A kid may have actually filmed a Bigfoot from a drone

Almost any Bigfoot researcher who can afford it are using drones these days. A lot of people are seasoned veterans of Bigfoot research but who would have thought that a kid would be the first to film a Bigfoot from a drone. If this kid has something, hey may very well be the first. Check out the kid's video:


  1. Replies
    1. old WILD BILL bein a Marine ans Bear Hunter found that thar cave with Fire! tham homeless folks livin off da land ans bein in ham caves

    2. ole BenD Dover iz gonna call yu a Trol boy and whoop ya ass

    3. WILD BILL, The PHONY Marine!

  2. 1st ever Antsquatch. I give this video 3 out of 4 turds.

    1. you need to go metric. 7.5 out of 10 turd

    2. Follow the purple brick road, follow the purple brick road
      Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the purple-brick road
      Follow the purple-brick, follow the purple-brick
      Follow the purple-brick road

      You're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
      You'll find he is a Whiz of a Wiz is ever a Wiz there was
      If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was the Wizard of Oz is one because
      Because, because, because, because, because
      Because of the wonderful things he does
      You're off to see the wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz!

  3. i dunno what that kid filmed but he will win a future oscar for his over the top dramatics

    1. It was just a bit too much for the little guy. Maybe some primal fear surfaced. Lord knows grown men have cried over sightings


  4. So... with the help of drones it is now possible to take indistinct blurry video of unknown objects from directly overhead! Another huge leap forward for bigfoot research! I don't suppose they thought to maybe take a closer look, being a highly maneuverable drone and all...

    1. ^^^^^+ 1,000 point for Tru Dat!! ..^^^^^

  5. In the old days, we humped for miles, up and down mountains. We camped out, endured weather extremes.

    Now, this younger generation of "Footers", can just send a drone out, and Walla! Get "Bigfoot on the Brain syndrome"! Like all the rest. And. . without even going outside!

    1. Henry May is using his now to collect burgers.

    2. So that what hit me in the head!

    3. so great that almost no bigfooters know it is not spelled "walla!"

  6. These drones may promise more opportunity but you are going to have to spend big bucks and get one with extraordinary camera zoom lenses or else you will see what is up top and that ain't much.
    Plus the fact that they mostly come out in these areas at night is no help either.

    1. They come out mostly at night. Then how come 90% of the sightings are during the day?
      The 3 biggest mistakes that Big foot researchers make:
      1. Look for them at night
      2. Wood knocking
      3. Howling/screaming
      All FAILED methods for the past 60 years! Keep doing those 3 methods, and it weill another 60 years!
      1. Wood knocking

    2. Wrong statistic. Statistically there are an equal number of encounters during the day as there are at night, but since it is more difficult to detect them at night they are believed to be more active at night.

      The greater number of daylight sightings are in the early morning, not long after sunrise, and late afternoon before sundown.

    3. Wrong all wrong. It not the heat but the humidity!

  7. Actually, this kid knows as much about Bigfoots, that the adults do.

    1. No! he probably know more. Especially more than that Dover fag!

  8. And it gets faker and faker here at BE...

  9. How dare any of you render judgement without our resident experts weighing in with their allmighty opinions. Iktomi? Dover? Where are you? We need your input on this, and everything else.

    1. ha haaa BenD Dover butt cheeks

    2. Dover, the most thin-skinned girly boy on this site.

  10. Yep thats bigfoot allright. You guys got him. BUSTED. Guess its official now, we can put this whole thing to rest.

  11. Whatever it is is very small indeed...maybe it is a Leprechaun over on vacation from the "homeland o` green"

  12. Replies
    1. Yeah they can. Mine zoomed in on your wife, banging a Negro!

    2. ^ har har har ,,,that`s what you`re worried about with your own wife isn`t it...oh ye of little dick.

    3. Rolling on floor laughing ,,,,,,, ^


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