Finding Bigfoot: Snowbeast spoof by Sharon Day

Although the "Birth of a Legend" Halloween Special just aired recently on Animal Planet TV, the second season of Finding Bigfoot doesn't officially start until 2012. According to Cliff Barackman, the filming of season 2 is going quite well:
I have seen a rough cut of the episode, and it is excellent. There was so much more that happened which didn't make the edit that you'll be almost more blown away by what they didn't include! (Keep in mind, we filmed around 200 hours of footage for this episode.) That's why it's good to have a bigfoot nerd like me on the cast to show you the stuff that I thought was cool that the editors didn't include.  I'm looking forward to your comments on the episode.

- Cliff Barackman

While we all patiently wait for season two to begin airing, Sharon Day has taken the liberty to write a hilarious spoof of the show she calls "F'ing Bigfoot". Here's a small excerpt from her post:

In this episode, we find the team searching for BF in the icy mountainous terrain of Colorado in search of the popularly termed "Snowbeast."

Ranae: (Lifts her pack over her shoulders and hikes through the snow) Boys, if you are all done urinating your names into the fresh snow, could we please move on before nightfall?

(the men track in after her towards the treeline)

BoBo: So, I don't get it. Technically, if this is a Snowbeast, it should be white. That'd make it a Yeti, right? So, what's Yeti doing in Colorado? Does his coat change when he goes down in the off season to lower elevations. If he does that, wouldn't it make him like a mood ring? I once had this mood ring when I was a kid and the dang thing was always blue. Maybe he's related to a chameleon. You think that's possible, huh? Cause if it is, he might not be a hominid. He'd be like some kind of lizard man which reminds me of the lizard man in the Carolinas. Did you see what that SOB did to that person's SUV? I wonder if the insurance paid for that. What do you write when you make that claim, huh?

(Matt smacks him upside the head)

Ranae: This looks like a good place to set up.

Matt: I think this area looks ideal for setting up camp and some trap cameras in the periphery (points around them).

Ranae: (to Cliff) Didn't I just say that?

Cliff: Matt, I think Ranae chose this location.

Matt: (forehead wrinkles) Are we letting viewers pick our spots now? Jesus! Do we want this to be like "Ghost Hunters" having on special guests from wrestlers to housewives to, heaven forbid, Meredith Vieira?

Cliff: No, Matt, Ranae is on our team--the girl. You know, the skeptic?

Matt: (shrugs his pack off his shoulders and sighs wearily) She's still with us?

Ranae: Ah, I can hear you Cliff.

Click here to read the full spoof on Autumn Forest Ghost Hunter blog.


  1. Aw, shucks, thanks. They make it too fun to play with them like goofy relatives I'm fond of for their quirks.

  2. The bozos on Finding Bigfoot have about as much chance of finding me in the woods as a snowballs chance in hell.
    What with the noise, lights, cameramen, and other foolishness me and my mates can detect you a mile away.
    Leave us alone!
    Quit shooting at us!
    If you want to do us some good, keep your
    smelly kind out of the National Forests!

  3. As I was reading,the voices were theirs,lol.Nicely done.


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