These Half-Underwater Photos Are Mind Blowing!

Matty Smith is an amazing photographer who has put together a collection of photographs using a half-submerged camera to open views to some shots that seem like they are from different worlds. Take a look:

“For me one of the most wondrous parts of any dive is the moment that the water engulfs my mask as my head slips below the surface. I think it’s the suspense of the unknown of what lies beneath, the transitional part of moving from one element to the next that feels so magical and the thought of what alien creatures I might encounter. That is what draws me to taking half over half underwater images. It’s maybe the best way I can communicate to a non-diver what it’s all about, to marry a wet and unfamiliar world with a dry and more familiar one."

For more photos and the rest of the article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Only in the minds of lonely single middle aged men and or folks that don't have anything substantial to offer humanity...(b

    2. I agree bigfoot likely doesn`t exist.

    3. It is very clear that this is an industry and there are rights of passage in order to become an accepted hoaxer.

      The bigfoot narrative is ever changing the more time passes on without a creature. Now, the narrative is towards bigfoot being human, but different, in order to explain no "sasquatch" DNA. But somehow P/G must fit in there somewhere...okay maybe 2 different species of bigfoot....and the storytelling continues to be shaped by hoaxers and the willingly hoaxed.

    4. Relax, Joe F, Mike Brookreson already has a wife.

      Nervous little pale English cheerleader has a crush on a Texan American.

    5. He is supposed to be Welsh, and I believe Mike B is a fake Texan.

    6. You mean he actually wears cowboy boots ?

    7. I don't know about the cowboy boots, but I'm not sure he was born in Texas.

    8. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, CAULK! CAULK! CAULK!............


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