Robert Lindsay Wants You To Stop Calling Bigfoot an Ape

Robert Lindsay has a new post up about Dr. Melba Ketchum's press "embargo." It's an interesting read if you're interested in learning about press embargoes and how they relate to the release of an article in a peer-reviewed journal.

In the post, Lindsay raises an issue with the old guards of the Bigfoot community and their reference to Bigfoot being an ape rather than a hominid. Lindsay believes that the Bigfoot-Giganto Theory will "soon die a hard death."

"It’s always been one of the biggest stumbling blocks to the Bigfoots making any sense. For one, there are no New World apes. No New World apes, no Bigfoot. Real simple," wrote Lindsay.

Read the snippet below:

Refusal to drop the Bigfoot is an ape meme. You would think that with all the evidence we have gathered that the Bigfoots are hominids, people would start dropping the Bigfoot is an ape thing.

Matt Moneymaker of all people was on TV recently insisting that Bigfoots are apes. Tim Fasano was on cable TV saying much the same thing, but at least Fasano had some data to back up his theory. Facebook Find Bigfoot is deeply invested in the Bigfoot-ape thing, and that’s one reason why they refuse to cover the Ketchum DNA study.

Jeff Meldrum has bought deep into the ape thing. In a recent comment, he continued to insist that they are apes or possibly that they are somewhere along the missing link edge of the spectrum as in a Sebida or Habilis type.

John Bindernagel, author of a book promoting the ape line, continues to peddle that theory in interviews. However, we know that he was flown to Crittenden, Kentucky by Erickson, and there Bindernagel saw his first Bigfoot with his own eyes. At that time, Bindernagel stated that he was re-evaluating his ape theory, and he now that, after seeing them, they they were hominids.

The ape meme has been around forever, and it’s going to die a hard death. But it’s always been one of the biggest stumbling blocks to the Bigfoots making any sense. For one, there are no New World apes. No New World apes, no Bigfoot. Real simple.

But the theory always had the worst and stupidest of problems. It’s amazing no one saw them. How many bipedal apes are there? Zero. Zero other than hominids that is. You see a bipedal ape other than Oliver, and what is it? It’s a hominid. Duh. This is so rock dumb that you would think these guys would have thought of this.

For all their objectivity, scientists are subject to human emotions (read subjectivity) like all the rest of us. Most folks love to keep their pet theories and pet views of the world around as long as possible. The world is weird enough without getting up every morning and finding everything you believed turned upside down. We need to make sense out of this mess, and we don’t like to be wrong. And when we are wrong, we don’t like to admit it. We dig in our heels.

And so it is in the “objective” sciences, which can never be fully objective as long as subjective humans are engaging in them.

You can read the full article at Robert Lindsay's blog.

Robert Lindsay mentioned Oliver. Oliver the chimpanzee was once believed to be the "missing link". After years of being exploited as a curiosity, Oliver finally found sanctuary at Primarily Primates.


  1. But Mr. Moneymaker the "bigfoot expert" said they were...

    Church of the Ape doctrine hahaha

  2. So Bigfoot is human and Timbergiant is an Ape...right I got it !

  3. anonymous @ 03:29
    That was clever.

  4. Ketchum's bio line on her Twitter account is:

    Scientist, Forensics and Hominid Research

  5. I agree BF more likely a hominid. But I do think there is one more unconfirmed bipedal ape out there - the orang pandek, which I would guess is a relative of the orangutan, and just happens to be mostly bipedal.

    1. They have not been reported to have speech, Sasquatches have.

  6. Robert Lindsay is absolutely right. And I hope the study by Ketchum et al will prove this very, very soon. This will also answer the question why BF could hide for so long. If it would be "just" a North American version of a gorilla or an orang utan it would have been proven to exist long ago.
    Best, Joerg

    1. Are you blind to see Lindsay's true colors? He has a big fat liar who thinks that he's always right even though he isn't.

  7. Remember Kids It's Okay to shoot and kill Apes. Hominid's?
    Not so much....... unless of course, IT'S COMIN RIGHT AT YOU!!!

  8. I agree about BF being closer to human than ape, most definitely. I was laughing my ass off on that F'ing Bigfoot episode with the supposed baby chimp in the tree scenario. The problem is, those who believe BF is an ape, to them seeing something dark swinging in a tree is explained by the filter of that belief system. It now becomes a baby Bigfoot. To me, who does not believe BF is ape, and seeing that the tree is not moving at all from the swinging, sees a black trash bag caught in the limbs at a campground. So, everything people interpret is under the colored lens of their belief system. If you do not believe BF is ape, then hearing people like Moneymaker explain things should not hold much weight.

  9. A word to the wise and the clueless...

    An enormous effort has underwritten and supported Dr. Melba Ketchum's Sasquatch DNA Study. In the face of adversity and controversy Dr. Melba Ketchum, Adrian Erickson, and many others, have collected, compiled, analyzed and prepared the first comprehensive scientific study of the enigmatic Sasquatch genome.

    Dr. Melba Ketchum, has been relentlessly disparaged, slandered, libeled, and ridiculed ad nauseum, by wannabe "experts", and the usual suspects with agendas, ranging from blogs, books, eco-tourism, and entertainment series.

    Consider this...

    Dr Melba Ketchum, is a judicially recognized expert, whose DNA testimony in civil and criminal cases has been integral to numerous prosecutions resulting in convictions, incarceration and civil judgements.

    If you premeditate to hunt, harass or kill a Sasquatch, and Dr. Melba Ketchum's Sasquatch DNA study, demonstrates Sasquatch is a member of the genus would likely be guilty of felonious stalking, assault and homicide, according to my judicial, legal, and law enforcement acquaintances.

    Moreover if Sasquatch is indeed a primitive Native American, numerous Federal felony statutes would apply. Desecration of a grave an example.

    This past year myself and many others have had the honor to work pro bono with Dr. Melba Ketchum on the periphery of her landmark DNA project.

    Our collective efforts have focused on the gathering, review and evaluation of hundreds of hours of proprietary video, imagery, audio and artifacts, as part of an ongoing compendium of circumstantial and actual evidence as an adjunct in support of Dr. Melba Ketchum's Sasquatch DNA study. This compendium is separate and apart from the collection of imagery and evidence collected by the Erickson Project.

    This compendium of supporting evidence will be available to bona fide academic researchers, after Dr. Melba Ketchum's Sasquatch DNA study has been published. The overwhelming preponderance of imagery, audio and artifacts clearly show Sasquatch is not a New World Ape.

    The pro-kill folks would be wise to seriously reconsider their flawed research model and voucher specimen hypothesis. To my knowledge Cultural Anthropology does not require voucher specimens of more primitive peoples. Other field research efforts should be entirely observational, non-threatening and respectful.

    There is no statute of limitations on homicide...

    The opinion expressed here is entirely mine and in no way represents the opinion of Dr. Melba Ketchum.

    live and let live...

    Steve Summar

  10. There is only one problem with this statment above she has accepted samples from purported kills into the study if this is correct then she is on the hook as well.

    1. i have no problem with the way the study was going, i understand the difficulty for the amateur crowd and what ketchum faced. but i do question the inculsion of the Sierra Kills sample if as as reported. however, it seems the beginning of truth may arrive soon and perhaps in another year or two i shall have more informed opinions all circustantial evidence points to genus homo and would explain the possible DNA mis-identifications in past as modern human.

  11. Bigfoot is a ape we r the only humans alive today

  12. Can't wait for Sasquatch casinos.

  13. Thing is Ed, prior to the samples being accepted, studied, and reviewed - nobody in the scientific or judicial community would acknowledge the fact the creatures/people are real.

    If someone hands you something that isn't supposed to exist, then I don't see how she can be guilty of anything.

    Shaun, UK

    1. The thing is if she accepted it from a kill by admission of the supplier and or by photos video whatnot and it came back human and she didn't report it to the police (remember she is a part of the court system) the is on the hook.

    2. there will be many questions about the provenance of all the samples. given the sensation the Kills created in the hidden BF world if published these types of issues will come to the fore. If the paper is persuasive it will be incumbant on the Government to investigate, assuming they haven't already. just watching the BF fans respond and question give me confidence the BS that has passed in the past won't this round? could just be wishful thinking.

  14. BF is NOT a "missing link" because there is not a missing link, researchers who are looking for a missing link are just going the wrong direction.
    Humans DID NOT come from monkeys...but there is some photos from the White house that would support that theory. lol

    1. Ah, racist and creationist. You must just break out in sweats when you see a textbook nearby.

    2. Correct, we did not come from monkeys, but we do share a common ancestor with them =) Read a book besides the one filled with your ancestors fairy tales.

    3. ^ Screw your sarcasm and creationism-hating bullshit. I may have somewhat descended from monkeys. But they're not my favorite animals and never will be. Besides, primates aren't my list of animals that I really love.

  15. Shawn- is there any way you could get circus music to play whenever we pull up your blog?

  16. Anyone here also following the archulean tool story in Israel? The tools predate African equivalents by hundreds of thousands of years. So either there was an earlier erectus out-of-Africa wave which failed (georgicus?), or.... erectus evolved in Asia from a late Australopithicine out-of-Africa migration and migrated back to Africa to become ergaster.

  17. Agree with Lindsay, and of course Ketchum. Feel a little sorry for nice people like John Green, he's done a lot of work in the field as far as gathering reports and such, but he's never seen a Sasquatch himself and his ape view will probably soon be dark history. He's also fiercely pro-kill, which is just madness in a modern society where only madmen kill new species of primates. Knucklewalking or bipedal, it's a no-no. Turns out the knucklewalkers here are likely someone quite else. lol By the way, there's a conference coming in May with Scott Nelson, Ketchum and Meldrum. I feel the research at this point would also need to include Robert Morgan. Anyway, Meldrum was shocked some time ago, at the prospect that Sasquatches may even understand English! ;)

  18. Replies
    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one with a low opinion of apes.

  19. MM and all his other associated "Apers" are cashing in now before their theories (in their minds - theories = truth) get blown out of the water. They have entertained lots of people with their goofy and scary portrait of "squatches" (look that word up...pretty disconcerting) but also made lots of them go try to look for themselves. Not a good thing but expected. Regardless of what the DNA says, him and his group(s) of baboons (cuz they are the real apes here) will continue to exploit the non-human card in any way possible. It can only be hoped one day he gets the s*** kicked out of him by and irritated and annoyed BF.


  20. Well it looks like most here support hominid as opposed to apes in the classic sense. Another vote here for the hominid, and will wait for the DNA to set the record straight.


  21. I never have considered bigfoot to be a missing link. Always thought of it as some type of primate but at this point no one really knows for sure. I do not think it will be proven a missing link regardless of what the DNA results turn out to be.

  22. Meldrum and all the other ape yahoo's will never except Bigfoot as a hominid. Especially while there are books to be sold. <--- Truth in writing here

  23. It's only a matter of time before someone gets ripped in half while collecting evidence in the field.

  24. Go to Meldrum's "Relict Hominid Research" journal website,it is attached to his university site. Seems he is positioned to change with the data. No publications yet. Maybe Ketchum's will be the first.

  25. I totally agree with Anonymous at 6:39 above. I've seen two distinct types in various photos. There is one that I feel there is no doubt that it is hominid. The other is definitely more ape looking.
    When I was researching past scientific results on various samples sent to labs there were just too many that came back human and then discounted!There was a reason for that and it was not mishandling the evidence or human contamination.

    The Native Americans called them the "Wise Ones". They accepted them and the idea that they were here before them. I suspect the government has known about Sasquatch for a long time.

    I absolutely think there are two types. I also agree with the Anonymous above me. These beings have survived a long long time. They must be wise and powerful.

  26. I have always thought that Bigfoot is more human than ape,even as a kid watching all the old 70's shows on them.
    I can't explain it scientifically or justify why I feel that way,I just do.
    If I am wrong,then I am wrong.

  27. Same with me, I have always imagined them being more human. I like the idea of feelings, emotions and understanding to be part of their personalities. There has to be more to them than instinct.

  28. Aren't sasquatches mutated eskimos or the descendents of Chinese railroad workers?

  29. I simply want to list some observations of sasquatch behaviour that are widely observed and accepted:

    Rock throwing
    Wood knocking
    Nest building
    Tree climbing
    False Charges
    Tree shaking
    Long distance vocalisations

    You can find all of these behaviours in the great apes.

    Behaviours which are not widely observed or accepted:

    Burying of dead
    Religious practices
    Musical expression
    Fashioned tools
    Permanent shelters
    Meaningful contact with humans
    Preservation of food

    Yes there are a few claimed incidences, but on the whole the previous list stands on much firmer ground.

    Bipedalism also has no correlation to intelligence - the most intelligent primate in scientific tests is the orang utan, yet the gibbon displays much greater bipedal ability.

    Since when was any near human or hominid relic 8 foot tall anyway! Brevity would not allow me to go into the physical observations that suggest ape not man/man-ape.

  30. I totally agree Anonymous above me.

    Brevity is wonderful at the right time!

  31. For the listmaker, language means culture. Animals have neither, but the Sasqautches apparently do including speech and structures. Watching Patty, or that big 8-footer in the Marble Mountain clip, I see no ape there I see an unknown people of some kind.

  32. Bigfeets are deformed, mentally stunted, mutated humans. Isn't it obvious? That's why they're intelligent enough to avoid detection. That's why they can avoid camera traps.

  33. Just to clarify things we (orig-6) do not have samples in ketchum's study.

    We have an interest in one of her samples that we tested from the same supplier, because the target matched, which most on the NTO list were aware of for the last 7 or 8 months now. We are just as conserned about the studies stability as others are perhaps more so.

    I posted this on Thursday at the MABRC forum

  34. I would be rather leery of anything Ed Smith postulates given the (now aborted) experiment with InfraSound he/they were allegedly planning upon conducting upon unwitting homo sapiens as few years ago.

    Such conduct would appear to indicate a gross disregard for safety and/or total ignorance of the ramifications of his/their actions.

  35. Saying "It's a Hominid not an ape" is just as idiotic as saying "It's a Labrador, not a dog".


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