From Our Forum: Is Dr. Ketchum Part Of A Government Cover-up?

If Dr. Melba Ketchum ever decides to drop her Bigfoot DNA study and disappear, the conspiracy theories will surely follow. The recent fallout between Dr. Ketchum and publicist Sally Ramey has left some to wonder if the government had anything to do with it. The following was posted on the Bigfoot Evidence forum by member Tzieth. The thread ponders whether Ketchum may have gotten too close to proving the existence of Bigfoot and if the government is paying her to undo the discovery. There are a number of reasons why the government would want to cover-up the existence of Bigfoot, including the protection of the logging industry and religion.

Posted by Tzieth on Mon 24 Sep 2012 - 22:12

This is simply thinking outside the box so no need for believers and skeptics to get overly technical. This is something we can simply speculate about.

What if Melba Kethcum suddenly became Government funded and was forced to remove people?

First off, why would there be a Sasquatch Conspiracy? A Bio-weapon that got out of hand? A Secret Soldier program that created both Dog-Man and Sasquatch? lol While entertaining, that is a topic for an entirely differnt thread. How about our already screwed up economy?

We are not in good shape right now. We are weary to drill in Alaska because it "might" effect the mating habits of the Alaskan Caribu and upset the fragile eco-system because every American enjoys spending nearly $5 a gallon for gasoline... But I digress.

The logging industry is heavily affected by the spotted Owl. When I was in the Army while at JRTC, we were not allowed full access to our own training ground because of some rare pecker-wood... oops, i meant Wood-Pecker. At one point while doing a road construction mission that should have only been a two week deployment for a five mile stretch of road, we were down there for a few months because the five mile stretch of road became a 20 mile stretch as we had to divert wayyyyy out of our way to get from point A to point B. Though Point-A was five miles from point-B, in the middle were a bunch of plants that some endangered bat flies all the way from Mexico to eat.

Now you add in one or more Human cousins to the mix, then what? EVERY single resource we have is in jeopardy! Logging, Drilling, Mining, Agriculture, Construction as well as production such as oil refineries and paper mills, steel plants and all the factories dependent on Logging, Drilling, Mining and Agriculture. We would have two choices. 1) Stop giving a rats ass about wildlife or 2) Watch our Country regress to third world status. (Same for Canada.)

So it's likely that IF the Governments of the United States and Canada are aware of Sasquatch, it would be in their best interest to cover it up.

So why all of the sudden would they fund Melba? Easy answer would be because of Oxford.

If the Oxfords study comes out first and they declare that Sasquatch is a relict hominid or multiple relict hominids, then that blows the cover. England does not have Sasquatch reports.. Well they have "reports" along with werewolves and big cats, and crop circles but unlike the U.S. and Canada, they do not have any physical evidence backing up the reports. Nor does most of Western Europe. Sasquatch being discovered does not hurt them in any way.

But if discovered and known to be from the U.S. and Canada and if they are a type of Homo-genus, then in the eyes of the world we are committing some sort of atrocity. World opinion as well as the U.N. would be against us and this could lead to war.

But it is not as if we could sweep them under the rug as we have with our purposeful attempts to commit genocide of our Native Inhabitants. (U.S. not sure about Canada.). In this age, information spreads fast.

So why fund Melba?... Because it puts the ball in their (The Government's)court. If Melba's paper comes back first. (And if this is the case it will and with great speed) Then they (The U.S. Government) calls the shots. They decide where the specimens came from and where they did not. ie; "They all came from Skamania County,Washington... Do you understand Melba?". Then Oxford may either drop the study all together or change it to Yeti, Yeran, Alma and Oreng-Pendeck to see how many Homo-Hominids there are.

Just a thought.


  1. Sure, cant be simple fraud. This is always the last statement before a hoax disappears into oblivion. Impossible to prove it's a cover up so it's an easy and obvious excuse.

    1. DHS has purchased 1.5 million rounds of ammo within the last year, for what you might ask? Well I certainly dont think they are worried about coverup of a mythical ape man.

    2. Research operation end game. Why did dhs purchase 10000 guillotines?

    3. Religion douches religion. That's what it's all about, even that uber douche Romney joked about it. You skeptics can't deny America's build on it it's everywhere, much more important to way of life than timber. Timber will survive just fine because it has so far without endangering and diminishing the species' place of living and surviving, it's basically shelter for them anyway not food or nest so there won't be environmental groups out swinging the club for the old squatch since the species doesn't need it when it's not animal but rather of the Homo family not fitting into any plan.

      Or it's ET which may not be so crazy a thought, all the other world governments where similar beings roam haven't disclosed any species existence either and if this were merely man or ape surely it'd be possible somehow sometime to find. Hasn't happened yet, yet many know it's there so alien (and some sort of secret worldwide agreement on this) doesn't seem unrealistic.

      They may have gotten to Melba now even though she says differently question is what Sykes will do if he finds proof, continue to play the status quo science game or tell the truth that'll surely come out anyway one day. Personally, I have a feeling he won't find anything and the search goes on because the news is simply too big presently, like we have no UFO disclosure either even though many of us know those things are real so authorities do too.

    4. I thought it had been published in an interview with him that he had found something totally different?

    5. Could be fraud. But they got the topic wrong. lol It was a hypothetical subject that was about "What if Melba dropped some of her circle because the U.S. Government or perhaps also the Canadian government was funding her." not shutting her up.

      The thing is, "IF" there was ever a government conspiracy to deny the existence of Sasquatch, then Backing Melba and funding her, would be the wise choice. If the cat is going to be let out of the bag by Oxford, then backing Melba would be a wise choice.

      She already had her thing going on first. So if the Government wished control her study from behind the seen, they could play the "Oh they exist?" card while secretly fabricate where the evidence came from. For example, if the specimens came from all over the U.S. and Canada, they can claim that "They only came from the Pacific North West" where Sasquatch reserves already exist.

      In this case, the "Cover-up" scenario would not apply if Melba fades into oblivion or is hushed as this would even make her hard-core fans question her.

      The Conspiracy-Talk would be sparked if Melba's paper actually passes before Sykes and some how she gets irrefutable evidence such as a Body. That is what will make people go "Hmmmm?"

    6. I gotta tell ya folks... Most of you soud like tweakers. The poster above is freaking rambling on and on and...

    7. Yeah try reading the "rambling" before you start calling people names. Actually try reading the whole topic.

      I am "rambling" because they took a hypothetical topic I made on the forum and twisted it to the exact opposite of what I said. Try "Reading" crap before you call people tweakers.


    9. A Liberal Democrat Obama will try to save Mining, Logging, Agriculture jobs? Tell that to the farmers in Central California who have had their futures ruined by the EPA regulations for Salmon. Tell that to the Coal miners in West Virginia, who Obama has stated he will never grant an Coal Permit in the US. Tell that to any logging company anywhere in the US. Tell that to the Canadian companies trying to develope the Keystone Pipeline? Obama on the side of business and jobs? Are you out of your mind. He will turn the US into a third world country rather than side with business. I will tell you the truth, he is looking for a Sasquatch, who he can bring to the White House and sing Koom-by-Ya in the Rose Garden.

      Obama side with Industry or this DNA study a FRAUD, and since the money has dried up, the Doctor in charge of the DNA study is looking for a way out.

      The fraud is 100 times more likely.

  2. She wasn't until she pushed the issue.

  3. Even if true, it would only be delaying the inevitable. There are already other studies and someone is eventually going to bring in a body.

    1. The reason it hasn't happend yet I guess is that it's always stopped before it can, now does that sound like just a normal animal to anyone? Not to me, meaning there's more behind it than that and something that some group for whatever reason refuses to let the public know about.
      Haven't seen a squatch myself but I've seen UFOs so I know those things definitely are real, don't know what they are but exist they do so this to me and other witnesses is already fact and one can only conclude governments and space agencies must know too but aren't saying.

  4. the gov't can be very persuasive, just ask Andrew Breitbart's wife and the doctor who tried to perform Breitbart's autopsy, phfft,gone.Case closed.

    1. I agree with that. But I doubt many of the posters here can look that up. It'd require time and effort!

  5. Yep, I can see it. The government bought off Melba with 3 Big Macs, large fries and 2 milk shakes.

  6. Hopefully they didn't add their special secret ingredient to the fries.

  7. Replies
    1. What's stupid would be not considering this as a realistic option! Have you missed all of the political ads? They are all lies & manipulations to get the majority of the public to think a certain way to cover up their hidden agendas...why would this be any different? At this point, unless you have actually seen one, you can only speculate and spout off your opinion...but why does it have to be close-minded, arrogant and judgemental?

  8. Y'all haven't figured out that the US government isn't that smart, have you?? What can they really keep secret?? Not a whole lot.... Think about it. You'll get it.

    1. Dude, they have nothing but secrets. Imagine Obama asking behind closed doors if UFOs are real, they (the shadow government) would look funny at him and not even tell him probably because they'd wonder why he'd want to know. The many last presidents may not even know of ETs, Truman may be the last and maybe only. All the follwing showed an interest but were kept in the dark. Kinda fitting last name he had too, isn't it.

  9. Great post shawn.. call me gullible all you want but i served two terms in the navy and all i will say is, the american people have NO IDEA what our govt. is capable of doing to keep something quiet..

    1. True that! ^ But the jerks here live in their little closed worlds. I don't think an atomic bomb would affect em.

    2. For Anon 1:57. No they don't. Just give them Beer and Football (Which I also like) and all is well in the country.

      For Tzieth. I am not going to go there right now, however i really like how you think.


    3. Thanks chuck,

      but FYI on the forum this is actually true to the topic. lol (The Government funding Melba, not shutting her up.)

      I do find it funny though. Most of the Anom Trolls seem to base their remarks on the headline without even reading the article. lol

    4. I just signed on to the Forum two days ago, but have little time to get involved much, maybe more as winter approaches. I did read some of your dissertations about planet x and see you are well versed, and liked your opinions. I read all of Sitchin's books back in the early 1990's, except his last one, and of course C2C am has explored this in great detail. I look forward to hearing from you there.


  10. Dumb and dumber. Truth always surfaces, eventually. I am surprised Shawn has not had a visit from the MIB. Or has he?

    A free nation will not have its voices stilled, unless you are so weak and gutless you just roll over and play dead. The only ones against Ketchum are the mindless trolls that frequent this space because they have no friends, no life, no education and no brains.


    2. {The only ones against Ketchum are the mindless trolls that frequent this space because they have no friends, no life, no education and no brains.}

      and spend all their time and life here.

    3. AND GUESS WHAT?! THAT IS YOU!!!!!!!

  11. People of Faith wouldn't have a problem with BF.

    This could easily fall in-line with God's creation, no problem.

    Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
    1 Cor 1:20

    1. If it's not religion then it's a power thing for authorities, they like secrets and control us that way so losing that is an exposure they don't want when it's all about power to them, babies. Disclosure means admitting they've been lying to us and maybe can't fully protect us, be it UFOs, JKF, 9/11 or this. Eseentially we may even be governed from somewhere else, not by God but beings in space. If they ever come clean and admit it they'd better have a very good explanation ready, if it's good enough we'll have no problem accepting and understanding why they were limited. Most importantly, people deserve and demand to know the truth otherwise democracy's a joke and police state's the name.

    2. the government would be more scared of it verrifying religion than disproving it!

  12. Well, I'ze always sayed, whudeber da gubment wants me da bleeve,dats whud i bleeve.

  13. Just declare them in the hundreds of thousands, not endangered, no black bears. After all, we are told they are all over the N.A. continent, they are smart, they are able to ride trains, bikes and talk...I suppose they surf too in Hawaii....they just have the ability to not be seen or to blurify.

  14. theres 10,000 comdedians unemployed and your in here cutting jokes.

  15. bla bla bla, government conspiracy illuminati you paranoid freaks

    1. LOL "paranoid freaks"?

      Wow. The IQ average just keeps getting lower and lower around here.

  16. i agree with you bro quit being stupid people

  17. LMFAO......Ah, that's it. Blame failure on someone else. One of the 5 steps. LMFAO!!!

    Predicted this a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago came true, of course. This field is a parody of itself.

  18. I said it once before and I'll say it again. Drop a body on live TV and run. Don't say anything in advance. Don't give the government any chance to sweep it away. Has anyone looked into all the times that someone doing a study has proof and will shortly reveal to all or there's a video or picture that will give proof positive they're real. There's one who has multiple videos of a family. Used all his money and is barely getting by. Now I read he has money and no longer wants anything to do with Sasquatch. Another has a game changing video they anounce they're going to post shorty. It's never shown. Only excuses. DNA testing being done. Delay, delay, delay, delay. Will it ever come out? Only three words needed to explain all of this..


    1. MWNE

      Men With No Evidence is more like it.

    2. Pay no attention to APPIBs (Anonimous posters probably in black) pretending to be skeptics.

    3. Be careful anon 1:13, I'm watching you as well.

    4. Maybe invisible drones or satellites are already monitoring forests, any attempt to bring out a Bigfoot body and there's that black van or two pulling you over.

  19. More power to Tzieth, its good to keep an open mind.

    However, not so open that your brains fall out.

    - Carl Sagan

    1. interesting,all very illuminatia though!

      Also i hate when Americans show such ignorance when referring to the UK. Why do so many Americans call us just Englanmd,do they not know that Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland make up the Great Britain and Northern Ireland

      just a bug bear since im a Scottish guy

    2. My bad... You are right, I should have said U.K. But Oxford being in England, got me calling U.K. "England" sorry :(

    3. Get off the tweaking pipe and you might think clearly...


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