Mike Rugg: Roger Patterson Was Spitting Out Blood Before He Went To Bluff Creek

Watch this new video by Mike Rugg to find out why Roger Patterson was spitting out blood before he went to Bluff Creek to film his famous Bigfoot footage. (Yes, I'm deliberately click baiting).

In this episode, Mike brings us up to speed on the latest with the "Patterson Big Reel" documentary he showed at Bigfoot Discovery Day V.


  1. I was spitting out blood while I watched the vid.

    1. Where you bleeding through the taterhole also?

    2. bob h was patty you dumb ignorant bleevers

    3. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you actually believe what you just said and are not trolling. Bob Hieronimus failed to produce a suit that matched and failed to know the location that the film was shot. Yet Bob Gimlin remembered. Also Bob Hieronimus was not the first person to make this claim and probably won't be the last.

    4. ^^ Bob H shouldn't be expected to have been able to recreate a suit. He allegedly wore it, both on film and a fitting at P Patterson's house. After that he supposedly chauffered it away and showed it to several verified witnesses.

      There is no reasonable expectation that Bob H should have any insider information as to the suit and how it was constructed. I doubt Andre the Giant could tell you how his Steve Austin suit was built. Yet he wore it. Absolutely.

      What exactly did Bob Gimlin remember? He failed to find the site and even acknowleged and apologized for his lack of memory.

      It's only because of Streufert's efforts that any of us know where the film was hoaxed.

      Bob H is one of four people known to have made the claim. Jerry Romney's name was volunteered and he publicly denied it. There was a seven foot tall Indian associate of Roger's, whose name escapes me but has been documented, and there was another dude.

      Only BobH has a clear connection (save for Romney's ANE connection) to the filiming of Patterson's escapades.

      Bob H also has witnesses to back his story up. Time for you bleevers to accept that bigfoot evidence leans towards proof of a hoax.

    5. Congratulations anon 5:06!


      You have been selected by our judges in a unanimous landslide!

      You are today's winner of the highly coveted Golden Idiot Statuette!

      This honor is to be bestowed upon you for your expertise in plumbing the lower depths of stupidity!!!

      That you are highly skilled in this endeavor was demonstrated so expertly in your comment above that our judges actually ran into each other and fell on the grass while rushing to confer and cast their votes in your favor!

      Congratulations, sir, on being such a stupendous idiot!

      I am sure your lesser idiot brethren will join you in sharing that pleasant flutter of triumph you feel in the center of your stomach with the knowledge that you can actually be rewarded for being so utterly stupid! What a wonderful society this is!

      If you will join the queue in an orderly fashion, Mayor McCheese will arrive at his leisure and bestow upon you this great mark of stupendous stupidity.

      Yes, line up there, ahead of those lesser idiots--they are nothing compared to you!

    6. Listen Anonymous 5:06, the suit claim is hogwash and old and tired. Go and watch MK Davis's recent clip which has Patty in a highlighted, contrasted format, as she moves.

      When her right thigh comes down during her turn to look and her slight stumble, the flesh and muscle of the thigh jiggle. That thigh is not a suit or in a suit. That is a naked thigh, naked save for whatever hair is on it.

      Any dimwit can see it's a thigh, flesh and muscle and bone, and not a suit. Go and watch the damn thing instead of hanging around here posting idiotic comments. The new clip makes this fact clearer than ever.

      No suit or costume jiggles like meat with the impact of a stumbling step. That leg is covered in meat and the meat vibrates and jiggles when she plunges her foot down.

      It's so obvious it's remarkable you even show up here anymore.

  2. i absolutely love this website.. i check it all day EVERYDAY! thank you for keeping us informed shawn!

    1. A little brown on the nose never hurt anybody. Thanks shawn, I always learn the info I need here.

    2. info...info....what info? dancing fucking pandas, crazy ass sightings, blurry photos, Phils oh...so obvious breakdowns any fool can do with Vegas or another program ad infinitum...

      The 'only' attraction here is the humor

    3. This site is profane. The editor hides behind the opinions of others while aligned with factions of BFRO. Did I menrion falsely planting storied.

    4. well duh! numb nuts......

    5. You brown nose. You might as well suck @&$@

  3. Blood was coming out your ass too.

    1. hemorrhoids and not a laughing matter unless you don't have them :))

    2. Try rectal fissure if you think hemmorhoids are bad....screaming when you crap like ground glass is passing through. If you lucky it turns to a baseball sized abcess that requires surgery and 6 weeks of crapping blood and pus.

    3. sounds fun...So I take it you recovered then?

    4. No, he's writing to you from beyond the grave silly!

  4. After some hours researching KFC...I aim to please :)

    1 egg, beaten
    1 cup buttermilk
    1 3-lb. chicken, cut into 6 pcs.
    1 cup all-purpose flour
    1 tsp. ground oregano
    1 tsp. chili powder
    1 tsp. tsp. dried sage
    1 tsp. tsp. dried basil
    1 tsp. dried marjoram
    1 tsp. pepper
    2 tsp. salt
    2 Tbl. paprika
    1 Tbl. onion salt
    1 tsp. garlic powder
    2 Tbl. Accent
    1 can lard (or 1 3-lb. can Crisco)

    1. Combine egg and buttermilk in bowl, Soak chicken in mixture.

    2. Add flour to separate bowl and fold in spices and herbs.

    3. Roll chicken in seasoned flour until completely covered. Double coat for extra-crispy chicken.

    4. Add lard to pressure cooker and heat to 365 degrees F.

    5. Lower four pieces chicken into fryer and lock lid.

    6. Fry for 8 to 10 minutes until golden brown.

    7. Remove chicken and drain on paper towels or rack.

    8. Repeat with remaining chicken.

    And that's it. So, essentially, the secret ingredient to KFC is monosodium glutamate (MSG).

    1. Once the pieces are cooked, release the pressure according to the manufacturer's directions and remove the chicken to paper towels or a metal rack to drain.

    2. Legend, so going to try this, if it works look on the news 4 the fattest man in australia

    3. Pleased you didn't say the US.

    4. For US, add 3 pieces more chicken

    5. you mean 3 more chickens 'NOT' pieces, right?

    6. he has to, Bigfoot has been trying for years to get Mr sanders to put a KFC in the woods, But there's no profit in pine cone's


  5. Thanks Mike I can see you are pleased with those events and you are right talking to these people before it's to late is a good idea.

  6. No doubt he was spitting up blood. He had Hodgkins Disease. Patterson's illness has never been in question.

    It's the reason he faked the bigfooticus in the first place.

    The only thing I learned from this vid is Bob Gimlin is allowed to block his own scenes.

    1. He faked it because he had a disease? Please explain your thinking.

    2. Though I can't speak for Anon 4:21, I believe the commonly held belief is that Patterson was strapped for cash due to medical expenses.

    3. Yup, that's exactly what happened. Well that, and the extended borrowing of the camera and the overselling of 50% rights to six parties. If you set that aside, along with the never honored Radford contract, the signed statement from the Canadian TV guy, the impossible timeline and the fact that 45+ years later there is still no bigfoot, well, yeah,

      Other than that Roger was a pretty exceptional dude.

  7. has episode 4 of finding bigfoot aired yet, i'm in aus and waiting to download

    1. They're on Sunday night in the US so won't be up for 24 hours people post them on YouTube too if you didn't wanna download and live outside the US

    2. cheers for that, 3 CSI bigfoot was ok a dna study that goes nowhere

    3. right, I'll give it a miss then.


  8. More evidence it was a hoax. Dude wanted a nice little payment to help his wife after his death.

    1. Look at Patty carefully and you'll get the right answer.

    2. Roger spend almost all the money he made on the PGF, which btw wasnt a lot, looking for a Bigfoot specimen.
      Matt V

    3. I looked at patty carefully.

      Ridiculous static diaper butt.

      Subduction at the thigh.. certainly not something a real animal would have.

      Shoulder pads visible.

      Baggy arms.

      Big hairy static titties.

      Yup suit.

      Thanks 5:18 you pointed me in the right direction. Its a hoax.

    4. Who is Patty??......is that Rugg's wife?

    5. he wishes it was... like most footers

      the latest fantasy on the bff they have her on all 4s

      looney toons

    6. Sometimes I just can't bear to look at Patty. The realism strikes me so hard that I end up feeling bad about how the truth has been locked away for so long.

    7. No OntarioSquantch, I'm pretty sure that you should stay in the closet. Let's keep the truth locked away at least this once shal we?


    1. a looney toon for US president? who woulda thunk it?

    2. Yep, already got one.

  10. The only people who see bigfoot are ancient old hippies who cant think straight anymore.

    1. Demonstrably false, a thousand times over.

    2. He's right Anon 6:24. Not all people who like to pretend the magic ape exists are old hippies. Footery takes all kinds. Why there's old hicks, old hillbillies, old drunks, old rednecks, old perverts, and even some young people too. The only things one needs to be a footer is the willingness to lie through ones teeth and a total disregard for the truth.

  11. JREF owns the shit out of you dumb footers

    1. What is it with JREF and bigfooters? I have read the JREF forum many years ago, but the threads were far too long, and I just couldn't be arsed.

      But what is with this JREF v footers thing, I don't get it? JREF I accept are skeptics (whatever) this forum and others who 'without any proof what so ever' I had to get that in, believe in bigfoot. (again whatever, each to their own) But why this JREF footers things? I actually don't see it - WHY??????

    2. When liars lie reasonable people oppose them, that's why.

    3. fair enough as I do actually understand that.

    4. actually a few more questions.

      1) It's bigfoot, so why really give a fuck? are there not more important things to think of than to mess with some loons? (sorry but most of you bigfooters are bat-shit crazy)

      2) If you had a sighting what would you do?

      No cheap shots nothing, just straight questions that's all.

      Why am I involved? personal experiences which I will never divulge 'AND' I'll admit the humor.


  12. Well as funny as that sounds you could do a lot worse so he's got my vote.

  13. Very worthwhile project to do Mike. I have always wanted to see what Mrs Patterson has to say and bringing Bob Gimlim is only a bonus. If I could trade one day of my life with someone else it would be with Bob Gimlim as he got to see Patty walk away from a very close range while seated on his horse, and help to bring back the best film of a Bigfoot to date.

    Look forward to the documentary and more tidbits from Mr. Rugg.


    1. If I were gimlin I would have blown off the back of pattys head with one shot.case closed.

  14. Conversations With Bigfoot
    This is a very difficult and expensive book to find. One of our researchers found and read it, he recommended that our team review it. An ornithologist happened to find a bigfoot that was seriously injured. The story is about a conversation he had with the biped. The conversation was tape recorded and that tape was submitted to experts who stated that a human could not have stated the words. It's an interesting book. 16 Pages Floating Island Publications Cedarville, CA 1998 Author- Gordon Langley To purchase go to our Bigfoot store, this book is in stock.

  15. That was nice of Mike Rugg to split the proceeds with Patricia Patterson, I guess, but does she legally have the rights to the barnstorming film? I read a comment here(pass the salt) that stated some generous person purchased it at auction and donated it to Mike Rugg. Maybe that does not automatically mean its in the public domain...

    1. Damn straight I was spitting blood that day.

      The lies couldn't escape my mouth fast enough and knocked my front teeth out.

      Ask that ole polecat Bob Gimlin.

      He can tell you the truth. But he won't.

    2. Get yer stinkin husk back to the underworld! Yer ruinin the fantasy!

    3. Thanks for the responses, guys. I learned a lot..

  16. Not only is there a diaper butt, but you can clearly see a hood line on Patty's back where the hood of the costume is pulled over the head.

    1. You can also see a concho belt stretched across Paddys mid back that is in directly line with the pendulous breasts and holds her titties onto the costume.

    2. You can also clearly see the stitching used to sew the costume onto the skin of Bob H. Pretty sure you can make out Ol'Bobs delicate eyelashes.

    3. You cannot "clearly" see anything!

    4. Nice to see that the die-hard detractors of the PGF have imaginations just as wild as some of the die-hard believers. No credibility, but good imaginations!


  17. Way to go Mike, I hope you kept a copy for the museum.

    1. I wondered that.

      He's a nice guy I admit that, as I would of thought too hell with her, as I'm honest. I wouldn't of give her the steam off my piss (unless legally I had to).

  18. I know what you all think about Tom Biscardi and that is justified because of the freezer hoax but give the film Hoax of the century a look you may be surprised.

    1. upload a torrent and I will.

      Buy it? I'd rather piss blood for a whole year, and then have my dick removed before I EVER give that cunt money.

    2. I will also but like 8:09 I will never hand cash over to Biscardi.

    3. I won't spend any of my money on anything Biscardi is selling.
      I can't believe that Patricia Patterson wanted a royalty for a film she didn't possess. Mike should have kept the film and sent her a DVD instead. What an ungrateful woman.

  19. Hello Wildcats, this is weber cooks and today we're doing chili cheese nachos.


    1 can Nalley Original Chili
    1 jar Kroger Cheese Sauce.

    We start with a can of chili and open it up. And then the cheese sauce we just take off the lid and we pop these both in the microwave and we set the microwave for four and a half minutes and when that's done we'll put it in a bowl and mix it up and we'll have a dip for three to six people.

    Okay the things are done you gotta be careful cause the cheese sauce is really hot and the chili is hot also. We mix them both together and you open this (nachos)up and have some on a plate and there you have it. A dip that will satisfy a small group.

    This will run you about six bucks but when you figure it will feed anywhere from three to six people it will you cost you a dollar or two dollars per person.

    Enjoy Wildcats, watch out for bigfoot.

    1. I knew a Steven Reid at School, and no I'm not Joking! He was a cunt also.

    2. Hello Wildcats, this is weber cooks and today we're making a rice dish that is really easy to make and there's different flavors you can get.


      1 pack of rice a roni
      2 plastic knives of butter

      This one here you just dump the rice into the thing, pull the packet out and take two spoons of butter and put it in the dish and we'll put it in the microwave for one minute and while that's cooking we'll just get the package ready to open and when that's done cooking we'll pull it out of the microwave and we'll stir it up to get the butter to coat all of the rice and when that's all done we'll pop it in again for another two minutes this time.

      Now that's done we'll pull it out and we'll add two and a half cups of water to this and then we'll just stir it up a bit and we'll put it in the microwave again this time we'll set it for twenty minutes and that will make it come out great.

      And now that it's cooked for twenty minutes you have this hot dish that you can eat that's made with rice that costs about a dollar.

      Enjoy Wildcats, keep your poop in a jar and watch out for bigfoot.

    3. Remember when Steve's parents went out of town back in high school? And when we went to his house and looked into the window and saw him watching porn and cranking it?

    4. and? I'm over 40 and still do that.

    5. I told you not to put 'chronic masturbator' in your Match.com profile!

    6. no you didn't, you lying bastard.

    7. Cheese sauce? That's gross. You need at least three kinds of real grated cheeses for nachos.
      Hand cut corn tortillas lightly deep fried and drained as well.
      If you're going to make nachos, make good nachos. I won't list a recipe because someone else is Recipe Guy.

    8. Thanks SN I wondered if or when people might/have a go at that crap.

      and lay off the guy, my names now Shirley :) ah shit that means......

      Recipe Guy Shirley


      Spicy Cheese Sauce:

      2 tablespoons unsalted butter
      2 cloves garlic, chopped
      1 jalapeno, seeded and minced
      2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
      1 cup whole milk
      4 cups coarsely grated pepper jack
      1 teaspoon prepared mustard or whole-grain mustard
      Salt and freshly ground black pepper


      2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked
      1 cup your favorite barbecue sauce
      8 cups tortilla chips (about 1 large bag)
      1 cup chopped pickled jalapenos
      3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
      1 cup sour cream or nonfat Greek yogurt


      For the sauce: In medium saucepan over medium heat, add the butter, garlic and jalapeno. Saute for 3 minutes, and then sprinkle in the flour. Cook, stirring frequently, until you create a blond roux, about 5 minutes. Add the milk, cheese and mustard and use a whisk to stir all together. Season with salt and pepper and let cook for 5 minutes on low.

      For the nachos: Shred the chicken and place into a medium bowl. Pour in the barbecue sauce and mix well to combine. Arrange the tortilla chips on a platter and spread the chicken over the chips. Pour the warm cheese sauce over the top and sprinkle with the jalapenos and cilantro. Garnish with dollops of the sour cream

    9. You don't get to do that. You don't get to make that cheese sauce here.

    10. 12:18, thanks for the delicious recipes.

  20. What a bunch of fags!

    Here's a real recipe!


    1 squatch's head
    1 squatch's tongue
    salt and pepper
    sage or chili powder

    Clean and scrape bigfoot's head and wash thoroughly. Wash and trim tongue. Cover head and tongue with slightly salted water and simmer until meat falls from the bone. Drain meat, shred, and season. Pack tightly in bowl, cover, and weigh it down. Let stand 3 days in a cold place. Slice. Makes 6-8 pounds.

    1. Do you have a vegetarian version?

    2. Replace the squatch head with Mike Rugg's.

    3. ewwwww what about all that hair?

  21. Mike's a cool guy, but why save alot of future aggravation and share with the public any and all information he's willing to share with "visitors" to the museum? Some will just share a twisted version of it anyway. Think, Poo, Think..


    1. Do you think Herbs smoking a Mc'Bun?

      Couldn't resist sorry.

    2. The mayor is pissed off bcuz they brought back the mcrib.he hates the competition

  23. As the beard of Bob Titmus I can tell you our favorite bar snack after a day of squatchin was known round these parts as Pickled Hairyman Kielbasa.


    1 very large mason jar
    2 quarts white vinegar
    1 bag pearl onions
    3 tbsp pickling spices
    baker's dozen (13) sasquatch penises and testes.
    the tears of a thousand bleevers

    Separate the testes from the penii and set aside with pearl onions.

    Place pickling spice, testes and onions in the bottom of the mason jar.

    Arrange the bigfoot tallywhacker in jar, cover with vinegar and bleever tears.

    Store in a dark cool place for three weeks. If you've got a taterhole, put it there. If not, go dig yourself a taterhole. They are very versatile.

    Me, Roger and the boys had a hoot drinkin and stinkin and eating this delicious kielbasa.

    As the beard of Bob Titmus I can only tell you to take small bites. One of the Bob's almost choked on a rather large chunk of Hairyman Kielbasa just south of Yakima one time.

    1. Awesome, Bob's beard. Stories like that make all of this fictional history really come alive.
      Wasn't Evil nievel with you? And Chuc Manson?

  24. Dear Sir,
    Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    I am the group managing director of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and a member of the ad hoc committee set up by the federal government of Nigeria to review contracts awarded by the past military administration between 1985-1993. The members of the committee are interested in the importation of goods into the country with the funds presently floating in the Central Bank of Nigeria/Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) foreign payments account.

    Our request is anchored on our strong desire to establish a lasting business relationship with you and your company. We hence solicit your partnership to enable us transfer into your account the said funds. You have been recommended to us in confidence and we were assured of your ability and reliability to prosecute business transaction that require maximum confidentiality.

    Origin of Fund

    This fund is presently floating in the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) foreign payments account with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). This is as result of grossly over invoiced contracts which were executed for the NNPC during the last administration in Nigeria, and are presently under verification. To this effect, the present administration in Nigeria set up an adhoc committee to identify, scrutinize and recommend for payment all valid contracts that have been fully executed. In the course of our assignment, we have identified a lot of misappropriated and inflated funds which are presently floating in the suspense account of the Central Bank of Nigeria ready for payment. The companies who executed their contracts have been fully paid. It is now part of the over inflated sum of USD25,320,000.00 that we intend to transfer into the foreign account.

    I have therefore been mandated as a matter of trust by the members of the committee to look for a foreign partner into whose account we could transfer the sum of USD25,320,000.00 (twenty-five million, three hundred and twenty thousand US dollars) only. Hence I am writing you this letter. We have agreed to share the funds thus:

    (1) 65% for us (the committee members) and
    (2) 25% for account owner (you)
    (3) 10% to be used in settling taxation and all local and foreign expenses that will be incured in the course of this transaction.

    It is from the 65% that we wish to commence the importation busines. Please note that this transaction is 100% safe and guaranteed since the law under which our committee was set up has empowered us to disburse all the funds found to be floating in the Central Bank of Nigeria redundant account from 1985 till date. We shall commence the transfer of the funds immediately we receive the following information by telefax: (number omitted):

    (1) your company's name and full address
    (2) your banker's name, address, telephone and fax numbers
    (3) the account number and name of beneficiary.

    The above information are to enable us put up letters of claim and job description to the respective ministries for the issuance of the mandatory fund release approval/recommendations. This way, your company will become recognised and accepted as the beneficiary of the contract entitlements before the final remittance to your nominated account by the Central Bank of Nigeria being the paying bank.

    We are looking forward to doing this business with you and solicit your absolute confidentiality in this transaction. Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter using the above telefax numbers for more details regarding the transaction.

    Yours faithfully, ALHAJI D. BAYERO


    1. Thankyou Mr Bayero I have faxed all my details as requested and I am looking forward to your prompt transfer of the monies, I have already given my house and car to a worthy charity, told my boss what he can do with his job and spent my life savings on the cruise of a lifetime so it will be great to have a healthy bank balance again.

  25. Paparazzi are after Al Hodgson, now that is a laugh and a half, I laughed my ass off. Gee, lets turn over a valuable film to an old lady with one foot in the grave, that makes a lot of sense.Stupid people.

  26. Its official, Mike Rugg reveals why he is not successful.

    1. The Rugg shit on himself. He thought with his dick and lost himself a potentially valuable piece of property. The man is an idiot.

    2. The Rugg really helped tie the room together.

  27. where can i watch "the hoax of the century"?

    1. IDK.Did your daddy tape your mommy giving you birth?That's where I would start if I was you,jackass.

    2. butthurt bleever^ possibly mulder, sweati yeti or kerchak

    3. Not the orig poster but I thought this was funny!

      No, I was born actually in my mams tights while she was walking to the ambulance while in labour - TRUTH!!

      You don't get much of that on this forum do you?

    4. The only place I could find Hoax of the century was on Biscardi's website.I want to hear both sides of the story but I won't pay Biscardi for it.I can't find a torrent or even on ebay.

    5. someone buy it and upload it thanks

    6. I've been looking for months also and the same, nothing on any torrent sites.

      And pay Biscuit? I'd rather sleep with Melissa Hovey.

    7. Another reason why I won't buy it is he has a habit of reading out peoples names of whos bought it on his radio show.

      tsk tsk................

    8. I can't even find anatomy of a Bigfoot hoax on any torrent sites.

    9. The only thing I ever found was an obscure 'Bigfoot Lives' on youtube once, which is now gone.

      Pity he wasn't such a twat as I may of bought them...

  28. Uh oh, the gay bigfoot obsessed JREF'ers are out in full force today.

    1. ^butthurt bleever that probably also bleeves in santa clause.

    2. ^
      Idolizes a gay magician.

    3. That's ridiculous. Even Rosie O'Donnel isn't a fan of Rosie O'Donnel.

    4. PAULA POUNDSTONE IN 2016!!!

  29. You idiots do realize that you can believe in Bigfoot and not think the PGF is real don't you?

    1. not possible.

      if you say such a thing you get banned from the bff.


    2. Oh no, I have been formerly trained in this particular discipline and accepting the pgf is a prerequisite.

    3. Well I have been "formerly" trained in proofreading, and you oubviously haven't.


    4. "oubviously" you don't bother to proof read your own though.

    5. I think a lot of believers think its a hoax because of the unbelievably ridiculous back story, but rather not argue about it. How many would bet their lives on authenticity? Put their lives in Roger's hands! 25% tops....

  30. Ok, this thread is getting stale. Anything fresh comming Shawn? Perhaps something about squirrels?

    1. Yeah PLEASE I have some recipes for those critters.

    2. Ok your so good at recipes tell me how to make Chicago style giardiniera

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