Is this a Bigfoot grave? Arizona Bigfoot researchers think it's possible they bury their dead in these things

Bigfoot grave or Bigfoot bed?

In June 2010, Mitch Waite and his Arizona Bigfoot researchers found this nice, cushy bed that looked like it was dug up by hand or with a stick. Mitch believes it’s possible that it was used as a bed by someone or something at one point. On Twitter today, Mitch suggested that it’s also possible that this could have been a grave and may explain why no bones have ever been found.

Mitch said that there were no shovel marks on the ground, just some sharp sticks. He said it looked like sticks and hands were used to dig the hole.

After picking through it and they weren’t able to find anything, not even a hair.

“We do that, but you still have to defile one in order to record it and collect it--otherwise we don't learn anything. We don't tear apart everything we find, and that makes some of our viewers mad. They seem to think we should kill or capture any specimen at any cost to life or limb to both the researchers and the specimen. That is not in our mission or charter statements.”


  1. Thanks Shawn, because with this great video we now know that Bigfoots dig graves long in advance of burial.
    And, they are the same size as us because a guy can lay in it.
    And, that single big mound of dirt at the side shows what a reach Bigfoot has digging with bare hands.
    It all fits because Human hunters don't lay in wait for game.
    Definitely this is a Bigfoot grave.
    This is real proof and a YouTube memorable.

  2. STARTLING evidence of hunters... in the woods. If not, it's nice to know BF pads out it's very shallow grave. What a load.

  3. Anyone from AZ and up on "The Rim," knows how rain water falls down the hills, especially in places where there is snowfall up above 3500 feet, that along a protective spot like a fallen tree, you will get these crevices and they will fill with all the debris (needles) from the forest above. I've stepped into one of these before and much of the dry ground crumbled away. It was filled with sticks and needles and pine cones that had all gathered during the melt away of the winter snow. If they really believed this was some kind of "nest" or burial spot, they would have gone through those needles with a magnifying glass and look for hairs. I'm not at all convinced about this one.

  4. Anom #1, are you fucked bro? Go fuck a Moneymaker

  5. AF

    you may be onto something in that Bigfoots may take advantage of natural phenomena you describe as a further means of cover.

    Rather than digging or building a nest modify one of these existing crevices because they are common and not thought out of the ordinary.

    I used to be a big fan of Mitche but now I don't know- if Bigfoot really lived in the nest he found we would have discovered BigFoot long ago as the nest he found stuck out.

    I do believe his picture is real but also that he may find things people want him to find.

    As far as this picture I vote for option number 3

    A hiding spot the bigfoot constructed when Mitche started coming to the area and setting up trail cams. If they have to they can use that to hide if they are surprised.

  6. The first post at the top sounds very much like Matt Moneymaker. Hmmm... did he pay us a visit?

  7. If it's a squatch's bed, hide nearby and wait until it returns to go to sleep. When it lies down, blast it (or smother it with a pillow). That's how a specimen can be obtained.

  8. Are the choices really just 'Bigfoot bed' or 'Bigfoot grave' bc I was thinking maybe it's just a hole in the ground.

  9. Yes, like anonymous says: wait until the Bigfoot comes back and falls asleep in his ground hole then take a pillow and smother it. Or you could leave a deadly snake, scorpion or tarantula in the hole. Either way, Bam! Specimen obtained. Thanks anonymous!

  10. Just a hole in the ground?Did you not see the piles of dirt beside the hole?
    I don't know who or what made it,or what it was used for.Seems to shallow for a grave and too narrow for a Bigfoot bed unless it slept on it's side.
    The tree branches covering part of the "hole" and the grass inside it is interesting.
    It's too bad there wasn't a wider shot showing a larger area of ground for perspective.

  11. I've been reading as much as I can about the PG film and came across a story about Bob Titmus.
    According to the story,he dug himself a pit just like this to sleep in when he got caught in the forest after dark.
    This could quite possibly be made by a person in a similar situation.

  12. One thing is for sure, it's not a grave. Yes, BF's do bury their dead in various ways, including human type graves, but the graves are dug after the death of the BF within a few hours, then the dead is placed in the grave, and last a huge rock is placed over the grave. They don't dig them in advance.

    Yes, BF's do make a variety of nests, but I have never heard of them making one out of digging a hole in the ground. But it's possible.

  13. @Anon#4 the video shows this group of researchers presenting their own fantasies as facts. If you are any indication, they don't sound nice either.

  14. I think that it couldn't be a Bigfoot. It fits too closely when someone laid down in it. I'd guess someone was practicing their survival skills.

  15. On my list of explanations for a hole in the ground, Bigfoot's bed came in at reason number 400,000.

  16. Mitch Wade along with those on AZCRO is Arizonas Tom Biscardi. Need I say anything else.

    1. What proof do you have? Why make outlandish accusations without providing supportive evidence? It just seems cowardly to do so.

  17. This ditch is actually an "ape rape chamber" if you will. Squatches dig these with clam shells a day in advance of snatching adult, or sometimes even adolescent, human males and/or females from nearby campsites. They tenderly lay the victim in the ditch face down for easy access to the anal cavity, without the possibillity of escape by the rapee. It seems they only penetrate rectums, as victims have always been reported as MALE more than female(hence they only want to take the Hershey Highway),and no documentation of giving oral. Its CLASSIC squatch behavior. Many scientists beleive squatches have yet to discover the human vagina(like so many high school students), which would explain why more males are pounded and there are never any human/squatch hybrids. It is also believed the squatches found a history book of ancient Europe, learned English from it, and closely studies the Viking pillaging techniques. We have come to this conclusion becuase the hole is a perfect size for a human to fit in while the squatch lays on top to thwart any escape attempt, as well as the NUMEROUS reports from this area of Viking style squatches with elk horns on their heads, who whisk people away only end up with a sore, resized rectum the next day. THIS IS SCIENTIFIC FACT.

    1. omg my dad wasnt lying then. ive grown up without my mom and he told me a bigfoot grabbed her and took her up a tree to throw her to her death, then grabbed him and put him in some kind of primitive BDSM device to give him the ol in out in out for hours and hours straight. said it was a queer bigfoot but i always thought deep down my dad killed my mom and made that up. wow..that must have been a FLAMING homosquatchual to do that.


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