Bigfoot sighting in Northwest Iowa, frightens children to death

Basswood Bigfoot

This latest sighting is from the great state of Iowa. Two adults decided to take some kids on a road trip, but it turned out to be one trip they'll never forget.

The original video is over 9 minutes long, so we decided to shorten it down to a little over 3 minutes for better viewing. Listen to the kids screaming and crying their eyes out as they watched the Bigfoot creature from across the road.

Below: The video in its entirety.


  1. Replies
    1. *LOL* My first clue was "if we run out of gas, we have to walk out", second: "Oh, that stink...." third: there's no deer, no turkeys, the wildlife is all gone!"

    2. NOPE! On YouTube, the poster ADMITS they hoaxed this specifically to scare the kids!

    3. dat not da big-foot....dat da pimp-foot. he be looking fo some ho-foots

    4. horrible thing to do to kids!

    5. Those asshole parents are horrible people. First of all it is terrible to want to scare your children, only a loser does that. Second, just hearing the real fear those kids are showing should stop any "fun" these hillbilly idiots are trying to have. To get your laughs at your children's expense shows what trash these people really are. Cheese children deserve better parents than these pieces of trash.

  2. I'm sorry, but that's so fake. Whoever is holding the camera took their direction from watching The Blair Witch Project. And no, it looks like a guys in a monkey suit. A lame hoax.

    1. I think thats the point. It was a prank to scare the kids, and they did a really good job. I feel bad that the kids were crying, but it was pretty funny.

  3. If my dad pulled a prank on me like that I would have loved it

  4. its almost impossible to tell exactly what this is, and it cant be taken as absolute proof... but i still think it looks like a couple of bears.

    1. Watch the full video before trying to make an opinion on this. :PP

      It's a dad pranking his kids. One you get a good shot of it, it's rather obviously a man in a gorilla costume.

  5. It looked like it could be real until it started scratching itself. It looked like it had a mask on and there was absolutely no muscle like seen in the PG footage.
    While it is obvious that the children's fear is legit, the entire thing is also obviously a prank, as you can hear the adults laughing about it, and they also did a nice job of playing up the suspense regarding their shortage on gas.
    So really this is a prank, which is made clear by the reasons stated above and also because it does not display typical sasquatch behavior. Someone better tell those kids that it was a joke before they grow up scarred for life lol.

    1. It's also obviously a prank because it says it's a prank in the original YouTube description.

  6. scarying the kids!!!!!!!! thats funny!!! hoax it up better than that!

  7. If you want your site to be taken seriously, you'll stop wasting your viewers time with typical bunk like this.

    1. Calm down, it was just a prank. Everything about bigfoot doesn't have to be serious.

    2. No, only cruelty to children for adults' amusement is serious. If you think this is funny you are obviously a fool.

  8. First @Design2Express, are you retarded?

    Second, This is a father having fun with his kid's, no harm no foul. The fact that some other morons picked it up as either real or a hoax simply makes them, well, morons.

    1. Makes you a bigger moron for thinking no harm no foul, idiot.

  9. If you experienced what my cousin and I went through a few weeks ago down here on a camping trip in the Kiamichi valley, Leflore county Oklahoma- you people making these fake videos would have a different outlook.

  10. I haven't experienced such atrocious acting since Richard Grieco's turn as Loki in The Almighty Thor (

  11. Bigfoot is real? You know what else is scary? I heard if you poop in your dreams, you poop for real......

  12. This blog is stupid. Just stupid.

  13. Oh please! 0:48: "Boy, that stink is terrible." Bad acting. Set-up! Fake!

  14. he set those kids up like a bowling pin.
    we could run out of gas,no deer ,or turkeys,whats that smell,and the bigfoot owns a 1986 firebird.
    the guy was laughing his ass off.

    1. Yeah he was slick, turkey talk turns into, " yeah they say there are Bigfoots out here" lol great scare, those kids will remeber that forever

  15. This is bullshit! I hate people that make fun of bigfoot! I feel like they try to insult us with their IGNORANCE!!!

  16. Lol where can i get one of those gorilla suits?

  17. Bears are cute from a distance...just don't get too respectful like a good little kitty

  18. As soon as the dads started talking about being low on gas, a bad smell and the fact that there was no wildlife around I knew they were pulling a prank on the kids.

    Oh well, it was fun. I'm sure the kids will never forget it.

  19. OK, so this is obviously a prank on the kids. But, what I think is funny is how people are thinking that this is a bear. Especially the comment, "It's a bear.....duh." This person wouldn't know what a bear was, even if it came up and bit him on the backside.

  20. Did anyone happen to notice if the Creature was using Charmin? Can't have any pieces left behind!

  21. Prank he moves to much like a man.

  22. LOL. I love it. It's always a little less funny though when the kids actually go insane with terror.

  23. it didnt look real to me.people who film this stuff should get more focused on what they are doing.get the real deal.bigfoot is real,you just need to know were to go and film it with out being seen.

  24. not only that,the bigfoot only comes out at night,never in the day not an expert on the bigfoot,but i know enough a bout them.however i dont recamend going deep into the woods at dark and camp,only if you want to have rocks thrown at you.i talk to bigfoot researchers and its scary to go deep in the woods by your self.but thats what they do,they are the experts.

  25. one more thing.people who take pictures of bigfoot need to zoom in on them when the picture is taken and not blurry.focus on the bigfoot when it can be seen,not when its out in the open.hoaks are not a good thing,because your proving that bigfoot is not real,and in reality it is.keep an open frame of might just see a real one.

  26. Yeah, kinda fake to me. Doesn't seem like it should be that hard to get a clear picture of such a huge creature.

  27. I cant decide whose a bigger douche...these morons for filming and posting this excrement, or me, for sitting here, watching it and then leaving this comment.

    1. I just wish I would have thought to do this to MY kids growing up! Hilarious!

    2. You are nothing but child abusing trash then? Figures. Go fuck yourself, Jethro.

  28. How can you possibly post these hoax videos anyways? fact: big foot never is distracted much when humans are in the area period. It always keeps an eye on YOU and this is so obviously a FAKE and you keep posting this SHIT! Are you trying to show us how to spot fakes? that this father would take his kids out in the woods or where ever just to scare the living shit out of them is in very, very bad taste and I don't fucking like it!

    1. LOLOL, some of these comments have got me rollin!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. OMG! PaLease. Why on earth would this site post this as evidence? It is so obviously someone in a suit.

  30. Funny prank they played on their kids.

  31. I call B.S........If I find that guy in the ....really bad gorilla suit.....I'm going to eat them.

  32. This film looks extremely fake. The face looks like a grey mask. When it scratches the fur on the suit sways around like an old army blanket. H-O-A-X.

    Buying a Gorilla Suit - $300

    Paying your friend to dress up in it - $50

    Watching little kids scream and cry like babies - Priceless

  33. Wow, this should NOT have been presented as even slightly legitimate. Did you really need more than the monkey-suit man scratching himself?

    I could tell simply by the reactions of the adults in the vehicle, and this discernment is good to have when you are investigating a field that is as saturated with hoaxes as this one.

  34. you guys that post that this is stupid...I think it was priceless..Funniest thing I have ever seen...It was just a joke..

    1. Imagine posting this with no sound whatsoever. You would have an entirely different reaction with folks claiming how real it looked. LOL

  35. Ok so yes this is very clearly a fake, the worst part of it though is the comments from people saying its a bear. I am from NW Iowa, grew up there majority of my life, THERE ARE NO BEARS IN IOWA only at zoo's, its not the right environment for them.

    1. I am from NE Iowa and there ARE bears in Iowa. Not a lot and mostly near/around the rivers like the Mississippi River but there are sightings of black bears.

  36. This "prank" absolutely terrified those children!! This was cruel, appalling, and inexcusable! I pray the children have no lasting and irreparable harm from it. I hope the parents realize what trauma the children went through, "prank" or not!

  37. It was kind of believable until it scratched its belly and the whole costume moved.

  38. Clearly a prank that was played on the children, parents like that should be euthanized. -=D

  39. Looks pretty convincing to me using the trees as cover, the black fur, the bad smell it seems to be a real sasquatch

  40. Ok, painfully obvious it was a prank, but all you people got hoodwinked by the kids too. Scared? They're laughing and giggling just as much as the adults -go back and listen closely. Probably coached thoroughly to try to sound really scared. Not buying it.

    As for the "bigfoot", one telltale giveaway all the hoaxtards keep doing in their lame videos is having the "creature" squatting and loping around like an orangutan. Most "authentic" reports show they either crouch to hide, or walk away bipedally, albeit slightly hunched forward.

    1. I was gonna say the same thing. They are obviously either acting, or the biggest sissies I have ever seen, even for kids. PLus the fact that they werent that far into the wilderness and that RED CAR thats sitting on the side of the road...

    2. No you are wrong. You are trying to justify scaring children by trying to implicate then when they are obviously scared. Take the retard out of your ears and YOU listen closer.

  41. The one kid reciting the lords prayer was hilarious. What a cool dad for playing such a great prank.

    1. I bet you think your cool dad was just the best for getting drunk on cheap beer and putting out his Kools on your head. You are a jackass.

  42. great prank on the kids but still stupid.should not have ever been posted as legit footage . a complete waste of time watching ecept for the kids freaking

  43. Obviously the adults were putting one over on the kids. Bad acting. The setup is so predictable.

  44. Stupid ignorant bad parents frightening kids like that and thinking its funny. Its abusive

  45. Yes, Iowa is a great state and these obvious hoaxers are having fun and i would guess they are rightfully making fun of the real "Expert Team" of the this stupid show called Finding Bigfoot. Actually, i think the Hoaxers are way more believable than the shows Morons are. Please take this ignorant show off the air. It's embarrassing this country.

  46. Surprising that this site promotes pranks. It negates any and all serious articles you post. Take it down. Please.

  47. lmao that was funny as hell i hope you told the kids it wasn't real . i wish i could have seen this in person , way to funny

  48. lmao that was funny as hell i hope you told the kids it wasn't real . i wish i could have seen this in person , way to funny

    1. What's even funnier is when your illegitimate kids will eventually leave you alone in your shack for your stupidity that must embarrass them daily if you think this is funny. Trash.

  49. Obviously FAKE...nice set up to get the kids fearful of running out of gas in the woods, then, what do you know! BIG FOOT just happens to be answering the call of mother nature just on the other side of the creek! So funny!!!!

  50. I believe big foot exists but this website doesn't have shit for good evidence. Just watch Finding Bigfoot on Animal planet, their evidence is better...sorry

  51. They did their research, "Ooh the smell... Where's all the wildlife..." I have to agree with the Blair Witch effect. That's gotta be the worst sasquatch evidence claim ever! Absolutely ridiculous.

  52. This should have been reported Bigfoot prank.. Those kids are going to have nightmares for years to come.. Funny video. I bet those poor kids crapped themselve all the way home..

  53. Absolutely, unquestionably fake. The adults are two of the worst actors I've ever heard. Plus, they were talking about Bigfoot in the earlier part of the tape and then, lo and behold, they see one. Gimme a break.

  54. worst attempt at a hoax I have EVER seen! No harm in playing a trick on your kids but puh-lease dont bore us with it.

  55. this is great! reminds me, i was 15, the older guys knew a girl Ruby, lived back in the woods & haveing a party, drunk, they drove us back there, dark, older guy hollered Ruby turn the lites on, Ruby hell & gunshots from the dark woods is all I heard and ran for miles!!!lol

  56. Here's the deal. It's NW Iowa... Need I say more? (SE - SD here.. :-) )

  57. The video was obviously a setup for the start. A couple of men with a bunch of pre-teen children in a car. They are on a back road for no apparent reason. They are taking videos for no apparent reason. The motive seems to have been to thrill the children and have it on video. They might have posted it online just to point-and-giggle.

  58. What a great prank to pull on the kids! I know what I am doing this weekend.

  59. It's your wife taking a dump in the woods.

  60. I'd explain why this ' prank ' is wrong but you can't convince anyone who thinks this is funny any different. You have to have been witness to some environments that human beings do go through and understand what actually does affect people for the worse, or doesn't.
    Even the father knows the idea wasn't so great when the kids get really upset. At least he had the sense to realize things weren't thought out very well.
    There are people commenting on here how they'd love to do that to their kids. I suppose they'd classify themselves in some sort of positive category. Not thinking that maybe antisocial personality disorder is a factor.

  61. "Should I roll the windows up?" "No, cousin Eddy is just up ahead in the monkey suit and you need to get a decent video shot of him. That can't happen if you roll the windows up."

    I can't say I have never sat there video taping nothing but please... the one in a billion chance at a daytime drive-by. I like the jokes and hoaxes, just label them as such.

  62. aside from being a stupid redneck prank ... it seems like everyone is overlooking the fact that at least one of those kids was being seriously traumatized. Gonna have nightmares and piss the bed for years - probably grow up to be a drug addict. Serves you right DAD.

  63. aside from being a stupid redneck prank ... it seems like everyone is overlooking the fact that at least one of those kids was being seriously traumatized. Gonna have nightmares and piss the bed for years - probably grow up to be a drug addict. Serves you right DAD.

  64. Whats really funny is that if this wasnt posted as a prank, all the bigfoot sheeple would be wetting salivating at another piece of video "proof" that Bigfoot exists, LOL

  65. This was like the best prank on those kids realy at first getting into the video watch very careful until ya it scratched its ass laughed my self all most to tears.
    Wish I would of thought that one up myself lol
    As just to say thought too born an raised in the Pacific Northwest not far from mount St Helens there out there I've not seen but have heard very spin chilling screams before in the night.....

  66. Some guys having fun with the kids - pretty funny! What's this video doing on here, though?

  67. All I have to say is how absolutely sickening selfishness to terrorize those children that way! That is just disgusting~ not a funny joke at all.

  68. can't believe how many people call this funny. the poor kids were terrified. And yes, obviously fake

  69. I'm curious to know why the ADMIN for this site would ever allow such bullshit? you can see the guys car parked on the side, its a Red Sports Car which he obviously drove in on ahead of them in an attempt to scare the Children with the Fathers. Come on People..

  70. lol.. made him scratch himself-- video shouldnt be on here.. funny to scare the kids.. but so fake

  71. Gee, maybe Sasquatch shouldn't have parked his red car where the SUV made a predetermined U-Turn. Also, why was Sasquatch wearing a fake costume? Doesnt his own fur/skin scare enough people?
    Maybe Sasquatch is hoaxing so people will leave him alone.

  72. Why is it the hoax videos are clear and last a long time, and the actual ones come out blurry and shaky and for 5 seconds at most?

  73. Would have been even funnier if some drunk redneck had busted a cap in that hoaxer's ass from across the way ...

  74. Then sent a few downrange at those loudmouthed kids ...

  75. Your site is a joke. you are dumb ass homo's

  76. What cruel parents! They should take those kids away from them! !@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$#

  77. It's crap like this that makes the whole subculture look really, really bad. I have to concur, this is a hoax without question.

    Why do people that do this get any sort of airplay?

    I'll tell you, ATTENTION.

  78. The comments on this are about as funny as the video. The kids screaming and crying and freaking out was funny. You can tell its fake even before finding out its fake. People need to chill out, they freaked the kids out, the kids will live. Its not like they tried to sacrifice them to bigfoot or something. About as bad as telling a child a ghost story. Stfu and get a laugh. The guys that did this aren't trying to get fame or whatever for 'hoaxing' a bigfoot video, they clearly weren't serious about it. lol

  79. I've seen this video like 2 years ago on youtube. The guy near the lake is in a gillie suit and the men in the vehicle with the kids were laughing. They played a prank on the kids, even tho the kids were very terrified. What horrible parents they are.

  80. Geez when are you Dudes Gonna see The Light !! most of this stuff is Fake !!


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