Kids Film Massive Bigfoot

Two kids startle a creature that tears off through the brush. Is it a bigfoot? Take a look and see what you think.


  1. All evidence presented on NvTv is Fake or Hoaxed.

  2. I'm going to say it's not because you see Bigfoot doesn't exist but giant cats of Britain, no, also doesn't exist

    1. Iktomi just Schooled all the Boyos that claim his IQ is low via the above comment, keep up the good work Joe.

    2. All this evidence combined with 1000s of years of unwritten, unverifiable Native American accounts, combined with the Patterson costume, along with fake footprints, make Bigfoot undeniably apocryphal.

    3. Within the field of biology and anatomy, I am considered by most as an expert among experts. Many of these "bigfoot" sightings are simply misidentified creatures. Take for instance this most recent video above. Clearly, what the children filmed was not a Sasquai, but a large Afro-American lineman for some NFL team. He is hiding out in the bushes whilst the national anthem is being sang. Had the tiny tikes continued to film, they would have witnessed this great mountain of girth place his uniform back on.........

    4. BRAVO!! At 5:22, At least that explanation is 1000x more plausible than some 1000lb 10ft hairy apeman running around undetected in the suburban area's of the USA!

  3. This is a bear. You can see that it was upright on its hind legs when they first caught it on video, and then it goes down on all fours as it walks away.

    1. ^ the only "bear" I am interested in is when it is combined with "back" - the bareback boys are ridden again...yeeeeaaaaayyyyy !

      I LIKE it !!!



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