Ketchum NDA Lifted, Larry Surface Sharing Bigfoot Video Evidence

Now that Dr. Melba Ketchum has finally published her Bigfoot DNA paper and lifted the NDA, people like Larry Surface are now free to share their videos. In November 2011, Larry mounted a camcorder behind a night vision scope after months of investigation an elderly couple's property in Ohio. One night, he finally got the money shot. Under full moonlight, he managed to capture a 7ft tall "light-colored hair" subject walking pass the camera. Not only did Larry get video evidence, the "Bigfoot" also left hair samples that was caught in a hair trap.

Larry writes:

The subject was seven feet tall which can be proven by analysis. This was at a secluded residence, and there is no modern Human person that tall within many miles of this location. A light tan hair and a white hair was found on a hair trap nearby, which microscopic analysis showed to be identical to other known Sasquatch hair. The subject was covered in light colored hair, including the brow and across the mid face. The skin appeared to be dark gray or black, although color of skin and hair is hard to determine in the green night vision.
Check out Larry Surface's blog to view the video:


  1. Replies
    1. I don't know. Where is the massiveness always mentioned in reports? The heavy trapezious muscles that give the "no-neck" look? I am not doubting Larry Surface's truly believes he nabbed the money shot, but just google his name, I personally think this is a self portrait. He looks WAY more similar to the subject than anything I've seen.

    2. Melba has blown up in the faces of Footers!!! TOO FUNNY!!!!!

      Even Bigfootforums now requires a login to view, running in embarrassment at the third-grade science project Melba has non-disclosures are lifted on vids of old guys running around in the woods. "Seven feet tall"!!! My ass!! That is an old man 100%, and as someone familiar with science I can ASSURE you Ketchums paper is a total joke, get rid of Dyers new costume and Foots are history!!!

    3. Bibs have you obtained a copy of the paper? I would like to know your thoughts.

    4. Rubbish...and not worth price of admisssion.

      Homo sapiens cognatus. wow.....

    5. This website actually hurts the credibility of Bigfoot, by posting everything that lands in front of them. Maybe they want the ad revenue, I don't know. It seems like they have no ability to understand what is possibly evidence, and what comes from a discredited source. They should rename the site Bigfoot Bullshit. This would help readers. Like Ripley's Believe it or Not. Believe it, or not, we don't really give a shit. Right now, it is a huge waste of time.

    6. When I was gifting last spring, I saw a foot print on the path leading to the rockshelter I was gifting in. I saw it and stepped right on it. I was sure I was being watched. Soon after that they left me a gift right along the same path. A almost perfectly round quartzite that sparkles in the sunlight.

    7. Shawn Evidence = site hit whore

      Melba Ketchum = squatch dna whore

      Justin Smeja = bear meat whore

      Matt Moneymaker = coke whore

    8. BFF seems to think they can survive the Ketchum scandal. I'll personally see to it that they don't.


    9. Why do you care if the BFF survives or not?

    10. BFF is in full paranoia mode.

    11. You mean Sasfooty isnt confirming the pathetic findings of Ketchum?

      Well they have waited and waited and they FINALLY got their damn DNA study....LOL! Some deeper digging also reveals that none other than Ray Wallace is associated with the publishing.....she shouldve included Biscardi as a co-author. This crap cant be made up!!!!!!!!!

    12. That is 100% Larry Surface in the video. Google him and compare what he looks like to the "fake foot" in the video. Nice work. At least wear a mask next time!

    13. Bigfoot is BS is adhering to type as usual:

      Instead of studying the paper, she shouts 'Rubbish!' and refuses to look at it.

      As she refuses to study the PGF, say, 100 times in succession, and discounts it.

      That's putting the cart before the horse.

      It also is not smart.

      What a shock.

      What would you expect from a sceptard other than sceptardical behaviour?

      Refusing to study the paper and evidence is the OPPOSITE of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD which she claims to adore and adhere to.

      What an outright hypocrite.

      Tard on sceptard, tard on.

    14. Here's what's going on at the BFF:

      Only one guy over there has purchased Melba's manifesto. He's qualified in science and genetics.

      After explaining in laymen's terms that every single one of Ketchup's samples is human dna, the usual

      Retards, who haven't purchased or read the report, are telling the science guy that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

      Yup, the looney tunes are still trying to find a way to rationalize the mindrape Melba did to them.

      Classic delusional habituator bleever bull$hit

    15. Word on the street is masterbarber is lurking the Jref forums in search of CP.

    16. The footers won't be putting any lipstick on this pig.

      It fascinating how they have a brick wall that blocks out any logical reasoning.

    17. Fascinating? I find it downright frightening that these 'rational' beings are allowed to drive and vote among us.

    18. Bigfoot is BS and Melba proved itThursday, February 14, 2013 at 9:32:00 AM PST

      @ Sceptards are BS you might want to know I DO have a copy of Melba's report, and would like to add that I'm calling rubbish because not only do her "results" and "proof" equal utter scientific rubbish and misunderstanding of modern DNA techniques, in EVERY case she presents evidence that would/will be SHREDDED by a real Scientist like Disotell or Sykes. HER SCIENCE IS RUBBISH and you believers are yet again being fooled by none other than Ray Wallace!

      The Matilda vid/pics? Todd Standing would be proud of that feat....again, I cant copy the paper and paste it but trust me, your $30 will not only make Melba and Ray's day, but also save you lots of future expense for cameras, bagels, hairtraps, will NOT think her data is amazing either.

    19. This just in: Ray wallace is dead.

    20. Then I take it all back Melba's paper is legit

    21. Why even post this video. It looks terrible. It could just as easily be posted on an alien blog. The quality is so bad that it is not worth posting.

    22. rug with air bladder. Bigfoot is Bullshit is right Todd Standing would be proud.

    23. Matilda has no face? Hmmmmm

    24. You people crack me up. I can't believe there are still supporters of this DNA crap. This chic buys her own journal and has it published and you fools still can't see what's going on here. This is how the Jehovah's Witness kinda groups get started. And now we know that Bigfoot knows that cops have guns so they stay away from them.

      You people are all nuts to the core. If the PG film is real then that is the last that's ever been seen of this figment. It has died out. Everyone that has seen something since then is just jumping on this bandwagon just to be seen.

      Bigfoot is BS....I'm with you all the way.

  2. Second...bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. And this is also another sad ass attempt at faking something that is already fake to begin with. So suck it losers!!!!!!!!

    2. Too too too FUNNY !!!

      Everybody needs humor to start their day and "shut her damn mouth 1:17" just provided it. He should take his blog name as personal advise


  3. Only problem with this figure more of a neck than what is believed for a bigfoot.


  4. Replies
    1. I saw something inside city limits in broad daylight...this part is wild I know, some large, black, furry creature was sitting on top of the metal roof of an old old house that no one lives in. The entire block that this house sits on is wooded, with weeds almost chest high and there are no other houses on this block. The creature was facing away from me, I was walking w/ my mom (she didn't see it) but me being a nature lover and photographer I'm always looking around. I didn't take my camera bc I felt that walking should be for fun. Long story short, this creature went down the roof the way he was facing and I never heard a single sound. However its rear end had white fur.

  5. Looks like an old man to me, but who knows!

    1. Agree 100%, thats what I thought too, Had a triangular head,black eyes and small ears made it look like an old alien

    2. Yeah all I could see was a blobby mess that looked vaguely human as in a human being.

    3. My bf and I see old man without a shirt on as well lol. It reminded me of that old metallica video Good song btw

  6. Now that melba self published her paper, larry surface has self published NV footage of himself! sally next? They come in all shapes and sizes you know

    1. Maybe now the NDAs are lifted we might hear why Smeja and Curtino thought Melba was full of bs and what she'd said to Justin to make him want to use another lab?

  7. This isn't bigfoot! it's probably the old man who owns the property and he's checking out what the hell Larry is or has done... The video shows an old. bald white is wrong with people!!!????

    1. And you know that for a fact, of course? lol

    2. If the researcher's claim that the height of the subject was measured at 7 feet is accurate, then it's not an old man.

      What about the hair which was recovered, how do you explain that?

    3. Oh you mean those that match the 'known' Sasquatch hair??? Is it any wonder skeps have a field day with footers? I'm a believer but nothing is known yet nothing is confirmed. This has become a circus!!!

    4. How do we know it's accurate? The comparison picture Larry took of himself could have been further away making him look smaller. What else do we have to go by?

  8. Kind of resembles Flukeman from the X-files.

    1. Shush you! Don't give these morons anything else to fritter away their time with. They'll be leaving pool floaties covered with gifts for sewersquatch.

    2. It's the ghost of Telly Savalas! Kojak's back to solve the Squatch mystery! Who loves you Melba?

  9. Really? Thats what passes for a squatch? Thats clearly an old dude.

    1. Bigfoot was maybe saying, you came too close. Because you talked to them and because you left when growled at, you have your foot in the door, so to speak. (You know they are there, you respected their space, so far so good). When you go back, stay farther from the den area, and carry on. IMO. You can show you know they are there by talking to them, greeting them when going past the den area (not close, like 200 feet away if possible?), leaving this and that as gifts.

    2. How about banana peels and cigarette butts?

    3. No, but they do like hot tea and english muffins with strawberry jam. They are adorable when they are holding that little teacup to their lips with their pinkie pointing outward.

  10. Its Spock cloned with Klingon DNA! One ugly looking creation! That angel DNA that Melba was talking about, well there was some of that in the beast as well. I'd be scared to live in Ohio now!

  11. That's Gollum.
    "My precious!!"

  12. Sorry but that 'thing' has NO HAIR! Does not match witness descriptions at all, it is bald. Looks like a cross between Mr. Burns, Voldermort and those scary crawlers from 'The Descent'. Don't care how high Larry claims the camera was, that was NOT a Sasquatch.

  13. It's a video of Larry without a shirt on (which is weird in itself) and conveniently blurry.

    The hair sample proves nothing as Ketchum's study is scientifically flawed.

    1. "Flawed"? Try "JOKE"...

    2. Scientificrie fraud. There, I said it in japanese.

    3. why is it fraud?!are you a dna scientist?

    4. ^No, but I play one at the local vet clinic.

    5. the colonies rule,marvel at our mighty science and be afraid

    6. Exactly Travis and that's why she got a Grade "F" from the BBB.

  14. Maybe its vampire boy from weekly world news all grown up!

    1. Bat Boy is a national treasure!

    2. I am submitting a paper to Ketchum's journal that will prove Batboy to be real and closely related to Bigfoot.

    3. Yeah that's what I meant batboy! I can't keep up with all these creatures of the night! Lol

  15. I'm sorry but whatever way you look at it, it's a man.

  16. I think there are several more "feral" people living in isolated wilderness areas that most people assume.

    This is possibly just a homeless person. That would be my first suspicion. Interesting video though.

  17. Whats up with baiting with my cat food? Try peanut butter or a candy bar next time.

    His cat


  19. Replies
    1. To Unexplained encounters. Back in 2011 when Larry posted this he caught a lot of flak about it even when this site was far more civil. He pulled it down after a few days and it is the first I have seen since then. He says it is 7 foot tall and that is what the comparison shot with him on the right and the purported creature on the left is about.

      I personally do not think Larry hoaxed this himself. However it does not look like a bigfoot for several reasons. Head is human shaped. Clear neck is visable which is rarely reported. There is no long main of hair going from the top of the head flowing backward and down the sides to the shoulders and covering the ear. The ear area seems to be a covered up protrusion. Also the shoulders look more square and human and not massive. What I think happened is that someone got on a stool by the camera with a woman's nylon stocking puller over their head, at least that is what I saw then and now.

      The hair sample I know nothing about. I would suggest leaving a comment in his blog and maybe he will explain more.

      Continued best of luck on your blog.

    2. Looks too human? Wait a minute I thought your goddess Melba said they are human? You footers make me laugh. Are we supposed to believe patty is one of Ketchums human bigfoots? Can you footers at least decide on a single standard for all your made up claims?

    3. If Melba says it's a's a Bigfoot.

      What more is there to discuss, except maybe, what subspecies of Bigfoot it is.

    4. I agree Chuck it does look way to human and if someone could clean it up it would show just that.I also agree that Larry probably didn't do this himself.

    5. Bigfoot is human,read the dna,you are bigfoot,read the book

  20. Shirtless, hairy old man!!!


  21. I laughed for so long and so hard yesterday that now nothing is funny anymore. Nothing can ever top that. Melba you ruined my life.

    1. Kind of depressing today, thinking that I may never get a chance to laugh that hard at footers, again.

    2. No, I have circuit breakers.

  22. Shawn: Remember that now, when referring to Melba Ketchum, the word "published" should always be shown in quotation marks.

  23. nonsense. you knew it was as soon as you heard 'money shot'. if it was the 'money shot' it would be world wide isnt! enough said!

    just another youtube researher trying to get his '15mins' of the back of bigfoot.

  24. When am we gonning too see the Mother and baby bigsfoots?
    remmenber that one show?

  25. Larry filmed himself - or that bigfoot has a great hair stylist.

  26. Wait a minute...this isn't Whitey is it?

    1. No, Whitey is eating Cool Whip with Will Wheaton.

  27. Hell it could be mothman! I heard he sucks on Ohio Bigfoot! He likes 8 footers with big shlongs!

  28. SHAWN - the NDA is NOT LIFTED. It is a three-year NDA that over-reaches well beyond the study and gives Dr. K full control of who can say what. However, according to the first key paragraph, signees should be able to discuss what is already PUBLIC. They are still not able to discuss anything beyond that until the three-year term runs out. However. SEVERAL signees have had the document reviewed by attorneys who have determined that it is UNENFORCEABLE. Even so, because Dr. K frequently threatens to sue people, most attorneys will tell you to maintain silence until the term runs out, lest she find an attorney willing to file a suit just to impose financial hardship on you ... just as she recently threatened with artist Alex Evans.

    1. I personally would take that risk!

    2. She ain't got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out.

      This charade is her last ditch effort to procure some much needed funds. The most you'll get is idle threats.

    3. Wouldn't it be funny if she had to blow all the money she makes selling the "paper" on attorney fees! By all I mean the whole $210.

  29. this for real..a naked old man.
    I am not sure I believe in bigfoot but if I wanted to mock the believers this would be a perfect time.
    This video sure as hell does not help the Bigfoot community.
    By the way...the term squatch is stupid..:D

  30. Mainstream science already ripping it up

  31. I now reach for a reason to continue reading this and all other BF blogs... Perhaps a knew subject of interest needs to be sought after. The time spent here however small is too much after being mind raped by the Ketchum report.

  32. Looks like a confused, lost, naked, old guy.

  33. I live very close to the GREAT SMOKIE MOUNTAINS, where one of the "confirmed" hair samples and several good sightings have been reported. We are a little different around here. We don't abide liars, we don't scare others at night, we DON'T TRESPASS. We don't do these things and we certainly don't dress up like an animal that would resemble a bear and run around the woods or on peoples private property. This is an easy fact to prove, NO DEATHS REPORTED ASSOCIATED WITH A MONKEY SUIT IN HISTORY.That tells the whole story, because WE almost all hunt, everyone is armed in some way, and WE ARE EXCELLENT SHOTS. BELIEVE THAT!!!yOU BETTER STAY AWAY FROM COPPERHEAD ROAD, ESPECIALLY WEARING A DAMN MONKEY SUIT!!!REPORTED HERE, REAL.

    1. Awesome post!! Smokey Mt monkey suit shooters LMFAO. And yes I truly believe you guys up thar in dem hills would shoot anything with hair on it.

    2. Watch out guys, we're dealing with a badass over here!

    3. NO, not a BAD bone in my body friend, we just get a little sick of hearing how things that go bump in the night end up being things that only happen to those of lower intellect. It's an hilarious thought of such things being true for the folks here, since us old ignorant folk shoot first and ask a question only about remaining ammo. But try my theory and come on down with a rug on your back and scamper around peoples farms and woods. See if you become a bigfoot sighting, or pilgrim with some new holes. BAD SEARCHES OUT TROUBLE, WE JUST DON'T RUN FROM IT, BIG DIFFERENCE FRIEND.

    4. What about Black Bear Cove? Would it be alright to wear my monkey suit there?

    5. so she got a pistol and pulled it out on me and she said shoot,shoot,shoot it for me,you got to shoot it for me

    6. A fella LIKE YOU ain't gonna last long anywhere no matter what you wear or do. DEAD MOUTH TALKING, WE GOTTA DEAD MOUTH HERE.

    7. Ken: Hey Bobby, I know that's you bro. Did your Aunt really see a bigfoot on Fonde? Your ok bro, but you can't get so angry at these guys man, this is all in fun man. Some believe some don't, and everybody says what they think while rippin on the other guy bro, all in fun man relax.

    8. So then, Black Bear Cove + suit = bad idea?
      How about Poplar Cove rd then?
      Rug monkey ok there?

    9. You should put it on right away. Wear it and travel the entire US. Never take it off, leave instructions in your will to be buried in it. Get at it now go go go.

  34. Where can one see this video? I don't see it posted here.

  35. The subject bears some resemblance to Voldemort.

  36. Larry is a nice guy and he gets terribly upset when you point out that figure in the video looks remarkably similar to him, but it is what it is. I question his comparison photo. I'm not saying he's dishonest, but I think there is a great deal of wishful thinking going on here.

  37. This video is one of the WORST pieces of "evidence" ever put forth. It is OBVIOUSLY Larry Surface himself in the video.

  38. If I recall correctly, the hair was recovered nearby, but not the next day. Rather the hair was collected before the video, perhaps by months, and that detail should have been included in the text.

  39. I starting to think the whole world is going out of its Mind. Really Not joking. I'm just not getting this Bigfoot stuff anymore. I used to have fun with this stuff. Way to much, Shawn please start filtering this stuff for God sake.

  40. "I have no idea why Richard Gibbs was so charitable. I can only imagine that he didn’t take the time to read any of the paper. I read as much of it as I could until the sheer weight of the BS became unbearable. Yes, I do have a PhD in genetics and do feel qualified to say that the manuscript is utter nonsense."

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    1. Hello Mr Internet Marketer using an automatic posting program. Bug off.

  42. We are witnessing the death throws of the Dr Ketchup Saga.

    She has done far more damage to the cause of BiGFOOT , than any hoaxer or even the Hoaxing group the MABRC.

    Sad day for Footers, bu thier delusion lives on......

  43. is this a preview of the shit that's supposed to knock our socks off??!!

    1. She has up-close, HD video of a Bigfoot. It will be sold separately from the paper. But make no mistake, you will be astonished.

    2. Then why should we be forced to pay to watch it? Do you not think all you Bigfooters are being exploited here? Pay for the study, pay for the video if she was genuine and really wanted to prove the existance of this creature wouldn't she give her findings away for free so everyone would have access to it? Why not give the footage to National Geographic and do a special explaining her study's findings and show the Erickson footage? She'd get a pay day and we'd get to see it on tv, nope because she can make that much more this way.

  44. check out joeblack's latest youtube hair recovering dna video.
    I think it is rehashed stuff from the past.

  45. This is a terrible video. Watch it, then do a google image search for Larry and watch it again. Its him walking in front of an out of focus, grainy, night vision camera.

    1. Yeah but if you use Melba's logic it makes sense. Bigfoot=human, Larry=Human, therefore one can deduct Larry=Bigfoot.

  46. Hi everybody!

    I was in my regular magazine shop today and I was just wondering if anyone can tell me if this Melba DNA thing/news(?) will be in any magazine form?

    Please don't make fun of me. I am not very bright, so if anybody has heard anything regarding upcoming monthly scienc/nature mags that may feature this story (at least a small article on the study) please let me know

    1. You're not very bright? You are just the demographic Melba is looking for.

      Send her an extra $30 and she'll send you a copy in magazine form with staples and everything.

    2. so it won't be in regular corner/magazine stores?

    3. I would suggest try ordering it at your local Barnes & Noble. Just tell them you want the bigfoot issue. They'll know what you're talking about.

    4. anon 9:35, are you serious?

    5. Yes. But don't call them, go down and talk to the manager. The people that answer the phones usually are new hires and will tell you they don't have it.

  47. Wow. It looks like a freakin Troll, or an Ogre. I would bet that these things live underground, I betcha I do.

  48. Ken: Now let me understand this, the tent video was an awful silly bad hoax that wasn't worth fifteen cents. But this, this is debatable and possibly a BIGFOOT. OK I believe I'm just getting too old for this BIGFOOT THING.

  49. Damn, even the loons are not defending this one.

    So what do we have so far from the Toastmaster:

    A shag throwrug.

    An old man with Alzehiemers that wondered into the frame.

    Howard Hughes' toenail clipping.

    A 30-year-old glamour shot of Melba.

    Case closed - bigfoot is real!

    1. oh ya?

      Rick Dyer has the proof buddy-boy

      Just you wait!

    2. Did you ever have any doubt?
      I mean, look at the mountains of "evidence".

    3. PGF is an Everest of evidence. Study it instead of shooting you flabby mouth off.

    4. Patty belongs to the non-elusive lumbering subspecies of Bigfoot known as slouchfoot.

  50. I guess its safe to unbuckle now,Mr. Joe Black,I do believe you promised some money shots with the release of this paper,please produce.Leave Larry alone,at least he's putting his Idea of evidence out,draw your own conclusions,maybe something decent might be released

  51. I quit since I've come here the one thing I thought there was any credibility towards was Melba since this too was a sham I'm out what's left to defend all the rest is s**t everyday anyway

    1. Ill still come around to bs with you Ken and Rum you guys are good people other then that

    2. Ken: yea bro, I'm telling you man. It's easy to see why those who actually believe it's possible, get so much grief. What, how, I mean this stuff is truly hilarious man. I'm gonna do some stuff myself between guide jobs, but MR Harry B, this is just to thick to cut even with my big skinning knife dood. I'm still going in a couple, your still invited, one thing for sure, if we get a pic and it isn't any better than this stuff, only we will ever see it. good one to you man.

  52. Wow, Larry hasn't aged a bit, could use a haircut though.

  53. Here is an expert on the Ketchum paper:

    Richard Gibbs, a key scientists behind the Human Genome Project, director of the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine:

    “As a scientist I would consider anything.The currency of scientific advance is keeping your skepticism at bay. You have to approach these things incredibly agnostically. As I read the paper I asked, is the evidence here compelling? I don’t know. Is there clear evidence of fraud? That’s not apparent. It’s an intriguing hypothesis. One would need to view more sequencing information before supporting the conclusions.”

    He notes no apparent fraud.


    1. He doesn't say it proves Bigfoot either...dumbass.

    2. Just be cause there is no apparent fraud, does not mean the the integrity of the samples is sound. That is a far bigger problem than fraud is in this case.

      BTW Bigfoot is not real. Give up your delusion.

    3. The other two geneticists in that article say its a "joke".

  54. Sheesh!

    I bragged to all my family and friends for the last 6 months about the upcoming bigfoot DNA study.
    How it would prove bigfoot's existence and everything. I feel like an ass. Everyone is laughing at me, I guess I deserve it. Maybe I should give up this bigfoot fascination.

  55. It's really rich that the attacking bloggers and scientists are ripping the Ketchum study for misspellings when their own work is riddled with such mistakes.

    Idiot hypocrites.

  56. Hi everyone. With the demise of the Ketchum report and the BFF on it's last leg, I figure it's time to let the cat out of the bag.

    I am one of the "habituators" from BFF. I belong to a small group of folks who were once believers, but have become skeptics.
    The main intention of our habituation stories were to make the believers look more crazy than they actually are. It's been a lot of fun, but it's time to end it. BFF will collapse on it's own so there's no need to carry on.

    Sasfooty and Kings Canyon are not part of our group, they are the real deal and crazy as loons.

    Wonder if there'll be a BFF3

    1. Superb. I'm gonna sign up later, check out what Mulders up to, have a good laugh at the footers expense and perhaps even make up some looney habituation story's. Lovely.

  57. its the politics of bigfoot,the Erickson project got me started on bigfoot,I never cared about the dna paper as much as actually checking out his videos,I must say that after actually talking to Erickson I hope he doesn't get discouraged and releases that video,it might just start a chain reaction,maybe even Rush will get clearance to release some of his.I think the damn thing actually does exist and I do believe there are some excellent shots of it.Just put it out there and let people see it,sceptics have every right to be sceptical,let them have thier say as much as those who believe,it makes for honest debate.Thats why I came to this site and stayed,it just puts it all out and lets people judge and debate it,even the guys putting the stuff out show up here and gripe and complain like everyone else,how cool is that?

    1. Ken: Very true and very well said bro. There isn't gonna be three people to show anything to, if something Big and real doesn't come to light right away friend. I'm pretty thick skinned but just about done here man. Good post, Good Hunting Mr Rum.

  58. There was an NDA on this piece of shit... er.. footage?

    I've only got one thing to say: Larry, you're a wildman!

  59. Has to be an old man because Sasquatch never live beyond 50
    and would never get mange or be weak from lack of food or age--
    so Case closed it's an old guy.

  60. I think Larry was using a Horcrux to lure out Lord Voldermort. And he suceeded. WTG LARRY!

  61. Looking at that video, it's inconclusive at best. I'm surprised Ketchum would use it as part of her paper. When I watch it over and over, I start to see an elderly man with partially balding hair.

    And why is the video cropped like that? When someone does that it makes me wonder if they're trying to hide something.

    1. I google "elderly man" and boom, this is what I see in that footage.

      Anyone else see the same thing?

  62. Looks like him, but closer and blurrier. Hmmm...I wonder.

  63. Wow, I watched the vid and when the subject came into view I thought: "that looks like an old man, not bigfoot."

    Then I scroll down to read his blog and see a picture of this Larry guy and whammo!!! The film subject IS Larry. What a giant joke. I am thoroughly convinced that theres is not one person in this field that is not full of complete horse shit.

  64. It's an old man. What a joke !

  65. That is a person not a squatch! Looks lik an old cojer!

  66. Where do you see hair? Looks like smooth skin to me. You are only making the assumption that it is hairy based on the hair sample you pulled near by. Looks more Alien than a Bigfoot.

  67. There are sure a lot of interested Non-belivers that post here. If u dont belive then leave. I bet u have other productive things to do.

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