Please Leave Dr. Melba Ketchum Alone, She's Doing Her Best [Bigfoot DNA]

Alright people, it's now Friday (the day after Thursday, and the day published scientific papers hits the newsstand) and still no Bigfoot DNA paper published. And no, we're not going to take shots at Dr. Melba Ketchum for the delays because according her, we wouldn't even know about the study if it weren't for people leaking the lab results. Apparently, there are some haters complaining about her being "unprofessional" by having a public Facebook page. Right now, it seems like Ketchum can't win for losing with some people.

Here's the latest from Dr. Melba Ketchum:

People keep complaining that I have a public FB page and answer some questions about the project. They criticize me mercilessly, calling me a variety of adjectives and claiming I am only a veterinarian, not a scientist. It is a no-win situation for me. On one hand I have literally hundreds of people clamoring for information and on the other, I have people saying how unprofessional it is for me to have a public FB and even mention my research in public prior to publication. If it hadn't been for people leaking results early in the study and stirring up people with an interest in BF, I would have pulled this off without anyone knowing until it came out, which is how it was supposed to have been. But, since it is already out there, I am making an attempt to give people as much information as I dare as it seems the majority would rather have a little info than none. You can please some of the people, some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time so I am trying to keep most of you happy.

- Melba Ketchum


  1. LOL love the picture you chose for the story...very funny.

    1. helll-oooo-ooo?:

      August, 2010:

      Dr. Melba Ketchum appears on Coast to Coast A.M. with Dave Paulides. During the last hour of the program, Dr. Ketchum reported on ongoing DNA testing of possible Bigfoot hair samples, some of which have a combination of human and animal attributes, and are considered anomalous or unknown. She and her team are in the process of preparing a peer reviewed paper that will reveal their complete findings.

      October, 2010: Blogtalk radio, Bigfoot busters:
      Dr. Melba Ketchum is asked how many "unknown" samples she has that have been collected in the last year, and whether "unknowns" means that she has tested them and they've come back as a large, unknown primate.

      "Quite a few... we can't discuss results, because I'm going through peer-review with our paper before we let anything out. Let me be clear about that. Because we're doing this as forensic cases, we're documenting, we're taking every conceivable care in making sure that everythign that we do is by the book scientifically, so it would be good enough to stand up in court. And part of this would be a peer-reviewed article which is now being written, anctually, and whenever we get the peer-review back is when this thing will come into the open."

    2. Ok listen, if you want to believe in Bigfoot and believe that some day someone will prove it's existence, you have to ignore facts and inconsistencies once in a while. There's no other way around it.

      Now, do you want to believe or not?

  2. Funny, but I heard about this DNA project in 2010 sometime, and I could swear that she and Paulides told millions of people about it shortly after that on Coast-to-Coast AM.

    1. This was my first thought when reading her statement. FAIL!!

    2. True, but the widespread speculation, hype and hope followed Stubstad's report. After Coast to Coast, most were assuming the same ol' result "incunclusive, no known animal/unknown primate"...
      And let's not forget the constant claims of one, Robert Lindsay that set things on fire. Not to mention how pissed everyone was for how she wasn't talking or not making public appearances.
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. No newcomer, you are wrong, they just fanned the flames of impatience.

    4. She's been doing the good thing so far, but since the report apparently is close at hand I would suggest it might be better to stay silent on it all from now on. Let everyone know it IS coming. End.

      If it isn't far off it really shouldn't matter, even a year is an incredibly short time in this field and look at the crap said about scientists like Jeff Meldrum yet he's not getting involved in the mudslinging.

      He's waiting this thing out not bothering with the haters, I think it's a good way.

      Ketchum knows she's got the real thing here and that in itself must be a great feeling, best keep in mind all the impatient ones are not ordinary skeptics they're Bigfoot haters.

    5. Baloney. This is no way going scientifically document this animal. All we get is " Unknown primate". It does not matter if there are 1 or 100 samples of "unknown". A type specimen (dead or alive) to MATCH the DNA samples with is needed. Then and only then, will there be proof.

    6. @8:27 Anon,
      While your word choice is probably more correct, you can't deny that the Stubstad and Lindsay claims ignited the interest, outside "the inner sanctum" of BFr's... and just because I only recently started posting here, doesn't mean I haven't been following this study for years. By the way, I'm not in "the club", so I am able think freely and formulate my own opinions without the politics.
      David from the PAC/NW

    7. Boloney. This will not prove an animal but most definitely scientifically prove once and for all there's another human species out there, and you'd be committing murder if you get a body. Proof is already there now via all this massive amount of DNA, there's only one thing it can be if it shows things like height and it's known as Sasquatch. Unless of course you prefer it to be Santa Claus, and then you're still the joke.

    8. Biscardi posted in the summer of 2009 news about the study, Dr. Ketchum's contact information, and photos of the fingernail on his website.

      Paulides was talking about it on web radio in 2009.

      But, the story that made this BIG wasn't Stubstad, who sounded like sour grapes, but Justin Smeja who claimed to have shot and killed two Sasquatches in California and sent a sample to Dr. Ketchum and Dr. Meldrun in late 2010.

      Neither Dr. has denied that story.

      Lindsay would not have had any attention without Justin, because Stubstad's original leak/blog on his site in early 2011 had two comments, and so did the next.

      Lindsay lucked out, it could have been Crytpomundo as easily, but would we have learned so much?

      Erickson Project also seems to have used Lindsay and his blog to voice their dissatisfaction with Dr. Ketchum and their contract.

      They went so far as to release photos of the claimed evidence, including a Sasquatch and a glass plate said to have collected blood for her study.

      There are so many morethat have also talked about their participation.

      This news has been known for several years, what made it real news was the bad actions of the parties involved.

    9. If I were a defense lawyer, she'd be the LAST person I would send samples to. Ditto for animal breeding. Results should take weeks, not months and years.

      The journal has nothing to do with publishing any DNA sequence. You are making excuses for her.

      the journal is not relevant to publishing a sequence. I know the details of a standard submission to a body of work to a peer-reviewed journal. That is a moot point. What part of this do you not understand? I have published my results on the Net in many places. Start here:

      And here:

      And, officially, my mitochondrial DNA full genome here:

      The moment she started scheduling appearances it became a fraud to me.

      If Melba Ketchum, does not publish by this weekend, I will block Melba Ketchum's Facebook page. I will wash my hands and scrape off my feet.

      Realistically, this will do more damage than Ricky Dyer. Why? Because it will put off, if not deter, the further testing by someone else who will actually test and publish the test results on further samples.

  3. Some people will put whatever slant they want on anything to suit their own private agenda. Do your research before throwing innuendo about Steven. That is the least you should do before slyly insinuating that someone is a liar. It's called getting your facts correct! You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. It is also called telling the WHOLE truth.

    1. She contradicted herself, it's just that simple. Your blind faith restricts your ability to question anything that Ketchum says or does.

  4. That picture reminds me what "I" look like when someone eats all my granola...wooas me...haha

  5. My guess is there are money grubbing individuals simply waiting to publish their books, finish writing a grant requesting funding for research and/or any other kind of money making scheme involving the results.

    I'm thinking it is all more the "impatience" of greed of man.

    1. Very good point, and I'm sure you'll be proven correct with your guess. I hadn't thought about the drooling vultures waiting in the wings with their own agendas ready to go...

    2. Well, take off your rose colored glasses and you might just see them.

  6. I for one am very pleased about the snippets of info we get. IMHO, I think she has handled this very well. Kudos to her for all the work she has done all these years, and I wish her the best. Can't wait for "it" to hit the stands. I saw a huge BF years ago, have been laughed at and been the butt of many jokes. I eagerly await to wag my finger in the face of the nay-sayers.
    Dr. Melba you're gonna be on the cover of Time's Most Influential People and Patty's gonna make Sport Illustrated Swimsuit addition, and maybe even perhaps People's Most Beautiful edition, maybe even a BILF edition of Playboy. (That's a joke - but hey, it could happen!)
    Seriously, when it does happen, we all need to be on board to "Save the Squatch."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Well said, and I hope that you are 100% correct about Dr.Ketchum receiving the praise and publicity that she deserves for all of the cutting edge DNA work she has accomplished to bring this species out of the darkness where there are no laws nor protection for them into being *officially* recognized so they can be protected by laws after Dr. Ketchum's DNA work verifies their existence. Protecting this species from trophy hunters and people who just want to *bag* a Sasquatch needs to be everyone's top priority ASAP after her DNA work is published.

    4. A species that is unknown to science and that has never been verifiably killed by a hunter needs protection?

    5. No doubt there's been kills in the past, but then just as now the rule applies it's not a popular situation in the eyes of authorities especially if this species is human. I'm not buying all this talk of them ending up in more danger than today when proven real, they're doing fine and nobody's bothering them just the opposite as witnesses with or without guns quickly flee the scene. Just leave the big hairy ones alone and everything will be fine, regardless of species.

  7. I don't understand why she is continuing this charade, unless it's because of legal contracts with others and the fear of being sued. Perhaps she is still making money from the suckers that are sending their samples in to her.

    If the alleged "paper" fails, does anyone seriously think she will make the information public?

    1. No, This is **not** fraud, nor a charade, at all. This type of work takes time, and to verify a *new* species is a big deal and has to be handled correctly. Good science takes time. So we all wait...Dr. Ketchum is a victim of the process as much as any of us who are waiting because she also waits..Be supportive of her, this must be difficult on her as she too waits with us.

  8. Ketchum was on Coast to Coast in 2010. That said, interest in the study didn't spiral out of control until Stubstad came forward and the Sierra kill story surfaced.

    1. Perhaps you fell off the turnip truck late in the game, but if you do a little research you'll find out that there was a huge amount of interest in Ketchum's work, right after her appearance on coast to coast. Ketchum's name was well known in Bigfootery well before Stubby came into the picture with his bag of sour grapes

    2. we beg to differ melba! you weren't shit before your study was leaked by the idiot roberta lindsay! who were the big names in the BF world? yours was not known in the regular world!! maybe in the closed circle of dna biology world. and if you got the balls to put up some facebook page that us regular folk can't even ask you a question about the BF subject then why bother? oops we know why gotta get that name of yours out there. to gin up some publicity for the book that will follow. and then you hide behind some non-disclosure mumbo jumbo! as far as i'm concerned your no better than the damn hoaxers. cause in the end melba, it's all about the money and fame. hate to tell you there won't be know finding BF in the lab show anytime soon honey. but thanks for the circles.

    3. Good Lord People let it go... She is working her Ass off and all you people want to do is tear her down... I mean really come on you do not know her or do you know what she is dealing with or going threw so until you walk in that persons shoes do not judge them on shit you have no clue about. This is why our world is in such crises per pressure and ugly people causing harm to others instead of keeping there closed minded MOUTHS to them selfs. Until there is solid 100% evidence either way just pipe down already. :)

    4. Well said. Just imagine we didn't have the Internet still, how much more calm and normal everything would be. Now we see all the clueless jerks online, shooting their mouths off like scared pinheads calling this species a fantasy monster and juvenile things like that. No wonder many think the subject's a madhouse, but we know the haters are to blame for that.

    5. Lisa, Ketchum made the choice to create a public Facebook page, and she continues to make the choice to make unreasonable and unverifiable claims through the page.

      It's unfair for you to claim that Ketchum should be immune from criticism, when it is she herself who has opened herself up to it.

    6. Lisa, Thank you for posting exactly what I wanted to say. Where and why are all of these hateful feelings and comments coming from? Dr. Ketchum has the ability to protect this species due to her position as their spokesperson thanks to her research efforts , and I'm sure that she will be doing that after the Sasquatch are acknowledged as truly existing.

    7. Susi, these comments from this thread:

      "Just go away, will ya."

      "Perhaps you fell off the turnip truck late in the game"

      "ugly people causing harm to others instead of keeping there closed minded MOUTHS to them selfs"

      "PIPE DOWN!!!!"

      "And you're a dullard, go back to your local no name town church and keep your extreme views off here"

      are all from Melba supporters. It seems like that's where the hate is coming from.

    8. No, you're being the hater here now acting the victim. LOL We all want to see this species proven real, the sooner the better because we actually know it's real, but we don't want haters acting skeptical while attacking and ridiculing. If it's such a ridiculous subject to them, why don't they leave? I'll tell you why you're here. You secretly want it to be real, perhaps afraid of admitting to that inner voice saying the other thought you didn't type, still snarling to come off clever with nothing to show except mainstream science's current stand. And that equals closeminded.

    9. I definitely hope bigfoot is real. No secretly about it. But there are plenty of hoaxsters and hucksters in bigfoot culture, and unless we start examining each claim and each story with critical scrutiny, we'll never get any closer to the truth.

      Skepticism, not blind faith, is a much more productive approach at making the discovery, because it will help prevent us from wasting time and resources on fraudsters and liars.

  9. She can win by publishing results. She has had far and away more time than needed to gather and publish data. I know of one researcher who has published four papers on mitochondrial DNA since she has gotten samples. Taking speaking engagements before publishing a paper is absurd.This smells like fraud and this "leak" is highly suspect.

    1. Were those papers on an undiscovered species? Didn't think so.

    2. Righty. People just don't realize how huge this is, there can be no mistakes and no refusals. Everything must pass to leave no serious room for the naysayers to keep their charade going, and they probably will no matter what.
      Just like we had people denying the earth was round, we'll have ignorants trolling this subject because it gives them a perverse pleasure to go against the stream.

    3. Scientific papers? Please state who, when and in what reputable publication.

    4. Reputable publication? What exactly is that? I see so many lies involving "reputable publications" I want to scream! As someone that has dealt with such fictional organizations in the healthcare field, I can say they are often the biggest liars and have the biggest scams going. Popular Mechanics? Biggest bunch of liars you will ever meet, totally on the take. Just because we are trained by our "higher education" to trust "big names" doesn't mean they are accurate. While I am very frustrated with Ketchum releasing her findings pending "peer review" whatever that is ( I guarantee it is a bunch of knuckle heads that never hit the fields) and the people it leaves in its wake, torturing all involved for opinions of people that have no spine to stand against the status quo, it is her right. Science is slow and often swayed by public opinion of those that hold the funding, truth, never is considered. I'm amazed we ever got fire figured out.

  10. Replies
    1. You mean sham?
      The fantasy belongs to the lemmings that follow her.

    2. And the trolls that follow them.

  11. I don't think her paper has been sent out for peer review yet. Otherwise, she'd stop giving examples of how long the process has been for OTHERS, and instead be saying, "I've got two universities requesting a re-wording of my blah blah blah section."

  12. No one gets schooled in how to handle overnight public attention. You make decisions instinctively. My instincts would have been vastly different than hers, but that doesn't mean her approach is wrong, simply influenced by whatever her goals are. If she wants to be liked, she makes comments on FB and remains accessible. I personally would have gone into lock-down on public engagements or commentary. I would simply go off FB and not do interviews or anything at all. If I believed in my findings, I would want nothing at all to corrupt it or to make me look like an opportunist. Once the findings were released, I would agree to put my information down in a book so that everyone can read the entire process of the DNA sequencing of a new species. Any public baiting can be taken the wrong way and is not professional. I am not going to come to a conclusion about Melba's actual results, but by her actions so far, I think she is very unprepared for what is going to come either way; whether the findings are spurious or truly legit.

    1. Agreed, best thing now is probably to say no more until it's out. I think she's only talking because she knows it's still some time away but definitely coming so she's feeding us little bits of info, but since she's already confirmed the species exists why not just leave it at that. She's said yes they exist, that word should satisfy any serious bigfooter out there. It's really all she ever neeeded to say, now back to the lab and wait or finish the paper. One sweet day soon enough it'll be known, they've even told us which networks to concentrate on.

    2. I've got to agree with you Autumn. Your approach would have been the avenue I would want to follow and once released let the party begin. Of course I can't say for sure, but I think once she did the testing and found DNA from different parts of the country that matched, and was close to human DNA, but did not match any know human or hominid she realized she had the find of the 21st century and it was like hitting the lotto. It would be very difficult for anyone to contain themself to the appropriate degree. For her sake I sure as hell hope it works out very very well for her in the end, after all the tremendous effort she has put into this.


    3. Just ignore the nayers out there and those here Melba, simply march on. We know and I think even they know it too, it's on now and it's really happening which is why there's so much mad barking as all the old shields crumble.
      You can tell from many a comment, it's more humor at this point than genuine malice which again tells me they suspect the game's truly up.

  13. She went on the radio show and leaked it first

  14. Shes a scam, this whole dna study by her and others are a scam. And now its in what to do now mode.

    1. And you're a dullard, go back to your local no name town church and keep your extreme views off here.

    2. Yeah go away. We are playing monster in the back yard and don't want to be bothered.

      Oh look, there he is.

    3. You'll hunt forever if you think it's a monster, the upcoming Ketchum paper's there to prove you wrong.

  15. Dr. Ketchum is a top scientist in here field and if she makes a statement it must be true. She has a reputation to uphold and can't afford to say things that contradict facts.

    I think the woman on coast to coast was an imposter that tried to fool everyone into thinking she was the great Dr. Ketchum.

    This is the only plausible explanation because the good doctor does not lie.

  16. My sources tell me that the paper passed review months ago and the government is keeping it from being released. Dr. Ketchum is under sealed court order not to mention anything about the paper.

    1. Do you realize how silly you sound?

    2. Not as silly as the fact that we are both posting on a Bigfoot blog. What's even sillier is that one of us thinks they are real.

    3. Who's real, the government? Nah, get real! Oh bigfoot you mean, okay. That's not silly that's just sane actually, don't you know that everything you know is wrong and everything you don't know is right. It's true! Lloyd Pye says so.

  17. Whether it was Coast to Coast in 2010 or facebook now, neither are places for a serious DNA study to be addressed. It's called "preaching to the choir" and that is naturally going to be looked at as suspect.

    1. Well who else is she going to preach to, rational people? What better place to sell your brand of religion than in an echo chamber of pre-indoctrinated believers?

    2. Attracting the usual stream of trolls pretending not to care.

  18. If she had anything at all resembling credible evidence, do you think appearing on a paranormal show on AM radio at 3am would be her best choice to prove her legitimacy?

  19. Damian Bravo has a countdown to May 1st for DNA results. Whats up with that?


  20. Dr. Ketchum is the founder of DNA Diagnostics. Established in 1985, DNA Diagnostics has become a leader in all types of DNA testing including: human and animal forensics, human and animal paternity and parentage testing, disease diagnostics, trait tests, animal and human identity testing, species identification and sex determination. Most common species of animals are tested at DNA Diagnostics. Dr. Ketchum has also established a research program ranging from gene mapping to developing the VeriSNP™ (patent pending) platform for universal genetic evaluation in multiple species of animals. Other research includes genetics of disease, population genetics and other genetically important traits such as coat color in animals. Dr. Ketchum is a past three-term Chairperson of the International Society for Animal Genetics Equine Genetics Standing Committee. She has also been Dog Map Chairperson and a Committee member on the Dog and Cat Parentage Committee. She also was the Treasurer for AFDAA, The Association of DNA Analysts and Administrators. She aided in the analysis of the DNA sequences from the World Trade Center Disaster.(( This sounds to me like a women desperate for money seriously people I think she is living just fine with who and what she has become so PIPE DOWN)))))

  21. What is the average time for peer review? I mean doesn't it seem odd its been in review for 2 years?
    Bigfoots Broski

    1. I bet it's not in peer review yet. As with her comments below, quoted by Lisa -- it's always what OTHERS have encountered, never what she herself IS encountering with this specific paper.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Wow Have you never heard of a confidentiality agreement that you have to sign and if you break that agreement can be sued or imprisoned? Gezzus people we are talking about a new species here do you seriously think that there would be no such agreement in such a finding!! Have you never read about what the people that use to work for the government had to go through and had to not discuses! It amazes me just how uninformed people are in this day and age with all of the information right here at our finger tips. :)

    4. Ketchum's publicist admitted on her Facebook page that there is no confidentiality agreement, and that she simply made the choice not to disclose the results until the paper is published.

      Also, Ketchum doesn't work for the government so I'm not sure what government confidentiality has to do with anything.

      But yeah, we're the ones who are uninformed :)

    5. No confidentiality agreement? Stop stating facts, it's not fair.

  22. form DR. Ketchum Herself "I want to remind everyone that is getting a little too anxious that when submitting a manuscript, you have to give the peer reviewers every minute detail that they ask for or you take the chance of the manuscript being delayed or rejected because you didn't do what they asked you to do. Sometimes it is a lot more data/revisions and sometimes not. They can send it back with requests multiple times also. As I said, I (as a peer reviewer also) sent one back recently 4 times (2 major revisions and two minor ones) It took months on the first two and then a couple of weeks on the next two revisions and just finally was approved for publication after the original submission last year. One thing is for sure, if they had not revised it per the reviewers' instructions, it would not have been published and this paper had 10 or so PhDs on it. What we have done is not simple, even with a number of authors. It has taken a lot of teamwork, conference calls and innovation. I still repeat, it will come out and the science is good and sound with lots of overkill for the sake of the peer reviewers and all the skeptics out there. The time it takes to complete revisions and requests for revisions are out of our control though." hope that helps a bit!

    1. Nope, doesn't help at all. Guess what, her first statement about the progress of the "paper" was that it would pass peer review and be released by late spring 2011. That was almost a year ago and still nothing, nada...zilch...a big goose egg.

      Where can I get me some of that blind faith you're smokin'?

    2. You can start by getting off Bigfoot sites, that's the first step for your kind of pretenders.

      No matter what this paper will say, and it WILL say there's a new species of primate out there, whether or not it's animal or human it's a huge thing that needs all the best planning in the world.

      There's no room for any wrong steps, that's why I have no doubt others are looking at it too besides her peers. Ramifications could be enormous no matter what, so others will need to be involved.

      That's my guess anyhoo, this isn't just a normal scientific evaluation. All these thing she can't talk about probably, but the protection law is part of that. So much background goings-on we know nothing of presently.

    3. Why isn't this a normal scientific evaluation? New species are discovered all the time, it's quite mundane, and it's certainly within the parameters of normal science.

    4. Who says it's not ? It most certainly is, but the main problem this field has always been facing lies with most of the mainstream science circles.
      That's also why this is taking so long probably, it's too important to mess up and many scientists are probably drinking extra water these days as they glance at the irrifutable proof before their eyes.

    5. Anon @ 1135 says its not. That's who I was responding to. The problem with this field is with the hoaxers, hucksters, and liars, not with scientists.

  23. I was using government as an example.. Gezzus I am only stating the possibilities You do not know nor do i know for certain the exact nature of this testing and the legality surrounding it!!! Now once again PIPE DOWN!!!

    1. There aren't any legal restrictions on DNA analysis, or publishing peer-reviewed papers on DNA analysis, regardless of whether or not the paper alleges that a new species exists.

      If you have facts to present or a reasonable argument to make, please state your case. But using exclamation points and telling people to "PIPE DOWN" is silly and childish.

    2. I agree. Pipe down yourself, LR.

    3. I do not believe I stated anything as fact or fiction just simply pointing out NO ONE knows what the facts are but the scientist involved in the process. Not you not I NO One! I will pipe down when people stop throwing out harmful statements to others it is simply ignorance to state you know something if you do not. :)
      And again Anonymous love the post by the Anonymous people!

    4. We do know what the facts are.

      -Ketchum claims to have authored a paper that proves the existence of a Sasquatch-type creature through DNA anaylsis, and that this paper is currently in peer review

      -Ketchum has not signed or been required to sign any type of disclosure agreements, and she has chosen not to reveal the results of the study until the paper is published

      -DNA analysis of an alleged new species is not illegal, nor is disclosing the results of the analysis

      -New species are discovered regularly, it's a very common part of biology

      -Ketchum continues to actively post information on her public Facebook profile regarding her belief in Sasquatch and the paper she has authored

      -Ketchum has yet to produce any verifiable evidence of DNA samples, the results of her analysis, or the paper and it's peer review status

      These are facts. Criticisms of Ketchum's statements and her contradictory actions are fair and reasonable.

    5. And so? Who cares how she's doing it as long as the outcome is what we all seek, don't forget the world today is different than it was years ago before the web. This find is uncharted territory and a whole new species of primate upright walking to boot so hold your horses, please.

    6. This find, if its ever actually discovered, is definitely not uncharted territory. The Bili Ape is a newly discovered primate that walks upright part of the time.

  24. oh yes as is posting anonymously... Ok so let me here you state the Federal Laws on it all with references to confirm since you have this all figured out.

    1. There ARE no federal laws on it. That was my point.

  25. All of this reminds me of The Shroud of Turin debate. If the DNA findings support the creatures existence the believers (almost) are happy. The doubters will say the study is flawed. If the results are negative, the believers will say the specimens were contaminated or taken from the wrong source, or manipulated by evil corporate interests. The doubters will declare victory. If inconclusive, both sides will declare victory. Nothing will change as people will keep reporting the beast. Hoaxers will keep making crappy videos.
    Until a body is found..dead or alive...the debate will go on.

    new anony

  26. The ketchum report is not a reality.

    1. You may very well be right. From her behavior so far, it seems like all smoke and mirrors, with no substance. Someone above said the paper was indeed a fact. Since they said there is actually a paper and it's a fact, there must be a paper...I just hope it's not toilet paper.

    2. is there audio of her interview from 2010 anywhere?

    3. Not sure about the C2C one, could be on their own site. For the blogtalkradio interview there's a link here somewhere on this site.

    4. LOL to the toilet paper comment above.

  27. is there audio of her interview from 2010 anywhere?

  28. ketchum starts at around 68 mins

  29. In every arena of every subject and topic there will be people that are supportive and their will be people that enjoy knocking people down. Unfortunately the "knocking down" people are badgering Dr. Melba Ketchum. And I am sure it's really demoralizing to her. It's ridiculous that people have to go sticking their noses where they don't belong. I do however suggest to Dr. Katchum that she remove any link to an email account just so she won't have to be pestered any longer.

    Just look at the skeptics that claim we never landed on the moon. Or the skeptics that think 911 was an inside job. Or the skeptics that think the earth is flat. Or the skeptics of any other topic, who don't know anything but think they know everything. This small group of people and I mean SMALL seem to ENJOY making the loudest ruckus and get down right angry at anyone that has a different opinion then themselves. I remember watching a debate on angles and all the sketic could say was "lied detectors can be passed". That's all he said and he repeated it every singe time they asked him something. That's just stupid!

    Just for clarification, I don't mean every person who is skeptical, but I mean SMALL minority of skeptics that are red necked, ignorant, stupid, uneducated, know-it-alls (who don't actually know anything).

    I remember having a debate with an elderly gentleman (wife's uncle) about how trees fall in the forest, decay and turn back into soil over time. He was addament that anytime a tree, plant or animal dies and falls in the forest, the spot will be permanently poisoned and nothing will ever grow there again. It was a fruitless debate and was absolutely insulted that someone point out he was wrong. This is the kind of person that it pestering Dr. Katchum and I for one think they need to stop and get a life. What's it to them that she hasn't got it out yet????

    Oh and for anyone who says DNA isn't enough. DNA is irrefutable proof that something exists. It can't tell you exactly what it looks like but it can tell you what family it belongs too. After all DNA is used to prove murder and rape cases. It has also be able to prove what family animal remains belong to when a suspicious or curious body has been found.

    Chad W

    1. DNA is not a body and will not prove this species if Melba was a scientific professional then she would know this so go back to your fry station Chad and try again.

      Melba is dealing with things way above her pay grade and so are you.

    2. "People sticking their noses where they don't belond."

      Chad, Melba is seeking attention from the bigfoot audience, not the other way around. She went on nationwide radio, she started a public Facebook page, she hired a publicist to make statements and issue press releases. It's foolish of you to say that people who are skeptical of her claims are "sticking their noses where they don't belong."

    3. The skeptics you list are pretty much the nuts rather than mainstream thinkers.
      Whats your point?

  30. Chad you are so smart and you tell it like it is. Big foot is not flat like some people think the world is. He has shape and contour and a real body. He's 9 feet tall and is the master of his environment. Some day the skeptics will bow to his greatness and be in awe of his wisdom.

    1. Goddamn how pathetic can you get, why don't you and your freind Lisa take your twats on down the road. Your bring down the property. Values. Hell you dont even rank as white trash maybe your friend Melba could give you some pointers on that.

      I cannot believe what uneducated people would fall for Melba's sham!!!

    2. That a special message for chad by the way

  31. Keep drinking the koolaide, Melba says everything will be ok, just trust

  32. Melba drives me crazy.

    She implies from her bigfoot "encounters" that it is something that can and does happen on a regular basis(that is, where she had it). If her goal is to prove the existence of Bigfoot, a multitude of pictures/videos of multiple interactions would go miles and miles further than a round-about DNA study. Using excuses like "they don't like cameras" is copping out. Even if her study produces a result of "unknown primate" or whatever, the validity would still remain due to the dubious nature of her samples. She could skip all the cumbersome and ultimately fruitless work, but won't.

    Probably because she can't.

    1. Did she really say bigfoots don't like cameras? If so, for me that voids out all of her credibility.

    2. I misquoted her a bit, it wasn't a "they don't like camera" statement. But I think it was just as bad.

      "I had no fear, the ones I encountered were peaceful and gentle. I keep going back, I know why so many people love doing this now."
      and later...
      "I don't ever take cameras in case it scares them off. Not trying to prove anything here and do not care if I am believed or not. The DNA takes care of that for me. I should not have even brought it up. Any investigation on my part is purely to satisfy my curiousity (which got me into this in the first place), for my enjoyment and edification and no other reason."

      I understand that she claims that this was after she's done the data homework, but it's still a copout. The "keep going back" statement is just the killer. It implies that wherever she goes, there are consistent encounters. Verifiable.

  33. Leave HER alone???!! Why doesn't she leave US alone?!
    1)blabbing away false information on facebook
    3)internet radio
    4)copyright documents
    6)convention programs LOL, DNA=Did Not Appear
    7)PR spinner/hack
    If she spent more time on her business and less on visiting bigfoots and making false claims, she might not have an "F" from the Better Business Bureau.

  34. I love how people criticize those who are trying to contribute something to this field when they have contributed absolutely nothing except ignorant, judgemental comments on a message board. You bitch because you want science involved. Then you bitch when science does get involved because you, who are not a scientist, think you could do better. What, exactly, have you done to contribute?

    1. What is Melba contributing, exactly? So far we just have far-fetched claims. I can contribute those as well.

    2. I guess the facts hurt....Ketchum has no one to blame but herself and her misinformed flack. Boo freakin hoo.

  35. Leave Melba alone!!!...PLeeeease.

  36. You people are in the wrong year
    2012??? they're running out of ink publishing this in 2012. Oh, I hear Smeja is good at catching large lizards. Tell him to call


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