Comparing Bigfoot to Religion

Autumn Forest wrote an interesting post comparing "the cult of Bigfoot" to religion. She divides the Bigfoot world into three camps:

Believers (theists) Motto: Everything is a `squatch!

Nonbelievers (atheists) Motto: There is absolutely no such thing as a `squatch!

Skeptics (agnostics) Motto: Prove there's a `squatch and then I'll believe!

In the article, she explains the dilemma between the three camps and the similarities they share with religious groups :

You cannot make a believer stop believing. Try it to a Catholic or a Jew some time and see what happens. Nada. Once someone believes in something, it becomes a part of their explanatory style. To a New Ager, if a butterfly lands on her, it is surely a sign of a visit from a dear friend. If a Catholic sees a human shape in a tree trunk, it becomes the Mother Mary. So long as belief is a part of how we explain our world, every death of a loved one is God's will and to the Bigfooters, every acorn dropping in a forest is a distant wood knocking.
Click here to read her article.


  1. Wrong.

    I'm the eyewitness ripping Matt's ass.

  2. Nice post Autumn.. I so enjoy your wit and writing style.

  3. So according to this post your friend Atheist in fundyland should actually change her name to Agnostic in Fundyland. Because as she says "I want to believe all anyone has to do is show me irrefutable evidence". At least she's open to the possibility, which has been stated on many posts. Just pointing out according to Autumn's definition.

  4. Bigfoot and religion.. Bigfoot is God.. That's why no one can find him .

  5. Mike, honey, I'm liking that jeep and the man inside of it more and more....

  6. Aww, you are too sweet... Just speaking the truth darlin'... :)

  7. Of course you can make a believer stop believing if one is of an open mind and always striving to ascertain and dig for the truth. If they are not of an open mind then the premise is accurate.

    We are born of an age on New Agers, and yet the old truths reign supreme as they have stood the test of time.

    If one should see a human shape in a tree trunk, then marvel at it's wonder.

    Every acorn that drops in a forest is an acorn.

    God's will is something that can never be comprehended by man, strive as we may.

    Chuck in Ohio

  8. all the in-fighting by BF groups, scientists, researchers, armchair experts, hoaxers and non believers is hilarious. egoism on either side. one simple, common goal that may never be accomplished (with cooperation on all parties involved, of course...)

    Is it the Sasquatch will to survive and avoid detection that prevents this discovery? or is it the inability for humans to get over themselves, and focus on one primary goal as a whole? it's both, and that's why the big man will always win, and has for so long.

  9. "Bigfoot community,"

    Does the truth matter or not?

    What matters more?

  10. Well aren't you the quick one.... I had better keep both eyes on you... I see you can be a lot of fun.. ;)

  11. I can see you are quiet the delight... Always pleasant, polite and happy with a twist of mischievousness. Love it. What are you going to tell Nat?

  12. Yes you do Autumn, I have an affinity for fine women. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

  13. Have some respect for the dead, people! Let's not forget that Mr. Natural was preparing to propose to Autumnforest over hot coffee and figgy pudding when he was shanghaied and devoured by a Gigantosquatchicus.

  14. Awww how sweet. Autumn you will soon have 2 men with jeeps fighting over you. Wonder what Broski did with Mr.N?

  15. No worries Blondie! Mr N and I were in deep meditation with the Samurai Warrior of the Forest....He will return soon.

    Autumn I liked your post, but not all believers think everything is God or Squatch. I believe in both but I use rationale in my decisions on which is which.

  16. Ms Autumn Forest is a true Jewel.

    Chuck in Ohio

  17. Aw, shucks, I love my tribe. Y'all make my heart sing and, more importantly, you make my mind work overtime to keep up with the level of intelligence here. You are my tribe.

  18. Great article Autumn! However, I don't fall into any of those categories. Can we create another one? How about "Believer in Bigfoot but not in BullSh*t." LOL I just get so tired of people posting pics of what is referred to as a 'blobsquatch' but I can tell it's a darn leaf, tree shadow, stump, root ball, etc., etc., etc. These "investigators" that go out there, take a picture of something 200 yards away, scream "I found a Bigfoot! LOOK! Here's my picture of it!" and then they never try to get closer to INVESTIGATE what it really is! Are people really THAT stupid? Or do they just think WE are?

  19. Autumn's assessment seems fair and accurate to me. I am certainly of a sceptic leaning. Used to be a "believer" until I started finding out about some of the circumstances surrounding Freeman and Marx evidence. I really,really hope Bigfoot exists, I just tend to require real evidence.

  20. Hey Shawn,
    Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your efforts here. You are doing exceptional work, making this a site I visit constantly. I am always informed and entertained!

  21. It's also become a cult for disbelievers, spending their entire lives trying to disproof the Patterson film, even though that will never happen of course. We all know it's no hoax, so they're on a never-ending quest that'll lead them absolutely nowhere. It's almost religious to them, so it's covenient to claim atheism when they've only replaced faith with a new one.

  22. @LobsterTrouble thanks and you're welcome :)

  23. I haven't (yet) read the article, but as an atheist, I've run into this misunderstanding quite often. "Agnosticism" is not a position between belief and disbelief. "A" means "no"; "gnosis" means knowledge. "Agnosticism" has to do with knowledge. "Atheism" has to do with belief.

    You can be BOTH an atheist AND an agnostic at the same time, which I am. I fall into the "agnostic atheist" category.

    Regardless of your gnosticism (claim of knowledge) or agnosticism (no claim of knowledge), you either believe in god or you don't. It's kind of like being pregnant or dead. You either are or you're not. There's no in between.

    So, there are actually FOUR positions regarding the belief in god (or bigfoot):

    1. gnostic theism: I claim knowledge and believe in god.

    2. agnostic theism: I don't have any knowledge of god, but I still believe.

    3. gnostic atheism: I KNOW there is no god.

    4. agnostic atheism: I can't have complete knowledge, but in the absence of evidence, I reject the god claims I have heard.

    Watch this video at You Tube: /watch?v=otzhBdVRXlA

    In this video, Bionic Dance is mostly addressing fellow atheists, but she explains the difference between agnosticism and atheism. It clears things up.

  24. LOL...apparently there's a bit of an atheist /agnostic YouTube war going on over these long-accepted definitions. I had no knowledge of it (agnostic) until I posted above.

    Here's another somewhat amusing video:


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