Here are some beautiful photos from the Olympic Project [Bigfoot Research]

Started in February 2009, the Olympic Project's efforts to obtain a series of crystal clear photographs of Sasquatch in their natural environment have produced some amazing photos of wildlife in their natural habitat. The Olympic Project is a comprehensive, systematic camera trap program consisting of fifty plus cameras placed along predatory travel routes throughout the Olympic Mountains.  Here are some vividly beautiful photos of animals they've caught on film with the Reconyx RC60 Game Cameras.

They are hopeful that one day, they will have well documented photos that will not only prove the existence of Bigfoot, but will open the eyes of many scientists, helping pave the way for more serious research and species verification.

See more photos visit the Olympic Project's website.



  1. Wow. Those were gorgeous! At least we know that wildlife is still abundant in the woods.

  2. I would agree AF,those are beautiful shots. Its nice to see that conservations seems to be working. All those hunting and fishing license fees we pay seem to be helping out in the habitat management of our amazing species.

    Im guessing those shots are taken in Washington state?


  3. They are beautiful shots, but not a one of BF and since 2009?
    Time to put away trail cams and come up with a better method.
    Their efforts seem to fuel the skeptics who see so many animals, so easily photographed....
    Isn't OP the team who took Justin Smeja on as a "researcher" and sends him up to Gold Lake to set Trail Cams at the very spot he claimed to have a baby Bigfoot?
    BF research makes very odd bed fellows,and even stranger public proclamations.
    It is hard to take anything from this group, OP, seriously right now.
    On the other hand, they did support Justin's the missing voive is Ketchum's on this group and their beleivability. And then, logically, it is hard to beleive anything coming, or not coming, from her "groups" right now.

  4. correct above to "killed a baby bigfoot".. that one is too inviting to leave undeited

  5. Lets say they did have photos of Bigfoot, I dont think they would be jumping on the gun to post them on the much production value with all the talk of "the DNA research", and documentries supposedly to be released.


  6. These are nice photos showing the diverse wildlife.Plenty out there to sustain a BF population.
    I'd tend to agree with the Anon on the BF pictures.That would be a book I would definitely buy,Who wouldn't?
    If their research involves no harm to BF and they only observe then I'd support that.
    I'll bet 50+ trail cams aren't cheap.
    I'm trying very hard not to comment on the baby bigfoot killer.

  7. Visit their site. They have some photos of a suspected Bigfoot. Very close to the camera. Very interest hairy thing.

  8. I'll do it for u citizentruth...

    @last annon. Did you happen to notice any pics of Smeja shooting fawns, calves or cubs on their site?

    Oooouuch.........should I feel bad



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