TheSasquatchmaster calling it quits, Finding Bigfoot finds Salt Fork footage inconclusive

The SquatchMaster's Final Video

Everyone's favorite Bigfoot hunter from Ohio calls it quits. He's going to try ghost hunting instead he says.

After months of being ridiculed for claiming that he caught a Bigfoot on video breaking some trees, Jeff finally gets noticed by a team of experts. The experts met with him a few days ago to "scientifically" analyze his famous footage from Salt Fork State park. Who are these experts?

We've been reporting for a few days now that the Finding Bigfoot TV crew is currently filming in Ohio. Apparently, it looks like they're going through the list of likely candidates to investigate. Jeff and Tim Stover is among the list of Bigfoot witnesses they're investigating.

Jeff said they put his footage through some rigorous scientific tests and the results were inconclusive. This meant  the creature in the film could either be a man or a squatch. We'll never know...

Here's the actual footage of the Bigfoot breaking a tree:

This is very important footage. It shows a real Sasquatch in the wild and tree breaks by him. It also shows his foot prints in the snow around where he tore out some trees. It has been said by many that this is the best footage since the 1967 footage by Patterson/Gimlin. I agree -TheSquatchmaster

Here's his goodbye message:

by TheSquatchmaster on Sep 27, 2011

I wish to thank all my loyal friends on You Tube that have supported our research for the past year and a half. For the most part it has been a very rewarding experience.But,it is time to hang up the hiking boots and to quit picking briers out of my legs. Our final day on this research was culminated with one of our videos being picked to be tested by professionals. It was by far the best time I've ever had doing this.These folks do this full time and have mountains of good hard evidence to support their belief in Bigfoot. To all my true friends out there...we love you all and thank you for your support. Take care,be well and have fun. Goodbye.


  1. After careful thought I have posted a video stating that I have reconsidered stepping down.After hearing 3 local people speak at the Finding Bigfoot Town Meeting of their own encounters and a picture of mine of quite possibly a young Squatch in a brush pile,I've decided to try and reconstruct a 3D bust of this creature in the photo. Jeff aka SquatchMaster

  2. You all have a joyous and blessed life. Take care and remember this..I have always reported the truth. It's just that there are a few out there that can't handle the truth.I will continue tracking this "beast" as he is called by some,I may post more,who knows but we will always have fun doing this research.

    1. There may be no big foot but there are ghosts at salt fork

  3. May I ask why it sound slike there are people talking from a distance? It sounds like someone says "Oh, this one?" and then someone else answers him.

  4. SM that's what happens no matter where the truth lies anytime you present anything to the public. There will always be those who have nothing better to do then attack others. If only if they would use that energy seeking the truth we would have the answers to all of the questions we all seek. They don't deserve the time it takes to respond.

  5. Squatchmasterbater should change his name to hoaxsareus..He will never have any credibility


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