Here's What Happened Before And After Tim Fasano Filmed The Skunk Ape

The Florida Skunk Ape hunter, Tim Fasano, has released a video detailing the moments leading up to and immediately after the filming of the elusive Bigfoot of the swamps. The sighting took place back in November in the Green Swamp at an undisclosed location in Florida. The president of the BFRO, Matt Moneymaker, claims he has seen the video believe it to be legit and even praised Fasano on Twitter. "Floridian Tim Fasano seems to have gotten some legit BF footage. Persistence pays! From Central Florida (Green Swmp)" and according to Fasano, it's the real deal," Moneymaker wrote.

For skeptics, Fasano had this to say: "I believe it shows something of importance. You may disagree. Fine. This has not been hoaxed, phonied up, played with, staged, set up or anything else. It is what it is."

In the following video ,the "Skunk Ape" can be seen at 3:37-3:39:

Here's a delightful conversation between Alabama Bigfoot researcher, Paul Hulsey and the Skunk Ape hunter:

Hulsey: Are you saying you have a Skunk Ape on Video ? What is your objective Fasano's are you showing REAL footage or just making a point ? You did see the figure in your video right ????????

Fasano: The point is I got one on video. Matt Moneymaker Twitter'd that he saw this video and it is real. Again, the thing was way off in the distance and I was looking at a LED screen. I did not know what I had until I downloaded on computer. You get what you get in this field. It is REAL footage and I was with OTHER people. that is why I did this video.


  1. Replies
    1. +100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  2. wow,first time ive read a ot where the 1st person doesnt have an orgasim about it. refreshing PSG[thats not Paris saint germain the football team is it?.good team these days if it is]
    anyway. this film is nonsense from a known hoaxer. how can moneymaker of fasano claim this is a BF. it could easily be him doing the usual IE friend ducking down quickly

    why would a BF in that area decide to move . we are constantly told they stay stock still til they know its safe to hidenot run in a panicked way at some fat guy 100 yards away!

    1. The skunk ape had earlier flagged down Fasano's taxi and got him to drive it across town and when they arrived at the forest it stiffed him on the fare and did a runner. This footage was shot during the ensuing chase.

    2. dude, that shit was fuckin funny! LOL

    3. "this film is nonsense from a known hoaxer"

      Can you show me where I can find these hoaxes?
      I cannot find any information on this.
      Most of his videos are short clips of him talking to camera.

    4. Do a google search for "Tim Fasano hoax" and you'll get a bunch of different hits. SasquatchDetective has a whole page on him:

    5. MM can state such things because his GIGANTOR ego allows him to be able to tell a the difference between a hoax and genuine footage from a known hoaxer, based on no facts and only his keen intellect....errrr....ego.

    6. "AnonymousSunday, January 27, 2013 at 2:22:00 AM PST
      wow,first time ive read a ot where the 1st person doesnt have an orgasim about it. refreshing PSG[thats not Paris saint germain the football team is it?.good team these days if it is]
      anyway. this film is nonsense from a known hoaxer. how can moneymaker of fasano claim this is a BF. it could easily be him doing the usual IE friend ducking down quickly

      why would a BF in that area decide to move . we are constantly told they stay stock still til they know its safe to hidenot run in a panicked way at some fat guy 100 yards away!"

      First off, understand that I am no Fasano fan. But I always said that he will find what he is looking for and get a perfect vid of it. The word "Bigfoot" has become a generic term that includes every Hairy Biped or "Ape-Man" report in North America. These could all be different things. In the case of "Skunk-Ape", these may actually be true apes. Florida has a huge problem with invasive species because it's climate supports just about any kind of life. The U.S. has three confirmed species of Spider dangerous to humans. Florida has seven. (Most are not native to the U.S.) If a population of Chimps or Orangutans were to have escaped from a circus, zoo, or were set free by a private owner (Like the Python problem.) 100 years ago, their descendants would still be thriving there today.

  3. Breaking news. Tim Fasano has ditched his Swamp Ape (those guys stink) search and has signed an exclusive deal with DACAWBTS (Dogmen Are Cool And Way Better Than Sasquatch).

    I can exclusively reveal that the Dogmen are very excited to be working with the PREMIER Bigfoot researcher in the field today.

    Exciting times ahead folks. Watch this space!

  4. You know, I have to admit that this indistinct fuzzy brown shape mostly hidden behind the bushes actually COULD be a skunk ape.

    However, here's a list of the other things it could also be:
    - a camper taking a shit in the woods
    - an african lion that took a wrong turn at Albuquerque
    - a chupacabra in a gorilla costume
    - Mel Gibson
    - a chupacabra in a Mel Gibson costume
    - the ghost of a really short wooly mammoth whipping it's hair back and forth
    - a rare southern hairy-assed Yeti doing a handstand
    - an elderly jewish Sasquatch from New York state looking for a Sasquatch retirement villa
    - a cheerleader practicing with her pompoms
    - a chupacabra in a Mel Gibson costume practicing with her pompoms
    - MK Davis in drag
    - any fucking thing in the entire fucking world

    Seriously, this video is the vaguest bullshit Squatch evidence ever and an embarrassment to the Footer community.

    1. Sadly it's the norm in the footer community.

    2. Yes correct it could be 'any fucking thing in the entire fucking world' but clearly it is a Dogman.


  5. Hey now, this is the nicest, most tempered discussion this blog has had in months.

    1. Whoops the post I was replying to disappeared. Someone was asking us to treat Tim nicely. :)

  6. Fatsano has done it again, he tries to convince someone that a there is somthing
    when he has absolutely nothing. If you want to see things that was hoaxed by him, just look at anything he has ever done or put out there. Is it me or was he already gasping for air before he got out of eye distance of campfire. He talks about how they need to get firewood becuase it will be freezing (40 degrees) tonight, he just showed what Pussy he is, stay in Florida you swamp gas full of bastard
    Squatch Nuts

    t your camp and eat another smores Bitch! Squatch Nuts

  7. So tired of reading about "Tim Fasano" and "Matt Moneymaker". These two people are the Biggest Hoaxers in the world ! All this shows is some movement of the top of what ? Could be a Sow (that is a mother pig for those two), a Bear, even a person .

  8. Moneymaker and company are the biggest hoaxes you footers have going right now. Its amazing how they go into any piece of land and find it contains a BF. A couple of hours... and presto we have a BF knocking on trees and returning stupid screams. This all goes without mentioning how many people they have in the woods with them. Directors, camera men, technicians etc...

    This is all about the myth and the money its makes for them. Proof of a real BF would totally tear down the livelihood they have created from this myth. Its not just the livelihood of the people on screen but everyone else this crappy show employs.

    Here again, we are given some known hoaxer's video and expected to sit here in total awe. Most everyone knows is most likely another hoax. Of course, Moneymaker is going to sing praise over some crap like this. It does nothing but gain amusement and attention for his own hoaxing career.

    1. MM is not a hoaxer its TV dumbass its for entertainment. They go to areas where there have been sightings and interview real witnesses .yes its not real bf action there getting but real big footings is boring and mostly nothing happens even in the pnw the best place to go out M

  9. How about saying we need to be getting wood becuase it will be freezing tonight 40 degrees, I willing to bet Fatassano has not been cold ever, why don't he turn his 4th chin down and make a turtle neck out of it. I don't think he will ever get a good view of a Squatch becuase that hoveround he's on is to noisy.
    Squatch Nuts

  10. Fasano is in league with Rick Dyer. I would call into question his credibility on that alone. Sorry Tim but you did it to yourself.

  11. Maybe I should have my eyes checked because I didn't see a thing, unless the one second where it looks like something squatting down behind the grass. This is really, really bad.

  12. It's a hoax from the beginning a tip. never take a mic cord and wrap it around a metal pole even if it's covered in styrafoam. you'll get so much noise and feed back from creating an electromagnet please spare 2 dollars for zip ties or electric tape.

  13. Only problem with this video is that there is other people there But it occurred while he was alone. No one to witness or verify what he seen and as far as he knows it could have been one of the others. 99.9% of the sighting videos happen when people are all alone with no witness involved. Could it be the Real Deal and he just happened to be in the right place at the right time ? It is clear that he was not aware of the subject in the view screen or was he ? It is titled to suggest it was all staged to bad he has a rep for Hoaxing because of that everyone suspects it to be just that a HOAX. Sorry Fasano

  14. Real something but could be a guy in a costume

  15. The video shows a tall plant being blown in the wind. Nothing more.

  16. Here's the Deal first off he titles the video "Before and After" so that must mean that he saw it but later says it was last year. He makes no attempt to recreate the footage in question or even do a size comparison. Second he must not of told the others about it but that's right he did not know he caught it on film. Third he throws out a name because he wants to be on the show but can't get a break. The guy is a known Hoaxer and Liar in the Bigfoot Community so why believe anything he post ?


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