Breaking: Fearing death threat attack, Tim Fasano calls it quits, admits to creating Bigfoot Buster blog

"This Bigfoot stuff is simply not worth it anymore. I had a great live before Bigfoot; I will have a great life after Bigfoot. I do want to thank my subs and real friends like tcsjrbigfoot. Thanks guys, this has been real but a little too real." - Tim Fasano

Update: Tim Fasano and Alex Hearn have 'kissed and made up'

Post by Tim Fasano 3:38PM Pacific Time:

The Monsters Are Among Us

The screenwriter Rod Serling once said, “The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs, explosions, and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, and prejudices to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill; suspicion can destroy. Moreover, a frightened, thoughtless search for a scapegoat can have a fallout all its own.”

The pity of this behavior is that it is universal, and not confined to the Twilight Zone. It has run rampant in the paranormal world, especially in the Bigfoot community. Mindless theories, prejudices toward others based on physical appearance, suspicion and fear have strangled the life force out of a thriving pursuit.

Facilitated by social media, it has fueled polemics to a level previously unseen. Who is “finding Bigfoot’ has been replaced with distrust of others motives. What someone looks like, or said about someone else, is now more important then recorded audios and possible video captures. Those things will now be dismissed out of hand. Pointing out the employment of the person, or what he tips the scales at, dismisses the validity of evidence obtained.

Rod Searling referred to the human mind metaphorically as “Maple Street.” In an episode called The Monsters on Main Street he showed how the real monsters in our world are not Bigfoot or aliens, but the monsters that are in our minds.

An innocent victim of fear and ignorance on Maple Street

In this episode, a UFO landed on a hilltop, and beneath it was Maple Street. The aliens caused the power to go off and on, and then go out. Intermittently they would turn the power on to only one house and the people would look with suspicion on the resident of that home. In a matter of hours, fear reached a fever pitch and neighbors started killing the other residents of Maple Street.

The aliens had now found a new tool of conquest…they would let man destroy himself.

They concluded, correctly, that Earth must be full of these Maple Streets. They would simply go from town to town, play with the infrastructure a bit, and humans would destroy themselves without the need of an invasion or any other tool of conquest.


I began doing Bigfoot videos in 2009. I was dedicated and worked hard at it. I began to study topical maps of Florida to find good, remote areas. A consideration of wildlife and water sources was crucial to where I would go. This new hobby was exciting and I enjoyed reading the comments on my videos. That, sadly, took an ominous turn shortly after I began.

Many comments were hurtful and insulting. I had to block them. I am not thin skinned; I simply had no interest in reading them - many of these commenters where trolls, but not all of them. Some were experienced researchers who I thought would welcome a newcomer. I was wrong.

The insulting comments were relentless. In almost all of them, I was called fat and a taxi driver. I have no problem with how I look, or what I have been doing for twenty years to earn a living. It seems many Bigfoot people did.

All of the major blogs refused to mention me in their post. They had to have known about my work. The omission was not by accident. It soon became obvious what they really wanted. They wanted community support.

Most of what is going on in the Bigfoot world was about going to conferences, doing radio shows, and blogging. I even started a Bigfoot Blog to join the club. I thought that was what you were supposed to do. Again, I was wrong.


I got an invitation to work with an independent Bigfoot research group out of Central Florida. I was excited. I am social by nature and wanted to go out with people who had been doing this much longer then me.

I met them on a Saturday morning and one of the first things they told me was they had been informed that I was a hoaxer. (Strange? I post EVERY SECOND OF VIDEO I TAKE IN THE FIELD - even the ‘out takes.’ The fact that I do not edit anything, and show all that I got, means there is no hoax. You see and hear what the camera recorded. You draw your own conclusion).

Two trolls on Facebook were trying to sabotage the outing. It worked. My contact person with the group basically ignored me the whole time and walked far ahead of me. We were perhaps together about five minutes the whole time. The poison of hate, fear and prejudice had begun.

Subsequently, I was able to work for one day in the field with Tom Biscardi and his team. They were in Florida to see me, and I was honored to work with anyone that would make that kind of effort to come see me.

Tom is a really good guy
What is ironic is that Tom is supposed to be a hoaxer. I am supposed to be a hoaxer. We were in the field with his truck full of goodies. Hell, we could have pulled the biggest hoax ever. The truth is we did not find squat. Tom left the Green Swamp area of Polk county because he did not think it offered much promise. I disagree; he left anyway.

The person that set up the meeting with Tom and I lives out west. In fact, he was going to be on the trip but canceled at the last minute. He now holds the fact that I worked with Tom - for about five hours - over my head. He thinks I am part of his team. I am Tom’s ass buddy or something. I have not seen Tom since he left last May.


I did a Google search of Bigfoot and myself and I was shocked. I had no clue about so much that was being said. So many people were badmouthing me using anonymous names that I could not keep tract with all of them. Then, there was Sharon Lee.

She went on the Steve Kull’s radio show and called me every name in the book. She called me fat, a douchbag, a fool, and on and on. Her language was so vile, Steve took the archive of that show off his website. It was so bad, that a blogger, researcher in Texas, Melissa Hovan, believed she owed me an apology because Lee lit into her in the same breath she mentioned me.

Sharon Lee contacted Tom Biscardi about getting him to ask me to remove a Facebook comment someone had left on my wall about her ‘sleeping her way to the top’ of the Bigfoot world. I took it down immediately. What that person said about her was insulting. Sharon contacted me after I did that, not to thank me, but to call me an asshole and Tom Bacardi’s ‘toadie.’ The urban dictionary defines toadie as an ass kisser. How nice.

The trolls have still been coming after me on Face book. I have blocked them, but I still see their comments thru mutual friends’ walls. There is no escape. Steve Kulls (who co-stars n all of Tom Biscardi’s movies) list me on the wall of shame…the same one he has Tom on. That is because I disagreed with him. Even though I have no contact ever with these people, they will not let up. I decided to try to even the score.


I created a blog from a design of a defunct blog called Bigfoot busters. I chose that name because of name recognition from the ultimate troll who had it before to insult only me, tcsjrbigfoot, and other YouTube posters. I learned that he sits on the board of directors of the American Sasquatch Association. And he wanted to lecture me about standards. His blog was mean, unfounded, full of lies, and was soon taken down by a lawsuit working with law enforcement.

In the short month, I have had the Bigfoot buster blog; I can support everything I have said. In fact, I thought I was fair and honest about everything. I even called myself fat! The guy out west I stuck it to him hard by showing an email from a production company that rejected his casting call. He was angry as hell.


He left a message on my phone and said he would come to Florida and hunt me down. He said he would find me and I could take that as a threat. He was nobody to mess with and he would take action. I considered that a DEATH THREAT.

Is this what all this Bigfoot stuff has come down too? We are no living on Maple Street dealing with the monsters in our minds. Jealousy, rage and fear are casting a pall over the whole community. I have completely lost my interest.

I have many other things I need to be doing with my life, busting my ass for hours every day to create YouTube videos is no longer what I need to do. I am removing all of my videos. I will put back up just a few of the ones I like. From now on, the videos will be about my taxi driving experiences and the Florida lifestyle. I have been missing much and now know what I should be doing.

I do take death threats seriously. In Florida, we are the only State that has a “stand your ground’ rule dealing with self defense. If someone shows up on your doorstep or threatens you in any way, you can kill them. Simple as that. You are under no obligation to retreat from any situation. I love that about Florida.


This Bigfoot stuff is simply not worth it anymore. I had a great live before Bigfoot; I will have a great life after Bigfoot. I do want to thank my subs and real friends like tcsjrbigfoot. Thanks guys, this has been real but a little too real.

- Tim Fasano



  1. Now its Stovers turn, "Thanks Fasano for taking the fall for me, BFF's forever!"

  2. Maybe the guy didn't go about this in the best way, but he has made some great points about the " community ", or lack there of.

  3. I'm Confused, Who's the TROLL?

  4. The trolls were "Cryptoflorida" and "Alex Midnight Walker." Both of them hiding their ID.

  5. Really??? Seems to me YOUR the TROLL Fasano!

  6. I agree with what was said about the community,but being part of the problem is not the solution.
    I'm already jaded by a community that is not willing to work together because of ego,greed and stupidity.
    At least I know to do my own thing and not trust anyone.

  7. The guy out West? Not someone to mess with?? That's hilarious! If ever there was a bigger punk bitch on this earth he is the guy. I would be more afraid of beer bubbles than that KY jelly squirting, bed pan sniffing, bull'dyke flit boy.

  8. I actually was looking forward to the BF Researcher Busters site(without regard for who is behind it). In the short/long years I have been involved in BF research I have encountered more bizarre, unethical, idiotic, shameful, and so on, behavior than I have ever any field. It has been distressing and has just about wiped out the truly beautiful experience of being in the field. My solution? I haven't one and I totally 'get' why one would hang it up...publicly anyway. Nothing to keep you from doing what you enjoy..if that is being out in the field.
    Call the police and file a report on a death threat. Not to be taken lightly, even if you don't believe it. That kind of behavior is over the top, even for BFers.

  9. The threat was left on your message machine? Share it with the police.

  10. Why can't we all just get along? The problem is that everyone thinks they are right, and anything anyone else is doing is crap. It's a shame. Tim, I subscribed to you for a long time because you were in the field doing it, and not trying to be an armchair squatcher. You really made some good videos. Later on, you changed and I stopped following you because in some of the videos you were bit opinionated and arrogant. Maybe it's because of what you are saying now, I don't know. I know it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind that is Squatch research. I think it's important to remember why we are out there. I don't know about all of you, but I'm there for me and the big guy (and my group.) I'm not out there for anyone else. The only other thing to remember is we can never make any claims as to what something is. It's too easy for the armchair squatchers to tear apart and evaluate from the confines of their living room. It's the people who are in the field that KNOW. It's too bad that you felt you had to go this route. I wish you the best!

  11. Good riddance to fat rubbish.

  12. This is the problem with Fasano and the rest of these clowns: it's not about Bigfoot, it's about them. It's not about the science and the search for knowledge, it's about money and NDAs and mudslinging. how am I supposed to take any of this crypto stuff seriously?

  13. hey little boy tim, you truly do stink up the place. it's ok for you to say all that b.s. but you don't like it when others do it to you. it seems to me that you want the glory but don't want anyone to say anything that you don't agree with. yes tim you are thin skinned all two of you. sir, you jumped head first into a field that you did not have the diploma's or the sheepskins to compete with others in this game. so when your done crying why don't you take some classes down there in fla? then when people doubt you or poke fun, you could be taken seriously. timmy i don't think that you are worth a bullet sir. yes i'm hitting you pretty hard. but let's not forget that you tim faseno choose to post your silly videos on the world wide web. and i remember you taking shots at a girl(finding bigfoot)who buy the way is on t.v. and you are not. i don't believe for one minute that you don't look at the blogs. it seems to a lot of us that you tim are hungry for fame. and this too is something of a publicity stunt. but only time will tell. and if i don't see you on my computer screen again(doubt it)then good luck sir in all that you do. but we all know you'll be back talking dog poop again on others that are far more talented than you big guy.

  14. Tim why did you back stab Tcsjrbigfoot? I remember him always trying to make peace with his enemies and guiding you in the right direction. Do you remember him outing the Buster after what they said about you guys? And then you take over the same blog that humiliated you both! Doesn't make any sense to me and I hope one day you will apologize.

  15. mr. fasano, there isn't a t.v. big enough for you. even in wide screen mode your fat ass couldn't fit. and i love the part in your scary death threat story how you block out the negitive. and yet here you are just above this box i'm typing in answering about who's the troll! mr. tim stop crying and start trying! i just seen your fat head in the box with your reply. thought you didn't read that stuff? looks to me that you do! knowing that your gonna get hammered. you have been found out and now your gonna blame someone else. you do suck tim big time. and what a shame you almost had some talent(food eating contest maybe) bye, bye, baby tim.

  16. Well this was a good blog. Bigfoot evidence????? More like Bigfoot bullshit and trash talking.

    Explain to me how this in anyway is "Bigfoot Evidence"???????

    I'm not impressed Shawn but I'm not impressed much with many when it comes to Bigfoot research.

    This practice of bullying is unacceptable. It doesn't matter who is doing it or for what reason.

    1. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.

      The agro tirades here have lost me. I am gone never to return to this site. Just going to concentrate on field research and allow the foul mouthed armchair commentators enjoy their own company. Pretty soon their ilk will be the only ones they have to talk at. Won't that be a hoot. All the decent people will have left for less egregious places. Such a pity that good sites get invaded by mindless idiots and ruin it for everyone.

  17. Alex Tomas aka midnight walker a fruit cake bigfoot researcer. Dont believe a word that comes out of MW mouth!

  18. Little Timmy is that you. Oh, I thought you had your hands full up there. LOL

  19. Typical Tim Fasano comment...LOL Notice in this long self serving statement that he was the VICTIM everyone was out to get him. Right there you see Paranoia. He was always never given a chance, He never did anything wrong, people just didn't like him because he was a cab driver.
    This is all total bunk. He was caught hoaxing within 3 months of starting his youtube page. Know one called him on it because they didn't want some manic filling the Internet up with blasphemous rhetoric about the poor guy trying to do the right thing. He knew people were afraid of his mouth so he got away with hoax after hoax until the Bigfoot Buster came along, That is when all the hoaxers got scared and thought their long ride was over. But even the Bigfoot police can go to far and they to were driven out of existance by going for the juguler once to often. Fasano was reborn along with others once BF Buster was reborn they could get back to their old ways again without fear and boy did they. So Fasano is caught again this time trying to screw himself and he now is working hard to find a way back from his latest humiliation, I say he will only because there are so many idiots in this country that believe everything they see from these jerks that with their support they always come back again and again to paste a black hole over our fragmented community. Remember the Battle Cry of all BF hoaxers " I'm a Victim"

  20. Battle Cry of all BF hoaxers - "I'm a Victim" Isn't that the truth. Right on the money!

    Whoever nailed Fasano on this gets big kudos. I do get some enjoyment out of watching these guys scramble around and play the victim card in order to save face. How long will it take tcsjrbigfoot to find a way to cover his butt on this deal? Everyone knows him and fasano are very good friends. It's fairly obvious those two plan and coordinate all the BS they pull on the internet. I can only imagine that fasano has so much he can hold over stover's head that there is no way stover can fess up and call out fasano. Stover is most likely in a lose lose situation and it's well deserved. As far as I'm concerned these two were made for eachother and they get what they deserve.

  21. Just out of curiosity what exactly has tcsjrbigfoot done wrong?

    As far as Fasano is concerned could you give me details on how he hoaxed other than the Bigfoot Buster blog?

  22. If I find a Troll.....I'm going to eat it. And then, I'm going to keep looking for bigfoot or posting youtube videos or maybe show some trolls my ass if I so desire. And, I'm not going to care about what the F*$k every troll, hobbit, orc, and especially what some liming thinks........Word to your mother Skunk Ape!!

  23. Is a whale fat? Is a walrus fat? Is a penguin fat? Or.....are they just well insulated? Who's laughing in cold weather?

  24. If I find a hoaxer.....I'm going to eat it.

  25. Thought Fasano was done???Yet he is still posting vids and writing his blog! What a drama Queen! All he cares about is that people talk about him! He and his Buddy need to move on!

  26. sharing lee. she named that because she shares that fat bulbous ass and her unwashed crotch yuk! yes she slept her way to the top. the top of steve kulls micro peter that is! haha! her mouth is so foul she has to brush her false teeth at the city sewage plant! and they are false teef. bigfoot is real sharing lee ain't.

  27. gots my names mixed up i menant to say milissa hoovey not sharon lee. and i meant to say bo boo on finding bigfoot not steve kolls.

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