Bad case of Squatchophobia? Hang your tent from a tree to get a better night's sleep

Portaledges (hanging tents) at High Ropes Forest, Germany

Those wild and crazy Germans. Known for their invention of yellow dye and the discovery of X-rays have done it again. Check out these insane floating tents! Apparently, crazy people go to High Ropes Forest, Germany so they can sleep in these seemingly floating tents. If you have Squatchophobia, or fear of Bigfoot visiting your tent at night, you may want to consider this option.

Here's the German to English translation for this event:

We sleep in portal Edges that are hung from the thick branches of large free-standing trees. This is the more impressive version of sleeping in floating bed. Ascent and descent are possible only with rope assistance.

Dates for 2011:

28./29.05. & 12./13.06. & 25./26.06. & 09./10.07. & 16./17.07. & 23./24.07. & 06./07.08. & 13./14.08. & 20./21.08. & 27./28.08. & 03./04.09. & 10./11.09.

Location: very nice places with lofty old trees in front of mountain backdrop Pfronten.

Timing: Beginning Sat 14.00 - Sun 10.00 clock

Services: Admission forest ropes, sleeping bags on request, sleeping pad, meals (breakfast and dinner in the tree), instruction in the woods in the necessary ropes and rope climbing technique for ascending and descending by rope into the "bed". Join an active and work is expected on all structures.

45 minutes - depending on location walking time about 20 minutes. with rope, bed and dinner in their luggage.

Price: 250.00 € / person, Participants from 2 - 4 people



  1. Holy freak. What if you need to do that midnight leak and forget you're suspended? I'll take my chances with squatch.

  2. Like Autumn,I'll take my chances.I like my beer too much and would probably forget I'm up high and fall out.
    Although......taking a leak from way up would be fun...hmmm...nope,I'd get vertigo and fall out anyway;)

  3. 250 euros? It's just a tent, and you're trapped. Crazy Germans.

  4. The Latino Bigfoot will think you're a piƱata!

  5. I say just hang up a game camera and Biggie won't bother you... Plus im afraid of


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