Recent Sighting Report: Witnesses driving through West Virginia spotted Bigfoot walking up truck ramp

This latest Bigfoot sighting happened near the mountains of West Virginia. While driving from North Carolina through West Virginia to pick up her son for Thanksgiving, a woman and her passenger spotted a Bigfoot walking up a truck ramp off of the highway and up into the wooded mountains. “It was huge, there is no way it was a person,” said the woman.

When they tried to take a picture of the creature before it walked into the woods, it was already too late. According to the article from, "Unfortunately, Bessler could not tame her anxiety ridden hands enough to get a picture. By the time she maintained enough control of her phone to take one, they were around the curve and out of viewing distance."

Read the article below from

Local Residents Spot Bigfoot In West Virginia
Written by Mike Woody

Wednesday, 21 December 2011 10:28

For decades its existence has been debated, thorough searches have found no conclusive evidence, but a pair of Tipp City women reportedly have the definite answer as they claim to have seen…Bigfoot. Terri Bessler and Crystal Krieger were driving through West Virginia when in the clear of day they spotted the behemoth mythical figure. It was walking up a truck ramp, off of the highway, up into the wooded mountains.

“It was huge, there is no way it was a person,” said Bessler, owner of Midwest Memories. The figure was a solid shade of black, and showed no definition of any clothing lines.

Krieger is in agreement that the ever elusive Bigfoot was seen. “If it was a real person, it was the biggest person in the world. And where would they be going? There is nothing up there but woods,” she said.

Unfortunately, Bessler could not tame her anxiety ridden hands enough to get a picture. By the time she maintained enough control of her phone to take one, they were around the curve and out of viewing distance.

The purpose of their excursion was to pick up Krieger’s son Cody, a 2011 graduate of Tippecanoe High School, from North Carolina and bring him home for Thanksgiving. In the U.S Marines, Cody is stationed at Camp Geiger for the School of Infantry.

They were enjoying just a typical drive through the mountains of West Virginia, when Bigfoot was clearly spotted and could not be anything else. The women estimate they were less than half a mile away from the Sasquatch and its size was in no way proportionate to a human. Neither their vision nor judgment was impaired in any way. “We weren’t sleep deprived or juiced up on caffeine,” said Bessler.

They expect that not everyone will believe their story, but they are certain of what they saw and urge everyone to keep an eye out for Bigfoot next time they travel through West Virginia.


  1. I'm absolutely certain that (especially) Southeastern WV has BF. I have "kin" there and have been going there my entire life to visit them in the mountains. One place I like to stay is a huge mountain that is basically a no-kill free range for wild turkey and deer and they are everywhere! I had something parallel me through the woods at night there that was very very heavy and solid and walking on 2 feet. I grew up with deer. This was no deer. It walked on two feet like me, paralleled me and when I stopped, it would stop. When I sped up, it caught up to me. I stopped and listened a long time, started walking, didn't hear it and then about 10 steps into my walk, I heard it start up again and stay a bit more to the behind position as if it were escorting me from the woods.

  2. I love the Great State of W. Virginia. God's Country!

  3. Another anecdotal case where there is no evidence and the likelihood of misidentification is very high. Add it to the pile of such stories. It seems to me that 99% of these are either mistaken identity or fake.

  4. Yeah, it does sound questionable with the couldn't get a picture part.

  5. Should have exited and floored it going up the ramp and run it over (and over again if necessary) to get a specimen.

    1. Uh, I hate to tell you but the truck ramp wasn't asphalt! it is a sand pit designed to stop a big rig that is going down hill too fast and the brakes won't stop it. When the truck goes into the ramp it sinks up but doesn't wreck and kill anyone.

  6. People complain about not getting a picture etc. The same exact thing happens when people meet a celebrity. Your so star struck you don't think about it until later. I have met Gwen Stefanii, The Rock,Jack Nickleson,The Fanz (Henry Winkler),and Hulk Hogan,and Randy Savage and don't have a damn thing to show for it. All these celebrities and no pictures not even an autograph. You just get wrapped up in the experience and it slips your mind. Not blowing my own horn just been lucky, and explaining how easy it is to not even think about it. You just get caught up in the moment.

  7. But if they floored it and ran it over, they might have been surprised to find that it was a burly 6'8" burly truck driver.

  8. James-----You probably only "thought" you saw these said celebrities. Your encounters with them must be more "mistaken identity" claims.

  9. The area between East Beckley WV,Shady Springs, Sandstone and Lewisburg WV on Interstate 64 East are definate hotspots for recent Bigfoot activity. Check BFRO sightings in WV in the last few years. Match them on Google earth and it makes more sense visually.It seems there is a natural corridor there. Sandstone Mountain going down to the New River on 64 are where these run-off ramps are. At the bottom of the mountain at the Sandstone/Hinton exit is the New River Gorge Welcome Center. Right behind it on the mountain are reported sightings of a family of Bigfoots. I have been there several times and drove up the dirt road behind it. I heard loud screams from up on the mountain to the left of the road near a cemetary. I was so un-nerved I drove out of there as quick as possible. There have been recent sightings just 20 to 30 miles east near the interstate in Greenbrier County near Lewisburg, Sam Black Church and even pictures from a deer cam up on the mountain behind the Greenbrier Resort on Youtube. I am an amatuer bigfoot hunter. Tapemaster on Youtube researches this area as well and has videos of the road behind the New River Center. BFRO should investigate this area due to the number of Class A sightings and activity. The New River is a major factor I belive in where these creatures move to and from.

    1. They also move from there back to the south-east into the Shady Spring area. Nothing but woods and farms for miles.

  10. Way to many couch potatos who blurt out, "mistaken identity, or misidentified." I will acknowledge that a certain percentage of eyewitness accounts of bigfoot should be catagorized as misidentification, but not 99% that some people try to so loosely claim. It is much more feazible that the people shouting "misidentification" all of the time are the ones who are mistaken.

    The number of people claiming to see bigfoot are starting to far outnumber the ones who still cling to the idea that everyone is simple minded and seeing things that are not there or mistaking bears, dogs, or black men for bigfoot.

  11. Just like most of the films submitted, must be bigfoot captured....uh, no. I hold out belief that something exists, but most of the stuff reported or submitted is of no value. For example screams....there are many, many animals that make odd screams or pants etc...owls, horses, coyotes, rabbits etc. Once again, fear takes over and we imagine Bigfoot as the source.

    new anonymous

    1. Yea ain't that the truth? one scream and suddenly everyone is an expert in ALL game calls of the world and since it doesn't fit anything in the world that they know, it must be the Squatch-Scream!!

  12. I agree to the anonymous above my post. The first anonymous is clearly a "Fool" How is something that is 7 - 9 foot all, covered in hair, with a massive built, ( 500 to 1000 lbs. ) and walks or runs like a human, misidentified as anything else in North America.

    The lady's in the article only live a few miles from me, and I will try to get more information from them, then was written.

    Chuck in Ohio

  13. Forgot to say what happened to you Autumn is classic Bigoot behavior escorting you out of it's territory, but you already know that. West Virginia is completely forested and has more rugged terrain than the Rockies, is harboring a sizable Bigfoot population. I have driven through West Virginia at least a hundred times and at night I see more deer along the interstates, and state routes than any other state.

    Chuck in Ohio

  14. Chuck, you believe everything you hear? I could post a new sighting...."I just saw a UFO over my home...."
    "I was walking my dog along a country road and rocks were thrown at us, I thought it was kids until I saw a large dark shape with glowing eyes, it howled and boy did we run away. My dog broke her leash running from me."
    It must be true..... If you believe that look in the mirror re who is the fool. Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence.

    new anonymous

  15. Someone please shoot one or capture one! Someone please get a specimen!

  16. to new anonymous. I do believe everything I hear.
    That is why I am the new proud owner of the Brooklyn Bridge. Look in my driveway and you will see a turnip truck.

    Chuck in Ohio

  17. I went Terri Bessler's business this afternoon to speak with her. She own's an appx. 10,000 sq. ft. antique store in the heart of Tipp City, Ohio, about at 15 mile drive from my house. She was very friendly, and repeated what is contained in the above report. Her story came out as she originally posted it on facebook, where Mike Woods of the Tipp City Gazette saw it and decided to interview her for the story. They wanted to get a picture with her cell phone, but were traveled down I-64, between Charleston and Beckley WV ( she thought closer to Beckley ), and although they did slow down some, they could not stop on the interstate. The weather was clear. The creature they saw was walking up a runaway truck ramp, ( WV has quite a few of these due to the steep grades up to 8% grades, and I have never seen anyone on these in the hundred times I have traveled this same route ) and immediately stood out as it was completely dark colored with no clothing and was massive. She could not guess at the exact size of the creature, but said it was far larger than any human could possibly be, and walked with long strides. No facial or other features could be made due to the distance. I asked her why she would talk about this and put herself up for ridicule. She responded that she did not care what anybody else thought, as she knew what she had seen. She also mentioned that a WV Bigfoot Organization called her to today and wanted to meet.

    My thoughts are this. When you see something out in the open at a reasonable distance you know what you see, or at least what something is not. I am quite sure her and her friend Crystal saw a Bigfoot.

    Chuck in Ohio

  18. I am not making a joke when I say West Virginia may be one of the most populated areas for Bigfoot and the reason we do not know this has alot to do with the movie Deliverance. Remember how they said "Jaws made people afraid to go in the water". Deliverance made people afraid of those mountains and it has less campers and hikers than other similar areas throughout the country.

    Also not to offend anyone but "hill billy" type people do live in these mountains. While the area may be gorgeous and the victim of ridiculous stereotypes the fact is many people have preconceived notions that cause them to fear and stay out of this area.

    I believe there are still unexplored areas of these mountains like in the Pacific Northwest- we can explore and search these areas much easier than others but do not.

  19. Deliverance was filmed in North Georgia, not West Virginia. Similar looking topography however.

  20. True about the filming location but there are alot of inbred people up in them West Virginia hills. West Virginia sayings: Why go down the street when you can go down the hall? If she ain't good enough for family who's to say she's good enough for anybody else. When its kin deeper in.

    1. Ya... but your sister is the best we ever had! Tell her we said THANKS!

    2. uh! Ya'll stop already. its a blog about Sasquach not incest. Give it a rest

  21. I work in the woods 12 hours a day 7 days a week. I'm an ex marine and a fellow coworker is a ranger. We have both heard big foot follow us in the exact manner as was said a few times. He knows where you are and exactly what your doin. I never believed until I heard him myself. I was sharing my story with the ranger and he told me about what he had heard. A very large animal on two distinct controlled steps. Not four legs no mountain cats and not a bear. Sasquatch is a species for sure. Bavington, acid dump, log cabin rd. Big area and is there.

  22. Anonymous ur intelligence is so ignorant that you believe we are the only people or tjing in the universe that could exist right well they said giant squids were just fairytales but wait whats that oh yeah we found them anf all the animals that wete thought to be extinct since dinosaurs oh wait we're finding they're still alive so please buddy expand ur mind beyond your own stupidity and realize one day bigfoot will be a known species oh and the government knoes they exist look at the national parks books from 1974 from washington paid for and put out by the u.s government and what animal is in there oh my is that bigfoot omg buddy yoir not bright do some real research before you open ur mouth


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