This Sasquatch Ontario Guy Has Even More Frightening Recordings of Bigfoot

Holy Matt-Moneymaker-On-a-Pogostick! It's unclear how Mike Paterson is getting these recordings, but his habituation idea seems to be working -- that's if you believe this isn't a hoax. For many, the evidence he's been collecting may be too good to be true. Listen to these brand new vocalizations captured on the 10th of May. It's pretty impressive... a little too impressive. If these recordings are real and not hoaxed, this is monumental, to say the least.

Audio recordings from May 10th 2013

We've reached another level of trust over the last two visits as the resident sasquatch people have begun to give us speech and close vocalizations. Interactions progress closer.

Another night alone in the tent with activity all around. A night of vocalizations and close interactive activity is experienced and recorded. Screams, yells and speech.

There are many who doubt this.

In time this will be known as one of the most exciting breakthroughs in sasquatch discovery as we progress closer to this still yet to be classified intelligent species that roams the forests of North America. This is about the sasquatch people and their true disposition.

- Sasquatch Ontario


  1. Replies
    1. Insomnia's a bitch, boys.

    2. Since there is no scientific evidence for bigfoot what difference does it make. We need "real proof" a body or bones would do.

      All we get are stories and that don't cut it. Even the 1967 PGF is not evidence since its not good enuff for science.

      We are all pwned until we get real proof that will make scientist look at it.


    3. Get your ass off the computer and head to the wood's an you can see them for yourself,they are everywhere. Just go to the closest state
      park and you can see them for yourself.

  2. Rofl at the dude trying to make the bigfoot sounds. You can't buy entertainment like this. Oh wait, you can. The sierra dudes. You white people are funny, with your monsters and shit. Like there isnt enough real world issues, you have to make up your own monsters and shit.

    1. Sounds like some drunk redneck buddy of the dude in the tent haha. Shit is hilarious. If someone is hoaxing him (and it's not his buddy) even more funny!@

      seriously, cant stop laughing here.. lol That dudes howls are so fucking funny!!!

    2. Damn right there are, like that nigra commie Obama and all you something for nothing, useless, add nothing to society dumb fucks. When whitey is gone and Christianity is dead all you will have is another third world shit hole.


      kool breeze

    3. That made no sense. Let's learn to speak proper english before we rag on others for having different opinions

    4. mr. black-boy, again your kind has to stick close to Y-T cause without us your kind would of been extinct in the U.S.A.! like the white guy above me said you've added nothing to society! and if us whites dig bigfoot then why is that you need to pull the race card bull-shit with even that! if you and others don't care don't believe, then why in the fuck do you come here. and lastly the only monsters as of late live in the big cities and kill each other night after night are the black kids. maybe they should look for a sasquatch instead of dealing hard drugs under the banner of were poor, and Y-T is pulling us down. none of those excuse's work no more homie. you got a 1/2black president and that might not last the next four years either. BENGAZI!!!!

    5. Is corduroy considered a dermal ridge maker these days? Seriously, this isn't even close to a serious hoax, it's a simple prank at best.

    6. The racists don't even need to be trolled. They already make themselves look like fools. ;-)

      The only thing not contributing to society are ignorant fools like you. Keep pointing your finger and blaming others for not contributing to society, meanwhile; what have you contributed?

    7. The guy pretending to be a non white skeptic, is just a troll hoping to provoke. Do not feed the trolls!

  3. at the guy trying to create the bigfoot appears to be. You can't buy enjoyment like this. Oh hold out, you can. The sierra guys. You white-colored people are crazy, with your creatures and stuff. Like there is not enough actual life problems, you have to create up your own creatures and runescape

  4. I thought these Ontario hoaxers would have eased up a little. How can anybody be buying this crap?

    Oh ya, If they can believe Rick Dyer.....

    1. Yup, they over played their hand. Now, they are just another bunch of liars who claim to have multiple encounters but can't get a lousy picture...

    2. I'm buying it. Not only that, I am looking for to a new recording being released every week, ad infinitum. Do you even know what that means?

  5. Dayum!!!! Who knew that Bigfoot had corduroy for skin?

  6. A "gifting tree" lol, are you f*cking kidding me? I lost interest in Bigfoot about 5 years ago. Thought I'd check out what was new nowadays. I see things have only gotten more bizarre.

    1. Welcome back, Sammy. You have no idea. Go check out the Habituating Bigfoot thread over on Bigfoot Forums.

  7. You can obviously tell that the bigfoot making the howl is a 9 feet 2 inch tall female. No doubt about it.

  8. The first ever audio recording of a bigfoot having a difficult bowel movement.

  9. Has any other researchers tried to contact this guy to verify his claims. Incredible if real, but could be all fake. Why would a Sasquatch just lay a perfect non smeared hand print(s) on his vehicle and dermal ridges are not just straight lines. The hands are really the fake looking parts to me.

    1. They are habituators, so anyone who is honest or halfway serious will ignore them....

    2. Yes. He used to post at BFF until he was banned. And NO, he won't let anyone else come check out the site, because "you know why"... {fill in the blank with an excuse}

      This is just pathetic. It's a cry for attention by HIM... not a sasquatch.

  10. Sounds like the first audio recording EVER of a Bigfoot having some serious difficulties in pooping!!!! AWESOMEEEEEEEE!!!

  11. When chris packham rang bob gimlin he said looking back he thinks he may have been hoaxed by roger. Yet you dont hear him mention this when doing his paid guest appearances at bigfoot conferences. Funny that.

    1. Not as funny as Chris Packham's patty suit.

      The show was a disaster. Chris doesn't like people tweeting him suit comparison pics.


  12. I sure hope they are not leaving those dice in the gifting tree. It would be a shame to introduce gambling to another type of indigenous people.

    1. Well they are supposed to be some form of Indian I would laugh my ass off if they started up there own casino LMFAO , I wonder if anyone has try to leave out firewater or some form of alcohol as bait ?

    2. Indigenous means originating in or characteristic of a particular region or country, so it means you're indigenous to the land of Retardia ... what a dumbfuck

  13. Gonna be calling bs on this..
    The 'dermal ridge' shown really looks like a fabric print, corduroy or denim. The cross thread is even present.
    Vocal sounds are well within human range.
    Some of the foot prints appear to have arches.


  14. habituators
    master baiters
    then there's the guy
    who's all about taters

    then there's whitey
    with monster over-bitey
    and the racist guy
    whose going to pay him a slighty

    it's a menagerie of deceivers
    a squatchery of true believers
    the bigfoot community 2013!

  15. In BFRO circles it is well known that these guys are hoaxers.

    1. In BFRO circles, everyone who isn't current BFRO are hoaxers. Including you.

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  17. methinks bigfoot needs to include more fiber in his diet


    1. Timbergiant is a hoaxer himself.


    3. Have you not seen his video of a teddy bear poking out of the bushes?

      Here you go!

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  20. "Comments may be held for uploader approval." says it all, huh?

    1. Its says Pwned for bleeving in magic apes

    2. pwned like Bill Munns by Return of the Living Dead

  21. I really like a woman to put rose red lipstick on her taterhole for me.

  22. Too bad that it was raining. His car is acting as a sound amplification device for the rain drops. He would be better off if he had the microphone away from his vehicle. This Sasquatch Ontario dude is doing some pretty ground breaking stuff. Unlike the Sierra Sounds, his site is accessible by vehicle. Besides corroborating the Sierra Sounds, this work provides an on going opportunity to look for common sounds between the recordings. Sorry I can't come up with anything immature to write, but I am sure that you guys will make up for my shortcomings.

    1. He's be just as well off with the mic up his ass where his head is too. The only ground breaking going on here is showing just how gullible footers can actually be. Some new lows being sunk to here...

    2. Not as low as a skeptic hanging out in a Bigfoot site for "fun", though. But you know, whatever.

    3. "This Sasquatch Ontario dude is doing some pretty ground breaking stuff. Unlike the Sierra Sounds, his site is accessible by vehicle. Besides corroborating the Sierra Sounds, this work provides an on going opportunity to look for common sounds between the recordings."

      Corroborate? Naw TJ, just imitating them. You really CAN build yourself up here pretty good, can't you.

    4. Sorry 12:01, no TJ here. Shouldn't you be off to grade school? Or is today your play hooky day since you mommy has gone to work?

  23. Mike Smith's roars have improved since the last video.

    1. you'd be all up uproarious too if you hadn't paid taxes since '79

    2. Holy crap, that's hilarious! Great find.

  24. I want to bleeve, but the vocals are in a human's range, therefor I have to dismiss.

    1. You're just not bleeving strongly enough. Go spend some time chatting with Sasfooty over on the BFF. That should cure ya.

    2. A true bleever bleeves EVERYTHING is Bigfoot until proven otherwise. Keep trying.

    3. The lack of sounds that sound like words, tends to make the recording very compelling.

    4. I like the crisp sounds with extremely loud volume that demonstrate a huge lung capacity. If these sounds were any more real, I believe that I would have a Bigfoot in my face.

  25. It's sad that this guy is trying to push this as being real. It's even more sad that this website gives them free publicity and keeps their crap alive.

    Kind'a makes you complicent in it, doesn't it?

    1. If Bigfoot sites didn't post crap then they'd be blank.

  26. From THE BEGINNING, "ToeJam" (from BFF) has set his sights on being "known" for being a bigfooter who's famous, and his own quotes show you that.

    "In time this will be known as one of the most exciting breakthroughs in sasquatch discovery..."

    He's an ego driven fraud. Just listen to those audio recordings. If you can't see how fake they are, you deserve being fooled time and time again.

  27. For the non-believers out there...I am empathetic. However, i have seen bigfoot at extremely close range. I am talking about 4-5 feet away from me! It was 1976, and I was just 6 years old at the time, but the creature I saw (in Northern Wisconsin) which is not all that far from Ontario, was very real. It petrified me as it literally sat down next to me and just stared at it was studying me. observing me. I closed my eyes and began to pray. I sang church songs. Then I open my eyes again, and it was still there! I think it was fascinated by me. Until you live through this experience, it is easy to be cynical and doubtful. But these are very real creatures. It made no sound, it just watched me. I thought it would eat me. Bear in mind I was six at the time. It had dark hair hands with long looking finger nails. It had slightly fanged teeth. It was massive, and yes it smelled bad....but it was real. I am 43 now, and still curious about it, hence my logging into this blog site. I wish I could somehow have recorded this experience. I am sure a whole lot of you will just laugh and say, there goes another nut case, but this is no joke people. They are out there! These creatures exist. I saw it at point blank range! I looked into it´s eyes...I smelled it´s odor....I felt it´s benevolence. In the end, I think it actually smiled at me (in amazement) as I was perhaps the first human it had encountered at close range that did not run away. I was too petrified to run! All I could do was sing and pray, as I thought it would take my life. They are fascinating creatures. I cannot wait until we get irrefutable evidence. It is a shame however that so many people are out there to make a buck on them or worse, to harm them. If this creature had wanted to kill me it could have so easily done so. They are however mostly peaceful. The irony is that I thought it was a monster. Now I know that we are the monsters! Ok....I have given you doubters and cynics more than enough ammo to lay into have at the end as Shakespeare once said above all else to thine own self be true!

    1. uh, yeah. i saw godzilla in 1969 when i was 7. he was 3 feet awat, covered in vasoline. i could smell the bologna on his breath.

      the irony is, i thought it was my uncle chester.

    2. Cocaine is a helluva drug for a 6 yo.

  28. Anon, 1:41. Seriously, you should seek professional help for your mental illness.

  29. Sounds exactly like this retarded kid we had in school. Funny shit.


  31. So...

    ... with all this "trust" built up, this dude places sound equipment everywhere but NO video...???

    Mmmmkkkkaaayyyy.... :-|

    1. Video at 4 am? Are you kidding me? Do you also recommend that he use flood lights to light up the forest, just in case the Bigfoot is stupid enough to come into that light and complain about it?

    2. $50 IR video cameras can see in total darkness. Easy to setup. He shows footprints all around his car and cabin but no video cameras are setup. It makes no sense unless it is a hoax. Vocalizations don't seem too hard to create with a little audio processing. Notice how some sounds have reverb and echo and others do not. If the sounds happen in a forest would there that much reverberation and echo? Sounds suspicious.

  32. A close inspection of the fingerprint patterns will reveal swirls, circles, bends and other evidence that proves that it was not corduroy. Since it was not corduroy, then it was skin.

  33. I have seen huge footprints in the middle of nowhere while camping/hiking. I have heard the loudest chest shaking howl like nothing else but until I see it/whatever it is I can't believe in anything.

  34. I manned fire lookouts in some of the remotest regions of the High Sierra for many years. I'm a dedicated rationalist who is assiduous regarding proper epistemology and the formation of my convictions. In 1989 near the Desolation Wilderness area I had an encounter that left absolutely no doubt that a relic population of hominids does exist in the remotest parts of N. America. After years of studying all germane data, its my belief that this highly elusive yet curious species is likely a primal people. The crypto-linguist examination of Morehead's recordings is very revealing, as are these new recordings. This is not a hoax, people, and I believe there will be indisputable video evidence forthcoming, though zoological certainty can only be achieved with a carcass. He fact none have been found is meaningless; predators nearly always go off alone to expire from natural causes and carrion quickly take care of remains. It als must be remembered that anectdotal evidence IS evidence; the information you give your M is an example, as is the accounts of thousands of individuals with unimpeachable integrity who have the experience of seeing Sasquatch. These witnesses are not deluded or hallucinating, have no cognitive defects, are quite consistent in their descriptions, and many never relate their tale for fear of ridicule. Some, like myself, see the search for truth as more important than perceived harm to one's reputation. There is no valid reason to think that a small breeding population of 1500 or so over an entire continent could have escaped formal detection, especially if they possess a rudimentary rationality that allows them to avoid traffic and humans in general. One also must look at the historical record, of which there are a plethora of sightings and interactions prior to the 1951 entering into the public consciousness via Shipton's "Yeti" footprints. Leif Erikson clearly described these creatures in his accounts of travel to N.America. Seperate the myth from the data and you too may be surprised what an active, rational approach to this can uncover.

  35. I manned fire lookouts in some of the remotest regions of the High Sierra for many years. I'm a dedicated rationalist who is assiduous regarding proper epistemology and the formation of my convictions. In 1989 near the Desolation Wilderness area I had an encounter that left absolutely no doubt that a relic population of hominids does exist in the remotest parts of N. America. After years of studying all germane data, its my belief that this highly elusive yet curious species is likely a primal people. The crypto-linguist examination of Morehead's recordings is very revealing, as are these new recordings. This is not a hoax, people, and I believe there will be indisputable video evidence forthcoming, though zoological certainty can only be achieved with a carcass. He fact none have been found is meaningless; predators nearly always go off alone to expire from natural causes and carrion quickly take care of remains. It als must be remembered that anectdotal evidence IS evidence; the information you give your M is an example, as is the accounts of thousands of individuals with unimpeachable integrity who have the experience of seeing Sasquatch. These witnesses are not deluded or hallucinating, have no cognitive defects, are quite consistent in their descriptions, and many never relate their tale for fear of ridicule. Some, like myself, see the search for truth as more important than perceived harm to one's reputation. There is no valid reason to think that a small breeding population of 1500 or so over an entire continent could have escaped formal detection, especially if they possess a rudimentary rationality that allows them to avoid traffic and humans in general. One also must look at the historical record, of which there are a plethora of sightings and interactions prior to the 1951 entering into the public consciousness via Shipton's "Yeti" footprints. Leif Erikson clearly described these creatures in his accounts of travel to N.America. Seperate the myth from the data and you too may be surprised what an active, rational approach to this can uncover.

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  37. Mike's recordings are all a giant fake pile of crap just like all his fake blurry photos are too. You don't have to be an expert to see through all of his phony hoaxing. He is giving the whole subject a bad reputation. Hear the recordings? "fffflllloooowwwwweeeerrr" "bbbbrroootttthhheeerr" what a terrible joke.


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