Rick Dyer hosting free Bigfoot expedition outside Tulsa, OK. Not guaranteed you will see a Bigfoot [Video]

Rick Dyer and Josh Moppin the only real Bigfoot Hunters!

Rick Dyer, the man who claims the government stole his Bigfoot is hosting a 100% free expedition October 21st and 22nd outside of Tulsa, OK. Check out bigfoottracker.com for more info.

If you're going, here are some things you should know:

  • You will be in the woods in your own tent!
  • Bring what you can carry!
  • For your safety you must obey the trackers at all times. Bears, Snakes etc.
  • This is 100% free you But if you don't ave the basic equipment rental is available.
  • There is no guarantree that you will or will not see a Bigfoot


  1. I can guarantee that you will not see a bigfoot on this excursion.

  2. If I was closer to Oklahoma I would totally go just for the entertainment value.

  3. Great news! Information is needed for this expedition. Went to their sight and information was not found on the NE Oklahoma expedition in Oct. 2012.


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