This Is What Bigfoot Hair Looks Like

The Greenbrier River, West Virginia episode of Finding Bigfoot yielded some amazing, yet inconclusive evidence. Matt Moneymaker was handed a bag containing possible Sasquatch hairs from a couple who witnessed a Bigfoot walk by their car. On the show, Matt was stoked by the find. "These are squatchers... are very fine hairs. It's the first time the hairs were found where they had a sighting where two witnesses saw it," Matt said.

The hairs were later sent to a lab in Oklahoma City and the test results came back as inconclusive. Because of the age of the samples and how it was stored, the lab had trouble extracting any viable DNA from it. In November 2012, Cliff Barackman wrote the following report on his blog:

Of most interest to us was the hair sample. The hair sample had been found by a tribal game officer on an animal trail leading from a location where a bigfoot had been recently seen. It was found on some broken branches more than eight feet above the ground, which would seem to rule out that it was buffalo (which are kept nearby), bear, deer, or human hair. Roger had in his possession enough hairs to spare some for us to have tested for DNA material. In hair, all of the viable DNA is found in the medulla, or hollow center shaft of the hair. This is a bit problematic because bigfoot hair tends to have fragmentary medullas, if any is present at all. However, a DNA lab in Oklahoma City called DNA Solutions offered to test the sample to see if any material could be extracted for testing. If nothing else, they could examine the hair and tell us what animals the could eliminate as a possible source for the hairs. Also of value is that they could get the results back to us in about a week.

Dr. Brandt Cassidy of DNA Solutions was unable to extract any DNA material from the hairs. He said that the samples were just too old and had not been stored in the the optimal way to prevent the gradual breaking down of the DNA material. However, he was clear about a few things. While superficially similar to a person’s hair, the hair did not appear to be human in origin. First off the hair shafts had tapered ends which would indicate that the hairs had never been subjected to a hair cut. Another difference that was found was that the medulla width was different than what is commonly found among humans. I was supplied with photographs of his microscopic analysis, and I was interested in the fact that the hairs showed to have a reddish tinge when lit from behind, even though the hair appeared to be black when viewed against other backgrounds. This reddish tinge is another distinct characteristic of bigfoot hair. No other results were obtained by future testing of this hair, though Dr. Cassidy has provided me with some interesting articles about proving unknown species by DNA barcoding.

Some other examples of Bigfoot hair:

Bigfoot hair from Golden Ears Provincial Park, British Columbia.
Bigfoot hair from British Colombia via Randy Brisson.

Read the Cliff Barackman's full field report on his blog at Cliff Barackman.


  1. This is what gullibility looks like.

    1. Frog hairs are much finer, and rarer too.

    2. Contact Arla Williams she is a habituator and is also a believer in the spiritual and physic side of bigfoot.

    3. Ketchum Smeja and the BFRO are full of crap!! Bigfoot is a BIG LIE!!! NO ONE will ever FIND Bigfoot because its a joke and Monkeyfaker knows it!!! Believers are completely insane!!!!Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 5:15:00 PM PST

      No need to get Arla or DNA diagnostics involved; I have the answer for Mr Moneymaker and his pathetic TV show=. 100% Bullshit.

    4. Moneymaker can just eyeball hair and determine it come from a bigfoot. Just think not one lab has yet to say 100% bigfoot hair yet.

    5. Anon 12:42 actually there is a hairy frog, nature 1 Bigfoot 0

  2. Replies
    1. I hope the bush comes back...A nice giant panty smothering teaming with all the fragrents of an Irish meadow.

  3. At least it's physical. It's not someone's story or blurry video.

  4. I think I'm going to open up my own Bigfoot testing lab. Send me your sample and your check and I'll get that "inconclusive" report back to you faster than any other lab, or your money back.

    1. What state will your lab be in? I have some stuff that needs testing.

    2. In Oregon, specifically Portlandia.

    3. So... you would dismiss a peer reviewed submission accepting the existence of sasquatch?

    4. Nothing will convince that fucking close minded sceptic troll. His retardation prevents him from using common sense. Even if 99 percent of the scientific world accepted it he would agree with the 1 percent that doesn't and dispute the evidence !

    5. As opposed to yourself who when 99% of the scientific community says there is no Bigfoot you believe the 1% who says there is?

    6. They don't really say that nor do they believe that, it's the same for mainstream science's view on flying saucers or whatever it is most of them actually know that all people aren't that dumb to describe something they're not seeing. It's called common sense so scientists know that too but can't reveal the truth to us, they are in fact under NDAs because the leading governments of the world don't want it known yet maybe in agreement with these beings.

  5. Steven Streufert said:

    Bigfooting is Dead. This is what it has come to... nothing but frauds, gossips, trolls, and maniacs, and a few great people and researchers who have basically just gone quiet in disgust. It used to be a fun and curious adventure. I'm done with it, save for Bluff Creek and writing a couple of books. I'm slowly retiring myself from Coalition. To hell with it all. It is futile, and now I am almost certain (just based on the behavior of the "community" alone) that Bigfoot does not even exist.

    My suggestion would be not to make social media a daily occurence with regards to bigfoot. Steven is always involved with that crap and it would get old quick for just about anyone.

    1. When is your book coming out?

    2. fuck that bug eyed douchebag steven streufert!!!

    3. I rank it as among the greatest accomplishments of social media: flushing out the demented footers and exposing the self-dealing charlatans. As a result, the nonexistence of bigfoot has been absolutely established. Thank you World Wide Web!

    4. ^^^^^^ steven streufert posting as anonymous ^^^^^^^^^^^

    5. Thanks Capital Locks Guy! Your constant trolling of Steven caused big foot to poof out of existence! You owe me a 100 bucks; I lost a bet 'cause of you!


    7. sterufert's a REAL COCKMUNCHER!!

    8. In my opinion he would make a great politician. that mother fucker flip flops so often you never know his stance. just like the article here I don't like gossips he says while gossiping about Melba.

    9. Its a deal. I can sell them to McCheese or Streufert for 200 and end up with a profit! Thanks Caps, we are good....

    10. yes, he's one jealous cunt!! he really CAN'T help it tho.. he wasn't loved as a kid and was called creepy by all the other kids.. poor guy :(

    11. Sorry meaning Is he the cunt you're talkin about


    13. I don't get all the slamming of Streufert, what's the guy done that's so bad? He didn't gossip about Ketchum he merely suggested people should wait and see and that he was very sceptical about her and there were far too many people believing her with no paper as proof to back her up. He's right about footers too, coming on here and reading the beliver comments has put me off as they sound like unreasonable and anti-logical fanaticists half the time. One even told me that coming on this site looking for evidence to support Bigfoot's existance made me stupid as I should have made my mind up already, I pointed out the fact that the site is called Bigfoot Evidence so you'd expect to find some on here and that a logical person would like to see some before they made up their mind, strange how he never replied.

    14. Don't let it get to you. if anything go to the next logical comment, because as long as people are happy to discuss these people will just talk shit. after you back their story in a corner. but the thing is that he claims to want to be a journalist. Well you be objective tell me a story of facts. not rumors and certainly don't perpetuate the rumors and you leave your thoughts and beliefs at the door. that's good reporting not blah blah blah a supposed inside source I think blah blah blah and this is how I feel. nope I don't want to hear or care to hear how you feel. Write a report give me the news I don't need commentary

  6. "It was found on some broken branches more than eight feet above the ground, which would seem to rule out that it was buffalo (which are kept nearby), bear, deer, or human hair. "

    BULLSHIT. Bears can climb trees... so can humans.

    1. I think he was talking about more natural or usual occurrences. Regardless, it seems like someone who is an expert could offer more analysis.

    2. So can some nasty hippie chick rubbing her vag fro on some broken branches.

    3. Ever see a birds nest? Birds use hair all the time to build nest . Finding hair up in a tree could easily been carried there by a bird.

  7. Looks like my grandma's pubes

  8. Hilarious.

    Footers been getting trolled for years by people sending them their pubes stating that they are from a bigfoot.

    Its now the standard that footers look to for "bigfoot hair".

    When moneymakers face lit up when the woman pulled out that fresh bag of pubes it was hilarious!!

    1. It was probably her butthole hairs!

    2. I thought I saw a dingleberry hangin off one.

    3. Has anyone been to any heavenly body other than the moon?

    4. I don't want to see what the woman who gave them up looks. If the pubes are that long it's not just a bush it's a fuckin rainforest she's growin. A real fuckin mess

    5. Nice thread of comments Anon 12:11 ! You made another stupid ass comment and then pretended to be a bunch of posters agreeing with you! Lol! Only pubic hair you have seen is when you masturbate and they fall out from your rubbing!

    6. or to try to keep up he shaves his hair and elmers glues it to his peepee.

    7. What a group of gentlemen on this board.

  9. Ketchum is not producing any legit paper.
    Has she skipped town?

    1. No, the paper is still in review. Be patient and you will be rewarded. She has worked very hard to bring you the truth.

    2. She has worked very hard at personal gain and is busted.

    3. You anonymous critics will change your tune, when the proof is released. You'll act like you were behind her all along.

    4. You anonymous believers will look like the retards you are when it turns out to be bus. She's working your taterholes over pretty good. Feeling sore yet?

    5. No we won't because we're anonymous and we can just walk away. See how that works?

    6. We'll be able to tell who you are by your bright, red, pulsating taterhole from all that brutal Melba pounding, better put some ben-gay on it.

    7. How could Melba be the one doing the pounding when she is a woman? Uh . . . oh wait a second, nevermind.

    8. Good one 2:45

      It's already throbbing.

  10. Sometimes I see Dogman in the K9 position with my ex, it looks so fun!


    1. He says Dogman is a great lover and his paws are tasty.


    2. I have clear HD, close-up video of Possum man.

  11. shawn post this article up:

  12. Moneymakers first reaction when first handed the baggie:

    "I can't smoke this!"

  13. This looks like the hair off my Starla's back! You know it ladies!

    Mitch Sorenstein

  14. Bigfoot is not real. MM is a fool.

    1. Uhh.... when was the last time you heard a wood knock, a whoop, some Samurai chatter or maybe even a stick break before a tree push-over or eyeshine in the woods..... just askin'?

    2. I am an avid hunter and probably spend more time in the woods (hunting, scouting, hiking, shed hunting etc.) then just about anyone on here. I have NEVER, heard or seen anything that would lead me to believe Bigfoots exist. I would like to believe, but I need a dead body to convince me other wise.

      Skeptic who wants to believe-

    3. Well I am an avid hunter and I done seen a shitload of Bigfoots in the woods.

    4. Well I'm an avid hunter and I done took a shit on bigfoot in the woods, right on his big, fat eyeball. I told him to look into the brown eye and a surprise would come his way. Stupid bigfoot.

    5. Anon 3:39. If you've seen so many in the woods, why haven't you shoot one yet? Could be a rolling in cash!

    6. It's precisely because you're a hunter that you're less likely to see a Bigfoot person you're more likely to be seen by him. They know you're there at most times, I think it's only the extra good hunters that do spot one and because they know what they're doing they can't kill what's essentially another person.

    7. Anon 12:53 No disrespect, but I do consider myself a "Extra Good Hunter" but still haven't seen anything to prove their existence. Maybe we just don't have any around in my neck of the woods. I do value your insight on this though. Thanks

  15. Looks more like Robert Lindsay's hair.

  16. Replies
    1. Well, if you leave, you'll have to hand in your Bigfoot short-bus boarding pass and your Bigfoot secret decoder ring.

    2. No way I'm giving up my bus pass. Never mind then... I take it all back.

  17. That's Banshee hair. I can recognize it anywhere.

  18. That's squatch crotch! And it stinks like sour salmon eggs! How do I know? I licked an 8 footer last night. I got caught in a trap and it freed me! So in return for saving my life,I ate that Squatchy poo!

  19. I like how there's all these "facts" about Bigfoot that are mentioned when some "evidence" is found. Tree pulling, cone head, auburn hair, throwing rocks, etc. All completely made up based on years of hoaxes and mistakes.
    The idea that there are still people who believe that there's an 8 foot tall bipedal ape that has yet to be photographed properly even though it hangs out at campgrounds and in people's backyards is fascinating to me. Why not study something that has been proven to exist?
    That's why skeptics like myself come to this site. It's highly entertaining to watch grown men come up with stories and excuses and fake evidence. The amount of time wasting arguing over a creature that doesn't exist is just fantastic to witness.
    Carry on.

    1. I come here for the fat girls.

    2. Arrrr is that you cap'n ahab searching for your white whale

  20. They should let Fahrenbach study some of the hairs. Maybe he will find a match with the few hairs in his collection he thinks may come from an unknown primate.

  21. I love how they get the bag from the witness, and all the finding bigfoot cast basically thumb through it contaminating everything , i mean im sure the people didnt use tweasers and didnt use proper gloves and what not but cmon people , the biggest thing we lack in the bigfoot world is evidence and not only did they have evidence they had physical evidence ... i love the show but somtimes they need to really go at this a little more scientifically , just my views on it.

  22. Maybe she should habituate herself with some medications

  23. The hair is contaminated and I gotta agree with Streufert....Bigfoot is dead. I would certainly like to believe, but tired of eating the shit sandwiches. You'll get nothing and like it...pretty much sums up the Bigfoot Evidence we all seek. At one time, even thought the PGF was real. But, honestly at this point, I think that's all Horseshit too. I'll still be addicted to this site, but not because I expect to see any real evidence. Mainly to increase my Dirtbag Vocabulary. Keep the creative locker room banter going and pics of hot chicks are cool too. Other than that, You got Nuthin.

    1. Aaahh how sad, SS is depressed now getting the Dahinden blues but is really a clueless dickhead too many wrong people like him in this field.

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  25. Forget finding bigfoot. Wild west Alaska Is a MUCH better show.

  26. Money man-has one hand on a crack pipe and the other up his ass
    Cliff - jerking it to new foot cast
    Renae- has her fingers in every girl in town
    Bo Bo-continues to have hands in mouth looking for loose teeth

    They contaminated the best evidence produced in the 20th century.

    I am starting to get some good feelings about Rick Dyer stepping out of his tent and killing a Squatch while wearing a thong.

    1. I know Money Maker used lab instruments becuase he was holding a magnafying glass and tweezers.
      Squatch Nuts

  27. idk they were passing it around like it was shoe and tell

    1. You might want to turn off auto-correct there buddy, I think it might be "show and tell"

    2. fucking english major huh...

  28. if you guys want to see real Bigfoot hair... go to youtube... type in " NATURES ELUSIVE CREATURES" and look at part 25 in the series... 76 Bigfoot research, period. He is Rick Dakota... Realityghost...tell me he's not on to something. Also episode 46...

  29. The Evidence has spoken. Bigfoot hair looks like pubes.


  30. I must admit to one certifiable thing, that is the hair that I shaved off my ass, more importantly, around the hole. Hence my suffering with this damn ass rash!

  31. Enjoyed reading the article above , really explains everything in detail,the article is very interesting and effective.
    Thank you and good luck for the upcoming articles.


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