Video: What Neanderthals really looked like

'Neanderthal: Profile of a super-predator'

Check out Danny Vendramini's 15 minute video. It's his take on what Neanderthals really looked like.

Danny Vendramini draws on the latest scientific evidence to show that Neanderthals ferocious ape-like creatures who hunted and raped early humans to the brink of extinction before the humans fought back and eradicated the Neanderthals.







  1. Watched the video. Who is this guy? What are his credentials? He's basically saying "forget what thousands of experts in this field have determined based on research and hard scientific data. I have a theory, and it's that Neanderthals looked like orcs from WoW"!. Give me a break. Sensationalist bullshit from an armchair researcher.

    1. what are his credentials? you really never heard of him? ... well look him up dumbass, he has cred coming out of his ass...

      what it is saying to us on a bigfoot site is that there is a really good chance that bigfoot is an offshoot of neanderthal.... btw, what are your credentials?


  2. All evidence science has is based on opinion ..u can't tell what hair or facial fetures look like ..I don't think they look like this though ...more like bigfoot ....they used think dinosours were scaly now they now some had feathers

  3. Ahhhhhhhh ! Come on ...

  4. Totally believable theory and more so if you consider the nature of many of the Sasquatch sightings, local mythology and missing people (read Missing 411) stories.

  5. I have thought for some time that the most believable explanation for bigfoot and why we've never found skeletons is that bigfoot *is* neanderthal and we have completely mistaken their remains for a more human like creature.

    It's also difficult to believe the argument that a strong intelligent predator like neanderthal was crowded out by homo-sapiens when homo-sapiens has occupied a relatively small part of the planet and to this day there are vast areas where people don't live.

    1. BTW, I realize neanderthal was supposedly much shorter than BF. But there are tall and short people as well.

  6. hi there i have been looking around for a wesite or something....i saw what i saw threw my looked like a man but it wasnt
    u did not know wha tis was i watched it from 1600 meters thre my scope and any scope user knows @ 1600meters is a head shot
    the wind was soft te leaves was perfect......but was this a man in the middle of no where? its moose season here in canada...and fir me being a native canadien 1600 m is a head shot....
    i watche this thing threw ,my scope amd dead of sites
    walk like a man bend dow like a man

    then walkaoff like a man...... his was not an ape suit that i saw
    i know all animals in the woods...and know i was in the iddle of no where a tha moment
    if this was a man in a 1600 m he had no clue i had him sited and ready for the head shot

  7. hi i am new to this igfoot thing but what i saw was was not a man 9 had in my gun sites
    it was a real live humaniod of some sort in the middle ofd no where at my range finder ans xcope was a clear head shot... this was not a man in a suit i know.. iwill never ever squeese a trigger on something do not know....this was smething i havce ever ever witnessed before in my life..... please do not make anything of ths other then a sniper from canada watching the forest.... i know what i saw...and it is not humand n a suit..thnkk you


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