Finding Bigfoot debunks Todd Standing's Bigfoot claims on camera, no word if Todd broke down in tears

Last week, the Find Bigfoot crew was in Canada filming the Sylvanic episode for season two. The word on the street was that they were meeting with Todd Standing, the man who claims to know the secret valley of Bigfoot known as Sylvanic.

Finding Bigfoot and the BFRO has an official statement posted on their forums about Todd Standing.

The gist of all this is that the Finding Bigfoot guys already knew Todd Standing was an attention whore before they met him. After interviewing Todd Standing, the crew said they basically debunked him on camera and said his tales were full of contradictions and couldn't stand up to their questioning.

Here is the statement from the Finding Bigfoot crew posted by Bossburg:

The wildly overblown, self-serving assertions made by Todd Standing in those Canadian newspaper articles are quite misleading. We interviewed Todd Standing, as one of several witnesses in Alberta. He used the opportunity to drum up publicity for himself in Calgary papers. That's what he's all about -- he's a publicity hound. We interviewed him and basically debunked him on camera. His tales were full of contradictions and couldn't stand up to our questioning.

Usually the four investigators are not unanimous when some of us feel a witness is not credible. In Todd's case we all came away feeling that he is not credible, and we said so afterwards.

The BFRO has been on full alert about what bloggers are saying about the meetup between Todd and Finding Bigfoot. The PR team made a decision that they weren't going to give any attention to the criticism surrounding the meetup between the crew and Todd Standing.

If you've never seen a well-oiled Public Relations machine before, read how the BFRO responds to misinformation regarding their work:

ezsquatchy: Based on some news/blog articles I am seeing pop up the BFRO might want to issue an official statement on the Standing episode of Finding Bigfoot. The theme I am seeing pop up is that the BFRO is working along side Standing and they are perpetrating a hoax together. I personally would have PR out in front of this one fast.

beth: That is what I am seeing also. [LINKS REMOVED (possibly includes link to Tim Fasano's blog)]

Bossburg: Yes, we are aware of those blogs/websites. You know it's not true, we know it's not true. Doesn't take too much critical thinking to tear down their stories.
Let's not post their sense in sending them traffic to bolster egos. Not sure when I'll be in touch with the cast again for another statement.

beth: I agree. I removed the link that I posted.

ezsquatchy: Good thinking. Being proactive is always better. Would be a shame to have a reputation tarnished over stupid Internet rumors. The blogoshere never ceases to amaze.


  1. Tim Fasano is a joke! He's also an attention whore. Maybe he should be the one perpetrating a hoax with Standing. I hear he's done it before....they both have.

  2. Can you please tell us where you get the information that he broke down in tears? I don't see that in any of the info you posted or linked to, just in your headline.

  3. If this is really true, it saddens me. I actually thought he might have something. I guess Erickson is one of the last real projects we have to look forward too. :(

  4. If you were caught lying on camera, wouldn't you break down in tears? I'll change the title to something more suggestive.

  5. The BRFO is also a joke. This whole mess is laughably hypocritical, for all parties involved. What was this trip to Alberta if not a publicity stunt? Why does the BFRO need a TV show in the first place? It is undeniably great entertainment, but it certainly doesn't advance science in any way, particularly when MM shuts down his token skeptic at every opportunity.

  6. You can think what you want about the BFRO and ask why they need a show in the first place, but what you fail to realize is that for the first time ever, almost everyone I know is now talking about Bigfoot. The show has done more to bring the subject to mainstream than any of you haters ever have.

  7. todd standing is a joke! how about when he says i can't tell you how we got so close. i guess that if he tells us how he did it then any knuckle-head can copy his style and then you too can be a bigfoot hunter just like him. that is all BS!!! i like how he tries to fool us nobody's with his cartoons and big yellow stars. this liar won't even use a google map. also the BFRO maybe shouldn't of went to see this liar. this might do these guys more harm than good in the long run.

  8. Back @Anonymous: Admittedly, I cannot possibly know what your friends are saying to you, as you are anonymous. However, I could not possibly "fail to realize" something so blindingly obvious as that Bigfoot's media profile has increased. What you fail to consider is that not all publicity is good publicity, and that your circle of acquaintance is not a scientific sampling of the population at large. The sensational nature of the program will do nothing if not further discourage legitimate scientific inquiry. It discredits the very subject. Many people I know view the show itself as confirmation that Bigfoot will never be found.

    So yes, I will continue in my firm belief that the BFRO is a joke.

  9. I've often wondered if Matt Moneymaker was getting lost in the publicity. The fact that he lead the charge against Tom Biscardi and the Georgia incident and now this leaves me feeling comfortable that he is still on the traail for the truth. Standing is a fool and unfortunately, just one of many who will in time, destroy any and all evidence that has been gathered over the years.

    1. Moneymaker knows there is no bigfoot. He sells it for profit.

  10. i just think that t.standing really has no clue on how the word hoax and the person's name after it dosen't look to good. it won't look good even if you drag a sasquatch body in the press room. if you are known as a hoaxster you will not get the respect. and maybe these known hoaxters don't deserve it either.

  11. What, it's just their say-so that he's not legit? On what grounds? What's the proof? All this finger pointing in the community is ridiculous and makes them all look like jealous publicity hounds.

  12. I have to agree with the post from 131182244. I would like to see what proof they have this is actually a hoax. Its funny when someone finds any information or a has a video, they are automatically critizised or debunk. As for calling Standing a media whore well it takes one to know one. Instead of working together to find the commen goal there is way to much finger pointing. To me its not so much inportant who finds the bigfoot or sasquatch, its the fact that we just need to prove its existance. Its vey childish to point any fingers or have jealosy because someone may have prove. Just work together so that wr can find the proof more quickly.

  13. What's going to be funny is when some hick from BFE shows up with a REAL body on the ten o'clock news. Then all these researchers who have been looking for 20+ years with little to no evidence won't get the credit they so long for, and probably money, JOE BOB will! Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer in bigfoot. My son in law and his friend, two young boys of 12 at the time, BOTH saw a Bigfoot not 30 feet from them in the broad daylight. Both described to me the same creature at different times. Also found a stick structure on the property, like a hut. If I had the equipment these guys do and the time, I would have undeniable proof right now! I know where to look here in central Oklahoma.

  14. Amen. I have had encounters in SE Oklahoma. Bears and deer don't throw rocks.

    1. Yeah, but people do. Derrrrrrrr. You must either have the intellect of a 5 year old, or you're a city boy.

      Either way, having "encounters" with bigfoot might be more of a reason to see a psychologist than anything else. Please do so, and discuss your "encounters" and perhaps they can help explain.


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