Tim Fasano starting Florida Bigfoot Organization, says his expeditions will be FREE

Watch out BFRO, because there's a new Bigfoot research organization forming and you might want to pay attention to this one. In a recent blog post, Tim Fasano announced a new Bigfoot organization based in Florida called the Florida Bigfoot Organization or the FBO. Their mission:
"This org will be devoted to real and scientific research of the Southern Skunk Ape along the Gulf Coast. My goal is to advance on a National level with organized expeditions."

Currently, there are no official members yet and they are looking for people who have experience in science, hunting, animal identification and hiking and camping skills. "We will take this to the woods and off of the messge boards," said Tim.

What makes Tim's new organization different from the BFRO is that he will not be charging any expedition fees.
"No money will change hands. I may even cater most of the events for I like to cook chicken and burgers over an open fire and backwoods camping allows that to happen."
Read the full announcement below from Tim Fasano:

Florida Bigfoot Organization is Formed

This weblog is about the Florida Bigfoot Organization. This org will be devoted to real and scientific research of the Southern Skunk Ape along the Gulf Coast. My goal is to advance on a National level with organized expeditions. The response for such a thing has been immense.

Anyone willing to offer their time is welcome in this organization. We will need people who have experience in science, hunting, animal identification and hiking and camping skills. We will take this to the woods and off of the messge boards. Are you ready?

The Southern Bigfoot is considered to be smaller then it's Pacific Northwest cousin. It has gone thru several evolutionary adaptations to cope with the swamp environment. It has longer hair to ward off bugs and a smaller size so it produces less heat to live in a hot environment. It is believed to migrate regionally in the south as the weather changes.

The late spring and summer will give us an opportunity to hook up with resources up north to go on weekend expeditions wit other groups. This is just a possibility and we are certainly a long way off from this. The economy needs to get much better.

I have received many request from just average people who have an interest in the outdoors and Bigfoot who want to help out. Many of these people are experienced in the woods and have new ideas about how to approach research. There are no official members, only people that I have worked with in the field and who may want to be included in future outings.

Modern research seems to have reached a dead end with the same old call blasting and wood knocking not yielding much evidence (it did not for me last week in the Green Swamp). A new paradigm might be developed by cooperation among people in which the money factor has been eliminated.

No money will change hands. I may even cater most of the events for I like to cook chicken and burgers over an open fire and backwoods camping allows that to happen.

Just wanted to let you know what my ambition is for a new way to get this research on the road and off of the comment sections of blogs that accomplish nothing.

I have scheduled an expedtion in Central Florida for Mid February. It will be over a three day period but you don't have to stay all three days. Primitive camping may not be for you and this is one good way to find out. Anything you could do to help, is more then welcome.

I hope this takes off and something becomes of it like real evidence instead of folk tales.


  1. I'm not sure about him. He confuses me. Didn't he say he left the field? Then, he came back and started talking a lot of smack? I can't figure out if he's fish or fowl or...foul. I like the concept. I think I'd actually go just to see if he grills any better than he chases supposed skunk apes (so long as he doesn't scratch his ass). I'm curious. I'm undecided. I'm...ah, shaking my head. The list of characters if this field is beginning to remind me of "Married With Children" or some kind of contrived sitcom.

  2. The idea of money not being the driving force in researching for Bigfoot is a good one- it would be nice if this website would follow suit as well and not make profits such a priority.

    Too many people in this field only think money, money, money and more money.

  3. I'm glad theres a Tim not out for cash !

  4. I heard Fasano's new organization is going to be called "Sweating for Bigfoot"

  5. I will be glad to participate in this adventure!

  6. Tim, I think i left my cellphone in the back of your cab last week. Did you find a cell phone last week?


  7. I think Tim is a honest guy. People just don't know how to take him sometimes. I think in his videos he's trying to point out the problems that go on in this field and the examples he shows you are mistaken by people as hoaxes. When all he's doing is pointing out mistakes. Sure he's not politically correct and he's quick to call out the bullshit but that's what's wrong with the world today. Everybody's worried about peoples feelings and all that crap. More people need to speak up and call people out and screw their feelings how are they gonna fix their problems if you don't point them out.

  8. Tim thinks by doing this he will somehow prevent people from paying Timbergiantbigfoot $10,000 per expedition (4 people and him). Both are going to have people lining up and Jim already is booked from his inaugural expedition in May through July.

  9. I wish you the best of Luck Tim.

    Chuck in Ohio

  10. I don't believe Tim is an honest guy at all.Did some people forget the Bigfoot Buster thing?
    Tim has a hate for most researchers and is quick to make wild accusations-Rex Dutton is Timbergiant.Has that been forgotten as well?
    I'm not going to sit here all night pointing things out.I think most of us remember all of Tim's crap.
    In my eyes he has plenty of work to do before I use the words "Tim Fasano" and "credible" in the same sentence.
    If the guy wants to have free expeditions,that's great,but please don't call him honest.

  11. You just used Tim Fasano and Credible in the same sentence.

  12. Really??? He is mentally unstable...

  13. Anonymous said...

    You just used Tim Fasano and Credible in the same sentence.



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