FB/FB: Breakdown of NewYorkBigfooter Sasquatch log-peeking footage [Bigfoot Footage]

This Bigfoot "Log-peeker" footage has been on YouTube for a few months and this breakdown by FB/FB includes the work of JP Smith and CXD4. They confirmed it's a Sasquatch on multiple points: heavy brow ridge, huge nocturnal eyes, tree-hiding/peeking, observing from a strategic position, escorting and a possible auburn cone.

***We love this New Bigfoot Video*** #53 of 73 "NewYorkBigfooter films a "Log-peeker" Included is a compilation of NYB's best research, including two great knocks record, great tracks and stick structures. The Video confirms on heavy brow ridge, huge nocturnal eyes, tree-hiding/peeking, observing from a strategic position, escorting and a possible auburn cone. Thanks to JP Smith and CXD4 for their work.

[via www.facebook.com]


  1. @atheist you should do a breakdown video of how this is not a Sasquatch. To balance things out. :)

  2. That's a great idea Shawn.Breakdowns are a lot of work but worth every minute.
    I don't really see much either.I see the object but I just can't see any details.
    It's still an interesting video.As usual,I'll have to watch it over and over.It's just something I do.

  3. Yeah a lot of these the guy is like "you can see the brow ridge there" and I'm like, I can barely make out the general shape of the body. But I'm assuming that when you look at something over and over again things start to become clearer, or you just start to see things that weren't there before or whatever.

  4. Huh? That could have been a freaking tree fungus. Besides, what's with the Fasano comparison? Didn't he just admit to being a total shyster? I swear, if this were porn, I'd ask for my money back. Don't even bring us "evidence" like that claim-sters. I'm gonna thrown my popcorn at the screen. Keep it coming, Shawn. This is too much fun.

  5. WTF is that? There is something there, I can see it blink. Can this be enhanced more?

  6. I went to CXD4's Youtube site. NY bigfoots site is called "TheDoc199". They have some cool research.

  7. @Shawn

    Basically it would be: Do you see this blur thingy right here? It could be a leaf or a twig or a shadow or a brow ridge. Based on what we know about forests, what's the most likely answer?

    I think if you watch something over and over again, TRYING to see a sasquatch, eventually you will, even if it isn't a sasquatch.

    Remember the cloud game? "Methinks it is like a weasel?"

    I could do a breakdown video on why the wood grains on the back of my childhood door look like Chewbacca. Incidentally, the back of that door really DOES look like Chewbacca, more than the Vaporsquatches(TM) look like real bigfoots.

  8. The (TM) just made fall off my couch with laughter.

  9. Is there some sort of growl/grunt right after the last knock in the first stone knocking video? I swear I hear a strange vocalization in that video.

  10. Did anyone else hear the weird chattering right around 4:58? I can't make out what it is, but it doesn't sound like the voices of the guys in the video.

  11. Yes, that chattering is the Bigfoot talking. I have heard other BF speech before and it sounds a lot like that. It sounds like "a record being played backwards," or "deaf chatter." There is a good video out of Ohio with excellent BF speech.

    In this case, it does sound like an American Indian language, true, but I don't think that's what it is.

  12. I saw another breakdown of this video on Youtube called, "sasquatch at close range-still shots". The "head" disappears behind the log in that video. Why didn't you show that on this video?

  13. It blinks at 5:48 and 5:51. Cool.

  14. I heard the chatter as well but I had the volume low and thought it was part of the group in the background.
    I just listened to it several times with the volume turned up and it's definitely not English.
    Maybe they can enhance that part of the vocalization which starts at 00:48 and goes to about the 1:00 mark.

  15. @ atheist how do explain the footprints or the wood stacking or the knocking . I mean the only way to explain it is if these guys are lieing... you calling them liars?

  16. @ atheist how do explain the footprints or the wood stacking or the knocking . I mean the only way to explain it is if these guys are lieing... you calling them liars?

  17. It looks like Boo Berry without his hat.

    The Government doesn't want to admit his existence because it would freak everybody out; mass panic, that sort of thing. They've been using this knowledge to create advanced weaponry to keep the World safe from Fruit Brute.

    All kidding aside: It's all a big conspiracy to keep fat, lonely people misinformed.

  18. The "Samurai Chatter" is one of the researchers trying to elicit a response. They say so on the full version. The original video correlates to report # 27819 on the BFRO website.

  19. The article says, "They confirmed it's a Sasquatch on multiple points:" Am I missing something? This story was on the bigfoot sites ages ago, and the now the background for the story has changed. Hmmm? Typically seeing what you want to see without it being there.

  20. A poster above wrote, "How do explain the footprints or the wood stacking or the knocking . I mean the only way to explain it is if these guys are lieing... you calling them liars?"

    There is sooooo much hoaxing going on with bigfoot. The guys who took this footage travelled all the way across the country from New York to the west coast to hunt for bigfoot during their vacation time. Hmmm? They spend all of that time and money to cross the country to find bigfoot. Incrdedibly, they not only capture the sound of knocks on video (which are exceedingly easy to fake), but more amazingly they catch a squatch on tape. Who knows? It could very well be that they're pulling the wool over the eyes of bigfoot enthusiasts like so many have done and continue to do.

    As other have posted on this site. It's time to stop the idiocy and concentrate on a capture or kill. All of this type of stuff is just more inconclusive nonsense.

  21. Re:Samurai Chatter.
    Thanks for clearing that up Anonymous.They did a good job on that.I didn't see the full version.

  22. Honestly, if the FB/FB voiceover guy isn't in sales he needs to head in that direction and make his fortune. The confident way in which he points out the vital characteristics (which I can never see) of creatures/moving shadows of foliage (they are, after all in the woods) is truly impressive. Unfortunately, I have a higher need for cognition than the majority of his target market.


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