. Carefl... Meldrum (second marriage, wonder if wife one still goes to His planet in heaven?)and Paulides (also divorced, I worry about these wives with no ticket to heaven)are both Mormon (err, LDS) as are an amazing number of Bfers.
    Apparently, Bf figures deeply in Mormon mythology. Historic campfire stories of the "hairly arm" that saves drowning boys are claimed as real by several Mormon's today as ocurring to them!
    Ketchum is reported to be a creationist and searching for a way to make BF only 4,000 years old for the Cain line?
    Political sites abound, please take your Mitt Sh%$ there.

  14. They don't do anything with their dead because they don't exist. This encounter is very boring unoriginal, and poorly written. "He crouched down behind a large fallen tree and witnessed 3 large hairy bipedal figures...Bigfoot standing around a large tree stump." An outstanding sentence. The addition of the squirrel tails is particularly dull. It's a ham-fisted detail placed to give the illusion of authenticity, and manages to give only the impression that we're witnessing the funeral of Fess Parker. Upon return the corpse is nowhere to be seen, naturally. A deer hide and a few hanks of hair, the last remnants of a Bigfoot ritual. The source of the story appears to be very credible, and I'd like to be the first to congratulate him on his top-notch website. Bluugh. Bigfoot doesn't exist, and if he did, it would just be some boring, feculence heaving primate, raped, stuffed, and mounted by the gun-toting dipshit that shot it. Bee oh are eye in gee.

  15. According to my colleague, Professor Quatermass, "Bigfoot," as you call the creature, eats his own waste to keep from being discovered. Perhaps the Wood Ape has other habits that keep him secreted away from the prying eyes of humans?

    Prof. Quatermass's musings below:

    Prof. Bernard Quatermass Jan 16, 2012 11:49 AM
    Greetings from “across the pond”, as we are wont to say in Old Blighty! Although my specialty is rocket science, I've long held interest in more arcane fields such as extraterrestrial biology and cryptozoological phenomena. With regard to the present theme I am currently developing theories on the lack of physical evidence to date (scat, etc.) for these cryptic North American anthropoids. Among my conclusions is that these taxa either practise coprophagy, or, perhaps more likely, given that neither the so-called Patterson footage nor other eyewitness accounts describe the hairless posterior exhibited in the known monkeys and apes, that the fecal boluses are not deposited in the normal manner but remain cohered to the dorsal hairs of the rump. This latter interpretation would also explain the foul odor often described in first-person encounters (i.e. the “Skunk-Apes” of the southeastern U.S.) In any event, I would welcome your peer review of my forthcoming paper given the perspicacity you have ably demonstrated on this topic.

    1. So, when we find a specimen, will we name it "Homo Magnus Pes Beringei"??? No, not unless you bag the beast yourself, old chap!!!

      So, what do you make of scat that has been found near footprints?? Was Bigfoot just not up to coprophagia that day?

    2. I have spent time with Wood Apes, but never witnessed them consuming their own scat. I dined with them on juniper berries, witchety grubs and vanilla It's Its.

      As for scat found near footprints, I am unaware of any being documented as authentic Wood Ape feces. Perhaps it was yours?

    3. My feces, my Wood Ape or my my footprint? I'll never tell......

  16. Maybe there are only male bigfeet? Their numbers dwindling because the only thing left to hit is ass covered in hair. I'm guessing women bigfeet have those bright red pork clusters for asses, contrary to the opinion of that fruit pole from Old Blighty.

  17. More boring boredom from that boring person, obviously not bored enough not to spend time typing long boring comments. Clearly the dreadfully boring person thinks Bigfoots indeed exist, otherwise why waste a second on it. Boring. Gotta love how bored trolls always think Bigfoot researchers are more religious than other people, if anything it's most likely the other way around actually, the bored trolls the religious ones helplessly fighting a losing battle religious now. How boring.

  18. "Gotta love how bored trolls always think Bigfoot researchers are more religious than other people, if anything it's most likely the other way around actually, the bored trolls the religious ones helplessly fighting a losing battle religious now." This is also an outstanding sentence. An amazing wordsmith who'd feel perfectly comfortable in the company of Edgar Saltus and Robert Graves. The clarity is crystal and the point well taken.

  19. Trying very hard to bury a few meaningful posts here?

  20. Every post on this site is meaningless, including mine. Yours especially.

    1. I see a few gems above.
      But, you are correct that most are meaningless, "mine and yours, especially."

  21. Why does Bigfoot is Boring bother to post here? Apparently he/she does not find Bigfoot boring. But what is the point of being obnoxious? Is Bigfoot is Boring that bored with his/her life?

  22. Bfro report #13061 describes a possibly ritualistic dancing around a tree by a BF.


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