Man from the Ozarks who will be featured on Travel Channel said Bigfoot encounter sent him into 'terror mode' and forgot to use his video camera and gun

Randy Harrington, one of two men from Leavenworth, Kansas who participated in a taping of a television program called "Legends of the Ozarks" for the Travel Channel said he had an encounter with two Bigfoot creatures in 2006 in Oklahoma.

After setting up a fake camp site to attract Bigfoot, Harrington hid in his truck. When the creatures stepped out of the woods and approached the site, it decided to check out the vehicle, where Harrington was hiding with his video camera and a handgun. He said he heard the creatures rummaging through stuff in the back of the truck, but since he completely shut down and went into "terror mode", he didn't try to use his equipment.

Read his account below from Leavenworth Times:

Leavenworth, Kan. —
Ed Jordan doesn’t talk a lot about what he says was a brush with a Bigfoot creature because nine times out of 10 someone thinks he’s crazy.

But the Leavenworth man talked about it for a television program that is set to air Saturday on the Travel Channel.

And he’s not the only Leavenworth resident to participate in a taping for the show, which is called “Legends of the Ozarks.”

Leavenworth’s Randy Harrington said he was contacted by an assistant producer for the Travel Channel as someone in the area who might be an expert on the creature, which also is known as the Missouri Monster.

Harrington said he has been studying Bigfoot for years and has seen the creature on more than one occasion.

According to Harrington, his Bigfoot experiences include an encounter with two of the creatures in 2006 in Oklahoma. He had set up a false camp site to try to attract Bigfoot. While he was hiding in his truck, the creatures stepped out of the woods and approached the vehicle.

He said one appeared to be a large male and the other was a “youngster.” He described them as being “apish, humanish” and both were covered with hair.
Harrington said he had a video camera and handgun with him but didn’t try to use either one because he went into “terror mode.”

“I did not want them to know I was in my truck,” he said.

He said he heard the creatures rummaging through stuff in the back of the truck.
According to Jordan, his encounter occurred during a 1994 fishing trip in the Ozarks. He was on a boat in a river when a light illuminated one of the creatures as it hung from a tree. He said the creature ran away. The incident lasted about 15 seconds.

Jordan said three of the five people in the boat saw the creature.

“All five of us heard the creature,” he said.

He said the experience was terrifying.

The encounters reported by Jordan and Harrington were recreated for the television program.

Jordan said the two men participated in a taping for the show in October.

Harrington said the taping took place on private property outside of Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri.

Jordan and Harrington have not yet seen the program.

The program Legend of the Ozarks, January 21, 2012, 6:00 PM ET, Travel Channel, will feature Randy "Driveroperator" Harrington and D.W. "Darkwing" Lee as they recreate Randy's encounter and conduct research into the Missouri version of Bigfoot called "Momo."


  1. We have people like Justin Smeja who shoot these critters and don't take pictures with their cell phones, and then we have guys like this Harrington who say they set up a trap to record them, but don't because they get scared. Terror mode? MY GOD MAN, COWBOY THE F$#@ UP! Squatching isn't for pussies.

    1. I know Randy, he isn't a p***y! You get intimidated with the creatures. They are big. This was his first up close encounter, now he reacts fast with the camera or thermal. Get know someone before you bash them.

    2. what the hell! this travel channel thing was last freaking year! why are we hearing about this now????

  2. Bravo Rictor well said. If your planning on getting close enough to tape or shoot a Sasquatch you can't leave your balls at home. I mean your not going to a petting zoo.

  3. Oh my, funny how Sasquatch affects some people isn't it.

    He's lucky they didn't open the door to check inside.
    Can you imagine that scene??

  4. Now that would be funny. Would have probably crapped himself like Moneymaker :)


    2. Rictor, I'm making you keep your word on that!

    3. Seriously Rictor I need to see that. Hit your guy up, and ask him why haven't they filmed in Ojai where this all started for him.

    4. I don't think MM likes me after my MM in Drag comic. HAHA. So Broski, you tell me the story!

    5. Ha! That's funny! Him or BoBo spooning a Squatch would be hilarious.

      Don't you do work for his site or have some ties to the BFRO? Sorry only been on here a month.

      Ojai in Ventura County is where he found his first set of Squatch prints. So always wondered why he hasn't gone back.

    6. HA, no ties to the show or BFRO. I just enjoy the researchers and the fun of it. Plus I am a super sarcastic son of a bitch and will say or do anything for a laugh, like fun of this little girl who intended to bait Sasquatch but got into Terror mode!

  5. It's not as easy as you would think.But still fun as hell. Pull on your boots.Go out and have some fun!

  6. Thank for the heads up Shawn. I will have to TIVO it as I plan on attending the Finding Bigfoot special this Saturday at Salt Fork Lake, Cambridge, Ohio.

    There is a really good encounter report from the BFRO under recent reports added in the month of Oct. 2011 in Douglas County, Mo. A hunter had a very lengthy sighting of 15 minutes or more and well worth a read.

    My Father grew up in Douglas County, Mo (Ava) and, my ancestors have been there for generations, in the northern boundary of the Ozarks. I still have an Aunt and cousins there. In this region it is known as the booger man and also Momo, short for Missouri Monster. Back in the day it was common for Mothers to tell their children they had better be good and go to bed or the booger man will get you.

    Chuck in Ohio

  7. Rictor since you are obviously the biggest pussy who has ever lived.. when was the last time you went out to look for bigfoot?

  8. Chuck--have a blast. I guess I'm too practical, but I suspect that if I'm in the cab of the truck, I can film whatever the hell I want because the minute I lay on the horn, it's freaking running. People need to think ahead of time what they would do if they're in the tent alone, along the river alone. I'd rather get the money shot and piss off BF than to lose the opportunity. I wish I had a camera when I saw what I witnessed. I would have thought to use it right away, if for any reason so I don't sound like a babbling idiot when I tell people about it. In my case, I just shut the hell up. It's like saying you saw a UFO. Without proof, you're a quack to most folks.

    1. I've always believed that the people who talk tough and brave are usually the first to run. In this case, even though you say you believe and then find out the "boogeyman" does exist might cause you to react not quite like you planned.Sorry Autumn but just not impressed.

    2. Sorry Autumn, nothing you can do, you still sound like a babbling idiot! HA HA

  9. High EMF's put off by the Bigfoot's hair could in fact send waves of paranoia, nausea, heart palpitations and many other weird side effects, what I call the 'creepy basement feeling'.

  10. This is a bit off topic, but we all need to click on an advertisement every so often for Shawn so he can get paid a bit for all this fun and informative content he keeps us entertained with. He has created a Bigfoot site unlike any I have ever encountered. ' Click'. Thanks Shawn!!

    You can't make this up!!

  11. I do feel for the guy if it was his first encounter as stated my the anonymous way above.
    I go out alone and that thought always runs through my head,"what if".I swore to myself I'd get something on video and not bolt.
    BUT that hasn't happened,so who knows.
    As much as a person plans,circumstances don't go according to plan.You can't factor in an unknown in to an equation and end up with a definite solution.
    Group scenarios are different,you have numbers and many more alternatives.
    So unless people have been out alone,please don't be so quick to judge.
    That's my two coppers.

  12. Rictor, easy to make comments without being in someones shoes. It takes time to overcome initial terror when looking for these guys and I can promise if your lucky and one is close even if your prepared you may still just freeze in terror or be stunned in some level.

  13. It sounds like a reasonable response....He did not forget, he chose NOT to open the door. HHMMMM Lets analyze this, a Large male gorilla type critter with a youngster beside it, just 10 feet from your truck!!!!!!! HELLO numb nuts, YOU would be stupid to risk what the adult would do if it felt it's youngster was in danger!!! Read most reports given by Hunters, even when in a tree stand and armed, most hunters agree they feel their small guns are not big enough and it would only piss off the monster they saw. Please do your due diligence in reading reports before showing your ingnorance. LOL

    1. I don't think anyone brandishing a 30-06 is going to be concerned about it dropping a Bigfoot.

      I'm not disagreeing with the overall point, just being realistic as a hunter myself.

      Frankly, I'd probably be terrified but no one really know how they'd react until it happens to them. People love to assume they are more that what they really are. It's human nature.

      Scott McMan

  14. Oh please. As if, "..setting up a fake camp site to attract Bigfoot..." is the way to get squatches to come calling. How many of you have set up a "fake camp" expecting to lure in a squatch? I call BS story.

  15. I absolutely believe the mans reaction to this story. I did not believe in bigfoot being anything more than a myth until one night I had an encounter with at least two of these things while setting on my front porch! I live in rural WV and I have been in law enforcement for many years. I am also an avid hunter. I truly thought I had seen it all until that night. I have very hew neighbors and all of them are elderly. I lease over 1000 acres of hunting land where I live. When the first sasquatch approached me and began howling/moaning, I completely shut down. Another started howling back at it from across the ridge just down the road from my house. The vocalizations of this thing were truly unbelievable/horrifying. I had two audio digital recording devices within ten feet of me (in my kitchen) that I used while on duty to take statements, etc. The thought never crossed my mind to record them. I was in complete shock. All I could think of was getting in the house and locking the doors! I am armed to the teeth with rifles, handguns, etc. but I felt completely helpless to this thing. After this encounter, we started paying better attention to what was going on around us. Throughout the next few months we heard wood knocking, I found a perfect 18inch track, and my wife had a daylight sighting of a large greyish/brown bigfoot, not 50 yards from our home.

    I completely lost the desire to enter the woods and hunt. I became terrified that something was watching me all of the time. I have since garnered the courage to return to the woods, but I now am a die hard believer in bigfoot/sasquatch. I am now retired from the State Police and I teach school. Recently, a co-worker had one of these creatures enter her property during daylight hours. Coincedentally, she live only a few miles from my home.

    Believe me, I thought I was the man too. But bigfoot had me ready to pack my family up and move in the night out of sheer terror. To this day, I do not know what I may have done to anger the creatures so much that they essentially scared me out of my skin. I have had several other "class b" sighting since, but nothing like the first one.

  16. I wish someone would take one out and end all of the uncertainty.

  17. I am the Man from the upcoming show and this encounter. There is much more to the encounter than what you read in a small article about it.
    I am sorry, but everything I prepared for that night went out the window when I realized just how large and massive and intimidating this male squatch was. You could not pry me out of that truck. Even after they left I stayed in the truck until daylight out of fear of this large Male.
    The funny thing is... I am a trained firefighter with experience in all kinds of stressfull situations, but nothing prpares you for this. No matter what you claim you will do...or THINK you will do, your body will react out of fear the way it seems appropriate for survival.
    It is true that this was my first close up encounter, I have pictures, Video and another sighting at some distance as the creature was running away out of a creek. But a close up encounter with the creature moving forward and toward your location is a different matter all together.
    Would you EVER think of stepping out of a vehicle if a Bear was there with a young one? I garantee you this, this bodybuilding looking 8 foot plus tall gorilla would shake a bear like a rag doll.
    Randy Harrington

    1. Randy your reaction is pretty much how any sane person would react. I'm not impressed with all the tough talkers in this post. I think half of them would have crapped their pants and passed out. Keep up the good work at the MARBC.

    2. I certainly understand the response. I had commented above that it's funny how some people react to Sasquatch. I firmly believe that anyone can plan what they'll do till the moment presents itself then instinct kicks in for self preservation.

      I'm glad he didn't open the door on you cause who knows what might have happened although I think you might have scared them as much as they scared you.

      Good luck to you and thanks for posting.

  18. And another thing....I am not from the Ozarks, But that is where we filmed on location, So that is incorrect also.

  19. I was the one who posted above about having the two creatures come onto my property in WV. I have had numerous people say that if it were them, that they would have done this, or they would have done that. Funny thing about it, I probably would have been saying the same thing to them if the roles were reversed. The best way I can describe the initial shock and fear that overcame me was very consuming. Sortof like when we were all little children and we were horrified by something and we lay motionless under the covers, afraid to breathe. That is the feeling I had during he encounter. Why? I don't know. The creatures were a good 60 yards or more from me. I think the realization that we were not the apex predators that humans think and my instincts immediately knew this w/o me having to consciously think it.

  20. I will be taking a trip sometime this spring or earlier to Western Kentucky for some research. I would love to come camp at your place too in West Virginia, If you still have access to the land. I have a very nice thermal camera set up that records.
    Contact me at I am cofounder of the website.
    Randy Harrington ( driveroperator)

  21. Kudos to you Mr. Harrington, and to the WV state trooper, for explaining the sheer terror associated with a close and intimidating encounter. A friend of mine who lives in Michigan had an encounter 10 years ago while bow hunting in the Huron National Forest, and still shakes to this day to talk about it. He has not hunted since that encounter, and the creature never even saw him. But Rob saw it plain as day and can not get over the size of it.

    I would like to think I would not be too afraid since I kind of know some of their traits, however I'm quite certain fear and terror would prevail. It is only natural.

    Chuck in Ohio

  22. Set up another "fake camp" and take one out when it approaches the camp.

  23. When I woke up to the sound of bigfoot talk outside my tent in a known hot spot, I too was just froze in awe/fear/excitement without even seeing it. Just got as quiet as possible but waking up and stopping snoring blew my cover anyway.The standoff of silence lasted until I heard rock movement as the bigfoot backed off away from the tent. I was too scared to open the tent and burst out to see it, it would have took too long to unzip and make alot of noise. Oh well maybe next time. True story

  24. Thanks for sharing the experiences. I am grateful to read them in the witness's own words.
    It is too bad that there will always be those who paint themselves as know-it-all when it comes to someone elses experience.
    We should Just enjoy the shared experience, and hope to see or experience one for ourselves.

  25. sound like randy harrington is a pussy.

    1. looks like someone with a hard on has stumbled into the discussion. Alright Mister, get your hands out of your pants and tell us how you really feel. LOL

  26. Randy and Ed are a couple of Con artist, that will try to make you believe there bullshit, so they can sell you something, I know both of them very well.

    1. Hey Bullet, how are things going in your world? It's funny that you admitted to being a hoaxer in the Tulsa World, what makes you think you have any credibility left in the Bigfoot Community. And as far as selling things, how is the sales on your Bigfoot Stories CDs going these days?


    2. Is that the same Bulletmaker who had to refund money on his CD's after he admitted on the Tulsa news article that he and his brothers hoaxed bigfooters on his property? Guess he was selling them as 100 percent true. Then when he admitted to hoaxing, well you can see the impications and legal issues. So Maybe Bullet is the one who was selling Bullshit. LOL

  27. Looking back on my encounter. (WV law enforcement.) I think my reaction was based mostly on the preconceived notion that man is the dominant predator in the woods when armed with a gun or bow and arrow. Although I do not think that I would shoot one of these creatures, (unless in self defense) I do not think a regular caliber pistol would phase the ones that I encountered. I carried a 45. cal. Smith and Wesson as a duty weapon, and I own a 40. cal. semi-auto. I was ranked as a shooting "master" by our department. I know a little bit about guns and their knock down power. I am no expert in kinetic energy or anything, but I have a good idea about how a weapon will perform.

    One of the things that terrified me so much the night that I first encountered these creatures was immediately realizing that a 40 cal. pistol would do no real harm to these beasts. Only tick them off. I told my wife that they would have taken my pistol and used it to pick their teeth with.

    The idea of the power and might that I experienced that night had essentially caused PTSD. I realize this now. (Two years after the fact.)

    By the way, my property line meets a 10,000 acre wildlife management area with rural camping.

    1. If you can come face to face with your fear you could start a habituation project, as you seem in a perfect spot. There is something in the Bigfoot culture that prevents them from full blown human attacks.

      I would start by leaving food out such as root vegetable, peanut butter or candy bars, fish. I would hang them to a fishing line between two trees or poles at a height of 8 to ten feet, so you know if they are gone, only the Bigfoot could have took them. Maybe leave some toys out for them. Never carry a gun or camera, or at least keep them concealed. Get you wife involved if she is willing.

      Instead of me carrying on there are a lot of people on this site that have better ideas than myself.

      Why don't you have Shawn start a post and have everyone out here put in their two cents, and I bet we will come up with some fabulous ideas.


  28. Thanks for the extra information. As I said, I will be traveling to West Kentucky. Your area would be a considerable distance further, but it could be possible. you can contact me via email if you would be open to me visiting your area. If not, that is fine too.

  29. who the hell is this bullet you loosers are talking about?

  30. randy harrington....ed jordan....darren thats some loosers.LOL....folks there on that sucky mabrc site. hehehhe bigfoot hunters my ass..what a freaken joke...

  31. Hey D-bag...before you start pointing fingers and naming names, maybe you should learn to spell for one...and get your story right for two ! I never said I was a bigfoot hunter and you dont know a freakin thing about me ! The only reason you havent seen the unexplainable is the simple fact that you cant see anything from your parents basement ! So go back to grammer school bash boy !!!

  32. WOW, go get him Ed, lol This is the famous Bulletmaker. Troll

    He has you confused with another guy named Ed that he hates with a passion. He never knew the other Ed's last name so he just assumed you were him. But your right, he lives in his parents basement, and has only seen a bigfoot on the sci-fy channel. LOL

  33. Bullet it's nice to see you out and about in public, after Randy Harrington took emergency leave and drove 8 hours to visit you in the hospital, we thought you were a goner for sure.

  34. I`ll ask again, who the hell is bullet?? Is this him.

  35. It sounds to me like there is some sort of personal fight going on here. It a sad thing that personal squabbles can't be kept out of it.

  36. Well, since you are not Bulletmaker, but found a way to post a link to an obscure little forum that is run by Bulletmaker...we will pretend you are not him and your question is legitimate and not a smoke cover for the the fact that you indeed are Bulletmaker. You and Bulletmaker would be the only two who spell 'LOOSER' and use 'THERE' out of proper context in a sentence on a regular basis.
    I will tell you who Bulletmaker is.
    He makes a habit out of following people on line to harrass them. He has been botted and banned from these forums for his lack of anger management or control of oneself.
    1. Kiamichi Giants
    2. Alabama forum
    6.Stan Courtney
    7. MABRC
    8.GBO hunters forum
    9.Tulsa world forum
    10.Squatch detective forum

    and I am sure there are a few I have missed. It paints a picture of a troubled person with serious anger issues. And to prove you are trolling the internet just to pop up and cause strife a grief to those who you have issues with.

  37. you said he has be botted, don`t you mean booted??

  38. Wow, You know him too? LOL

    yes, BOOTED as in kicked to the curb umpteen times.

  39. Let me make a couple of corrections to your above post. First of all, Bulletmaker does not run Bigfoot Study. He is only a poster there. That site is owned and run by another individual. I will not mention his name here, as I do not have his permission to do so. Bulletmaker was not kicked off Stan Courtney's site. Stan merely closed it, and shut it down. I do not know about the other sites you mention, but if memory serves me (and if I am incorrect I appologize) both you and Bulletmaker were kicked off Squatch Detective. It would behoove you to double check your facts before you spout off. I hate to disappoint you, but I doubt seriously if Bullermaker. I don't think he even knows about this site.

  40. Let me get this straight. He set up a fake camp expecting that a fake camp would attract a bigfoot, and then he waited in his truck with a video camera and a handgun for a squatch to appear. Lo and behold, a squatch appears. Does this really sound plausible to anyone?

    People search for decades and never see a squatch. Little do they know that all they have to do is set up a fake camp.

  41. LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT. So it has been reported thousands of times, a bigfoot passes by a hunter sitting in a tree stand, a bigfoot passes by some hikers on a trail, a bigfoot passes by campers in a campsite, a bigfoot walks across someones back yard. So you are saying that a bigfoot can't possibly walk by a campground that has a person in a vehicle hoping to see one???
    And your statement that some people have looked for decades without finding one, so the person who never even believed in them that saw one on a trail must be lying because of what you say???? Do you even look at your post before submitting it to see what an idiot you are with your lame ass reasoning?
    My God, please get back into your insane asylum and take your meds.


  43. Could the reason this Harrington guy didn't get a photograph of a bigfoot from the cab of his pickup truck is simply because there was no bigfoot there?

  44. Yeah, I have to agree with the post above. Setting up a fake camp to attract a sasquatch and then a squatch shows up seems hard to believe. Most people who see a squatch don't expect to see it. Setting up a fake camp and then waiting in a truck with a camera and gun and then a squatch comes in just like you expected sounds like a BS story to me too, sorry, but it does.

  45. I think there should be basic rules for posting a comment here.
    This is for the last two comments,

    Don't comment here if you have never seen a bigfoot.

    And your Mom's hairy armpit waking you up for school in the morning won't pass as a sighting. Even though I am sure she smells like one.

  46. Let me just state for the record that, #1, Randy Harrington is a liar and that's a FACT. His bullshit story about seeing a bigfoot was manufactured in his psychotic, narcissistic mind in order to catapult him into bigfoot stardom...which it did. And #2, most of the sarcastic remarks above that are posted in support of him... are written BY him. He doesn't have a lot of friends, so he posts in support of himself anonymously to make it look like he does. How pathetic. Gawwwd, I can't believe he has so many people fooled.

    1. And you are Anonymous. Too funny. If you call someone a BSer then you should show yourself.

  47. first of all the ozarks are not in oklahoma,secondly this guy is a super pussy for not getting it on tape or taking a shot..

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