Survivorman Answers Some Bigfoot Questions on Reddit

Survivorman, Les Stroud recently sat down and started an AMA on reddit where people were invited to ask him anything they wanted. Two questions were asked about Bigfoot and one was actually really dumb. The first question asked was about the Bigfoot television special discussed on the Joe Rogan show:

Click on image to enlarge

Here's the dumb Bigfoot question: Pancakes or waffles?

Click on image to enlarge

You can read the entire AMA here:


  1. Sleep paralysis my sweet lace covered arse xx

    1. Eva


      Hope all is well !!

      Ruff (hug) x

    2. Hi Eva hi RUFF GOOD AFTERNOON people I'm the Harry they accused you of being sorry about that as you can see I have poor sentence structure and my punctuation is non existent so how that is I've got no clue

    3. I want some pancakes right now! and no MF'ers I won't share them with you retards that say first! damn losers!

    4. Hello Ruff,thanks for my hug,i'm well thank you xx

    5. It's nice to be back you telling me about the changes had me come and see so I came back thank you

    6. That's ok Harry,you won't be allowed to use naughty words now though other wise you get a white out ,Randys going to be pulling his hair out lol xx

    7. Yay Harry! You can still say CHUTAK! That covers all my basic filth groups.Just be careful with specifics like "Eva blanks down too hard on my Chutak " or "Chutak aproaching!" Q: How you know? A: Face all sticky.

    8. Yeah Harry, good to see you back

    9. CHUTAK TEA SUCKS RANDY. WHAT'S GOIN ON RUM? you doin alright brother

  2. Replies
    1. Parcher forever yearning to date an ape.

    2. parcher destroys footery. buries it.

    3. Yes, quite. Looking around here, footery surely is destroyed and buried. There are no books, films, television, or websites covering the subject. Sykes has no Collateral Hominid Project or book coming in September; Meldrum doesn't exist.

      Well done Parcher! Grand job!

    4. Yeah, cause a book written by Spanky Jones and FB on it's last legs indicate a growth in the subject.

      There are plenty of websites about beastiality and necropheliac too, so yet again, what a terrible point.

      Sykes done pwned footers months ago. You just can't accept that. There will be no ground breaking bigfoot in his paper.

      Don Meldrum, the "expert" in primate locomotion? The one who thinks bigfoot is a big monkey?

      Yeah...he's on your side LOL

  3. waffles are one molucule from being cardboard.

  4. Where's NA, he hasn't missed a high noon post in years, somebody should go check his closets, he may have had another one of his asphyxiation accidents

    1. I'm with dmaker.

      Good luck with the chat room for verified holes.

    2. New rules are like the weather...they will change.

  5. Once in a lifetime a boy can do, what no other can do

  6. Nice pancake/waffle choice question JOE!

  7. footers come and go on the jref

    they come in, get destroyed, then leave, every single time

    now on the other hand ,skeptics go on the bff and they remain there, forever being correct and forever pointing out the complete lack of a monkey

    too easy

    1. When you have had a bigfoot experience - I doubt anyone really cares about "jref" or not.

    2. 10:47 the resident #looneytoons approved jref loon with fear of footers.

      Does he have to post such a comment more times to earn the jref merit badge, or is the 2000 times enough already?

      #blokeinastraitjacket approved

    3. Nope I'm down here.

      The difference between Jref and BFF is attitude and moderation.

      Any footers on Jref are roundly attacked and if they, like Bill Munns, complain they are banned.

      The BFF has a totally different approach. Skepticism is welcomed and encouraged. Some of the best posters on BFF have a very skeptical view point. This is required to cut through the piles of hoaxes and non-evidence which is offered up on an almost daily basis.

      I've often considered going behind enemy lines and joining BFF but they ask for a whole lot of information on sign up which I'm simply not prepared to give.


  8. Les Stroud is a true American hero and one tough sob! He is a very credible person as well. One cool guy!

    1. Canadian.

      Nevertheless, I do agree he seems like a credible person. Not nearly enough of these in the bigfoot world so if he were to venture into this arena - I'd be very interested.

    2. I believe what he says. He has said that hes seen many strange things in the wilderness that he can't explain. I like his viewpoints. He's so interested that he wants to find out and discover the truth behind it

    3. 12:56, you're so full of sh*t.

      I've watched every single episode of every show he's ever done through the years, caught him on several podcasts, and have interacted with him on twitter.

      The only crap he never identified was the "hoo-hoo-hoo" monkey holler in Alaska and the bipedal foot steps in Canada before Survivorman was ever filmed.

      If you're going to lie, at least make it good.

    4. Must be pretty painful Pops to find out one of your heroes is a footer.

      Nothing wrong with what the Anon above posted. LS has had two encounters which he reckons has potential BF origins.

      Hence his piqued interest and forthcoming shows on the subject.


    5. All survivor type shows are either been cancelled, or have low ratings! LS is trying to "Re-invent himself, to keep him relevant, that's all. It's always the ratings and the money!

  9. If stroud agrees to a bigfoot type show, then all his cred is gone. It will be horribly staged just like the others have been and will make him and all of us look stupid. If he agrees to it, he is money hungry. Stroud should know better and look at the train wreck that all the other bigfoot shows have been. And i mean train wreck!!!


    1. But this is the whole point --> He has HAD experiences.

      If not him...then WHO?

      I think it would be all on the producers of the show.

    2. I think you have it backwards.

      'if he does a bigfoot show all of is credibility is gone..."

      Wrong - it's the very fact that he HAS so much credibility...and has HAD an experience (or two) which makes it very interesting to consider.

    3. Unless you see one in broad daylight, up close and personal then your experience means jack squat.

      No visual experience? No Squatch then.

      Noises and crunchy walking isn't a bigfoot experience.

    4. Delighted to hear that you consider eyewitness sightings as hard evidence.

      By that logic all Class A encounters point to the existence of a 'Squatch'.



  10. What the heck is a bigfoot sky burial anyway?

    1. It's a lot like a Dirty Sanchez but instead of using Miracle Whip you use straight up horseradish.

    2. Les you go bro! I love your shows even if your fishing sucks too often.Thats reality.

  11. Face it, all bigfoot questions are dumb questions.

  12. There have been a huge amount of credible people come forward only to walk away from ignorant skepturds comments.It has became a game of money even those who have had sightings will cast doubt for money or to save face.If you gathered all of it together the evidence if there,but since some sketard says no! its easier to follow than lead.That is a fact!American values crumble as we all sit at home depending on others to fix our problems that unbelievable in my opinion.Sketard that every time you fill up or buy food or look for a job that pays less than it did a decade ago.As foreign immigration sucks our economy to null with tax free breaks to them.While we work harder for less,and then someone comes out and tells what they saw and it involves the big guy every points and pics till theres nothing left for them except to walk away.Tv is entertainment so when you have a bigfoot sighting call someone who cares but if no one shows up don't be surprised.We have poor values on what we place as important!

    1. My own mum could tell me she saw a Sasquatch and I'd laugh and ask her what evidence she had.

      It's really that simple. I don't care who you are or what your title is, if you can't provide biological evidence then it might as well of never happened (if it did at all.)

      I mean we are talking about a biological creature tht supposedly number in the thousands and have been reported in every state in the Nation.

      Surely they have to poop or lose some hair eventually.

    2. suppression of evidence is our specialty,look at our court system! and if your own mother had a sighting and she was forever changed and you laughed in her face then what kinda son are you and reverse if you had a sighting and your mum laughed and sent you to your room left to deal with your own thoughts.there are samples of unidentified hairs and evidence its just not on tv sunday night for you to watch after you stuff your face with your mums food.

    3. or better yet when I told my neighbor about what I saw and he laughed,He has 4yrs in college to be a chemist and he goes to his car salesman job every day to pay his bills and his student loans.And he thinks im a idiot! wow

    4. Come back out of the rabbit hole.

    5. cant since your big head is obviously stuck in the entrance.Prolly call your self a hunter as you sit in your stand with bait on the ground waiting for some dumb cow to come along so you can shoot it

  13. bfro is a place where they charge for expeditions and now they worked it into a show all for money! the only credible thing about "finding Bigfoot" is the town hall meetings and the regular folks who are brave enough to come forward.And even then they pic them apart with doubt.Its all a big joke until its you that has a sighting.The day will come,how about a show of ex seals and army rangers paid to hunt down a bigfoot sponsored by the logging companys of north America! then the tree huggers can lobby billions so you cant go in the woods anymore so the forest people can live in peace.

    1. Dude, a show where ex seals or rangers heads out to track down a Bigfoot would be a hit! If the beast is out there, they would be the team tub track and down and prove it. Great idea.

    2. Wouldn't work. Seals and Rangers aren't interested in looking like fools.

    3. exactly lets get the tv producers to hire real experts in warfare and jungle technics to hunt down bf and put it to rest! then some corporation that makes billions off of the logging industry will pay someone way above our heads to make it all disappear..unbelievable? happens all the time! Were just under paid monkeys working for someone else.

    4. there have been reports from former military personell ,don't you read reports or your so interested in your cheese puffs and your ugly hair dew to expand your thoughts beyond your trailer court mentality

    5. You say that as you clench your cheap purse and flaunt your new shoes...

      Ya know what you look like, you look like a rube.

    6. there are plenty of sights with reports with relative locations of the sightings and If you had the skills and animal information you would be able to find something,but since you don't get results you go back home and say its not real.Theres only one gold medal in this sport and sorry to say maybe your just not all you thought you were!Rube yah I had to look it up,cheap shot just like your bf skills!

    7. lol road hunting you shot a "monster" and then ran off with absolutely no proof! And continue to act all that because you don't shave and wear plaid shirts.round here your just another redneck with a rusty used truck and front porch full of empty "lite beer" cans .

  14. Survivorman is just as fake as finding bigfoot. After the camera stops rolling the beer and food are brought in. he is transported to a base tent with heat and all the amenities of home.

    1. You left out gud vagina! These guys aren't boy scouts Liberace!

  15. All these survival shows are faked, and proven to be, that's why their ratings are low. It's a known fact, that when night comes, they don't stay the night in a freezing tent, they go to an arranged Motel. They have been caught doing this! Fact!


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