Team Tazer Exclusive: Provo Canyon Bigfoot Was Not Alone?

Image credit: Guided By Pandas

Here's an exclusive Provo Canyon Bigfoot interview by Team Tazer Bigfoot's Michael Merchant, uncovering a possible baby Bigfoot. Shocking revelations revealed! This video interview includes photos from the area that has never before been released. And for the first time, important questions are posed: What is the creature digging or burying? Was the creature alone?

All these questions and more will be answered when you watch the interview below:


  1. I guess I'm first! Lol

  2. Ro even admitted they treated these two like crap. SMH. This is why it's difficult for people to take this subject seriously. We're too busy destroying each other , tho I will say Fasano is a JOKE and I don't mind people getting on him

    1. A bit ironic you bitch about someone else, and then exactly the same behavior you just bitched about. Nice job.

    2. logic & bleevers is like oil & water

  3. Hell maybe it was burying a baby. Was digging for some reason.

    1. Maybe he was burying his poop,like a house cat does...he can't keep it in a jar like some people do.

    2. That is actually a good point. Maybe Bigfoot hides it's scat. Quick someone get back up there and collect the DNA!

  4. Why not go back and search for dna evidence?

    1. They are waiting several weeks for.snow, etc to. e sure no evidence is ever located. We cant be too careful protecting these elusive bastards

    2. I live near here and we got 32 inches of snow last weekend. Most mountains/foothills around us are now snowed in for the winter now. This area will be under 100-150 inches before long.

    3. Yea no thats not me dicksmack

    4. OK because u have seen me post as anon before right? God you.trolls really think you know everything don't you. You know bf is fake and have come to that conclusion from in your basement behind your computer

    5. Dude. just. change your. name. to Shatner.

  5. lol well guess this video officially jumped into loony tunes territory

  6. i think that wasnt very smart by waiting until it snowed to go up there, and being that it did snow,
    why not take a snowmobile and scout the area for tracks.

    1. they took lessons from Smeja.

    2. Yeah, just grab a snowmobile. Everyone has easy access to those, right?

    3. Most people who live in rural snowy areas DO have snowmobiles. If not you might be snowed in for a while after a big storm.

  7. Those chicks have funny looking faces.

  8. Why pixelate a face? When all you need to do is squint and hey presto! Try it, go on.

  9. Enjoyed the interview. Why do you think it had a baby in arms? Its hard enough to make out any features besides the masiveness and the long arms, why does one claim a baby?

    1. Where have you been? Every single "BF" video and picture is eventually claimed to show a baby being carried, from the PGF on down. It's the BF fanatic equivalent of religious fanatics seeing Jesus in a piece of toast.

    2. If Bigfoot wants to avoid going extinct, they need to avoid Freezer boy and they need to produce offspring. What is it so surprising about people reporting baby Bigfoots?

    3. No one is claiming a baby, but the girl reported dirt or something on the creature; and what was it digging for?

    4. That's where I hide my poop in a jar,maybe he dug it up and found it.

    5. And not just a baby, but maybe another kid. And a skull. That short fuzzy clip is just full of detailed data, apparently.

      After watching this, I think they saw a bigfoot. Not sure where all the extra stuff is coming from though, I sure couldn't see it.

      Anon 11:07 - yeah, they are claiming a baby, didn't you watch the video? Not really claiming, but asking "could this be one?" Also another young sasquatch, and some kind of skull on the ground it may have been burying or digging up.

  10. I believe these guys, very rarely do I think that...

    1. I second that. They seem very believable to me.

  11. I don"t get it? On the other enhanced video it looked pretty clearly like a guy in a hooded jacket(with the hood down) and a ball cap on standing up. Now this? seriously?......No wonder Bigfootery gets little respect.

    1. In spite of that, their video received over 7 million views. The masses have spoken.

    2. It's because there is a believable account to back it up, with plenty of details, from a sincere-sounding young couple. Video alone does not give one the full context for their sighting. Do you get it now?

  12. I want to see what those chicks look like without the pixelated faces.

    1. So, I'm not the only one who was scoping them out. Nice job Mr. Beard Card!

  13. Mr.Merchant did a great job with the interview.

    1. Thanks guys. We have another interview coming up shortly of Dax Rushlow's sighting which should prove to be pretty interesting.

  14. Funny, Team Tazer RIPS other researchers that make similar claims about "unseen" details. Calls them idiots, mentally unstable, etc, yet when they make the claim we are supposed to accept it????? BS BS BS BS...oh yea almost forgot Shawn is still a HUBE Jack Ass...Phil well Jack Ass does not do him justice...

    1. I beleive they're joking about the baby squatch... I hope so anyways.

    2. They might have included it, to cover all bases.

    3. Claims? What claims did merchant make? He didn't make any claims. Neither did the witnesses. Did we watch the same video?

    4. I was wondering if they were joking or not with that stuff. I certainly saw nothing to even suggest anything besides the critter standing up in the video. Children and a skull - what?

    5. Anon 11:03 - did you watch the video or just listen? If you just listened, you missed some things...

  15. stoolpackerwhine just whines all the time because TTBF never has their own evidence, they never really do anything but criticize other researchers and support a BF murdering idiot.

    1. lol there was no bigfoot murdered you rube.

    2. Do you always type with your head up your ass?

    3. And then his head smells for the rest of the week.

    4. They don't call me shit head for nothing.;)

  16. Great job Michael.I couldn't watch the Extinct podcast because of the profanity. After the first 2 minutes I cut it off! (Totally unnecessary and very callous and rude)

    I'm wondering if they had been covered in leaves hiding from the hunters? I know it's been reported that's what they do.

    Good job to GuidedByPanda's too.

    1. Great interview by merchant, he should stick to doing these. And GuidedByPanda out did himself this time. That guy has a lot of talent.

    2. lol talent for what? Seeing the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich? Yeah he's the best.

    3. I don't see you illustrating shit Anon. Better get busy with that toast.

    4. that might be the worst comeback i ever read

    5. I don't mind when people who swear in normal day-to-day talking also do so in their videos. It feels honest.

  17. Now they're embellishing the story with things that clearly did not occur in the video, such as it turned to look at them. Credibility gone.

    1. Ummm have you watched the video? Try enlarging the screen. It is obvious that it looks at them. They explained all of it and I personally can see it stand and look at them.

    2. Too bad they didn't have the enormous cred you have ANON.

    3. Ummmm funny how NO ONE who watched the video before ever claimed to see it turn around and look (millions of cumulative views?). Now these kids are changing their story and the kool-aid drinkers line up to say they saw it all along. Typical bigfootery.

    4. 12:57 of the video - Merchant very politely informs them that the claim that it turned and looked is news to him and most other people who watched the video for themselves. I guess he didn't press them on it because he didn't want the interview to turn hostile.

    5. You think merchant is afraid of getting hostile? Did you not watch the podcast with him and Justin?

    6. When it stands up it is facing them. I see it. My question is how can anyone not see that, it stands and turns and looks at them? I always increase the screen resolution so I didn't know I had to write a comment saying I see it looking at them.

      Stank is that you at 9:08?

    7. "You think merchant is afraid of getting hostile? Did you not watch the podcast with him and Justin?"

      When did I say he's AFRAID to get hostile? I said he might not have WANTED it to get hostile at that point. Maybe he just wanted to let them get their story out or maybe he bit his tongue to give them enough rope to hang themselves. Try some reading comprehension dipshit.

    8. "When it stands up it is facing them. I see it. My question is how can anyone not see that, it stands and turns and looks at them?"

      So which is it? Is it facing them when it stands or does it turn and look at them? You can't even keep your nonsense straight within the same post.

    9. I.saw this video had leas than 1000 views and I always looked at them your just pissed cause u thought it was a turkey

    10. Nothing about the video was "clear." Why not take these people at their word? It's a black shape. You CANNOT tell what way it's facing with certainty, you can only assume based on what you yourself pick up from it. These people were there.

  18. that photo is so fake, looks like a cartoon drawing..

  19. good job Mike.... Something worth watching been missing that!! :) Hey by the way Happy Holiday's to all of you!

    Sounds like Rick Dyer is here making all the negative comments.

    1. Just wait for the "Porn redirected" line. Then you'll know for sure it is Freezer Boy.

    2. LOL Dyer,Snownut and Fatsano all the same.

    3. You're an ass and a liar or mentally ill if you actually believe that. Or maybe you are Hovey.

  21. Ground breaking Michael Merchant, great deductions and analysis!

  22. They gave it away at the end:Can't go back there,raod closed: left camping equipment there,don't want to get it.Kept taping the run away after no threat.....FAKE HOAX

    1. What video were you watching? They clearly said the road is closed.

    2. They did go back for the equipment, dumbass. Listen to the interview again. And is it their fault it snowed in November?

  23. Michael.merchant- I.just wanna.say personally I.saw went viral and it was always to my impression.that it stood up and looked at them and I.would say almost in an intimidating way that's what I've always gotten from.this video. The slowed.down.version.kinda shows it best .... that's a Sasquatch it or not that was the real deal

    1. lol it's confirmed real deal by the guy who's consistently outsmarted by his period key.

    2. You try typing on the things I know quite a few Samsung owners with the same issue

    3. Im typing on one right now. I think your just a jackass

    4. I love the way you trolls come on here and have nothing better to do with yourself than talk shit about people who beleive . Really how cool are you to are you to sit behind your computer and and talk shit to.people that I guarentee you wouldn't say those things to my face. Seriously get a life go get laid there are plenty of women out there who will sell you some ass. I.don't even have to insult you. Your a non Bigfoot beleiver that comes to a Bigfoot evidence website to talk shit. Get picked on much in school.dude?

    5. I'm typing on one now jackass. No problem here nj red ass.

    6. Like I said you trolls have no life except to sit here and repeat the same lame insults over and over and you spend more time posting then people who believe. Did u get banned from all the porn sites? Or did u just get picked on allot in school. Try prostitutes dude maybe they will fill that empty hole in your life we don't care if you believe or not. I haven't seen one beleiver throw an insult at a skeptic for no reason just you have nothing better to do than attack me becaaue I accidently hit the period button on my phone wow get a life

    7. Lol now im internet tough guy? Boy yoy.peoole cant even insult someone correcrly when did.i ever get tough as u say or make any threats i simply point out how much of a loser you must be to spend your day on a bigfoot evidence website talking junk because people beleive in bigfoot. No.sorry the ones who come here and insult people with high school name calling are the internet tough guys never once have i gotten tough with anyone on here. But thats just another example of your true ignorance and how pathetic you really must be i welcome anyone here to join me in nj and come out to the pine barrens and hear the things im hearing in these woods and i bet you will sing a different tune about bigfoot

    8. No way!!! Pine barrens!!! That's awesome!! Read about that area for years. From what I understand very spooky.

    9. Yea man allot of strange things outta the pine barrens if you read wierd nj. My name red eyes is what people have reported to see in bigfoot.sightings and im beginning to.beleive allot of the wierd stories out of the pine barrens are bigfoot related

  24. To nj red eyes. Thank you. I'm about to give up on this site. It's too bad. It could've been great. Maybe one of the greatest sites on the BF ever. Unfortunately it's become overrun with hoax addicts,,water heads,,and imbeciles of all kinds. While there is a few great minds here,,,it's not worth it anymore to me with all the nonsense and B.S.

    1. Thanks robbie... i frequent this site so often because i have it liked on my facebook so anytime shawn posts something new it is.on my news on facebook and it most likely is the best and most up to date bigfoot blog out there. Its just sad that it seems there is a group of teenage skeptics that come hered talk nonsense that has nothing to do with this blog or they sit and verbally attack anyone who beleives. Its rather pathetic when you think about it that these kids really have nothing better to do. Every bigfoot skeptic i know.doenst even look at a page like this and i.dont even get why these people.come here. Seriously shawn needs to block these people that arent posting about the blog.topic. i rather enjoy a good skeptic debate but most of this stuff has nothing to do with bigfoot. Someone should start a taterhole and poop blog so these idiots have a place to talk their nonsense. Please shawn your blog is losing interest to allot of bigfooters

  25. And that's the point exactly as I seem you mention above. Ok. Post your name as Anonymous,get on a BF site and rant and rave about how videos are all hoaxed,,pictures are of big dudes in suits,,and if someone has a good point or something to add if you are not smart enough to fit into the discussion you'll just call them a dumbass or point out how they can't spell or say something even about their mom. Why don't all all of you anons who start drama on here do us a favor. Please. Either go back to the monster trucks and wrestling,,that's more of your pace. I know a lot of theory's and deep thinking really stresses a lot of you out.

    1. Its to the point now where they arent evening posting that the videos are hoaxes they just come.right out and talk.about jars or taterholes which may have been funny when.i.was 14. to get news on bigfoot and tips on getting i know they are here in nj and its only.a matter.of yes i know the.periods the keyboard on the galaxy note is annoying

    2. That's awesome man. Good luck on your project. I hear you on the note. My wife has one and has a lot of problems with it. Extra periods don't bother me. Lol. It just goes to show if the water heads can't make a thoughtful comment either pro or con they'll just whine about your spelling or having too many punctuation marks. How F?!$ing lame can someone get. If i had more time and no one I know would find out,,I would log onto their favorite websites,,like monster truck fever dot com or Jerry Springers kissing cousins fan club,,and I would screw with them all day.

  26. I liked the interview. I still see a role for the downed tree/brush as cover for the squatch. It is down and two the left looking at the video. Also the speed it comes up and arm comes out is what has me intrigued. If facing the cameraman, it's pure intimidation, it's hard to tell
    The speed getting up is what has got most people watching.

  27. I really appreciate you getting this in depth interview Michael, especially after the fiasco this past weekend on extinct. I agree with your assessment about these folks. I grew up with BS ers in my neighborhood and have met and talked to countless ones since, and these folks are not Bs ing and it comes through in the interview same as it did on Fox 13.

    At eight feet tall it was not someone else hoaxing them either, and this hunting time of year, a person would be an absolute fool to try and pull this off.
    I think (I could be wrong)it is the real deal. I think that at the start of the video it was just trying to hide from them and get as low to the ground as possible. With all the gunshots they heard (late in the afternoon on final day of hunting probably a bunch of hunters just shooting to shoot) the Bigfoot probably just wanted to wait it out until dark. However when these folks got close it realized their was not enough cover there to hide and decided to give them the evil eye and high tail it out of there. Just a thought anyway. If they do do a recreation it would be nice to see if a six foot human dressed in all dark clothes could actually hide from the camera in the same spot. This would go a long way as to size, as well as stand and measure height. However with snow cover until probably late spring, this may not be possible until next fall.

    Cant wait for next interview or more from these guys soon.


  28. Don,t know about a baby or a second animal, but that one bf has a killer demon tat on his upper arm.

  29. I didnt hear anything on the video about a baby or a skull.

  30. Why Team Tazer?

    Are you going to Taze a Bigfoot?

    "Don't taze me Bro!"


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