New Footage: San Juan Mountain Bigfoot

Bigfoot taking his morning walk around the park

Uploaded by otabengafarscape1 on Aug 17, 2011
Something I couldn't explain from my vacation in the San juan Mountains of Colorado.
This ia all I could get on my camera. I thought it was a bear then a very large man

Thanks to Mitch for sharing this video with us. We're a little skeptical with how this footage ended. While vacationing in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, a hiker saw what he thought was a bear in the distance, but it turned it to be a very large hairy man. It's seen walking out from the trees and then squatting next to the stream right before the video ended. The words "this is all I could get on my camera" throws up the big red flag for us. And whenever someone stops filming for no reason, our immediate reaction is: hoax alert! The San Juans cover 12,000+ square miles of southwestern Colorado, about an eighth of the state. The mountains are relatively new, geologically speaking, and are among the highest and most rugged in North America. Hundreds of San Juan peaks rise above 13,000 feet and many surpass 14,000 feet. The terrain consist of rotten rock, knife-edge ridges and steep slopes covered with debris the size and shape of ball bearings.
The San Juan Mountains, in southwest Colorado, are the most rugged and extensive mountainous region in the state - an ocean of mountains that extends as far as the eye can see. 


  1. I can understand the fact that the camera they filmed with may have only had enough memory for a 20 second video. That's plausible. The big red-flag for me is that this person's Youtube page only has this one video on it. The ultimate sign of a hoaxer.

    1. Not really, a hoaxer would probably post many videos, to test the water or as so to speak..

  2. For those of us who believe that there is some validity to the bigfoot mystery, a word of advice for those of you who are actually trying to fool people with your hoaxes: You are going to have to make your costumes look a lot bigger with longer arms (think Patterson footage)instead of like a skinny person walking around in a dark costume. Also, try coming up with some type of walk that doesn't look human.

    1. really! that was way to ram rod straight of a stance to be Bigfoot. I wish the Hoaxes would stop...all of those who would pull a hoax like this are the worst kind of low-lifes

  3. I don't agree that promiscuous YouTube usage is a sign of credibility. I have never posted a video in my life, and seeing a mythical beast is one of the few things that might motivate me to.

    That said, I think it's fake. If they had only 20 seconds of "film," the set-up is a little too perfect. It's centered from the very start. Who would have the presence of mind to visually track Bigfoot out of frame, hold the camera perfectly still, and not press record until the precise moment before he appears in-frame? I'd be shaking like a leaf, and perhaps crying.

  4. Well said and summed up correctly by "Anonymous".


  6. well an adult BF walking in a confused circle might be a clue too.

  7. Nice clean clear HOAX! It would have retreated seeing the camera man or woman who it would have smelled in good time before this!

  8. I have to agree with many of you, HOAX! I dont use that word lightly. As a bigfoot researcher that grew up in the San Juans and that spends every spare moment I have chasing them in those mountains, I hate to use such wording realizing how difficult it is to get footage, but that one is smelling FAKE! Which tends to aggravate me to no end. I have seen them in those mountains and they don't look or move like that. It looked lost on the river bed and just happened to squat and drink right in front of him... whatever. The arms are too short and again, the movement is waaaayyy off. Bummer, I thought the home team had hit a home run when I read the title. Hoaxers are limited minds seeking a laugh at the exspense of people making huge sacrifices for the greatest scientific discovery in human history. The days of hoaxers and their stupidity and those that blindly follow the fear of "it can't be" are numbered. If it was truly a real film, then I apologize, but if it is a hoax, you should be ashamed of yourself. It appears you need to do more reasearch and spend more time in the woods and less time in REI. Am I being harsh? Perhaps, or maybe I'm fed up with the stupid games that get in the way of REAL SCIENCE, NOT JUST THE STATUS QUOE! ARRRGGGG!

  9. To anonymous #1, How in God's name can ONE video posted on YOUTUBE equate to an "ultimate hoaxter"??? That is truly the most ASININE theory I've ever read.

    Maybe, just MAYBE, like millions of other human beings who GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, unlike YOU, this person(s) could have CARED LESS about posting a video to youtube UNTIL they had SOMETHING worthwhile/or a good reason to do so and to SHARE IT. PLAUSIBLE??? DUH!!!!!!!?

    People will look for and find any silly reason to believe something a hoax - I guarantee you if the person had more videos, there would STILL be SOME OTHER reason it would be a considered a hoax.

    As the previous Anonymous said.... ARRRGGGG!!!

    1. ye you areright there are thosands of 8ft 600pf ssp/men walking endetected around USA/Canada! the wisdom and wit of your post has mde me realisethat ti or any othe BF related video isnt a hoax.My child like wonder at BF is restored. who ned s facys like good footsge,dna etc...eye witness accounts are more tan nough. In fact I believe inLoch ness,even though ive stayed in the area for 30years,it isnt 12ft trgeon brking the water, its a dinosaur as eyewitnesses say so!
      Ialso think you are correct to be smug and arogant . Some people make feel its cowardly too do so from the safety of your PC,not me! thnk you are justified togive it to this guy because who neds factsand cleary there is o hoaxing in bigfootery its churlish to say so.

      so keep up the brave ,witty fascitnating posts.the are so insigtful

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. To anonymouse #3, she had the presence of mind to center the shot because she was ALREADY AWARE that it was there, as you would realize if you had listened to her talking to her friend.

    The short video was clearly due to the fact that it started to move and she freaked out, come on! Just like you would. Your reasoning is so right on and then goes completely asinine and contradictory as well. lol!!!!! You are more unbelievable than the footage.

  12. why does sites comitte to F research even bother uploading this type of obviouse hoax, i guess its anither video that fills space but surely quality over content is more crdible.
    this is amongst the most ridiculas videos over th last few months out there. you cn here the conversation. r'right jim its last day,ill stand i=on bridg, you tr and do the P/G ambling walk towards stream and bend down,ok!'. cringe!

  13. I thought kids were the one`s meant to have over-active imaginations...this guy has his imagination running wild...there`s nothing there aside from him and his kids...sheesh !

  14. seriously, whats the fucking point[sorry kids but there's times when oly a swear word will do to express yourself.this is one]

    he might have just wet to gorillas r us and shouted ooh ooh ooh whilst beating his chest



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