Not Quite Bigfoot: Bigfoot Society to hold fundraiser yard sale

The Bigfoot Society
Picture from

This morning, an advance notice sent out from the University of Idaho Geography Club caught our attention:
The University of Idaho Geography Club, know as The Bigfoot Society, will host a yard sale, starting at 8 a.m. Saturday at 418 Panorama Drive. Some of the donationed items for sale include a cello, Hollywood bed frame and books. The money raised will be used to fund Bigfoot Society activities, such as educational field trips.
Our initial thought was: What? Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum has a Bigfoot club? Where can we sign up?

We were disappointed to learn that Dr. Meldrum is an Associated Professor of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University, not University of Idaho. Sorry, no Bigfoot club here.

But what is this Bigfoot Society club? And what do they do?

We did some digging and we found this article published in Feb. 2010:

If you have been to McClure Hall, you have probably seen the fliers for the University of Idaho Bigfoot Society, the ones with the image of Bigfoot in the center.

The University of Idaho Bigfoot Society has nothing to with the giant primate which supposedly lives in the wilderness of the Pa- cific Northwest. That’s something I should definitely point out since a lot of people who saw those fliers thought it was a group of people working to track down Bigfoot.

Professor Tim Frazier, who started the club, received E-mails claiming they wanted to help him find Big- foot and that they had tools and equipment to aid him in their search for Bigfoot. If one does believe in Bigfoot and he or she is looking to the University of Idaho Bigfoot Society to help in the quest to find it, they’re out of luck.

The Bigfoot Society is the club for the University of Idaho geography program. The club was formed last November and still relatively new. It is named the Bigfoot Society because, well, it sounds a lot cooler then University of Idaho Geography Club. This semester, the Bigfoot Society plans on host- ing guest speakers, a rafting trip in May, and the Bigfoot Society bake sale. Goodies will be available on February 12th at the entrance to McClure hall.

The Bigfoot Society has two intra- mural teams for volleyball and bas- ketball; both teams are known as the “Bad Latitudes West”. The club is in the process of getting a Bigfoot suit to use as a mascot, so don’t be surprised if you see someone dressed like Bigfoot wan- dering around in the near future.

Although the Bigfoot Society is for the geography program, students of all majors are welcome to join. You can find the Bigfoot Society on Google Groups under the name “University of Idaho Bigfoot Research Society”, you can also find the Bigfoot Society on Face- book. The Bigfoot Society execu- tives include President Kenneth Peters, Vice-President Stephen Gillis, Treasurer Jonathan VanSant, and Secretary Jeremy Jenkins.


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