Sharon Day interviews Alex Hearn, the Bigfoot guy from Arizona

Impressed with his "child-like enthusiasm and intelligence," Sharon Day landed an interview with Alex Hearn, founder of Arizona Cryptozoological Research Organization (AZCRO). Alex is also one of the Bigfoot hunters featured on Phoenix News 10: Chasing the Mogollon Monster.

According to Sharon Day of Autumn Forest Ghost Hunter blog, his affinity for mystery and nature goes way back. His first encounter with Bigfoot or the Mogollon Monster happened between 2008 and 2009:

In 2008 and 2009, Alex saw Bigfoot. One time, when he had a very good look at the creature, it had an expression on its face with raised eyebrows as if shocked it had been seen, turned and thrashed its way through the underbrush. The thing that surprised Alex the most was that the fur appeared so very nicely groomed and not matted and dirty as one would expect. It also had a cap of hair upon its head.

Read the full interview at:


  1. Alex is an interesting and smart guy. I really am wishing him luck on looking for BF in our backyard. I am still planning on more trips with my team to search for the big fella too here in AZ. There's some very promising areas and with citizens only able to buy and live on about 8% of the state, there's a lot of wilderness.

  2. err... was that

    "childlike ethusiasm and intelligence"

    or "childlike ethnusiasm, and intelligence?'

    I can't tell!

  3. This is the guy that had the toe nail picture and worked with/for Tom Biscardi.
    any red flags going off yet?

  4. If that's a puma paw he is holding up that is one massive cat!!!

    It was eye-opening to see the habitat in Arizona and how wet it looked especially when Arizona is usually associated with the desert. Austumn Forest or other AZ people are you aware if these areas are contiguous with the Rocky Mtns or other potential corridors sasquatch could travel through?

  5. What happened to this nutty fat pig? Last time I saw him, he weighed about as much as a Bigfoot. Now he actually looks like a human.

    He is one of the worst people in all Bigfootery. Always threatening people, can't spell, punctuate or write, massive ego, fights with anyone and everyone, steals people's evidence and BF sites, claims them for his own and then throws them out of his petty Internet group.

    He came to my site and was so disruptive that I had to ban him.

    That's not his BF toenail. It's Larry Jenkins. And I believe that that toenail tested positive by Ketchum as coming from a BF.

    I am glad he looks for BF, but unfortunately, he is typical of this field.

    1. Wow, it's Good to see Robert is trolling the internet.  I used that choice of words on purpose, you can take it how ever you like. 

      Sorry I missed your reply for so long, please feel free to email or call me directly at any time, all my contact info is available always. Can you say that Robert?

      BTW: When I'm done with this guy you can judge who you think is the more intelligent, and respectful of the two of us...  Sorry, I didn't say NICE, because it's hard to be nice when dealing with this AZZ. 

      Thanks for playing Robert.  I was really wondering how long it would take for a bottom dweller like you to surface...  I guess we all knew you had to come up for air somewhere.  Well I think you might have surfaced in the wrong lagoon buddy.  You're more in my playing field here~~You don't have the shield of banning people that disagree with you.  Anything wrong with my grammar or punctuation yet?

      Thanks for the intro Robert.  Too bad you got it wrong; I might add, as usual?  Personally I'm even a little lighter now, thanks for noticing too~~heard that about you??  Wink!!!  I thought there was something mentioned about little girls too, might be me though.  Lets see, what happens when you Google "Robert Lindsay" combined with "Little girls"?  Answer?  Well do it your self or click my URL below, because I already did...  No less then 3 articles come right up to the top of the page???????  Robert likes to write about little girls?  That's kind of weird, if you ask me? Hey, I'm from Boston,  we are not in to that weird stuff.  Where Robert comes from, I guess it's OK?  Red Woods somewhere near Tom Biscardi is what I hear?

      Robert banned me from the site for simply disagreeing with him and his thoughts on the sample that I represent.  I don't resort to calling people names, at least not until they do it to me first.  Hey just like you did right here, what a perfect example, Robby. 

      I usually deal in facts, others deal in name calling...  I can do that too, when attacked by  people at that level~~like Robert has done here.  I just do it with a link or two or three.  I'm not saying your a pedophile; I'm sure you don't have the courage to follow through?  It sure looks like you have some kind of "Fixation" though.  For the rest of us, our safety, and our families safety I hope you are receiving counseling?  Maybe some Xanax or Prozac would help too...  Then again you could always have that surgery to take care of the desire... 

       I'm the same in person as I am here, Robert.  It would be a real pleasure to meet you some day...  Maybe straighten this out for once and for all, No? 

      It is Larry's Toenail.  I and I alone represent Larry when it comes to this sample and our investigation at his property.  I have complete copyright to every photo taken by Larry during our investigation there.  Not that I need it, that's not what Larry and I are about.  The world should know this when Richard or Robert show a photo of the Toenail they are showing Larry's property, property of which Larry has giving me all intellectual copyright too.

      Robert, wrote a story with information that was from leaked information from a bitter old man - Richard Stubstad.  Richard paid for some of the earlier testing on the Toenail for a one C Thomas Biscardi; usually when you deal with Tom Biscardi you become bitter.  Very few beat him at his own game, like I have done.

      Richard was in bed with Biscardi, then and now.  Richard also has a NDA with Adrien Erickson, as he admitted when I asked him while he was on Tom Biscardi's show in June of 2011.  Neither Biscardi or Richard had a contract with Larry?  So they just basically paid for the testing for Larry, nice fella's...Wink!!!  However not very bright, no contract?  No Copyright???  They can't even legally speak about what they know, because it's not theirs...  Richard did anyways and found a platform with Robert and Tom Biscardi...

    2. Larry asked me to help with the Toenail, he thought they were ignoring it.  At that time I went to Tom Biscardi man to man and said, "What's going on with the TOENAIL"?   He replied, "Nothing it's Human", and I asked if I could handle it on my own.   He agreed, and said "Knock yourself out".

      Right around now, Javabob calls and tricks me out of Larry's phone number with the excuse that he wants to talk to his friend.  He and Richard go about trying to convince Larry to give the rights to his Toenail to them.  Bob claims to have resigned from SFBI but he is still all over the website listed as the VP.  He has a LLC with Stubstad and Stubstad is on Biscardi's show now and again.

      Between Tom, Richard and Javaboob they managed to make Larry realize that they were up to know good.  Larry stopped talking to all of them, he didn't even trust DR Melba Ketchum. Some how the three stooges above had Larry believing the Toenail was gone and not coming back.

      That's when I came into the picture again, there's more to it too.  However we will just jump to here.

      Larry began contacting me as did others.  I started piecing together a story and broke a article in my blog.  Basically calling Javabob the evilest man in the Bigfoot world for tricking me out of Larry phone number some month's back.  Which he then used to put  the "science alive" LLC in motion.  I included Dr Ketchum too. I explained the trickery that was done, to Larry and Myself, was done on her behalf.

      Shortly there after I was contacted by JC Johnson (a close friend) & Dave Paulides who I had never met prior.  They explained to me I may be right about allot of what I wrote but Dr Ketchum wasn't involved.  They explained she wanted to talk to me, and with in a few moments I was talking to her.

      She wanted to assure me that she had no idea what was being done to me or Larry prior.  She wanted to make things right, and asked if I could help her in gaining Larry's trust again and negotiate for her with him.  Which I did, I spent many hours on the phone with both.  I was already great friends with Larry, I became great friends with Melba too. 

      At one point when it didn't look like Larry was going to follow through she said she wanted to know if I would like to know what I was fighting for, the answers...  Melba said she wanted to tell me, because what I thought this creature was, was also the closest description she had heard to what this creature really is.  So she wanted to tell me I was right, but basically needed me to promise not to tell what she told me and confirmed for me...  Not a problem on my part, I signed into the study that day.  I was to be listed as a friend of the study.  However now I worked harder then ever to change Larry's mind.  Which after a few weeks and a conference call with the 3 of us I did.   Melba then took my word for it that Larry had signed the papers.  I sat there as she explained to him what she had already explained to me.  Lets just say there were some tears shed, it was a pretty incredible thing to be a part of.   The papers were faxed to Melba when I got home.

    3. The toenail got signed into the study, officially. We are all waiting patiently to hear what the conclusions of the scientific world are and what data from the DNA study says and means. Of course Larry and I are just waiting to see it confirmed by others, we already had it explained to us by the best.

      Richard my work speaks for itself. The way I handle myself, well lets just say my whole life I have had to fight for everything and anything. I grew up on the streets and made a name for myself. I stand for what I believe in, that's basically the working man... The people that are out there doing research, and those that are helping them. I'll also stick up for the smaller person or a lady, unlike the foul mouth disrespectful crew you run with. BTW, your very first sentence confirms my every word, not only is it evil and an example of your intelligence, but you started of your attack with a question? Didn't you ever box? Never lead with your big hand, it opens you up to a combination followed by the knock out punch. I dabbled in boxing a little; like I said; I hope to meet you in person some day!

      Alex ^¿^

    4. Darn said Richard in that last paragraph, meant Robert. Sorry Richard.

      Richard and I have somewhat tried to relate to each other as best we can.

      Larry and I both wish the best for Richard Stubstad and we hope that he gets the answers he seeks too, before it is too late.

      We understand his frustration and his bitterness... He blames it on Melba, I think it's more due to his relationship with a C Thomas Biscardi... I have warned others about how their credibility will/and has suffered from working with Biscardi. They will learn the hard way too, and probably also end up bitter.

      As to any of my research being taken by others or vice verse~; I'm an open book. Check the dates of my trips and sightings with those making the claims. You will see you tells the truths, as I said I'm an open book...


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