NatGeo: The Survival of Sasquatch

Meldrum and Mionsynski take to the mountains of Wyoming, where recent sightings of Big Foot have been reported.

NatGeo shows us how Bigfoot can survive in the wild for so long.



  1. Say Bigfoot,did exist what I doubt he/she dose,this would be a new species of ape,how can you compare that to another type of apes?We were apes,we don't live anything like other types do we? This is just all compared to another type of ape.

  2. we were never apes! That is NOT what science teaches us you dolt!.It is more accurate to say that both we and apes are descended from the same ancestor..which was neither ape or human.
    Go back to school!

  3. The Hominidae (pronounced /hɒˈmɪnɨdiː/; anglicized hominids, also known as great apes[notes 1]), as the term is used here, form a taxonomic family, including four extant genera: chimpanzees, gorillas, humans, and orangutans.[1] In the past, the term was used in the more restricted sense of humans and relatives of humans closer than chimpanzees.

    We ARE a great ape. Go back to school and suck and egg.

  4. How can you argue with an idiot that can't spell"does"

  5. Not all apes are human, but all humans are apes.


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