Why would anyone make stick structures like this in the middle of nowhere?

I don't get it. Who's putting up these huge stick structures? If not Bigfoot, then who? This latest one was found in Northern Michigan. It's unclear where exactly, but it's just damn strange don't you think?


  1. Replies
    1. First for rictor riolo. Have you seen his videos? Off the rictor!

    2. hey bernie...it me ... it ME.

    3. 10:30 is Riolo again trying to screw up society while putting some change in his pocket, and attack every researcher that he can find video on. His videos are all complete crap. They can't carry a subject to it's conclusion and he jumps around like a drug influenced homosexual and never forgets to tell the viewers how to think.

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed. Forest Giant Hunting Blind. Probably very close to a deer trail. I have found one similar but trees not as wide. They had been carried in and had been broke not cut. Iosco county, MI, 10 miles west of Tawas. Neat find.

    2. Maybe someday your hypothesis will have actual proof to back it up.

    3. Sheesh...it isn`t enough that the video is 6+ mins long but I gotta listen to the soundtrack that sounds like it`s from Shaft too ? ...Shafted !!

      No fear.

    4. no kidding..when's the mothership landing?

  3. The past 2 years, a lot of research time has been geared toward stick structures, and how these creatures use them to communicate.

    Bigfoot love the letter “Y.”

    They usually hang the “Y” upside down. The upside down “Y” is found in every tree where deer are.

    We call these upside down “Y’s,” “Hangers”

    The hangers are placed above Buck rubs, deer beds, deer paths, etc.

    The hangers range from 1 ft tall, to 5-10 feet tall.

    Hangers that are place sideways in the trees, indicate that deer travel pattern

    The end of the “Y” is called the “Butt end” or the “ripped off end”

    The direction of the Butt end, is the travel pattern of the deer.

    1. ^ a bit like a pair of underpants where you slip your penis through for a pi$$ ?

    2. 10:51...might be a good idea to find an actual bigfoot before your long term communication study is released huh...i'm afraid your the butt-end

    3. Funny how someone (i.e. 10:51) can go on and on in great detail about bigfoot's behavior yet produce zero actual proof of bigfoot's existence. Someone has a great imagination. :-)

  4. About sticks structures, Check in the center then, if you see a fire pit with circular stones structure, or just ashes, coal, or any fire résidus, it's human, bigfoot don't use fire.

    1. Wrong. Bigfoot have been documented using fire. Research Margolis 1972 Whittaker incident.

    2. Funny how bigfoot is confirmed to use fire but not confirmed itself.

    3. One of the more bizarre examples of tree-stacking I have seen is where the tree limbs are laid upside down. It does not appear to be for any kind of shelter (it's counter-intuitive to put the heavy end up) and is not the natural effect of limbs higher up breaking off and falling top-end first, which on an individual basis can happen naturally and look odd at first glance. The ones I have seen are multiple limbs or poles stripped of most of their smaller branches and deliberately placed against a tree, sometimes woven together in a way they simply could not have fallen by accident. The bottom usually does not appear to be conducive to use as a flat spot for shelter or bedding down so the reason remains unclear. I have been researching these in the Nordegg-Rocky Mountain House area of Alberta for a couple of years and there is no logical reason why humans would do this - especially in remote areas where humans almost never go. I have not found any evidence of charred wood indicating the presence of fire which I think definitely says human activity - not sasquatch. The ones I have seen are way back in the bush, very far away from any human trails, and far from any signs of human activity. The limbs are definitely picked up from somewhere nearby and laid up against a live tree. Only one of the structures I found looked like it might have provided some shelter. My most recent findings of tree-stacking was March of 2015 a few miles from a First Nations Reserve where bigfoot howls were reported around dawn and dusk back in December-January. The First Nations people claim they can tell the difference between the howls of a dog, a coyote, a wolf, and a sasquatch. I've heard a very loud primate-like howl and whoop-whoop-whoop but didn't see what made the sound. My thought is that the tree-stacking is a sasquatch territorial marker because they seem to be abundant in heavily-forested areas near to where sasquatch sightings and howls have been reported.

    4. Anon 8:15 - I can't find anything. Can you give me more info or provide a link, please? TIA

  5. You put up stick structures in the middle of no where because there isnt a whole lot else to do there.
    Also it is a fun way to fool bigfooters :).

  6. While bigfooters certainly appear to be the victims of much hoaxing, your assumption that there would be someone out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to do, that decides to place tree poles or limbs against a tree for no reason makes no sense at all. The places I have found stick structures are far from anywhere humans would be unless they had a purpose in being there and not just a place to hang out. So, wasting time and energy placing limbs against a tree where no one would likely ever see them is possible, I guess, but not very reasonable at all. Of course if you eliminate sasquatch as the culprit, then humans are the only possibility. The First Nations people have shown me pictures of sasquatch tree shelters they found in places non-natives just never go - too remote and inaccessible to us pale faces. The First Nations people I know are aware of where the sasquatches live and don't go there, so it'll take some time to get access to those areas and see if we can get some proof of what they claim to have seen and heard. I was told of a sighting in a less-remote location recently of two adults and a juvenile not far off the Forestry Trunk Road in Alberta by two First Nations hunters. I am currently investigating that area and am cautiously optimistic that we will find something there. So far, I found just one structure of trees laid up against a huge rock but too old to say if human origin or not.

    1. Humans obviously go there if they are being found by humans.

  7. FFS! IDIOTS FFS! It's called a WIKIUP! People have been making them for a long time...FFS!


  8. I've never seen anyone make a wikiup with the large end of the poles at the top. It's unstable and quite illogical. Yet someone or something is laying poles up against trees with the large end up. There is no reasonable explanation for that. A normal wikiup is easy to recognize, even for us idiots...

  9. Why would you think bigfoot would want to do that? Tell us why you think bigfoot doing what? is a better explanation than one of the 330 million humans.


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