Live Blogging and Commentary of Finding Bigfoot: Peeping Bigfoot Episode [Done]

Please join us for our live blog of Finding Bigfoot: Peeping Bigfoot episode. Blogger Autumn Forest of Ghost Hunting Theories will be joining us tonight as we commentate on the Minnesota episode live.

About tonight's episode:
The bigfoot research team heads to Minnesota to investigate intriguing howls recorded at an infamous bigfoot hotspot. They go deep into the wild, hot on the trail of bigfoots rumored to be bigger and bolder than any other on earth.

Live Blogging completed... (read below)

9:59 - [Shawn] Hello all. Show is about to start.

10:00 - [Shawn] We're live...

10:02 - [Shawn] Thanks for joining us Autumn Forest

10:02 - [Autumn] Thanks for having me. Matt's hair grease gets thicker each week-do you think it's ape scented?

10:02 - [Autumn] When they called this the Peeper case, I thought it meant BF was checking out women through their bathroom windows. I didn't know it was the name of someone. Oops.

10:04 - [Shawn] Listening to vocalization right now.. could be a wolf.. or a squatch

10:04 - [Autumn] Matt says the squatch tries to sound like wolves so no one can know it's them--his paranoia is setting in. Sasquatch count is at about 7 now--I'm going to be drunk.

10:05 - [Shawn] They're interviewing Andy, the dude who recorded the vocalization

10:06 - [Shawn] I heard the word squatch

10:07 - [Autumn] Matt invented the call blasting, right? So what call blast does Squatch use to communicate with humans, "Dammit BoBo!"?

10:07 - [Autumn] They're Josh Gate'ing it in a jeep.

10:08 - [Shawn]  they're killing bugs and trees. how horrible

10:08 - [Autumn] Cliff is performing Tree-a-cide.

10:09 - [Shawn] they're just plowing over trees

10:09 - [Autumn] BoBo says what squatch likes, he likes. I'm guessing that includes messing with humans?

10:10 - [Shawn] Tree breaks are sign posts said Matt

10:10 - [Autumn] Matt reads broken trees as markers for their territory. He cracks me up--I wonder if he reads tea leaves too?

10:10 - [Shawn] He invented that too i bet. Invented tree breaks

10:11 - [Autumn] Oh wait, didn't Matt also invent that BF eats deer? Interesting how they happen upon all of his inventions.... Lucky Ranae went off alone with Cliff (sigh).

10:12 - [Autumn] Squatch Island--I like that term.

10:12 - [Autumn] Bobo made his "O" face again while doing a BF call.

10:13 - [Shawn] It seems their calls are getting better with every episode

10:13 - [Autumn] "Come on big 9-footer, show yourself, come on baby, just give us one good knock." (BoBo)

10:14 - [Shawn] what's the squatch count at now?

10:14 - [Autumn] 14

10:14 - [Shawn] commercial break

10:19 - [Shawn] and we're back.. no intro!

10:20 - [Shawn] rocks getting dropped into the water. possible sasquatch

10:20 - [Autumn] I like to hear Cliff say "ker-plonk, ker-plonk" to explain the sound of rocks falling in a stream.

10:20 - [Shawn] hear that? fur protects from poison ivy

10:21 - [Autumn] WTF? Ranae got scared by poison ivy while wearing pants, so they're going back to camp? BoBo volunteers to stay alone while they go get a town hall meeting at midnight?

10:21 - [Autumn] "I don't need luck, I got looks" (BoBo) "Good luck," (Cliff)

10:22 - [Autumn] I love that they left BoBo in the bog and went to town. Maybe get some coffee, some doughnuts, shoot the breeze with locals while he's getting mosquito eaten. I hope he gets hazard pay.

10:23 - [Shawn] how many people here have actually seen bigfoot? wow! most of the audience raised their hands

10:24 - [Autumn] I love local's stories. I love the local dialect--it's beautiful! They could tell any stories and they sound enchanting.

10:25 - [Shawn] each and every report happened along the kettle river...

10:25 - [Autumn] All 3 broad-daylight sightings. It's like 11 feet tall they say. I guess he has nothing to fear, huh?

10:26 - [Shawn] we're back to Bobo again.. soloing

10:26 - [Autumn] BoBo collecting hairs from a utility pole. Is there a punchline? 22 squatch's. I'm on Beer 2.

10:26 - [Shawn] Commercial

10:27 - [Shawn] that's almost 1 squatch every minute

10:29 - [Shawn] We're back

10:30 - [Autumn]  BoBo "utility poles are scratching posts for Squatches." Who'd have thunk they were cat-like.

10:30 - [Shawn] lol. mosquitoes attacking Bobo's eye balls.

10:33 - [Autumn] Okay, new rule--BoBo must never go shirtless again.

10:33 - [Shawn]  those mosquitoes are aggressive.

10:34 - [Autumn]  I want to see Matt don some running shorts and try and attract BF like the witness.

10:34 - [Shawn]   I love the CGI

10:34 - [Autumn]  Ranae is the BF stand-in this time.

10:34 - [Shawn]   there was an awkward silence after the girl explained her sighting

10:34 - [Autumn] Ranae is 6-feet tall.

10:34 - [Shawn]   girl swears she saw a sasquatch

10:34 - [Autumn]  An 11-foot tall Squatch.

10:35 - [Autumn]  Damn! I wish "Sasquatch" didn't have the word Squatch in it. Count is at 26 now.

10:36 - [Shawn] if we minus the commercial breaks, that's more than one squatch per minute

10:37 - [Autumn]  I'm almost on beer 3.

10:37 - [Shawn]  we're back from commercial break

10:38 - [Autumn] Cliff is interviewing the elderly witness and he's so damn charming. I want to pinch his cheeks!

10:39 - [Autumn] So the squatch was a peeper!

10:39 - [Shawn]  There's the peeping Bigfoot

10:39 - [Autumn] Positive reinforcement in the past that rewarded him to keep looking into windows--Cliff supposition. I love it. Yeah, perhaps the same motivation human males have for peeping.

10:40 - [Autumn] They're finally picking BoBo up, but only because he happens to be on their road trip around to sites.

10:40 - [Autumn] Damn, Cliff looks good in khakis.

10:42 - [Shawn] The 4 wheeler family telling their story. unlike the other story, the measurement seems to be accurate, 7 1/3 to 8 ft tall

10:43 - [Autumn] They need a head and shoulders cut out with a jigsaw in wood and painted black and then on a stick so BoBo can go into the woods and hold the head and shoulders up for estimates. Damn that Ranae's scientific mind! (Matt) "she sees things differently than we do" (Yeah, scientific--Matt)

10:43 - [Shawn]  commercial

10:43 - [Shawn] Jane Goodall is a Bigfoot Skeptic.. true or false?

10:47 - [Shawn] ooh.. preview for the Todd Standing episode

10:46 - [Shawn] we're back

10:48 - [Shawn] so, the bigfoots are following the river

10:48 - [Autumn] Mobile call blasting--I love their terms.

10:50 - [Autumn] They put a speaker on top of their truck to call blast mobile--I want to hear them play Black Eyed Peas and make the ground shake with some good bass.

10:50 - [Shawn] Boom Boom Pow...

10:51 - [Autumn] "Humps" I want to hear them play that. They're trying to flush the sound towards them, but this time they don't have torches like last week--bummer. I liked when they acted like they were storming a castle.

10:51 - [Autumn] Cliff has dimples--I like that (sigh)

10:52 - [Shawn]  awesome knocking device...

10:52 - [Autumn] "Come on you hairy bastard!" (BoBo screaming it, but I think he was doing it to Matt)

10:53 - [Autumn] Matt has a special device for knocking and we'll be banging on that (Cliff) tee-hee-hee

10:54 - [Autumn]  "I heard some wood, back there" "Something's following us" (Matt's paranoia at work)

10:54 - [Shawn] something's following the team... and then commercial interrupts

10:54 - [Autumn] 39 squatches

10:58 - [Shawn] We're back

10:59 - [Autumn] Oh that Matt, once again thinking something is after him.

10:59 - [Shawn]  hehe. Ranae said they didn't see squatch...

10:59 - [Autumn] I know, she made me have to take another hit on the beer.

10:59 - [Shawn]  lol

11:00 - [Autumn]  I kind of hope they go back there in the fall. I have a feeling it'd be prime in early to mid September. 41 squatch total

11:00 - [Shawn] Show's over!  Thanks Autumn Forest!


  1. I will be here with bells on and with my beer(s) since I'm taking a hit for every "squatch" usage.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Must be a lot of Bigfoots in Minnesota

  5. Uggh.So boring. Who cares? Don't bother, it's all so fake and boring. dullsville. Blech. I'm bored writing thes mi gra,mer iz giting bd.

  6. they need to put some game cameras out to

  7. First 40 minutes are Meh. Won't ruin it for you not Dish folks.

  8. Id have enjoyed that alot more of we didnt get a 3m commercial break every 5m

  9. Yeah but I thought this was supposed to be the one that changes Renae or whatever. There hasn't been anything good during the first 3 episodes and Renae and BoBo showed that tonight

  10. I loved the build up and there were a few moments of intense expectation but big letdown at the end.

    I really liked to hear the stories of the people and the ones they took to the sites. No doubt the Bigfoot in this area is huge.

  11. not a word about standing, what's up with that ?

  12. Although it did not feature the "Minnesota Footage", it was still better than the previous Season 2 episodes IMO.

  13. I expected more from this episode. We were told this was a game changer episode for Renae.... Guess we can't always believe what we read.

  14. Agree Mike! I was pumped for this, but this show is losing steam. At least Destination Truth, and Ghost Hunters review evidence! Or at least the capture evidence.

  15. At least they didn't 'fabricate' anything for the benefit of the show. Gotta respect that at least.

  16. Agree Mike but I do get annoyed when they are like did you hear that knock or rocks splashing! I mean the growl Renae heard was cool, but if they don't start finding evidence this show won't make it past season 3

  17. The live blogging is awesome you two!
    It has a Mystery Science Theater 3000 feel to it.
    Autumn,at least you drank beer instead of doing shots of the hard stuff.

  18. The show was better than previous two, however only in the encounters of witnesses. I was most impressed by the huge number of people in this area that have had sightings. The one howl that Tom Peepers obtained sure sounded authentic.

    The mind blower for me was when the nurse described her sighting and a rough measurement came in at 11 foot. Now I admit 11 feet may seem to tall, but the fact that is was extremely tall and massive is not. Then Renae said she thinks the girl is misidentifying the creature. WOW! What the hell is she misidentifying the creature, as Renae? What other creature in Northern Minnesota stands 9 foot plus, is massive in build and walks on two legs? The girl is a surgical nurse for crying out loud and she better know what she sees or patients in the operating room lose their life. No the problem here is as Renae stated before, that she just can't get her head around the fact that Bigfoots could actually exist. However I think what is slowly changing her, is the pure number of people they are talking to that have encounters and are very credible. We will see.

    Chuck in Ohio

    1. Good point Chuck. Ranae is getting a little humbled by this, but I hope that the other three are too because they freaking think everything is a squatch. Somewhere in the middle, they might find the truth.

    2. You are right Autumnforest. Somewhere in the middle. Everything is not a Squatch, but when someone has a close clear encounter, they do know what they see, as happened with you in the High Sierras.

      Some food for thought. Every year there are hundred of reports that filter in through various Bigfoot web sights of encounters. I use to think that 1 out of ten actual encounters actually got reported. After seeing the hands by the people in Minnesota I am now leaning towards a figure of between 1 in every 50 to 100 encounters get reported, which would mean quite a few thousand encounters every year. I could be way off base, just an observation.

      Chuck in Ohio

  19. No foots again. Maybe I need to start looking for bigfoots again.And that way matt can come get some pictures and run them off.As he's done in the past.

  20. My favorite part was when Matt was screaming in the back of that ATV thingy.

  21. I really have to saythat so far this season has been an extreme disappointment. So far there has been absolutely minimal at best evidence of the big guy on any of the episodes.....I hope next week will be better. I remember when Ghost Hunters hit this kind of boring lag and then Zac and his Ghost Adventures crew came in and put some zing into the ghost hunt. Thats what this genre needs. Hey Shawn-Ready to go extreme with a new show "Bigfoot Adventures"....I'll contact Syfy and see what they say!

    1. awesome kilt maker! I'll put on a tight black shirt that accentuate my muscles. And then I'll spike up my hair to look hip. :)

    2. Don't forget,you'll both need to be fluent in Sasquanese.

  22. It sometimes takes years to find a bigfoot.They are shy. And sometimes you get lucky.Hey Bfro are out there looking.They are showing that it takes time.They are trying.

  23. Use a well trained Dog! one that doesnt bark! strap on a thermal night vision video camerma and a gps tracker!If something is close the scent will not be lost by the dog, just follow the dog! Better yet keep the dog in the suv until the SQATCH is close!!{To hide the dogs scent}, then let him go follow! Should work,what ever animal that is stalking them will be found.


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