Ohio Bigfoot Hunters: Taunting Bigfoot? (Team On High Alert)

Taunting Bigfoot?

Uploaded by tcsjrbigfoot on Jul 7, 2011
Ohio Bigfoot Hunters: Josh - Lead Investigator

I trust Josh and his friends and believe them 100%. If I didn't then I would never have uploaded these videos.

These guys are rare in today's world. They spend most of their time at my house playing card games in the Mancave and always steer away from trouble and at the same time I have never caught them drinking and when they are not around then you can find them fishing or playing putt putt golf. How rare is that!

They treat me like one of the gang and we all have a blast together. The very cool thing is we all respect each others opinions and respect the field gear.

The Thermal is useless in areas like this when the underbrush is so thick and when you can't see over the next ridge. Team was positive that it wasn't acorns falling from the tree's. Objects were horizontal and you can hear them projecting from right to left at high speed.

Josh makes a final decision to get the other team members out of the area and feels if these events were caused by a Bigfoot then it was time to go.


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