First Episode of Finding Bigfoot Season 2 Features a Baby Bigfoot [2 VIDEOS]

Baby Bigfoot Swings From Tree Limb?

Get ready ladies and gentlemen, the next season is going to be amazing. The first episode of Finding Bigfoot season two will be featuring a baby Bigfoot swinging from tree to tree. Here's what Matt Moneymaker and Bobo said about the footage:

On the Season premiere of Finding Bigfoot, Sunday, January 1st, 10PM on Animal Planet, called "Baby Bigfoot," the quartet of investigators head to the Catskills in New York near Poughkeepsie to provide in-depth analysis of 15-year-old video footage from 1997 that indicates a juvenile or baby sasquatch could have been in the area at the time.

"Even though this area of the Hudson River Valley is fairly populated and not terribly far from the urban New York City, there is still a lot of forest here," explains Moneymaker, "and a lot of vegetation to support something like a sasquatch."

"It is definitely a primate," adds Bobo. "I think we're looking at a juvenile sasquatch, which is quite amazing because [seeing] a baby is incredibly rare."

Breakdown video by FB/FB:

#4. New York Baby Bigfoot 1997 (extended): Upstate New York, camping at a music festival a 5' tall creature is lifted into tree, climbs around effortlessly at night for 44 seconds. Coned head BF sits in view. Discovered 5 years after filming. No known ape/creature has that size and ability. BF has need to observe or listen, to survive all known predators, (American lion, cougar) juveniles would have to be able to move this quickly in trees.


  1. Holy hell! This is beginning to remind me of orbs in the ghost hunting to world. That's a limb swaying in the wind and the funny thing is sometimes limbs have their leaves at the end and look rather floppy like on eucalyptus trees. I gotta admit, this is fun! Keep these goofy vids coming. It keeps me busy while awaiting those supposedly world-changing DNA results (hmm)

  2. Really Autumn.. I never looked at that like a tree limb. If you locate the original full version online, you can see a lot more of the baby and the adult. the adult moves back and forth below while there is a lot of footage of the baby in the tree. I always had taken this as a man and his shoulder monkey until lately.. Pretty good video when you see the full version.

  3. full video:

  4. If it's the breeze, why aren't any of the other branches moving at all? That seems like a weak explanation.

    Of course, it doesn't scream baby bigfoot to me. I'd be more inclined to blame an escaped Chimpanzee or something, which really isn't that unlikely.

  5. If it's the breeze, why aren't any of the other branches moving at all? That seems like a weak explanation.

    Of course, it doesn't scream baby bigfoot to me. I'd be more inclined to blame an escaped Chimpanzee or something, which really isn't that unlikely.

  6. If it's not bigfoot, it's definitely a chimp or something similar. Unfortunately, it's not a good enough resolution for further analysis.

  7. Sorry for the double post up there! Don't know how that happened.

  8. The article says, "No known ape/creature has that size and ability." This is typical B.S. bigfoot talk. There are plenty of monkeys/apes that are this size (and far larger). There are thousands of people who own pet monkeys/apes. Like all footage, there is no way to prove or disprove what this is.

  9. That sure looks like a gibbon to me. That's exactly how I've seen gibbons act at the zoo. Although they are not good pets, there are people who keep gibbons as pets.

  10. This is typical of many bigfoot clips. Out of focus, distant, and firmly inconclusive.

    How does anyone know that this was filmed where it is claimed to have been filmed? This entire filming could have been a set-up on someone's property. "Okay, you start talking, and you release the monkey in the background; the rest of you act nonchalant, like you're having fun camping."

    No way is that "bigfoot" swinging in the tree 5 feet tall. I agree with the post above. The way it's behaving as it swings in the tree screams gibbon.

  11. Once again, why look for Zebras when a monkey will do?
    Occam's razor says....monkey if this is an animal.
    Unusual? Yes, but like others have said, nothing says Sasquatch. Why would a reclusive beast be active in front of a party of humans with a juvenile in tow? Were boulders thrown at the car? Ear splitting screams emitted?

  12. I agree with Mike. I have watched this video several times. I agree it is a primate and if it is not a Baby Bigfoot they why wasn't there noise,you know that monkey noise? My main question about the baby and older bigfoot is - Why were they so close to the people? The full video is interesting especially when you magnify the screen you're watching. If they do more video presentations the program might hold my attention. I wish they would present it more like Unsolved Mysteries. That tromping through the forest just doesn't do it for me.

  13. A swinging limb in the wind? C'mon Autumn...go hunt for those orbs.

  14. I agree with the posts above. It's a pet gibbon:

  15. Yup. I agree too. It's a gibbon.

  16. Could well be real. Who owns a pet gibbon? This was shot on private property. There was a music festival taking place at the lake, and everyone coming in was being searched drugs and weapons. It would have been pretty hard to smuggle a gibbon or chimp on the property. Further, this gibbon would have had to have been exceptionally large sized. In addition, the adult figure has a coned head. The small ape is 3-4 feet tall. That is about as tall as the Jacobs figure, which I feel is a baby Bigfoot.

    1. Robert, I written about this many times, I was at the Limbo lake concert with my cousin, he brought along his "pet monkey" to pick up girls (it didn't work. plenty of people saw us 20 or more, plus the security chased us over to the camping area. It go loose 9my fault0 while my cousin was doing a "nature call".

      The big image at the base of the Tree was me, with my cousin on my shoulders trying to catch him. The campers in the video even tried to help us. It stayed lost for 2 years, was killed by a car near new Paltz N.Y. A trooper meet us at the site. My cousin removed the small black collar, and put the remain in the woods near a white farm house.

      I've written to Cliff, who posted my report on his Website. he wanted more proof, but it was such a long time ago, my cousin never kept anything. We didn't know "at the time' that this incident would become a video of a "Baby Bigfoot'. it's just pure desperation. i have a retired trooper's name that recalls the missing monkey, plus 3 young girls now grown that remembered us. I have the proof but nobody want to investigate further.

    2. Robert, I can be reached at i have nothing to gain from this.

  17. How do you know with certainty that it was shot on private property when a music festival was taking place? This could just be the back story for a hoax.

    The subject in question doesn't seem that big. There's no way to get an accurate scale measurement or to clearly tell how tall the subject in question is.

    Nothing in the distance can be clearly seen. No cone head can be clearly seen. It could just as well be a human (a human releasing a monkey into a tree?).

    There are many people with gibbons, legal or not (google it). Far more likely to be someone's pet monkey than a bigfoot baby swinging around just like a monkey.

    I believe that bigfoot exists, but I don't believe that in this case the evidence points more strongly to a bigfoot than a monkey/ape.

  18. Anon, maybe those will be some of the questions answered on the show? Eh?

  19. Autumn I guess you're going to have to watch the episode to see the footage enlarged. How can you not see the creature swinging from the tree? Wind blowing the branches? You're not even displaying competent skepticism.

  20. Autumn, there is no way that is a tree limb in that video. You are really stretching trying to say that...

  21. What are they doing, jamming to the music? A bigfoot stomp! Pull up a seat hairy man and pound some drums.
    If current anatomical descriptions of bigfoot are accurate of the yet to be found animal, Gorillas do climb up and down and I have watched adults and babies climb at Brookfield zoo. Could a young one climb a tree for safety, sure, as do bears. The most likely explanation is a human with a pet monkee.

    new anonymous

  22. I agree. I watched the Gibbon clip posted by someone above. The figure in the tree sure looks and moves like it's a gibbon. My guess is that this entire thing was staged.

  23. Yeah Autumn, Matt Moneymaker, and the producers of "finding bigfoot" all decided to use up a whole episode (their season premiere no less) on a video that shows a clump of leaves blowing in the wind. I know you think of yourself as some self appointed authority that has to comment on every post because you "blog", but you really may want to consider staying in your lane. It's funny how you ridicule this field when you "specialize" in psychic and paranormal activity. Hilarious.

  24. Does not move like an animal, in any way, shape or form. Ridiculous.

  25. It's a hoax. You can see the person's head who is releasing a monkey into a tree.

  26. There is a creature in the tree. What it is is inconclusive, and I'll leave it at that.

    Chuck in Ohio

  27. The arm length looks more like a gibbon than anything else, and if you bother to look at the full version on youtube, it's active up there for long enough to discern it from being a branch or anything like that. No evidence it's a bigfoot, however.

  28. Why would anyone jump to the conclusion that it's a bigfoot baby? The far more likely conclusion is that it's a monkey.

  29. Anonymous folks--you really need to put it back in your pants when you see a video like that and see a baby bigfoot swinging around in the top of a tree and yet you ridicule other videos as preposterous. That you decide this video is something so ludicrous sounds like you're backing your team even if your team stinks. There is way too much "team" worship in the BF world. Start looking at all evidence independently and not what "team" it's associated with. Be a leader and not a sheep. Think for yourselves.

  30. Is it too late for them to come up with something else for the first episode of season 2? Millions of people who watch this are going to laugh at us bigfoot people for trying to make a hoax with a pet monkey into a "baby bigfoot."

  31. Yes, the little bigfoot is cool.But I have seen a big 8 footer in a tree. Throwing sticks at me.Me my 12 Gauge,2 dogs went on with our hike though the woods.Watched it climb down tree. and run off too.

  32. autumn no one is saying its a baby bigfoot but i mwan cmon you have to be mentally challenged to think its a branch hahaha thats pretty hilarious!

  33. yea autumn what are you talking about? its pretty obvious its not a bigfoot probably not, but a branch? lol seriously???

  34. I agree that it is not a branch with leaves blowing, because the other braches aren't doing that. It would be more beleivable to say that it is a piece of garbage like a black plastic bag caught in the tree. I see the other figure on the ground, but not really seeing it lifting the smaller thing into the tree or getting off its shoulders. I don't agree that it is five feet tall. That sounds like someone trying to make it fit the profile of a baby bigfoot. I don't think that those small branches would support a 5 foot, 100+lb animal that well. Also, something that size wouldn't move with that speed and agility. If its an animal, its a monkey 2 to 3 feet tall.

  35. I myself have seen a little bigfoot in a tree. 1987, The hog-pen area in oklahoma.Along the caney river.In order to have large bigfoot's you start with little foots.We!!!watch this little guy for 2 hours just hanging out. We were watching for mom. and mom was there too!Later that winter I found their stick hut.Cool to see.The best that I know what happen to that little guy?CHAUTAUQUA for fact!

  36. Humans have released or lost "pets" for decades upon decades. Every "Zoo" creature known to man has been someones pet and been released or got loose. Most unknown sightings are explainable. Many are hoaxers or liars or simply mistaken.
    With today's Technology like Trail Camera's and Infra red video recorders and all the millions of people out in the woods with this Technology, not ONE single piece of PROOF. Not a bone, a hair or body. Show me the PROOF i can touch and then i will believe.
    Besides, i can't understand why ANYONE would watch these Morons out in the woods hooting and howling like, well, Morons. They even butcher the word Sasquatch. Every sound is a "Squatch". Every Foot print is a "Squatch". Every picture or Video is, yes, you guessed it, a "Squatch". Get a real job people. Park your gas guzzling SUV and Helicopter and work for a living. Your embarrassing this counrty.

  37. Like other said, it could be a gibbon.

    Look at this video of swinging gibbons:

  38. Lmao at anonymous,i agree they need to shut up with the word squatch. It's annoying.

  39. This reminds me of the OTHER Upper New York baby Bigfoot video of a few years ago (1 or 2). These might even be the same individuals swinging in the trees. Has anyone done a follow up to compare the two cases????

    1. What other video are you talking about? Is it on youtube?

  40. Dumbest fucking show ever on TV. 100% bullshit every second, how they can film this garbage and say "Squatch" without laughing out loud is beyond me. People will do anything for a buck.

  41. This one makes me laugh, It's probably a guy with a pet monkey, In the '70's i knew guys who had monkeys and i've seen them in the trees near my house when i lived in LA. Ever see a monkey on a guys shoulder, yep all the time. I even know a guy right now who brought a monkey back from Vietnam in 1970 when he was stationed over there during the war and the monkey is still alive and well living at home with him and no one in this town knows of it. He's kept it a secret for over 40 years. True story!

  42. If this is a pet monkey where is the long tail that all monkeys have?

    1. Gibbons (which are the most likely candidate for this vid) are lesser apes not monkeys, they do not have tails. Please even some minuscule research could have told you that (not trying to be a dick just saying before criticizing someone's actual factual evidence please put in some research of your own).

  43. I was told to watch this video. We where at that music festival and there was a gentleman that had a five year old chimp with him. I cannot believe no one else has mentioned this fact yet.

  44. If this is a gibbon or really any ape, how would the owner retrieve it? once its off in the trees. Good luck with that one...have to agree with the zoo keeper from the show. Again like most vid's impossibe to give a definitive identification.

    To anon 1/1 at 9:24....proof of a naturally dead bigfoot? first show us proof of a naturally dead apex predator, like a bear or cougar, hard pressed to find that in the woods and forests. i suppose the only way for 100% proof is DNA.

  45. as 1 poster has told you. ive read on youtube the chimp at the festivl story too.wasnt here so dont if its true.pity as it ws the only video for me that showed something interesting.always thought it was somebodies pet monkey.if it was an adukt BF outline moving like that then u would have something.
    having read the chimp at festival from 2 different people ,that kind of tells u what we are watching,imo
    the other interesting video is when an adult bf and baby tiptoe along the branch. the only problem with that is the tiptoe thing. how could a 500pd mammal tiptoe along a branch without the whole thing collapsing,kind of ridiculas
    then their is the white horse video[my final conclusion]video. at first view it a holy shit moment'thats no hman' ,then u realise its blurry out of focus and cleary is a horse once your mind accepts this figure is one.
    shame as those 3videos were the only videos ive seen that ,at first, couldnt explain.
    this one,if im honest,was always a monkey in a tree
    i;ll always show interest as u never know

  46. 'pet chimp',th guy calls it on here too. ive seen a guy who clais to have been there tht night ,he says there was a man there with a chimp! end of 'mystery'really! so why is this still doing the rounds on BF sites / youtube and 'finding bigfoot' seems like lazy research or theyre running out of clips lets face it they are all ambiguous at best we all know there is no 'smoking gun' evidence.
    even if novody said there was a gu there with a chimp it is very obvious it is a monkey of some decription. we can clearly see it moving in a monkey way/the size/the guy letting it jump from his shoulder in that usuual pet monkey way!
    if this is what is 'evidence' of bf no wonder researchers of quality are moving on. the issue is dominated by sef imposed 'ex[erts' from youtube of these fab 4. it all very sad and laughable in the 21st century to see. for me,its harder and harder to argue that there could be something there. i certainly wouldnt show this video to a mate who i was trying to make think there may be something there He would rightly say 'its just a monkey'.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  47. It's a webworm hanging from a branch close to the camera.

  48. I was with my cousin and his "Pet Monkey' at the Limbo Lake concert Modena, N.Y. in 1997. 20 or more people saw us, including 2 guards that chased over into where there were campers. I've written about A retired State trooper and 2 others have contacted me. I've written about this many times. But my "Posts" were always taken down. Cliff of "Finding Bigfoot" fame wanted proof. My cousin kept no proof as it was a long time ago. The "Pet Monkey" was lost for 2 years. Then hit by a car. write to me I will tell you more. I need your help!

  49. the guy i read the other day is bang on.Its a pet gibbon that was at the festival! 'finding bigfoot' lot can say all they want, pets were banned, a someone was bit the last year by a dog.utter nonsense. they are in the country they could be attacked or bitten by any natural animal. There was a youtube video of some people saying hey was aguy with a pet gibbon letting people get their photo taken with it,here was also an accomoying photo to go with it. i cant find it after a cursory look for it so cant post a link!

    Anyway type in gibbon in trees and see that is this animal is,its almost identical to the gibbon movemnets of any film of this animal in a tree.

    to suggest its juvinle BF is nonensical. It bears no reemblance to the 'so called' films of a BF[patty etc].i kow baby animal are different from what they become but not this different. It is a skinny mobile monkey we are watching not a bipedal thick,muscular apeman.

    Nobody needs to be an 'expert' like those wonderful insightful characters like fb/fb,team tazer[approved,man] etc

    lets face it there is no fil out there that shows a Bf including patty[taken by a man in debt with a remit to film a BF,amazingly he films the same female squatch he drew in his book a year before in the only open ground for miles around,amazing luck,lol].'<atilda',lets face it looks like a haggy carpet with a pump underit. why did the filmer not move a step to either side nd film its limbs etc...= because it s a hoax

    If its true and matilda stands up walks up and growls at camer the walks away.if that sequence happens and it passes all expert filming checks so its not CGI etc...then it will go a long way to proving this myth is real and i'll gladly be wrong

    Until then all I see is a huge hoax.No animal ,in their tousands,that sizecould possible stay hidden in North America

    can hardly believe adults are discussing this

    i await the troll,eat crow[whatever that means,im guessing some teenage coment].i wont be hear to read the usual shit

    keeplooking thougha i want to be wrong but i cant belive blindly believe 10ft monsters are walking about campsites,back yards etc...and nobody has smoking gun footage,body etc...


  50. Why would you have something so interesting to watch and keep talking putting your big head in he way!!!

  51. My name is John W. Jones. My Email address is One more time (and the last time) I will state this:
    Back in 1997, me and my cousin attended a concert at Limbo Lake Medina, New York. We brought his "Pet Money" to this concert, to pick up girls( it didn't work) We easily got past the security. 20 or more people saw us including many children.

    Afet about an hour, the security got wind of us, so we went onto the other side of the lake, where the camp grounds were. My cousin "Had to take a dump" I held onto his monkey. It was a nasty bitch and got away from me. It jump into the tree in that Video. My cousin got onto my shoulders to try to reach it. That's us at the base of the tree. The campers in the video, even tried to help us. They knew it was a "Pet Monkey"

    It got away, we searched for 2 weeks. But the Landowner kept kicking us off his land. We notified the State Police at New Paltz, New York about the escaped monkey.

    Two years later, the state police called saying there was a dead monkey by Rt7 (New Paltz). It was my cousin's as it still had the small black collar on it.

    I informed Animal planet when I heard they were going to show this Video as a "Baby Bigfoot". They didn't want to hear my side of the story at all!

    I wrote to Cliff (Of Finding Bigfoot) about this, but of course he wanted proof. We had no proof, as this took place over 15+ years ago! Does anyone keep records for 15 years, not to many i bet. Anyway, I obtained some proof; a retired State Trooper that recalls the escaped monkey search, and sevral people that were at the concert and remember the "Pet Monkey' and sevral photos. Again I wrote Animal Planet, Cliff Etc. "They didn't want to hear it" to them, this was proof there are Bigfoots out there".

    I have nothing to gain by this at all. I was accused of making this up, Lieing about etc. I just wish in 1997 I had the foresight to doucement me and my cousin's attendence at this concert.

    You see, I'm using my "Real Name' and show my Email address. I have nothing to hide, only want to "Set the record' straight. I will be willing to take a lie detector test, as what I state is thw Whole truth!

  52. firstly i work in a zoo,not with oprimates granted, but i see them come to their handlers/feeders regulary.

    I have no doubt if you took one ,as a pet, ino the countryside,it would come back when called.
    it would enjoy playing in tnhe trees but a captive bred primate knows it needs its handler fr food and survival.

    this is a gibbon.anyone who has ever seen one would tell you that.

    a bigfoot;please!

  53. Dumbasses, the branches that give the appearance of a neck and chest definition are clearly present during the daylight. Clearly a cow chilling out.


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