Immerse Yourself In This 360 Degree Panoramic View Of A Real Life Bigfoot Trap

This "Bigfoot trap" was really built to trap a Bigfoot. The trap was built in 1974 by the North American Wildlife Research Team (NAWRT), a defunct organization based in Eugene, Oregon. They were inspired by Perry Lovell, a miner who lived near the Applegate River, who claimed to have found 18-inch-long human-like tracks in his garden. For six years, the NAWRT operated the trap, keeping it baited with carcasses.

Sadly, they only caught bears and no Bigfoot was ever found in the trap. In 1980 the Forest Service permanently bolted open the welded steel door due to safety hazards. Since then, the Forest Service has made some repairs to it now that it's become a popular hiking destination.

It's located a half-mile west of Applegate Lake, where you take the Collings Mountain Trail that leads to the trap.

Check out this gee-whiz-bang 360 degree view of the Bigfoot trap. You can control where you want to look.

Move your viewpoint down: Aren't those puppies cute?

If you didn't care to read the article above, here's a little video about the Bigfoot Trap's history:


  1. That just goes to show you. Bigfoot is smarter than the average bear. Start calling him BigYogi.

  2. I wonder how many bigfoot clans over the years have had a good laugh among themselves, upon examining this contraption.


  3. Lol. A bigfoot would bust his way out of that piece of crap in ten seconds.

  4. What a ridiculous contraption. Relic from the days we naively thought they were dumb animals, did this shed even catch bears? I bet Sasquatches have watched the whole thing being build, and had a good belly laugh at the expense of our oh so smart species. lol

  5. What's even more ridiculous is that they only tried with bait and a functioning trap for a short while, and I've repeatedly heard sceptics bring up the "fact" that a trap has been there for decades without catching a bigfoot, so "they can't exist."

  6. Great comments, y'all. What more can I add? I'm still trying to figure out how tall they thought BF was? Looks rather small for the fella.


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