Watch Dr. Matthew Johnson's Bigfoot Encounter in His Own Words

Here's a video over a decade old of Dr. Johnson retelling his family's encounter with a bigfoot, July 1, 2000 at the Oregon Caves. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. First spanish first!!! all caps!!! Dr. Johnson and Sasquatch Ontario are habituating the same big feet

    2. I seen a squatch .

      - Henry May

    3. I seen a squatch.


      I saw. Disqualifier...(not grammar pig - but close).

    4. Little know grammar rule--it is acceptable to use "seen" in this context if you live in a trailer, cook meth, and/or you live in Hastings, MI.

    5. is dat wer youse liv ... in it ?

  2. Ahhh, it was dr. Johnson's encounter that I had confused with dr. Meldrum's yesterday. Makes sense now.

    1. Ok, I'll bite but only because I feel sorry for you. You treat this like a social network but even the regulars ignore you.

      Tell us about your day harry.

    2. Lol not a damn thing don't feel bad for me my man I'm doin alright and when you see some real Bigfoot news for me to discuss you let me know there dude last I checked I don't do 100 comments a day so you must be talkin to the wrong person I come here for Bigfoot news and bullshit with other people interested in Bigfoot so that seems the reason for a comment section anyway don't be mad your bigfeets heros have came up empty handed son I said what a day because Jon mistook meldrum for Johnson as in that sucks what a day not a lead in because I'm so interested in tellin you that's what friends are for not a Bigfoot blog thanks spanky

    3. All quiet on the Bigfoot front

    4. Hahaha! Major brain fart on my part ay harry?
      What's up rum?

  3. Dr. Matthew Johnson is one of the most credible voices in the seeing Sasquatch while fapping in the woods community.

    1. Hey - whatever happened to that whole "most credible voices" rhetoric ? Hmm...perhaps Todd usurpped'td him. ?

    2. I know I'm going to be sorry I asked this, but what the hell--exactly what is fapping?

    3. ^^Oh. Never mind. If I had three guesses, that would have been one of them.

  4. How many years later and no video evidence? Oh but he is still finding tracks and blob squatches!!! Wow what a waste of life!!!

    1. Hey, last week he found a stick. Bigfoot must have done that.

    2. a gifting stick, the forest people use it to scratch their bunghole

    3. And then return it back to the humans always.

  5. If Johnson took a dump in the woods an bigfoot wasn't there to smell it, would it still stink even if he kept it in a jar?

  6. Here's what strikes me about this video....he sounds like he is sincere, and really did see something. He sounds sane. So what happened? Even his voice is different now. It's like he had an encounter, and just went slowly batty.

    1. ^It's the radioactive mindwaves that the brain absorbs when seeing a squatch, causing madness, manboobs, and a desire to rip sleeves from any long-sleeved shirt.

    2. It's the radioactive mindwaves the brain absorbs when seeing a squatch. Madness, manboobs, and a desire to rip sleeves from shirts are dead giveaways.

    3. Dammit, are we back to the double-posting glitch? My comment was hardly worth reading once. Twice is an outrage. My deepest apologies.

  7. His wife left him so I'm thinking crazy

  8. That joker has no business on Bigfoot forums. He is bad for the Bigfoot community. :(

    1. Because he is out of shape or because he is mentally ill?

    2. Watch it all if you can and decide who is the craziest.

  9. This guy squirts his man boob milk at the squatches.Sometimes he'll add chocolate.Squatches love chocolate man boob milk.

    1. So, you just typed that huh? Wow.

    2. haa...

      he did. Frickin' amazing.

    3. Wow, that is giving me a very vivid mind-picture that I don't want. Make it go away!

  10. The more I hear from this guy, the more I believe he is a fraud..He is starting to look pathetic.

    1. He's no more of a fraud than Meldrum. I think they all realize by now that they've been perpetuating a hoax but are in too deep. The only respectable people now are the obvious hoaxers who aren't seriously playing this made up game.

    2. I am particularly perturbed that both of these guys stand behind their credentials while they hoax. As a fellow scientist, I feel insulted.

    3. u saying he studies Johnson or your self? ^

    4. ^^^Credentials are pretty woozy among this bunch. I'm guessing some of the "experts" are stretching the truth while others are flat out making it up. For the legitimate scientists out there who have real degrees, this can be very frustrating--you no doubt put a lot of time, energy, and money for your education. I would feel insulted too.

      Before someone jumps on me for my comments, I'm not saying you have to be a degreed scientist to pursue your passion, whether it be Bigfoot or nuclear physics. But, to make claims that might not be completely truthful to raise your status in a particular group is just dead wrong.

    5. I agree that you don't have to be a degreed scientist to make discoveries, but using the credentials or hiding behind them is inexcusable.

    6. You fellas are on the wrong site.This is TROLLANDIA!!!!!!

  11. What a load of crap. I like eggs.

    1. I am the Eggman.

      Eric Burdon

    2. Yeah, he liked eggs too, didn't he? Though not in the traditional way. :)

  12. I would like to know if Dr. Johnson has read the Missing 411 books by Paulides.


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