South Western Ohio Bigfoot Finds Bigfoot Track's Along The Ohio River

Uploaded by jubel2012 on Jun 23, 2011
Jubel2012 with South Western Ohio Bigfoot. I went with a good friend of mine today to look into some different area's which is about a 30 minute drive from my core research area. We were looking right near 2 main highways and not expecting to find anything we do!

Along the river bank very close to Highway 52 I find 3 very distinct footprints. They appeared to be of a juvenile and the reason I am confident they are of a juvenile Bigfoot is because I cannot imagine any person walking barefoot where we were doing our research. The area was littered with glass, jagged rocks, driftwood and well it's a dangerous pace to be walking barefoot.

Also the print's were smaller than my feet which means if it was a human it would have most likely been a child or teenager and I just don't see it probable that any human's would be walking there because of the debris.

One good reason for finding Bigfoot print's there could be becasue that spot is a locally well known area for good fishing. Even while we were down there, fish were jumping allover the place the whole time very close to the bank. I find it very possible that a bigfoot or more would croass the 4 lane highway from the hill's on the other side which lead up into some pretty vast hill's and wood's.

The road parrallel to the highway has house's very few and far between with alot of undisturbed land. The Bigfoot in South Western Ohio are living and moving alot closer to Cincinnati and the more city area's than I would have ever thought, without looking into those area's down there further. We did go to another area not far from there and found a very possible Bigfoot tree structure.

I will put a video together of some picture's I took and show you what we found. Every bit of possible evidence was found within 150-200 feet of two well well traveled highway's. But there was alot of sign's that deer and other animals are in the area's as well.

Do you think a Bigfoot would crawl through culvert's to cross under Highway's and to gain access to different area's?



  1. Hey dipshit ! If there is debris, ie broken glass and such, then PEOPLE HAVE BEEN THERE ! Idiot !


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