Sasquatch Scoop: Rick Dyer responds to Tent Video hoax

At the same time that Rick Dyer was in Las Vegas gambling his life away (he owns property in Vegas), FB/FB released a statement claiming they had nothing to do with the filming of the "Camper" video. Dyer received a message from Steve Alcorn at SasquatchScoop concerning the possible hoax and this was the response:

I'm going to be clear. will never be involved in any kind of hoaxing whatsoever. We are unable to comment at this time. Thanks...
[via Sasquatch Scoop]


  1. now it all makes sense. beep beep idunno

  2. " will never be involved in any kind of hoaxing whatsoever".

    Future tense. Not past or past participle? i.e., has or have been? But future. Interesting!

  3. Why are "we unable to comment at this time" Rick what the hell is stopping you?

    1. I love the way he says "we are unable to comment at this time" right after, in the first two sentences, he just COMMENTED!

    2. Actually? I'd like to answer this one,.... If I may? There its a fringe of society that continually feel a sense of paranoia. That either the gov. is hiding and lying about what ever it is they are searching for, or some mystical and or other worldly beings conceal them from them with their superior teachnology. Real actual proven facts, are what is needed here correct? unfortunately, the planet does not hold these items. So a guy shows up on your door step, quilterd slightly further off then you, and then you condemn, this poor,... socially retarded bedwetter! Sadly...Bigfoot its no more real than Hogwarts, you see? The truth is easy! Once you realize we are all whatever you people call them. No its not skepticism! it is the TRUTH!...Accept it... I love you guys, and remember, you may be the fringe, but your warm and fuzzy.

  4. i BELIEVE dyer did have a dead body! i also believe he was bought off....i knew rick dyer at one point and the rick i ALWAYS knew was a BROKE one! well, it looked that way judging by the piece of shit car he i see him on youtube flashing cars and money.....IM JUST SAYIN....

  5. I thought was taken down before this camper video.

  6. Gets caught in 2008 in the freezer hoax,goes on t.v. and says he diddn't think it would harm anyone or anyone would take it serious because it's Bigfoot and Bigfoot isn't real and then starts BigfootTracker to find Bigfoot.Makes sense to me.

  7. just checking in to see what kind of pack of lies are brewing. lol it seems to me the freezer hoax with a cow tongue hanging out the mouth was one big pack of lies.

  8. Kitikaze has found the suit. It is 100% confirmed. Some of us "know" this. Its a done deal and 100% patty. No question. Just wait. Its over, folks.

    Maybe ketchums nephilhim study will reinvigorate your belief after you are blown away by The suit. You will need something to believe in

  9. "Kitikaze has found the suit."

    I would be careful about implicating yourself in theft

  10. "I'm going to be clear. will never be involved in any kind of hoaxing whatsoever. We are unable to comment at this time. Thanks..."

    Sounds like some weird semantics. Wouldn't a normal person say "I" will never be involved? Maybe I answered my own question.

  11. next time dye the hairz on ur nutz, buddy

  12. Dyer owns property in Vegas, LOL. Did he set that sweet tent up in front of a dive casino?

  13. Dyer, meanwhile, isn't surprised he has doubters.

    "There are a lot of wacko people out there. I was one of the ones making fun of these wacko people," he said. "When I made this discovery, I still believe there's a whole lot (of wacko people)."

    This is what Dyer stated before he was busted for the Georgia hoax.So we are to believe whathe has to say now?

  14. Dic Dyer will get kicked in the chest if I ever run across that A-HOLE!

  15. Aren't we done with this yet?

  16. Rick Dyer is a fucking liar!!!


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