Is This What a Bigfoot Nest Looks Like?

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

It is known that the great apes fashion nests for sleeping and shelter. They create both nighttime and daytime nests. Gorillas sleep in their nighttime nest only once. Curiously, they defecate in and around the nest and then abandon it. Each night a new nest is constructed. There are generally two types. The overnight ones are more structured while the daytime nests are sort of a vegetation pallet, if you will, with sticks carefully surrounding it. Could the sasquatch engage in similar behavior?

Researchers are finding arrangements of apparent shelter like structures utilizing broken sticks, branches, and carefully placed foliage. On occasion simpler bed-like distribution of vegetation and sticks or branches have also been discovered. In addition, piles of large scat have been deposited in some cases. We can only speculate the purpose for these if they are indeed created by our furry feral friends. I'm with Matt Moneymaker on this--I'd prefer a discarded mattress if I were a sasquatch!

Here are some videos of purported Bigfoot nests and structures:

Did the Swamp Loggers find a Bigfoot nest?

Mitch Waite and his team returned to a previously discovered nesting area and found additional work being done. It looks like some branches were added, the hole was dug deeper, and a tree top was carried in. According to Mitch, the tree top was probably put there to help hide the entrance for when the hole is completed.

Marble Mountain Footage July 2000 on a Mountain side near Ft. Jones California. Sasquatch nest/structure is found by 15 hikers which includes some disabled youths. One youth finds nest then incredibly sees Sasquatch on Ridgeline 750+ yards away.


  1. I do not want to judge if the Marble Mt. video shows a tall and very athletic person, a BF or is just a hoax. What puzzles me most about this video is the total calmness of the group in the "BF camp". There is a 9 ft "monster" not far away from them, threatening them and they talk to each other as if they watch a Disney movie..incredible in the truest sense of the word!!!
    Best, Joerg

  2. Regarding Marble Mtn. The nest structure looked absolutely incredible. Then the absolute absurdity of the claimed Bigfoot. This is nothing more than a tall lanky hiker with a backpack on. It move completely like a human trying to pick its way over very uneven ground. The hands do not hang over the knees but dangle like a human. For cripes sake you can tell this person is wearing long shorts due to the whiteness of the lower legs.


  3. The Arizona team is lame. It's a nest, a nursery for crying out loud. Im not sure how long it would take a BF to dig,harvest materials and construct it. it's location may relevant and important too. Why then would they put up trail cameras. They WON'T come back and will be angry. That is no way to build their trust. Even without the cameras, they know you're trespassing. So why not just leave gifts, food and toys for the kids. at least it would be a friendly gesture. Or leave no trace! COME ON!


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