Multiple breakdown of Jim's 'Bigfoot' creature from Canada, taken on November 21 [Video]

"We have a prohibition on doing any analysis til our book is finished. But this is so good, we had to do a preliminary." - FB/FB

November so far has been a busy month for people filing Bigfoot claims. There's the alleged 'Bigfoot' video from Lincoln, Nebraska (now removed from YouTube). And then there's the Arizona 'Bigfoot' video capture by Victor Oropeza, which some are claiming to be a squirrel.

Here's one more 'Bigfoot' video that readers have been emailing us about. This new footage is by Canadian Bigfoot Hunter timbergiantbigfoot. While Bigfooting on November 21, Jim spotted a black bipedal creature moving from left to right behind some trees. He managed to zoom in on the creature and got a few seconds on tape. A number of people are claiming it to be some of the best recent footage of Bigfoot yet.

(Likely a top20 video) "Timbergiant tricks his Sasquatch" TMBGT films a Sas twice in a couple months "Wildman in forest" and "Nov.21 video" This shows just how smart a Strategically smart a Sasquatch is, MUCH smarter than a human.

Consistent color, slope to back, tree peeking, bent legs, strategic positioning on hill behind trees.

We use stills from the 11/21 video posted today.

It may be matter of time before this Sasquatch actually shows himself to TMBGT in a classic Bigfoot encounter.

Breakdown by FB/FB

I did an analysis of the video and found a part where the bigfoot goes down on all fours...check it out if you get a chance.

Breakdown by The Crypto Hunters

Bigfoot Walking Sighting? is taken from Timbergiantbigfoot's videos of his "November 21, 2011 Bigfoot Sighting." With this video Jim, of Timbergiantbigfoot, has captured what appears to be a Bigfoot moving for several seconds from left to right. This video only focuses on the time it is out in the open. Timbergiantbigfoot is the real deal in Bigfoot research. With this video Jim has captured some of the best recent evidence for the existence of Bigfoot that is available to the public. TGBF is worthy of your viewing and support

Breakdown by RexDutton



  1. Too far away. Inconclusive. Should have done what Patterson did, run after it.

  2. Hmm. At the 2:14 moment above on the first film--he says "you kind of see a slope to it" and when he says "it's all dark." You can see the shadow of the bigfoot through the tree. How does that happen?

  3. It's definitely inconclusive for me.As Anonymous above said,it's too far away.
    @Anonymous-Jim couldn't run after it because he wasn't looking at it and didn't know it was there.
    You're right Shawn.There sure is a lot of action this month.That gets me excited to get out again next weekend.

  4. Is there anyone else out there who is sick and tired of footage like this? I'm of the opinion that if new footage isn't something close and clear, as is the Patterson footage, it should not be put online with the claim that it is bigfoot footage. The subject in this clip is so far away that there is no way to tell if this is valid or not. From what I can see, I'm leaning toward yet another hoax. The subject in the footage seems too thin to likely be a bigfoot.

    1. Have you ever seen a real one? and i for one love all the vedios out there as im not able to get out into the woods myself, i don't care if they show just walking along. i like to scan the videos for anything in them. and im sure there are others out there that feel the same way. whether we think they are or arent bigfoot in them is up to the viewer.

  5. My problem with this guy is every single video is like this. Also he was complaining about the quality and stuff even after some sucker viewer of his bought him a top of the line HD video camera. So even with one of the best cameras on the retail market he still manages to get piss poor video evidence and he and his hoaxer buddies (squatch master, rexdutton) etc. still claim this is good evidence. They make their videos such poor quality so you can't see the guy in the costume. Stop putting this crap out their, and stop pointing out all these supposed sasquatch hiding in the under bryant or obvious deformity's up on trees.

    1. oooooh Timmy you just can't keep quiet can ya. Always give yourself away because you are jealous you don't have the same followers or the attention.

    2. As you are all aware by now, you can't get clear quality footage of bigfoot or the man in the forest because he's just an out of focus creature.Geez! And for those who want up close pictures, really? Would you want up close pictures of a grizzly bear too? Especially if you are all alone out there?

    3. @annnymouse-how do u know this is fassano. all he is saying is somethi g i would. im not fasano either. this place is full of dimwits

  6. I've seen alot of his videos. Alot of talking, and no actual evidence. Alot of people have some initial success. When they can't duplicate it they start to present hoaxed material. Not saying this is hoaxed, but very inconclusive to say the least.

  7. Whatever that is in the video it is at to far a distance to be stating this is the real deal. I appreciate what FB/FB does with their video break downs, but the first thing he should of said is "If this isnt a guy in a suite...."

  8. "Too far away. Inconclusive. Should have done what Patterson did, run after it."


    1. You should read more carefully. It says that the camera is set up BACKWARDS on his shoulder. That means he cannot see what is happening behind him while walking. He only sees it after he's stopped and analyzed the film.

  9. I think FB/FB is off on the location and Timbergiantbigfoot is off his rocker. Bold claims made weekly by TGB is a clear sign of him hoaxing. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing thru this BS. Anyone claiming to have weekly encounters of Bigfoot and after 100's of video's can't prove it, needs to find a new hobby. The only thing he has ever proven is the fact that people will believe anything.

    Obviously FB/FB is weak in the judgement department and should pick and choose the video's they analyze better.

    1. with each passig video he post with nothing but fuzzy out of focus nothing the more yousmell hoaxer. theguy ia waste of time as for his vice over guy on his vif=deos.with adoubt everyone is BF.evn this ridiculas attempt at hoaxing

  10. From previous post on Bigfoot Evidence...

    "There is something living in out forests here in Southern Ontario . To provide proof of this , is the point of this channel".

    Thunder Bay is no where near Southern Ontario.

    So was this an honest mistake on the location by FB/FB? With the mention of all the falls and description of the area has TGB found a new small town with a population of Bigfoot 1000 miles away from Southern Ontario? Sure look's like the same area to me.....Southern Ontario.

  11. This dude is slick he always has some reason for not getting clear video of any of his numerous sightings over the past 2 years. Now he hears something but doesn't look thats why he didn't zoom Plus he has a $2400.00 HD camera but still 2 months later he still can't post HD video anyone guessing why ? Because he knows if he posts HD someone will figure out what's really going on in his back yard. Does anyone remember his 15 minute rock clacking video, he didn't even move toward the sound for 15 This guy gets his subscribers to pay his bills and buy his equipment he has a great scam going....!

    1. you sir sound like Fatasano to me. always about the money or the attention.

  12. Rexdutton is Timbers video man he does all his finish work , ever wonder why Jim never asked Rex to help him with his HD upload problem ?

  13. phoney baloney...just like most of FB/FB..these guys are a bunch of dorks

  14. FB/FB could have the location wrong. They called Jim "one of the top American researchers."Jim is in fact,Canadian.
    I too have wondered about his incredible luck with Bigfoot.
    He was gifted a claw,found a branch twist with blood and spotted two Bigfoot in a month.
    I also wonder why the HD camera isn't being used. He claims software issues.That is possible but one would think the issue would be resolved by now.
    I'm not accusing Jim of hoaxing, just pointing out some things that are suspicious.

  15. Well I see a few jealous researchers, (that have their own you tube sights)just have to provide negative comments, trying to discredit anyone else that puts videos out there.. I feel if you dont want to see videos like this or anything other than your own ... don't go look at the videos, or comment on them.. Timbergiant puts this up for us people that can't get out there to looks for things ourselves.. of are interested to see what might be out there... I watch many you tube videos out there and all i see is everyone cutting down each other.. all the time...FB/FB is annoying in their analyses of other peoples videos.. They should just show the video and use the comment part to tell what they find.. cant listen to their opinions... they are way off mark most times so i don't watch them anymore.. but i don't comment and cut them up constantly or yell hoax each time.. how do you know its hoaxed,Where you there???? If its not clear enough to really see, how can you say anything.. All of us humans are different in height, size, style the way we walk, talk... everything... so how can we say one way or another these creatures should be doing everything exactly the same each time.. just cause its different doesn't mean it's hoaxed... GAWD... cant we view anything without all the accusatory remarks...How would you feel if it was one of your vids??? think about it people... signed... Squatchlady(my name on youtube..

  16. This is a typical comment from someone with their head in the sand. Those of us that have watched Timbergiant since his first day on youtube have seen the guys true intentions. He uses his kids to help him in his BF senarios. If you look back over his complete Youtube video offerings you will see that the guy has witnessed and recorded on low res video everything known about bigfoot. Always with an excuse why he didn't get a good shot of what he saw. He used his cheap camera for the first year
    as an excuse then he found that his subscribers would pay for his new equipment actually sending the guy cash. But he knew if he posted HD video it would show him as the hoaxer he is. I'm not jealous or a researcher, I want to know the truth as much as anyone, because I do believe the P/G film is real. But 75% of the people on youtube involved in BF research are actually looking for their own 15 minutes of fame. They want people to notice them and found Bigfoot was an easy way to get noticed by a lot of crackerheads. When ever you see Timbergiant explaining a video it's your first clue the guy is scamming you.

  17. Did one of his subscribers pay $2400 for an HD camera for him? Whatever ever happened to the trail camera's that had been donated?

    I wouldn't have such an issue if he wasn't asking for donations.

    I believe that is TGB's true motive. Financial gain.

  18. @squatchlady-I for one never accused Jim of anything.
    I thought I was careful how I worded my comments.
    I also subscribed to Timbergiant on both my channels.I have followed him for quite awhile.
    If I see something that doesn't look or feel right, I'm going to be honest with my comments.
    If I see something that is an obvious hoax, then I'll be a bit harsh with my words. Why?Because deliberate hoaxes should not be tolerated.
    With regards to this video, I cannot say it's real or hoaxed because I don't have evidence to prove either.
    I see a distant black biped, that's the only thing I do know for sure.
    For you to tell people not to comment unless they believe,is selfish,thoughtless,and does little to ignite debate between skeptics and Bigfoot enthusiasts.

  19. I wasnt talking about you citizentruth... Its one of the anon users here that has a you tube site and thinks his is the only one worth viewing..
    signed... squatchlady...

  20. squatchlady-thanks for clarifying.

  21. Have all you doubters of TGB seen his video of the rescue in the trees? If you haven't, I would suggest you view then think again about accusing him of hoaxing. He may not be adept at "habituating" these creatures to him but he has captured alot of interesting stuff. And, like any other researcher, he may seek out funds. NO harm in that. Lots of people do it. And FB/FB points out some great stuff. Citizentruth...? Last time I checked, Canada is a part of America - Noth America. Squatchlady??? This is what people do...they argue over who is right. You are no exception. "Signed - JN".

  22. @JN, so because i live in north america but not in the usa im an american? Not in this life time.

  23. "Citizentruth...? Last time I checked, Canada is a part of America - Noth America."

    Then FB/FB was still wrong.North America is a conitinent.
    Canada is a country and U.S.A. is a country.
    To call Jim American was wrong,plain and simple.
    I'll be damned if Canada is part of America.
    Why even point this out to me Anonymous if FB/FB was wrong/mistaken?

  24. Don't lump us in with the Americans? WTF were the best thing going today.

  25. That's not a claw, it's a boar tusk. :]

  26. I guess fasano is behind a lot of these comments..Anyone notice how he finds a perfect footprint..Yet he doesn't put anything next to it for size? God forbid he put his own shoeless foot next to it..Probably a perfect match ..aa\\And how does that fat slob expect to capture anything on film..With his hacking, snorting , and thrashing about..All wildlife is gone before he gets his camera focused

  27. Now fasano is on his blog saying it was nice to get away from the "cyber bullies" . What a bag of crap this clown is..C,mon Little Timmy..Show us your sleeping bigfoot..You are a hoaxer, a cry baby and a drama queen

    1. i couldnt believe this tbg video is claimi8ng he is top 10 BF hunters,wtf,he is an oversensitive big head who ,imo,has captured nothing of note. same with this clown and his friends ,with same type names[if u know wht i men],for my liking. this is 1 of his worst.but it was too good to holdback before he book.i wont hold my breath its anything groundbreaking.stock rea footage weve all scene with dramatic accounts of ,i hadthe feeling i was being watched/'there was this udden smell'. u no usual s'''e

  28. Odd how Rex is leaving and Timbergiant can't investigate because of logging. Possible timing that people are onto their tricks?

  29. Anonymous said...
    Have all you doubters of TGB seen his video of the rescue in the trees? If you haven't, I would suggest you view then think again about accusing him of hoaxing. He may not be adept at "habituating" these creatures to him but he has captured alot of interesting stuff. And, like any other researcher, he may seek out funds. NO harm in that. Lots of people do it. And FB/FB points out some great stuff. Citizentruth...? Last time I checked, Canada is a part of America - Noth America. Squatchlady??? This is what people do...they argue over who is right. You are no exception. "Signed - JN".

    I think your talking about the squirrel rescue.

  30. It's one of his kid's in a hoody! Hi-res would prove this. That is why we aren't seeing Hi-res. Funny how that works?????

    $2400 dollar camera = no difference in resolution

  31. Why is it do they have to play music in the video? I want to hear what the guy is hearing that is taking the vid! To me that's just as important as the vid it self! That is important info that is missing and needs to added instead of the music. All though the vid seems authentic the sound is to me just as important. I would like to see and hear the raw footage of this vid!

  32. Come on people can't you see the obvious crap? I can smell it for sure,OH it just so happens that right after the "Capture" a sign is posted 'that looks like he made it on Print Shop"that it's closed to the public!He not only mute's the sound but doesn't zoom in,OH I forgot he didn't know it was moving but mannaged to keep it in center frame the whole time!STOP sending your hard earned money to Canada,notice how he use's the "Monster" logo???Would that be because he gets paid to use it?he really makes a good video but can't post it in HD!!This ain't about hate or invy it's about Honesty and that's something this guy knows NOTHING about.OH yea the "Rescue" video is two black squirels in a tree in the back ground,HOW would I know well let's just say I called him on it in private and he said "SO".Believe what you want the Truth will come out sooner than you think and then he will just disappear.Any Bets??

  33. I am new to this blog. Regardless of what people think, there will always be plenty of hoaxes and pranks that slip through the filters. I personally don't have an issue with someone calling it how they see it,..a duck is a duck, right? Some people are so credulous from the PG film that they latch onto some videos that really offer nothing. I agree with some of the comments about very few vids being legit. I'm not even entirely sold on the PG film (i believe maybe 80%), but its the only one that offers ground for research and debate. I saw the video about the "so-called" Heroic sasquatchies in the trees, I don't really buy it. FB/FB should reconsider their method. Its awfully painful seeing them try to evaluate dark figures, phantoms, obscurities. Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy the critiques when the video is ACTUALLY convincing. Most videos posted are either inconclusive or fake. Even the inconclusive ones are intentional hoax, people should wake up and expect this. Shame on FB/FB for the sloppy job, but at least they're offering something for believers to consider.

  34. These presentations are PITIFUL and amateurish. NO credibility can be leant to the field by people who don't even read their own copy before narration. Sad, tragic, USELESS.

  35. I take issue w/ FB/FB's statement that Tim Fasano has filmed some of the best Bigfoot videos. What bull. Fasano is a joke and the only thing he's contributed is his giant ego.

  36. I personally have seen every video that Jim has posted on his channel,Jim has captured the most amazing footage any researcher can capture, i'm proud of Jim's Work, and i stand by his 100%, doubt him all you want, bash him, criticize and despise him or he's work, i know Jim's work is authentic, before any of you people start talking bad about Jim, go out and atleast find some evidence about this creatures and see how hard it is, jim has done the best job capturing what he can, he is not the best guy to ever hold a video camera but he's sincere passion in what he does, is enough for me to be a believer.

    1. i think tbg should stop geting hosmate posting on hre in his defenc. im sure hes a grea trustworthy guy. how do u know what makes him tick. the mighty dllar speaks very loud in peoples ear.i think its spoken into his ear. this is a public forum where w speak about videos people upload. if some question this vlidity tht tough on him but he should expect it on this subject.he is sme kind of geuise when it come to bing lucky to find BF when others tr just as hard. its either luck or he is a many others i think he is a hoaxer and nothing his mate sas will chng that. hisork will. so less grainy ,blobsquatch or dubious looking suits[imo] shots and some clean shots,'specialy since he got these onation,lol. he guy s a p'''' im,u have yours

  37. Timbergiantbigfoot is total hoax ! Almost all of his BF shots are out of focus. The start of most are in focus but then become out of focus when he sees one. Very nice. As far as his followers are concerned there are too many of the same bs names. I could find some blob Sasquatch out in my woods too. In fact I am in touch with five of them on a first name basis but sorry they are all camera shy.

  38. as others have sad tgb is all about the money! which initself isnt the worst thing in the world.sadly what it raises is credibility.there is only so many times this guy canbe lucky and cath a blobsquatch for the analizer to speak over it in factual tones,with[im sure the now famous FB/BF tagline at the end of his videos! hes at it ,IMO. if he is not they should give this guy top notch cameras as he is the one thats a BF magnet or knows somthing the rest dont! i;ll go for hoaxer myselfa bold cliam,but gien hes filmed BF so many times it must be getting boring.its alwys just enough to intruige,this one though shows too much that its a suited man. its a poor wallmart job too. 'ye i just sling the camera over my shoulder and film' and there he is evrytime,wtf,lol,wht r the chances

  39. "Strategically smarter than humans"? Human films in opposite direction to the way he's looking, films BF. BF needs a new strategy.

  40. this self titled 'expert' of all things bf analytical. what a joke. watch the video where a bunch of kids hoax her and youtube,trully laughale and shows FB/FB as a joke he is. timergiant isnt any better. i have no doubt he is a hoaxer either that or he is some BF magnet. how on earth doeas a ape kow a he is sfa because timbegiant is shooting backto front. whats the chances t/giant would capture anything,let alone perfect footage. red falg straight away yet he gets some kind of free pass as fb/fb conciders him a top 'expert'[in what eactly,an unknown creature at best at worst an animal that doesnt exist]. he captures babies n trees because its some puppet or a bf in trees because its a mate in a suit.all sad to real researchers who dont need youtube for fame but just want to find out if there is a BF or not. these idiots try to make careers out of it.hence the hoax all their footage. why not 1 clear shot or clear sequence,always fleeting shots walking in bush/between trees. its all so stupid .fb/fn/timbtgiant tc..should be ostrisized by the real BF community. thats my opinion

  41. i agree fb/fb and timbergiant [probably a few others] are in it togther. they are hoaxing people.weve allseen fb/fb gt the piss taken out of him by 'kids[12year old] tree knocking,'sloped back' fur shine[which was footbllpad son through dit,lol, d=sonethroing[which was bugs flying by[lol] etc...ll a kjoke on fb/fb and shows he has ne credibility or clue. he certinly int nymore an epert than the rest ofus.he decided to be self imosed FB analyzer,thus he is he BF main man,he is a nomark with no credibility. As for 'timbergiant' he is an undoubted hoaer. like many oaer he probably started out as a real researcher and out of frustration at finding nohing he strats hoaxing to make a name for homself on the scene. ive longsince switched of to fb.fb and timbergiant long athere 'work' isa joke and an insult to the dedicated few who dont get anything much but get on with it withot resorting to hoaxing to make name for themselves.loud mouth pricks imogo.

    1. sorry half aseep.supposed to read.stone throwing,football pad seen through suit etc.if anyone is interested in drivel!

  42. shit its a tourist info film.followed by bigfoot and the hendersins part2. these guys are surely seen as a joke. they have nothing but hoaxed blobs for me.zzzzzzzzzzzz.seen it all IE fuck all. the guy can waffle on in 'expert' tons all he wants.nobody thinks this is a living breathing bigfoot.its his friend in a suit.a bad one

  43. wtf all I get is a "This video is private" measeage when I try to watch it! What did I miss?


    1. "top researcher in the country" really!? he is a known hoaxer. filming gorrillas in zoos them makes up a under the bridge he met BF's story! the guy is a nut. stories of gifts, getting pushed over etc... as for fb/fb,does anyone take them seriouslyanymore. hoaxed by 3 12year ols messing about,they give it their usual sloping head,tightrope walking etc..when its their mate in a ghillie suit with football pads. so much for fb/fb being 'ex[erts'[in what a myth,wheres the evidence]. these 2 deserve each other . both short term youtubers tryimng to msakre cash out of BF and its rabid fillowers who believe families of 10ft 800pd apemen and their families are walking about North America in their thousands. incredible


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