Robert Lindsay Quotes Dr. Jeff Meldrum About Bigfoot Steak: "This is it. This is what I’ve been looking for all of these years"

Imagine for a minute what renowned Bigfoot researcher Dr. Jeff Meldrum of the Idaho State University felt when he visited the Sierra Kills location and picked up a small piece of Bigfoot steak leftover from a dead Bigfoot.

What were his thoughts, concerns, worries, expectations and plans? How does he cope with the imminent discussion of what Bigfoot really is? Is it human or ape?

Meldrum has long held onto the theory that Bigfoot is a North American Ape, but what he found in July 2011 in the Sierra Buttes left him dumbfounded.

Read below from Robert Lindsay's post this morning:

Details on the trip to the Sierra Kills to find the bodies in July 2011. Quite a few people were present on this trip, including Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Dr. Mioczynski, a man who lives in a cabin way off in the woods and has been interested in Bigfoot for quite some time. Meldrum showed up with a woman who had a cadaver dog. The woman very much wanted her dog to find the Bigfoot body(s) so she could get credit for it.

A team including Smeja, the Olympic Project and Matt Moneymaker was already there and had already been at the site for two days scouring it looking for the bodies. The cadaver dog then searched for a day for the bodies. Nothing was found. They were using a small piece of the Bigfoot steak as bait for the dogs. The piece had been salt-dried and there were worries that that could have killed the scent.

Smeja was videotaping the scene. Jeff Meldrum held up a piece of the Bigfoot steak and said on tape in front of everyone, “This is it. This is what I’ve been looking for all of these years.”Then he went down a list confirming that this was the real deal.

Then Meldrum took a small piece of the steak no larger than a fingernail with him back to his lab and examined it. He decided that it probably was not a Bigfoot due to the presence of guard hairs. This led Meldrum to believe that the steak was actually a piece of coyote. A source told us that what killed Meldrum’s enthusiasm was his Bigfoot as Ape theory. Apes do not have guard hairs, and Bigfoot is an ape, so the Bigfoot steak could not be from a Bigfoot. Dogs have guard hairs, so it is probably from a dog.

We have never before examined Bigfoot hair that is attached to skin before. It is possible that the underhairs or guard hairs can only be seen when the hair is attached to skin. The hairs we find otherwise not attached to flesh may not show guard hairs. I believe that the Bigfoot steak is from a Bigfoot, not a coyote, and I believe that Bigfoots must have guard hairs. A source also informed us that there are some tribes of humans that live above 10,000 feet elevation that have almost guard hairs or underhairs to protect them from the cold.

Sources also say that the notion that Meldrum thinks it is from a coyote are not really true as Meldrum already said what he thought it was. The Bigfoot steak simply failed Meldrum’s test because Meldrum wants so badly for Bigfoot to be an ape. A source told me,

Believe me Robert, after looking at tons of coyotes in my life, that flesh doesn’t look anything like a coyote, not in a million years. Hell, the color isn’t even right. Apparently the bigger piece was light in some areas and dark in others. The pic I have is of the darker area. The hair is far to long for a yote and is kinky almost like human pubic hairs. It in no way resembles a coyote. So Meldrum just has sour grapes.

A photo or photos of the Bigfoot steak definitely exist. I have spoken to someone who has seen photos of the steak. Apparently a number of people have seen these photos and they are definitely floating around. We are trying very hard to obtain a photo, but they are very hard to get ahold of. People who have photos won’t give them up.



  1. I am dizzy, so many posts so fast, food for thought certainly.

  2. I feel your sentiment anonymous! A lot of information to digest the last 12 hours.

  3. Dr. Meldrum's definitely one of the good guys and a legend in his own right, doesn't matter that he held on to the ape idea for so long, there's no question whatever the Sasquatches turn out to be he'll swallow that and be there at the front of the research still. It needs his expertise, most certainly it does. I'm sure once he's digested the coming news, discovering and proving a new hominid/human is any scientist's top dream to be a part of. Rock on, Jeff!

  4. Any information reported by Lindsay should be taken with 2 or 3 grains of salt.

    Lindsay has no knowledge of the facts and no credibility.

  5. Uh, Abe had John M on his show the other night and he talked at length about him and Dr Meldrum going on that trip. It was pretty much a waste of time. They were shown NO credible evidence. Now who to believe, the Dr and John or that joke Smedja? Maybe Smedja has heard the interview and has some sour grapes? Maybe that big payday he is hoping for is slipping away. Lol. What a joke.

  6. IMO uneducated as it is I don't think there ever was two bigfoot killed. I believe this is a hoax. I trust a bigfoot way more than a man.

  7. @ David Carver

    I agree I have had problems in believing the kills story.

  8. I had some problems with it too originally, but, when I see the involement of Derek Randles, and the fact he has a picture of Smeja on his homepage (olympic project) tells me there might be something to this. Derek has always seemed to be a stand up, class act in the bigfoot world, and to publicly associate yourself with some one so controversal does make you wonder.

  9. Meldrum said he thought the flesh piece came from the hide of a coyote. He thinks Smeja is full of crap.

    So that means Robert Lindsay is full of crap ... again.

  10. Then why is Meldrum participating in Randles upcoming BF expeditions?

    You'd think he'd want to distance himself from any hoax.

  11. Guys, whatever it is that Dr. Ketchum has it's no hoax. No way. Think about it. She's already said Mitt Romney will eat crow for his ridiculous comment, it's her that stands to lose everything now, and she's a respected scientist working on criminal cases like 9/11 victim remains, etc. Basically her whole career would be over if she's fooling, so try to relax and let the lab brains figure this out for us.

  12. I have never understood why Smeja would have collected just a "steak" and not a more convincing a head, or the hands and that BIG foot....where are the remains? Something simply does not add up.

  13. "If" he collected the remains, and the public knew about it, the people involved in the study would be having a very difficult time getting their work done. A steak is an easier story that will not attract media and government.

  14. Taking a head or a foot, would just have made him an even bigger ghoul than he already was. Would you cut the head off a human, or something humanlike? I wouldn't. Desecration of a corpse, man.

    1. The work would be over if he presented the head and or the body. All this "work" and expeditions are retarded and useless. If the guy killed a bigfoot all he has to do is show the body, submit the blood for DNA testing and make millions of the book and movie deals. Only releasing a picture of a steak and a tuff of hair is a sign this is a hoax

  15. He never actually found the body. He only stashed it somewhere and then left. When he came back there was a ton of snow and he wasn't sure where it was. They were digging around at one point where they thought it was and found that steak in the snow, and figured that it was left there by scavengers or something like that.

  16. "Would you cut the head off a human, or something humanlike? I wouldn't. Desecration of a corpse, man."

    Well, he killed them and cut out steaks (so much for desecration)...why not take what would prove beyond a doubt that Bigfoot exists? There is no proof it is human or ape etc. Primates are killed regularly and are used in labs. An animal that does not exist cannot be protected. I am not saying they should be killed, but if he killed them, show us. No photos were taken? We shall see how this ends up.

  17. My head is spinning and I'm trying to get up to speed with the latest posts.
    First of all,nice picture.Doesn't Cliff have a similar Patty statue?
    All I can gain from all of these posts,as interesting as they are,is that not everyone has all the facts.
    Dr. Meldrum may have some facts,Robert Lindsay may have some facts and Smeja may have some facts.
    So far nobody has the complete story.It's a Bigfoot jig-saw puzzle that hopefully gets completed one day.
    Having said that,I'm willing to bet a corner piece will be missing.
    Thanks Shawn for compiling all of this information,it's one hell of a read.

  18. Humans, Homo sapiens, ARE apes. WE are apes. The argument of are they "human" or are they "ape" is not based on scientific fact.

  19. I AM NOT AN APE!Never have been, never will be. Thanks to the Good Lord above.

    Randy, I agree. It has been interesting.Even more interesting were the characters that were there that day looking for evidence. Don't you think?

  20. Amen! Blondie!

    I am not an ape either. I don't think an ape would apprietiate a case of PBR while sitting in a hot tub now, do you?

    Geneticaly we are so close........ but I'm sorry, a scientific teaching (theory) that has been around for 150 years, when we as humans have been around for more than 200,000 years does not jive with me. There has to be a flaw.

    Humans are so authoritive and condesending in the way we think and analyze everything. We think that whats in the books must be true. and who ever said it must be right, and anyone that thinks outside the box gets condemmed.

    Science in "that sense" has failed us!! And will continue to fail us. (in this aspect)

    Don't get me wrong, sciendce is great.............but so many avenues of science have evolved politics that seem, to be, cannot be broken, which to me, is sad.

    The freedom and expression in the scientific world has been lost to politics and dignitaries...........

    I could go on............ just wanted to put my two cents in......

  21. Apes and Humans share a common ancestor. All Life is connected.

  22. Those who keep going on ladida about how humans are apes, are totally missing the point. Yes, we're classified as apes but we call apes animals and ourselves humans. So while the Sasquatch technically is an ape, it'll be seen ultimately as a human probably. No more romantic dreams of a bipedal animal.

  23. I understand we are all part of the primate family, the point is that until we have a or dead...we cannot classify the yet to be confirmed animal. If we share 97% plus of our DNA with other apes and Sasquatch is somewhere in between, their will be a huge legal battle on defining their status. Finding Bigfoot would only be the beginning of a momentus legal battle on many fronts, hence the interest in not finding Bigfoot.

    New Anonymous

  24. I agree Dr. ketchum would not make public comments without confidence.
    i also agree with Sasquaination, we don't know the real details and probably a few corners will be missing in the end even.
    I am sure once the NDAs/Embargo is over and the data out we will have more than enough to consider and with the voices of the now quiet participants.
    Its seems like forever, but 'we" can't classiffy anything and are dependant on those who are in a position to so classify and the information they have. I expect it to be some of the most interesting and credible information I have read on the topic, as well as digital imagery. I don't want to be dissapointed!

  25. I have not spoken about the examination of the site or the tissue due to an NDA with parties involved. I will say that most of what was stated in Mr. Lindsay's piece, both about the event and about the nature of hair, is tripe. He would do well to reconsider his "sources." I can say there was no "steak," rather a piece of skin with hair attached. I posted on Project Sasquatch facebook page the text with the inaccurate or offending elements highlighted. Have a look and judge for yourself how reliable is Lindsay's reporting.

  26. Why are they pabbling about the look of the skin . WHERE is the DNA analysis god damnet . Thats what proves the whole things .


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