New Footage: Big Sky Montana Bigfoot
While looking for elk in Big Sky, Montana, these guys got the shock of their lives when they caught something walking in their headlights. The creature appeared to be bipedal and had an auburn tint. One question we have about this footage is why were they filming at night in the middle of nowhere in the first place?
Some info about Big Sky:
Big Sky is located approximately midway between West Yellowstone and Bozeman on U.S. Route 191 and just 15 miles from the northwestern border of Yellowstone National Park. The population was 1,221 according to the 2000 census data.
Hunting is prohibited in Big Sky proper, but it is permitted throughout the national forests that surround the area. The vast and diverse terrain of the Lee Metcalf Wilderness Area and the Gallatin National Forest make for ideal hunting grounds. This area has an excellent native elk population and is also part of the migratory route for elk whose summer range is in Yellowstone Park and winter range is in the Madison River Valley.
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Big Sky, Montana |
Ha! I am trying to figure out who filmed that! My cabin is in West Yellowstone and I just moved from there last year! I know exactly where that was filmed and if its recent it would make no sense since most elk have moved toward Ennis Montana where there is less snow. If it is during hunting season than if its fake those guys have balls.
ReplyDeleteI was kidding about Naturalist and I meditating with the Samurai of the woods at my cabin in MT! Or was I?
bad acting
ReplyDeletemore fake than a bolex watch.
ReplyDeleteThat's bull shit FAKE!
DeleteHey. look, two guys faking a Bigfoot sighting. The acting is terrible. Listen to them pretend to be interested in the Elk that were there earlier. It looks like a nerd in a costume. This is all fake. how can you not see that. Bogus. Bigfoot will never be discovered. Le it die. No one cares. Your family hates you. All Bigfoot researchers are always fat bearded nerds. Maybe they're just seeing each other in the woods? Is that possible. The OCT 7 2011 pic looks like a out of focus groundhog. who can't take a decent picture with a digital camera in 2011? the sept 12th pic looks like a bear with it's ass lurched out to the side. Fake Bigfoot. I say it's even a fake bear. The nov 27th picture looks like a tall charlie brown shadow leaning it's head on the wall. It may as well have a caption that says "good grief." The oct 11 pic looks like one of those chainsaw bear logs that dumb people who sell apple cider on the side of the road have in front of their houses. the sept 22 pic on the right looks like a bear in an ape suit. the sep 2 2011 looks like tetris. so fake. All of it. A send up on the Big foot community and you believed it. all of it. Even the real stuff is fake. The july 24 pic with the ape and skeleton overlay looks like William Zabka from the karate kid in his Halloween costume sadly padding home after Mr Myagi kicked his ass. The picture of the forest fire looks like a Kincaid painting. The july 4th painting is the San Diego zoo where two gorillas are sitting behind a rock. Arrg. so boring. so fake. Bigfoot is stupid and not real. I hope you'll be satisfied with zero evidence for the rest of your life. Is this a real hobby? are you all dumb? there's no DNA. There's nothing like that. No real Scientist would bother with this. Maybe Prof. Keenbean form richy rich but he's as real as Bigfoot. So lame.
ReplyDeletedid your parents have any dna? because the way it looks to me is you haven't got any manparts. maybe i'll post as anonymous so i can be just like you.
DeleteI seriously agree its fake the only thing that makes me question this is that thing moves fast in snow. Try wearing a suit that's getting soaked when its probably 0 degrees out in the snow. These guys were up pretty early for a hoax
ReplyDeleteFor someone who thinks this so lame you sure do spend a lot of time analyzing it. Maybe you should get a hobbie.
ReplyDeleteIf FB/FB says this is real, I'm taking the bridge. - Adam
DeleteBigfoot hoaxers usually sleep in. No one could run that fast in a suit in the snow. It must be soaked. Jesus, listen to yourself. You actually have a shred of hope that this may be real. Listen to those guys. The only answer is that you're a troll. Only a dummy would even consider this real. You agree it's fake but then throw out some B-wad theory about snow, and soakings and up too early! the aug 3 pic on the right looks like delta burke in Yosemite. The guy on the right who says he was kidnapped by bigfoot is obviously a gay man who's replaced a construction worker with Bigfoot. the paintball bigfoot looks like danny terrio from dance fever. I'm so bored. i just want to pay my bill online.
ReplyDeleteThat was the most canned faked reaction ever. Totally bogus. Absolutely. I think I could act better and I was turned down for every school play in 6 years of acting.
ReplyDeleteC,mon Autumn. All women are great actors..At least when they aree with me
ReplyDeleteLook at the stupid map. This is where the fake Bigfoot was. Why even put that. It's not real. Terrible. Take a lap. This site is not reasl. It has to be a fake goof off site that's designed to fool you. no one believes in bigfoot except you. everyone else is busy returning stuff to target or driving too slow or eating something weird in another country. So boring. Real people are laughing at dumb shows like the big bang theory, or ignoring don't stop signs and then holding their hands up in some weird pantomimed apology after you've slammed on the brakes. everyone normal is getting in my way at Vons. real people don't believe this, they're wearing sports jerseys and stupid shoes or lugging around a gross little malformed dog. Bigfoot isn't even on the mind of a healthy human being, who are most likely hauling several family members along, for no apparent reason, on a simple errand. Regular normal folks are searching through their gigantic purse for their billfold or swinging a bolus of keys on a titanic keyring bedecked with plastic whirls, badges and tiny stuffed animals; along with 35 keys. Normal citizens spend 100% of their time not concerning themselves with wood apes and costumed dopes. They're eating salty snacks and slurping sweet syrupy soda pop while they turn right in front of you just as you're about to walk pat them. they're not paying attention to anything, let alone Bigfoot.
ReplyDeleteBigfoot is Boring--apparently, Bigfoot is not boring to you because you need to go onto BF sites and complain. Why do you even go to these sites if you think it's not interesting? What I like is that this site puts up everything. We can't be good consumers of BF info if we don't sit around and in the comments go back and forth about what is bogus and what is not. How will anyone make educated assumptions? Shawn, please keep them coming. Some of us like the intellectual exercise of figuring out what is BS and what is worthy of consideration. Sometimes, these characters in BF world give me the best laughs in my day. How can we debunk if we don't get the junk? Hey, I think I just made up a new motto, you know, like "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit."
ReplyDeleteIt's all fake. there is nothing to consider. None of this is real and you know it. Everything on this site is fake, including you. you are a man acting like a woman, i can tell by the manner in which you communicate. No normal girl likes Bigfoot. And before you say you're proudly not a normal girl; I'll agree with you, you're a dude. the picture you posted of yourself, or whomever posted it, on that one story is obviously a man in ladies clothes. And talk about bigfoot, size 14, anyone?
ReplyDeleteYou are a very sad little man. No life, huh? No friends, hmm? I'm glad you think I'm a dude because obviously my intelligence and wit is lost on your and you showed yourself for the male pig that you are by assuming no woman could be like me. You just showed what you think of the female gender. You know, BiB, men are dogs but some of the sweet ones are puppies. You, are a dingo.
ReplyDelete"obviously my intelligence and wit is lost on your and you showed yourself..."
ReplyDeleteWhat? You said it, buddy, i am lost.
Listen, Mr., I'm 6 foot two, 250 lbs of muscle, fat,veins,blood,bones,hair,guts,sinew,tendons and vinegar. At least I'm real, unlike Bigfoot and someone else i know.
All Internet trolls are 6'4", 250 pounds, ex special forces and street fighting machines. Let me assure you that Autumn is a woman. You, however, write a blog about comic book toons. Really?
DeleteWe appreciate intelligent discussion. Take your trolling elsewhere.
so what, i'm 6'5" and 265 lbs. and we just don't care shorty. just like the old saying there's always someone bigger and badder than you and i doubt that your all muscle. unless your gym has free internet. cause thats where gymrats live. and you sir are no gymrat. how do they say it go home loser!
DeleteI can't fight at all. who said anything about being tough? I'm just a big fat guy who thinks bigfoot is stupid. And fake. and boring. In fact, I'm in a wheelchair right now so just relax, I don't want any trouble from you, non gym rat or pennsquatch. I don't want to fight you. No need to threaten. we all know what's happened to Zabo.
DeleteThe Internet police must have taken strict action against him. I'm sure he was on the fbi's most wanted after his post.
DeleteNo one is threatening you. You, on the other hand, seem very eager to threaten us with the full might of the law.
Here's my promise to with respect and you will get respect back. You seem to be a reasonably intelligent person. I'm sure that your skepticism would be a welcome view.
Pennsquatch this is for you
DeleteClap Clap Clap I applaud you!
Those stats are only impressive if you are a Bigfoot youth. As a man, they mean nothing when combined with bitterness, resentment and pathetic antisocial behavior.
ReplyDeleteBlech. Even your response was boring. The old " you don't have a life.." bit. So unoriginal. I don't know if you're a man or a woman, i just said that to make this more interesting. The only reason i'm on this site is because circumstance conspired and here we we are. I just wanted to pay my capital one bill, but my work has everything blocked except for this site and a couple of boring blogs. They obviously don't consider Bigfoot enough to even block him. Can't block what isn't there i guess. You'd be more interesting if you were a man posing as a woman. i like that sort of thing. i know that i don't know you, and you cant know me, but time and space collided , and here we are... here we are. So bigfoot, eh? Totally fake. Am I wrong. Have you ever listened to Nocturnus?
ReplyDeleteHaha! Nocturnus... I went through a breif Sci-Fi Deathmetal phase back in the late 90's. Good times. ;)
DeleteHey BiB, why don't you let go of this whole Bigfoot thing & learn how to play guitar like those guys instead... that'll keep you from being bored for the next 10 years, or so.
Sadly, I can't play guitar because of some burns i received when I was in Montana. I do find guitar a little bit boring so i wouldn't want to play anyway. i listen to Samael and Entombed theses days.
DeleteAutumn, I wouldn't give this parasite any of your energy..
ReplyDeleteWhat Mike said^^
Delete@Bigfoot is boring. Lol troll come on man think of something better. I said this is fake smart guy. The only thing that even would make me think is real because of the suit and snow. Running through that powder in a cotton suit that absorbs water in that temp is stupid. Do I think someone did it? Of course its faked! The reaction is hilarious! Doesn't mean you cannot present evidence to the contrary. Now do us a favor go back to your moms basement before she gets home and realizes you been on the computer all day and her lotion is missing.
ReplyDeleteto the little bitch that has to put his lame thoughts down on digital paper! and to boot he must of went down the right side of the website and said wow i'm a useless piece of dog anus.he like this mr. nickle dude got every excuse not to believe in the sasquatch. and then he dosen't have any man parts to put his name at the top of that spewed garbage. anonymous is for muslims and punks like you sir/mam. so do us a favor and don't come back here minus-manparts. that's what you should have put at the top of your rant. but i think/know your type. let's see if i can piss of the believers. sorta like obama suporters. no matter what the truth and facts are. you and your kind make it a point of getting under people's skin. anything for the cause right? so mr./mrs. anonymous have youself a meaningless 2012. oh maybe i shouldn't of said 2012 because you might go to the doomsday blogs and pull out your small brain. as we say in pgh, f-u losaer.
ReplyDeleteZabo is so boring. uggh, a boring swipe at Obama. Dog anus. Muslims. Bluggh. Dull dull dull. You're just another boring troll trying to ruin it for everyone. Lotion. Mom's basement. bleech. I make more money than you. I run a 5.4 50 and placed 5th in the bun length, hotdog eating contest in September. My anony. posts were supposed to be under bigfoot is boring, i just forgot to use the name. those were all mine. So boring. Yawn.
Deletejust like a good republican should. bigfoot boreing loser. wow troll how original.
Deletejust for the real record loser. i'm only 42 and i'm retired. so stick your cash up your ash. and the lotion, you should aply daily on that rash you got going on from as you said it eating hotdogs. or did you mean penis.ha ha ha. and with that you and your muslim friends can f-off.
Deletewhere did you go mr. boring? is it chow time in prison. or better yet! capital one called and they want you to stop writing bad checks at hotdog eating contests. where is this month's contest anyway loser. wow a real life hotdog eater spoke to me. so so so boring!
DeleteZabo, i've reported you to Interpol, the FBI and the local authorities for your inflammatory remarks toward Muslims, myself, and the Hotdog eating contest circuit. With Obama recently signing the National Defense Authorization Act, You can be sure that internet terrorists like yourself that spew their race/religious hate online can be detained indefinitely without trial. It took me a bit to get back to your boring responses because I was on hold with the authorities for about 15 minutes. Good luck, stupid. I thought this was a fun bigfoot forum where a bunch of guys gushed all over the one female participant, not some awful hate site for Zabo and his racist cronies. Shame, you outrageous bore.
DeleteWhere did you go, Zabo. Not so willing to throw around your racial hate now, are you? I didn't really report you. i just said that to scare you, and it worked, you hate monger. I don't need to report you, no doubt several govt. agencies regularly monitor this conspiracy laden site for hate filled remarks like the ones you hurled at me. I'm sure it'll catch up to you, Zabo.
DeleteYeah! Save it for Bigfoot! So boring. That guy Mike wants to be with you in a relationship. the only reason guys like him on websites stick up for girl contributors is because they want to score a homer. He probably has a dopey wife who doesn't know, or care that he's pounding to an online Bigfoot lady.You have to be careful of guys like Mike. Not me, though. You can count on me. I've already admitted i would prefer you as a man posing as a woman. i like you both ways, actually. I'm only bitter sometimes. I'm in a pretty good mood now after putting this stupid boring blog in it's place. What's your favorite song by them? i like Aquatica and Subterranean Infiltrator.
ReplyDeleteObvious troll is obvious... but successful
ReplyDeleteI also have to say its sad you are at a job that blocks your internet access. Hmmmmm wonder what quality of a job that is. I will enjoy spending my time driving to Doctors offices in my company car. I also enjoy my company I Pad that allows me to check this site, and ESPN. Oh wait I can even pay my Amex bill on here! Wow! Stop hating on what people enjoy discussing.
ReplyDeleteYou sound very successful...and super boring. ESPN, eh? Uggh. Skip bayless aka Ardeth Bey/Gov. Tarkin, and Mark Shclareth. blecch. Breaking down coverages and zone blitzes. So gay. So you're zoomin' around town on the bigfoot site, just chili doggin' the day away as you question the scheme the steelers used last week, very few adjustments. will it be a shootout between brees and Smith. Maybe. You got your IPOD and the nurses all love you and your ESPN access codes, and your cool as ice company ride. Slidin' in and out delivering whatever or vendoring or something. Signing shit. Yeah...Calgon take me away. So boring.
DeleteHa ! Bf is boring, the way you climbed back up your own arse in your last comment was comical. Your a sad excuse of a human being, not only picking on an intelligent women for no reason you do it behind a computer and anonymously. SAD CASE !!
ReplyDeleteListen, Ishmael, get back to the Moby-dick blog before you step outta your zone. Bigfoot broski may access ESPN and LB blitz your arse.
Delete@bigfoot_broski. I am jealous. I was given one of those android tablets for work. Don't even use it anymore.
ReplyDelete@bigfoot is boring. Are you the grandson of Bill Wallace? Just sayin'
Bmps its cool when you get to use it for presentations about the Pharmaceuticals we supply. Way better than a Laptop. In all honesty if it wasn't given to me I wouldn't own one personally.
ReplyDelete@BF is Boring.
Yup my job is boring as sin. I get to enjoy coming on to this site that Shaun has put up for us and enjoy good back and forth with people who have great opinions. Even if I agree or not. Today I drove up to Sequoia Natl Park to see one of accounts, so I take that back my boring job takes me to great places and provides a life where I can do just about anything I want. So yeah pretty boring.
I'm glad you agree with me. Driving around like a trucker staying at KOA's or sleeping in a escort would be super boring. The opinions on this blog are as dull and tedious as your delivery boy gig. I'm not sure who Bill Wallace is but my grandpa is dead. Is Bill Wallace dead?
DeleteOne man attempted to troll an entire blog site an succeeded. I salute you, BiB.
ReplyDeleteI will not participate in such common trolling... besides I could not compete with the comebacks of Autumnforest. Give them Hell, my dear!
ReplyDeleteWth is Horse F.O.R.S.E.? Bigfoot is boring, please go back to your comic books and "My Little Pony" forums.
ReplyDeletei'm glad you brought it up!Horse F.O.R.S.E.? is the new He-Man we've all been waiting for. an action packed thrill ride like the great cartoons of the 80's. It's funny you mention my little pony, for HF was created as a boys version of MLP. It's great, and super exciting, and real! YO JOE!
ReplyDeleteWow! This site is turning into the Jerry Springer show!
ReplyDeleteOh Lord.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (above). Sweetie, it ain't a Springer show until I bitch slap somebody. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you men and women for being so protective of our territory. It's our right to come on here and hash out ridiculous headlines, serious research and anything in between. I think it shows what a lack of life this poor soul (BiB)has if this is his only social interactions. We should do like you do with any ranting child--leave him in time out, ignore his tantrums and get on with the adult talk of debating BF's existence/non-existence and evidence in the field for either side.
Yes, Let's ignore this ridiculous, friendless child alone with his insane rantings. We have an imaginary N. American gorilla to discover.
ReplyDeleteWas this video produced by No Budget Productions? No Budget has a number of bigfoot clips on Youtube.
ReplyDelete"What the F**K is that !" Oh yea that's Charlie we told him to start walking as soon as the headlights got to the tree......Better go back and get him bet he is cold !
ReplyDeleteI think it is a fake video.
ReplyDeleteAnd bigfoot is boring is right about one thing... Entombed kicks ass.
Dear Mr. or Mrs. Bigfoot is Boring-
ReplyDeleteI applaud your timely assessment of the human condition. This is the kind of penetrating insight I have longed for on the subject of Bigfoot. I can only describe your commentary as gripping and perceptive. Don't let 'em get you down sport! Turn that frown upside down! Stretch that smile a mile! Buck up little trooper!
These guys are terrible actors.
ReplyDeleteThe dialog is common to bad-acting hoaxers. Heard the same dialog on other phony sites. And the acting is pretty bad. Those guys did not sound really scared. And it doesn't sound real for a couple of guys who see something odd. I would believe it more if it were more scaled down and saying "hey, check it out", with more curiosity than fear.
ReplyDeleteAnd they are in a vehicle, I'd want to back up and shine the headlights that way again.
DeleteSo very dumb.
ReplyDeleteHow can Bigfoot be boring when that dirtbag troll there is online on a Bigfoot site, having the time of his miserable life here? lol
ReplyDeleteI have lived in Montana my whole life, and I have never known anyone who drove around taking movies out of the front truck window at night while hunting. Don't you think it's kind of strange that they would just happen to be filming this?? Just honest skepticism.
ReplyDelete@bigfoot is boring
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in bigfoot, but I do believe in trolls. :D
@bigfoot is boring
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in bigfoot, but I do believe in trolls. :D
living here in montana and being a native american from here, born and raised i grew up hearing the storys told to us by the elders around the camp fires, I myself have never had the experience of seeing him but fishing in a remote part of the rocky mountian mission mountain range I was creek fishing and had a very large lodge pole tree fly by me and hit the creek with a thunderus smash, as far as I know there is no type of animal that could of done that, after the tree hit the water a very spine tingling scream type yell about 20 to 30 feet from me in the thick brush,and a very fouwl stink. And last year my mother, being one of the biggest sceptics alive seen big foot ,my mom and her friend had this experence for her own eyes, and to this day will not drive down the section of HWY . I hope that the finding bigfoot team will come to our remote part of wildreness. I'm possitive they would find all the proof they need, including video, audio and lots of history from tribal elders. we are in the heart of bigfoot counrty! hope to hear some feed back.
ReplyDeleteBiB... I'm a you say you're in a chair? Sounds like your one of those who still has a chip on their shoulder that can't get into living life again. I hope you find your way back. If you would like to do some handcycling, kayaking, sit-skiing, scuba diving, or even sailing let me know. If you're ever in the Dallas are I would be happy to help. I do these things for free for anyone with a physical disability. All you have to do is, want to.