Nolan Canova speaks on the Patterson film, says Patterson had the best costume ever

Nolan Canova interview about Patterson
Stay tune for Part 2!

Nolan Canova is famous in the Tampa area for his website at Canova doesn't think Bigfoot in the Patterson footage was a real Sasquatch at all. The reason? Because Patterson was involved.

Canova believes that Patterson had the best Ape costume the world has ever seen. He also believes that Patterson was a lie, a cheat and a thief.

Why is he criticizing Patterson and not the ape costume look? Was Patterson's ape costume really that good? Is there anything from the Bigfoot footage to criticize at all? Sure, it's easy to criticize a person for his behavior, anyone can do that. Canova starts to look very nervous during the conversion, especially when the interviewer talked about the anatomical features in the Patterson-Gimlin footage.

We're still waiting for Part 2 of the interview. We hope the interviewer ask Canova why Patterson used a female costume rather than a male. So far, skeptics have been ignoring this big question. Why go through the trouble of making a female costume when it's so much easier to make a male.


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