First Screenshot of Les Stroud's New Show About Survival (And Bigfoot?)

Over the past year or two, Les Stroud has been working on a new show to shake things up a bit. One new face we'll see in the series will be his son Logan Stroud. It's unclear if the first season will feature the Bigfoot hunt that Les Stroud has been talking about, but according to a recent Facebook status update, the show will be about surviving and teaching:

Les has survived everywhere…but now the challenge is to survive AND teach. All new series #SurvivormanAndSon with Logan Stroud coming soon! ~ Web Girl


  1. Replies
    1. At the moment she's banging on his bedroom door and yelling at him to get a fucking life.

    2. Where were you on the thread before last when your buddy Ernie was trolling everybody? He always has your back Joe, why didnt you have hisby telling him he's acting like a fool. Did u see that he posted 33 times in 2 and a half hours on that 1 and had 3 people report him. Some friend you are, Joe.

    3. No doubt JOE!! What do you think about your boy Ernie's behavior?

    4. Listen to the trolls crying about being trolled. Classic.

    5. I can assure you ernie, I am NOT a troll.


    6. Bloke in a suit has been making two claims:

      1. Packham's BBC bigfoot was not an attempt at a PGF repro, and that the costume used was just a handy ready-made job.

      2. Dfoot/Pruiit tricked all BFF members by simply placing an image of Patty against an urban background.

      Both are false.

      The Packham BBC fake bigfoot clip was made at the film site in Bluff Creek. Packham used the same model of camera which Patterson used. Packham introduced camera-shake to duplicate and evoke that in the PGF. Packham had his phony bigfoot walk the same path which Patty walked. The origin of the Packham costume is uncertain, however some assert that it came from a top Hollywood costume maker.

      In any case regarding the Packham suit, the BBC is hardly going to use the same type of camera at the original Bluff Creek site, have the fake bigfoot walk the same path as Patty, all in an effort to debunk the PGF, but then fudge the costume: just throw out any off-the-rack suit and put it on an actor and bang, you're done. This bleef demonstrates delusion.

      Now that you have read that, consider again that bloke in a suit helplessly cries out that the Packham job was no attempt to replicate the PGF.

      Dfoot/Pruiit created a malformed image of Patty and placed it on an urban background. Some of the BFF members said it didn't look right and doubted authenticity. Others smelled a rat and saw that pieces of the image matched Patty, but that the overall image didn't match Patty. Dfoot was booted based on this trickery.

      Now that you have read that, keep in mind bloke in a suit's claims regarding Dfoot and the superimposed image.

      Bloke in a suit is mistaken on both claims, either due to being misinformed, an inability to comprehend, delusion, or intentional lying, or some combination of some or all of the preceding. You will see bloke in a suit repeat these claims until it's obvious everyone sees they are false, and bloke in a suit will then drop them and move onto his next fantasy.

      Deluded fish in a leaky barrel.

    7. Yep, no kidding Joe. The troll collective is having a major meltdown. Hilarious to watch. Always good for a laugh.

    8. So you approve of ernie's behavior, Joe?

    9. 12:49 was taken apart here;

    10. 12:52... Ernie is cool. You are deranged.

    11. Of course he is cool he acts like a troll and you despise trolls. Wait, what?

    12. GRAYs find U, U dont find them!

    13. Bigfoots are giant hairy lemurs.

    14. Joe f"it"z"" nineteen eighty-two at aol dot come

    15. Sykes is coming! Wait.... he already came and went.

    16. nazis were making super soldiers might be some of them still walking around

    17. Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project.

    18. I don't know what you watched but they certainly didn't film their monkey suit walking the same path Patty did, they didn't film it at the same location either...

      Make up some more crud, why don't ya?

      Super butthurt footer alert!

      Tim Fasano no doubt.

    19. "The results aired on the television shows do not compromise Bryan’s paper in peer review."

      - Rhettman Mullis

    20. Joe f*i*tz 19*8*2 at AOL . Com

    21. sure nazis got technology fron the GRAYs and they made hybrids soldiers

    22. Yup. All of Joe's hopes went out the window with Sykes' failure.

    23. GRAYs get your DNA making clones for the takeover

    24. I thought they figured out that bigfoots were actually north american lemurs

    25. Never heard lemurs, I know that Dr. Sykes proved they were bears.

    26. joe fitz 1982 at aol dot com

    27. joe f*itz 1982 at ao*l dot c*om

    28. Melba is the one who hypothesized Lemurs as the male lineage.

      Wonder if Sykes fails peer review if he chooses to go with Denovo Journal?

    29. Oh yeah Melba, remember back when Joe put his faith in her? Didnt work out too well did it Joe?

    30. Sykes will know how to do every little angle properly.

    31. 1:35...

      I wasn't even posting around here then... Imaginative lot.

    32. Patty was a lemur in a suit.

    33. Joe, 12:49 was taken apart? I think you misspoke and meant bloke in a suit was taken apart. 12:49 seems to be in agreement with you.

    34. JOE is getting killed on the previous thread as we speak! Check it out!

    35. Here is the BBC/Packham clip:

      Quoting Packham from that clip:

      “Let’s get the camera Patterson used, find an amateur operator, and recreate exactly to the inch, the action at Bluff Creek."

      Well now, look at that, bloke in a suit disagrees with his own hero, Packham: "to the inch," bloke in a suit, "to the inch."

      If that is not Bluff Creek, the sand along the dry creek or riverbed where the phony bigfoot walks appears to be exactly the same color as that in the PGF.

      Let's find out if that is Bluff Creek or not, if Packham's "to the inch" "recreation" included the Bluff Creek film site, or another place on Bluff Creek.

    36. Joes new tactic when getting pwned is to bring out quotes by some hoaxer named Mulls. He can now add a new tactic too his belt of 4 go too's. The first of course is the Patty film which clearly shows Bob H walking across a creek. The 2nd is Leaping Russian, which is a pathetic excuse for a hoax. The 3rd is Sykes paper copy and paste, and now we have the 4th, Mulls copy and paste quotes.

      This is all Joe knows. Every single rebuttal will involve one of these 4. Its guaranteed. He knows nothing more. He will also sometimes fall on the magic monkey suit line when he is getting especially pwned. Joe took a beating today as he was smoked in almost every thread and made to look a fool. Joe and Kent are sure working overtime these days. Kent created the Enema Ernie account to try and troll trolls, and its had the oppostie effect. LOL. Imagine that. Now Kents 3rd made up account is getting trolled worse than Joe. LOL. Your 2 are pathetic.

    37. Got monkey suit?

      Didn't think so... Continue your meltdown...

    38. In this clip, Packham visits the Bluff Creek site, or so he says:

    39. Joe has busted out the got monkey suit. Meaning, he has no rebuttal, and no knowledge. Yet again. Hey Joe, wanna smear your greasy face in the dirty butt diaper?

    40. Oh, and hes also blaming his meltdowns on other people. Thats a sure sign that Joe is getting upset. Got dirty diapers Joe?

  2. Replies
    1. reptoids and GRAYs taking over control, making hybrids for the occupation

  3. Les is the last chance to snatch this subject from the line up of self serving clowns that have emerged from their respective sewers and return it to the adults. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    1. Matt & Bobo been tracking bigfoots for years they got lots of time beating the bush looking for bigfoot. Boots on the ground Matt and Bobo been there done that.

    2. now take U a AK to take that big guy out. need to get that critter and the proof

    3. I think you can safely put Fatt and Blowhole in the self serving clown column.

    4. Matt say he a bigfoot guru, been tracking bigfoots for decades

  4. bigfoots all abouts Les Stroud on the hunt there be no escape for the big guy this time - sound the trumpets and let the hunt begin: )

  5. GRAYs have bases and been cloning taking DNA here for years. lots of cryptids could be GRAY DNA cloning experiments

    1. thankin sometimez bigfoots alookin lack bears, becawz ifn U seein tham, U thankin bear not bigfeets

    2. reptoids been here before we were.

  6. time to break out the preperation h......because the hemorrhoid has arrived

  7. How about a truce,a nice fresh start,i'll begin by staying on topic.
    I don't know anything about Les Stroud becauce i've not seen his programs but in the UK we have Ray Mears who is also a survivorman,now i understand Les had a couple of bigfoot encounters,who knows about these?anyone? xx

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Trolls are out in full force today I see! Wow...

      Les is a reputable guy with a show called "Survivorman" that has been on for years.
      He is from Canada. He's had some unusual encounters that are not easy to "explain away".

      The trolls (who never have been and never will go into any kind of remote or wilderness areas) will nevertheless be condescending and tell us all (guys like Les) that ACTUALLY heard "blah blah blah..." That you ACTUALLY mis-identified a bear or a large gopher. It's comical in a way.

      Then they'll change the subject to argue about the PGF. :)

      I'd like to see him do it. I can relate to him in a way - as I"ve had similar experiences that cannot be explained away. He could do the show in a more serious manner. No big camera crew etc.

    3. Hmm, I don't see one single negative post about les on this thread.

    4. Yes...trolls don't have the balls to actually tell Les Stroud what he ACTUALLY heard do they ?!? Ha...quite funny.

    5. Sounds like Les would be one of the best people to go looking for bigfoot if he can survive in the wilderness for a time,also for some one who spends a lot of time in the middle of no where he would know what's unusual and what isn't xx

    6. Indeed. One of the best for sure.

      He (like alot of folks) actually had his 'unusual encounters' when NOT "looking for bigfoot". Not even thinking about it. Those are the best I think. It debunks the theory that when people are out looking for a certain something - they will tend to attribute everything to whatever it is they are looking for.

      I think there is a term. Something along the lines of Pareidolia.

    7. Didn't state that very well. Pareidolia is a real phenomena.

      Just meant to say that alot of sightings or experiences are considered bogus because people are out "looking" for bigfoot. This is true.

      A bit more legitimacy to stories where people are just out doing 'other things'. Fishing, hunting whatever...

    8. I've just watched Les on that clip above,i hadn't had time earlier,really interesting,he knows what he heard,i hope he does that show with the discovery channel xx

    9. WHERE'S That Sniviling Wuss, "GIRLY BOY" ?

    10. The trolls are always out in force.

      This is their spiritual home.


    11. Hey EVA R. Les goes out by himself with no camera crew and does all his own filming. Been doing this on American TV for over 10 years.

      I have never heard of Ray Mears, probably a pretty neat guy. If I had to pick out the one man to go on survival with, for me it would be hands down your fellow UK gent, that being Bear Grylls.


    12. NO Worries , EVA R,, YOU allways show heap's of class, I will always be on your,JOE,Chuck, jwjs, MMC, MMG, ernie s AND that poor lost romantic MIKEY B's.. SIDE.. AS,, bb, GB,FAKE mmg, mr. obsessive troll. are All sick evil spawn. that need to be delt with, if they're feelings get Hurt, SO BE IT !!

      BIG DORIS !! DIGGIT ??

    13. Grylls lied and hoaxed his show, stroud is the real deal.

  8. bigfoots could be hybrids soldiers, that after the war went rogue

  9. lots of bigfoot gurus out there, Matt, Bobo, Jeffrey Meldrum, Melba Ketchum, Art Bell and others should get together and profile bigfoots to narrow down searches ....

    1. The work has been done, can you even read?

  10. thats why Mikhail Kalashnikov made the AK47 to take care of all your cryptids needs.....

  11. Gosh it got busy in here. I'm definitely getting into this - have been watching M K Davis and Bill Munns' video breakdowns and lectures on the PGF and it's pretty interesting stuff! Definitely flagged up a lot of points you wouldn't think of if you'd just watched the clip without any background or anatomical knowledge. Pendulous breasts and all! Oh and Joe is the best thing about this place other than the blog itself. What would you all do without him? ;)

    1. Go away Chick or Eva, we dont want you here. I thought we ran you off for good.

    2. GW knows wheres the bigfoots goes

    3. Art Bell knows for sure, bigfoot guru

    4. Don't know why you would think you ever ran me off! Welcome Georgina!

    5. Good to see you Georgina, you should pop in more often.

    6. Hello Chick,Georgina and Joe,i tried to stay on topic but got side tracked by a bronie xx

    7. Well Eva, Joe, and I all posted at 2:59 exactly. You know what that means. We are all the same person using 3 separate blogger accounts on 3 different computers. That makes me+we+I (?) an alien with 6 arms to get it done.

    8. iPad, lap top, cell phone. All trolls, all joe. Or whoever joe is.

  12. Reptoids been messing up our DNA like forever, making hybrids like bigfoots, chupacabras and such.

  13. bigfoots been here for a long time, Indians talk about them in their folklore


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