Matt Moneymaker: If a live Bigfoot were to be discovered, caught and studied... [Finding Bigfoot]

BFRO founder Matt Moneymaker (right),
with his team (from left): Cliff Barackman, James “Bobo” Fay and Ranae Holland

As season two of Finding Bigfoot edges closer to the January 1st premiere date, the crew has been busy making the rounds, attending conventions and giving interviews in faraway places, like the Philippines.

President of the BFRO and Superstar Bigfoot Hunter Matt Moneymaker was interviewed in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and was asked about what would happen if a live Bigfoot were to be discovered, caught and studied.

Moneymaker gave the 'King Tut' analogy and talked about how the discovery will affect human beings:

“Here’s the analogy: the discovery of King Tut’s tomb by some archaeologists in the 1920s had this very big impact in the West where all of a sudden there was this huge sudden appreciation of the antiquities,” Moneymaker explained. “I think it will definitely create a resurgence of appreciation for the natural world, maybe the ancient world, too. It’s a benefit to you. It’s a very healthy thing and it really makes you appreciate your own land, wherever it is, in a way you wouldn’t have done before because you would never have made the effort to go to some of these wild places if not for these things.”

Read the entire article below from Philippine Daily Inquirer:

“We have been doing Bigfoot expeditions for years,” Matt Moneymaker, president and founder of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, told the Inquirer in a phone interview. “We have been taking people out to places where there had been sightings, and we’re the only ones who still do that.”

In the Animal Planet show “Finding Bigfoot,” the group searches for the elusive titular creature (also known as Sasquatch, Yeti or Abominable Snowman) and goes on a cross-country expedition intended to answer questions posed by the old, baffling mystery.
Investigating what witnesses consider as Sasquatch sightings, Moneymaker and his crew interview locals and examine evidence – activities that bring them to some possible forest habitats in Georgia, Washington, and Alaska, among other places.
“We’re not talking about a single mythical thing/monster figure,” he said. “We’re talking about a species that people have spotted in different places around the world.”

The “biggest worry” of the team is getting injured in the woods at night. “We worry about getting a stick in the eye, which can happen very easily when you’re sneaking around in the woods and chasing things in the dark in a forest. Then the next things obviously are mountain lions, big cats. Big cats are far more dangerous.”

The Bigfoot has long been described as a very tall, hairy creature that partly resembles an ape and has humanlike movements. Sightings have been reported in Malaysia, Northern Vietnam, India and China, aside from the United States. There have also been a couple of hoaxes, according to Moneymaker, but the researcher stated that there are also records of eyewitness accounts dating back to “hundreds of years.”

“It goes back way beyond; the faking didn’t start until the late 1960s, but there are very good descriptions of these things in artwork and stuff going back to the 1800s in the United States.”

Many supposed sightings turn out to be glimpses of bears or other animals, but these don’t dissuade the group from continuing their mission. “That’s what we try to investigate. When we go out, when we talk to witnesses or we go to a location, there are a few things you consider in those situations,” Moneymaker said. “It’s the circumstances and it’s the person. It’s just like what a lawyer would do in court. What you believe you saw, is that what really happened? So we have to analyze it that way and you end up still with a lot of them where there’s no way they could have been looking at a bear.”

Moneymaker added that more people from all over the world now believe in the existence of the enigmatic species. “I think it’s a good thing,” he said. “I guess [it means] they’re hearing, not just that some people in some place [believe] in something, but that some people in some place are saying they’re seeing something. That’s what’s happening here. It’s not a matter of ‘Do a lot of Americans believe they exist?’ No, but the amazing thing is how many Americans claim that they have seen one up close or from a distance. That’s the fascinating thing because it continues to happen. After you have a certain amount of witnesses, then you really have to listen to what they’re saying, if they’re all describing the same thing.”

And if a live Bigfoot were to be discovered, caught and studied, it would significantly affect human beings. “Here’s the analogy: the discovery of King Tut’s tomb by some archaeologists in the 1920s had this very big impact in the West where all of a sudden there was this huge sudden appreciation of the antiquities,” Moneymaker explained. “I think it will definitely create a resurgence of appreciation for the natural world, maybe the ancient world, too. It’s a benefit to you. It’s a very healthy thing and it really makes you appreciate your own land, wherever it is, in a way you wouldn’t have done before because you would never have made the effort to go to some of these wild places if not for these things.”


  1. Stop the bullshit and find a friggin Bigfoot already. Kill or capture one, else it is meaningless like the rest of Matt Moneymakers stories.

    1. People are trying infact lots of people! Still nothing to be found.

  2. Actually they were faked back in the late 1950's not the late 60's as he's said. Also, MM is not the only group out there looking as he also suggests.....I doubt he will again, turn up much of anything with the exception of a few unverified sounds or "questionable" thermals of something headed into the tree line....

  3. Can you feel the envy ?? It glows radiantly.

    Yes, the BFRO is still the only group that organizes bigfoot expeditions. Greene organizes expeditions for the BFRO. Rick Dyer's claims to organize "expeditions" but those don't ever happen.

    Dyer was one of the two hustlers from Georgia who tried to deceive the media with a bigfoot costume in a box. Later he claimed he did it because bigfoots don't really exist.

    I'll tell you what does not exist ... someone who paid to go on a Rick Dyer expeditions.

  4. This is kinda scary--sounds like BFRO is the McDonald's franchise of BF hunting. They will put their stamp and ownership on anything BF-related.

  5. I agree with the first post above. The methods used by the Finding Bigfoot gang are for entertainment purposes only. They aren't seriously trying to find/prove bigfoot. If they were, then the only methods that they would employ would involve a capture or kill. A capture or kill are the only things that will prove that bigfoot exists. We've had enough of the decades of B.S. shenanigans when it comes to bigfoot. The Finding Bigfoot group is doing nothing but making money by entertaining people who buy into the bigfoot mystery.

  6. I wonder who will find conclusive evidence for their target first...Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, BFRO or any other groups chasing "mysteries"......tick, tick, long will the public be interested if after years of intensive search

    IF the DNA project is real and the results stand up..great. Enough of the anecdotal and fraudulent stories.

  7. Evidence... there is none... seriously, all the cameras that are out there, 300 million people and yet no clear photo of bigfoot? I have gone from a true believer to a knower that it's a social construct over the past year. There's nothing there. Show me the evidence!

  8. What would happen if a live Bigfoot were to be discovered, caught and studied? What would happen is that the gravy train would derail for
    Moneymaker and his gang, and they would have to get day jobs.

  9. I can see why you would think the methods are for entertainment purposes only but what you see is an edited version of everything that takes place over a 4 to 5 day period. There is alot of editing done for the purpose of presenting a one hour show in not only an entertaining manner but also a clear one which the viewer can understand.

    Great job on the website, I really like it.

  10. A little info for people talking about "all the hunters trail cameras etc". About 6-8 years ago there was a study (I can't remember who exactly did it,I will look it up) conducted on hunters. All these guys that claim they park their vehicles and walk like 2-3 miles back in the woods to their "secret spot". Something like 150 or more of them were given GPS units and told to go about their normal hunt, none of their info would be released. Out of say 200 or so only about 5 actually went a mile or more out into the woods from where they left the road. All the ARM CHAIR SKEPTICS don't realize how difficult it is to navigate through the woods and its a lot harder to beat the bushes than walking down a sidewalk or walk a mile on your treadmill, or a cleared hiking trail in your city park. These people only thought they were going out a couple miles because the terrain was rough, or they were making their own trail. Everyone thinks were so superior and we've seen all their is to see. When the truth is their are a lot of places just in the U.S. we have never seen. Oh yeah its been seen from the air and satellites but nobody has stepped foot there in a long time if ever. There's still alot of untouched land out there.

    1. That's a cool story, still don't make bigfoot real.

  11. There is a show on NatGeo about Atlantis and it allows for a likely comparison to Bigfoot. Bimany Road was discovered in 1968- they have examined it and it is clear it is manmade and they have found ancient artifacts as well. Despite the fact it is clear that it is not a natural formation many scientists still say it is a natural occurring phenomena.

    They found similar structures under water near Japan and now scientists have found other ancient civilizations older than we thought possible and this was on a show on the History Channel last month.

    Bigfoot will likely go the same route - even if they get a body- scientists will say it was an escaped Gorilla, a hoax and really a dead human or ape with unique features or a "mutation". Some may even say it was cross bred in a lab.

    Look at the evidence today- it is beyond obvious this creature exists. Its not a lack of evidence that causes people to say it does not exist but a real fear and refusal to admit that people in the past were just very wrong about something.

  12. To many people have drank societies kool-aid that says if its not normal its not real. No one can see outside the lines that society or the media have drawn for them. I CAN ONLY SHOW YOU THE DOOR, YOUR THE ONE THAT HAS TO WALK THROUGH IT.

  13. I agree with the above post about justifying a bigfoot corpse as a mutation or hoax. Our society is not prepared to admit this creature really exists. Enough circumstancial evidence already to prove bigfoots existence. I was a true skeptic until an encounter myself. I had no idea about BFRO. A friend told me to report it to the BFRO website. I did. Later, a team shows up at my home/property to investigate. By the way, I live in the middle of nowhere in WV. I have a really good photograph of a BF track that I discovered. About 18x8. So, BFRO (IMHO) is the real deal.

  14. If a live Bigfoot was caught, it would vaporize into thin air, right in front of your eyes. Unless you had it sedated before leaving it in a holding cell with door, walls, floor and ceiling impregnated with 10,000 volt wiring that stops anything attempting to pass through it in another dimension. They have one of these holding cells at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Other than that, it's a piece of cake.

  15. if you only spent 20 years finding a bigfoot and havn't caught it on tape matt moneymaker don;t you
    think that you should try searching for bigfoot by trying to be quite for a change like every body elese
    that has caught one on tape. you have probably never have gone hunting. you should not going out there hollering like a bunch of bazerks like you guys do.
    even the indians told you to be quite and try smacking to rocks together.p.s.the patterson gremlin film could not be real if he barrowed money to make the film of bigfoot,patterson had to have the money shot of bigfoot,or patterson would have lost all of his money that he invested in making a film of bigfoot.


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